MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 945 · Horror

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The battle between the gods of mankind and the gods of the orcs broke out again in another void.

To be correct, the battle between the gods of mankind and the alliance of "the orc gods as the core" broke out again.

The two sides of the battle, in terms of quantity, naturally have an advantage over the orc.

Many fallen gods and believers were there before, and the greatness of the gods or friends was also there. More importantly, the kingdom of God is still there, and the saints in the kingdom of God are still there. In this case, as long as the mental power is added in time, the resurrection is not difficult. It is nothing more than spending a period of time and a lot of divine power, and then choose one from the "winning the saints" or "the saints to take over".

It has been two or three days since the previous battle. In the fallen gods, except for some of the orcs' gods that were not resurrected, most of them have been resurrected. They took their own gods and demigods, and black pressed a large piece, which seemed quite impressive.

Unfortunately, they were pale and nervous, and there was no such thing as an advantage. It seems that it is surrounded by people, or is it facing the sinister beast, a pair of dead and dead, only to see how to die.

On the human side, although the number is at a disadvantage, it has an advantage in the momentum. They smiled and smiled and talked about how to celebrate after winning.

Although it is conservatively estimated to be thousands of people on the scene, the other side will not exceed one hundred, but from the perspective of momentum, the situation is exactly the opposite.

"It's weird!" Yan Xiong looked far away from the battlefield and shook his head again and again.

This time, Akane also participated in the war, but the gods of the orcs were almost all incarnations. The destruction of the avatar does not lead to the fall of the gods, so Yuxiong naturally will not worry, and can watch the excitement with peace of mind.

Next to Yuxiong, the **** of justice, Jorga Deman, also watched the war. His look is a bit complicated, with lots of joy, a lot of excitement, and a few worries.

Although it is impossible for him to participate in this unjust war because of his priesthood, He is also a human being, and it is inevitable that he will be the hegemon of the Lord's plane if he wins this battle.

"This victory has been fixed." Wenner, the **** of war on the other side, said, "I can't see any chance of winning the orc."

Yan Xiong nodded, and he thought so.

Although the orcs have more people and powerful powers, there is only one left of the powerful power of the real body, which is the mad beaver. That guy is "the **** of the orc madness" and is considered an old predecessor in the orcs. It’s just that his brain is not good. He is usually okay. He is often mad when he is playing with crickets. Wherever the enemy is rushing, he does not understand any strategy or tactics.

This can also be seen from his priesthood. As one of the first mad beasts, Trevor itself is a somewhat insane person. After the gods were sealed, they became the asylum seekers of all the mad beasts. The believers were almost all fighting mad or mad warriors. Such a **** is really unbearable.

In addition to this powerful power, the orc gods and two ancestors also have the strength to let the general powerful power retreat. Add up to three powerful powers, just enough to reach the level of a large god.

In addition to these three powerful powers, the orc side has many incarnations of powerful power. In total, it is probably possible to make up a lineup of six or seven powerful powers.

With this lineup, the combination of the three powerful powers of the Glorious Lord, the Hero of God and the God of Guardian, even if they do not see that they have a half chance of winning.

It’s just a shining Lord, it’s enough to break through this lineup.

The incarnation of powerful divine power, although it seems to be a layer of powerful divine power on the surface, there is still a gap between the incarnation and the ontology. The main gap is in terms of "output efficiency." The powerful body of the gods can exert the power of powerful power, but the avatar is not. Even if it gives more power, it can only continue to exert the power of powerful power.

In this battle, this can obviously be fatal.

"In fact, the key to the orc side is to look at the three powerful powers of the orc gods. When the three are dead, they lose." Wenner looked at the opposing sides and said slowly, "If I were Uther." I immediately attacked and killed the three, and the rest of the nature was made of birds and beasts."

When Yan Xiong nodded and changed to his words, most of them were also such choices.

But the Lord of Glory did not do this. He only carried the gods of humanity, coldly and confronted with the overwhelming army, without any intention of attacking.

Obviously, he is full of confidence and is not in a hurry.

"I have a problem." Before the war, the **** of wisdom of the orc family, an aging fox man spoke up. "If the human race wins, what should I do?"

The Glorious Lord glanced at him and replied coldly: "Win it and say it."

"If we win, we will ask humans to move half of the population out of the main plane and hand over at least one-third of the territory." The fox **** said, "What about you?"

The Lord of Glory directly ignored him, but the human **** of diplomacy replied: "We have already said it, won it!"

“Does this mean that the conditions for human beings will be more demanding than this?” The fox **** continues, “For example, other races besides humans must move out of the main plane?”

The **** of diplomacy sneered: "You are all dying. What do you want to do so? We have already ordered it. Today, this war, other gods and gods do not matter, but you, the orc gods, don't want to live. The long-standing grievances of our two families have ended today!"

The **** of the fox also wants to say something. The glory of the Lord has coldly put on his helmet and raised his sword.

"Offensive!" He screamed and turned into a streamer, rushing to the overwhelming army.

In the face of the glory of the charge, even if the fox **** wants to say something, it is too late.

The only powerful power of the orc god, the **** of the wild orc, Trevor, also screamed and turned into a red behemoth, welcoming the streamer.

At the same time, in the depths of the orc army, two giants opened their eyes.

After the fall of the orcs' ancestors, the six behemoths born in their bodies, each of which has the power to make powerful powers vigilant, is called the "grand beast."

In the past, the six great ancestors were just born, and they were brought to the door by the **** of the gods of the human gods. One party has not yet had time to fully grow, and the other side is full of prosperity. After the fierce battle, the six great ancestors fell four, and the **** of the knight was also seriously wounded, and he could not recover from death.

Among the fallen four ancestors, the corpse of the "big poisonous scorpion" gave birth to "the evil spirit of the iron surface" Sneknell; the wild orc Triver and the "swallowing dog" Lefeng sealed the gods respectively Devouring part of the body of the "Pension Dog" has become a powerful force; the bodies of "Infinite Serpent" and "Golden Rooster" have been used to create the "Endless Wilderness" of the orc. The remaining "reported birds" and "dead dragons" have been recovering from injury and waiting for the final decisive battle.

Now is the moment of the final battle.

The huge behemoth stretched out of the body and made a roar that made the gods shudder.

The first attack was "reporting the funeral bird". It only looked like a magnified countless crow, but every feather lingered with a hoarse screaming screaming monster, and saw the front of the void suddenly pan A remarkable gray, like a gray river, rushed toward the fierce battle of Trevor and Uther.

Immediately afterwards, the same "death dragon" as the dragons and dragons also issued the same attack. The two gray torrents merged, but they were distinct. There was no point to merge together. It was just mixed, stirring, and rushing. aims.

Uther’s strength is naturally above Trevor, but Trevor was completely mad at the beginning of the war, and his strength increased sharply in a short period of time, which was stronger than Sneekner’s injury. Obviously more than one. Even if Uther had full firepower, he could not take him for a time.

At this moment, the two ancestors joined forces to strike in front of them.

They seem to have no concern for Trevor, and even have the meaning of killing both gods at the same time - perhaps the orc's tactics are like this, Tiffel entangles Uther, and then directly rushes to the ground.

It is never rare to sacrifice a comrade-in-arms to fight for the chance to destroy the Great Devil.

However, the Big Devil does not mean to cooperate.

Seeing the dead air rushing to the front, Uther smiled coldly, holding the big sword in his right hand, and the sword opened Cui Fuerge, and the left hand took out the warhammer, and the torrent of death was a hammer.

"Useless old things, less shame!"

Under the slash of the warhammer, the torrent of dead air is like a sturdy levee. It stirs up huge waves and rewinds and returns. It scares the gods of the orcs and their faces are greatly changed.

At the same time, Uther's right-handed sword became a fierce change. From the fierceness and fierceness, it became light and fine. It immediately bypassed Trevor's tomahawk, as if it had no power and was light on his chest. Lighter.

The **** of the wild orc who just roared and fought suddenly suddenly felt there, and did not move.

"You are a bit of a skill." Uther looked back at him, and there was a bit of appreciation in his eyes. "It's not human, it's a pity!"

Trevor did not answer, and the body gradually turned into countless spots of light, dissipating everywhere.

On the other side, the two ancestors tried to catch the torrent of torrents that came back from the rewinding, but they were rushed back and forth, and they quit for a long time, only to stand still, the body still swayed, obviously not hurt. .

The joint attack of the three powerful powers ended in a defeat.

The strength of the glory of Uther, really horrible, is amazing!

Read The Mage of Eternity