MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 964 ·Common knowledge, the end of chaos (below)

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(Why can I be compatible with the power of chaos? Although the angle of "chaos" is indeed the same, but at least in terms of "goodness" and "evil", we should not be right! Is it burning up!)

Yan Xiong complained loudly, but he did not dare to relax. While trying to resolve the chaos attack, he tried to cut a small piece from it again and again, swallowed it, analyzed, dissolved and absorbed.

It is completely absorbable and has no residue.


Yan Xiong feels that the common sense that he has accumulated in the world for so many years has gone wrong. Is it that in this world, order and chaos, good and evil, should not be the two attributes of the tithe?

Why is this weird situation in front of me?

(I think... I may have encountered a fake chaos. Or... In fact, I am not a good god?)

Yuxiong can't help but have a little doubt about life.

Fortunately at this time, the traditional "self-consolation" skills played a role, warning him that these doubts should be temporarily released.

Even if this chaos is fake, it doesn't matter, even if you are not a good god, there is no problem. Anyway, as long as An An is stable, as long as the world is peaceful, what else, what is it?

Great tutors teach us thatism can't be eaten—hey, did the great mentor really teach this? Wouldn't it be just like the idiots of "the most terrible thing in the world is to lose the courage to face difficulties - Einstein", is it purely a **** person?

For a moment, Yan Xiong moved a little bit.

If he is in safety, he may be saddened for hours, perhaps days or even years. But at this moment, he is at the forefront of the battle to protect the world of chaos. Even though there are a thousand kinds of puzzles in the heart, there are tens of thousands of confusions.

Ok! Let’s finish this game first. After finishing this, I will go back to my hometown to get married...


In the heart, Yan Xiong spit out a few saliva, and then he ousted the illusion of "I am not possessed by some auspicious" and refocused on the battle.

However, for him now, the battle with chaos is not as difficult as before.

Because you don't have to worry about the erosion of chaotic properties, you can even in turn devour the power of chaos. In the battle, he constantly cuts a piece from the chaos, swallows his stomach, transforms into his own power, and makes himself constantly stronger.

His approach became more and more obvious, and even the gods saw that something was wrong.

"The void mask this guy... What's going on? He seems to be cutting it from chaos and eating it..."

"Ah, you saw it too, I thought it was my illusion..."

"The power of chaos is poisonous to our gods. How does He care?"

"He knows, anyway, He has done so many strange things, even if I do something strange, I will not be surprised."

"...just said."

Jorga Deman took the time to return to the dragon of Chaos and asked him with his thoughts: "Old dragon, my brother, He... No problem?"

"Do you really want him to have problems?" Chaos Dragon asked.

"Of course not! Just... let the chaotic body eat it, will it not be poisoned?"

"Although you are human and He is a jellyfish, his brain is much better than you. Even what you can think of, why do you think he can't think of it?" The Dragon of Chaos is not polite to ask.

The **** of justice frowned a few times, and finally felt that this was indeed very reasonable, and it was no longer entangled.

Even the things that I can think of, Oscar so smart people - or, so smart jellyfish, how could not think of it?

It must be that my mind is simple, and I ignore such important things, and I will have such doubts.

Well, it must be true!

At this moment, outside the wheel of the distant order, the Lord of the order suddenly showed a little smile.

“It really surprised me.” He said, “Our jellyfish children have once again surprised us.”

The Lord of Glory is of course also concerned about the battle against chaos. At this moment, his face is gloomy and he does not say a word.

"In this way, maybe we will soon have another great power." The Lord of the Order said, "And, it is a stronger existence than you and me. It is a triple force of chaos, kindness and evil. The great existence of an insurmountable border."

"What about that?" The Lord of Glory asked coldly.

"Not so good, I just thought it was very interesting." The owner of the order said calmly, "Although it was unexpected, although I was shocked, but think about it, there is nothing wrong with it. It is better to say that one can be tolerant. The great power of goodness and evil is a tremendous advancement in this world."

"Do you really believe that goodness and evil can be tolerated?" The Lord of Glory asked.

Silence in the order, no answer.

At this moment, it is meaningless to say that the conscience is contrary to your own thoughts.

"I don't believe it anyway." The main path of Glory said, "Order and chaos, kindness and evil are natural hostility. Tolerating the existence of hostile attributes does not mean that it can be contained in itself. Even Oscar." I don't think he can do it."

"Maybe you have to say that, long and long ago, in the era before the big cycle, the world was not divided by the four camps. But even in that world, the world still has various attributes, and the attributes are still not "The Lord of Glory certainly knows the things before the Epoch," he said. "There is no connection between the four basic elements, not to mention the conflict between material and spiritual... The reason why the era is destroyed, the era of the big cycle will be opened, is it because of material and spiritual conflicts?"

Having said that, he suddenly smiled mysteriously and asked in a low voice: "Is it right? The king of the spiritual world, abandoning the existence of self-integration into the world, and ultimately gaining greater benefits than the king of the four elements of the material world. ""

The body of the Lord of the Order jerked and stepped back two steps.

"You have already guessed our identity," he said.

"What is hard to guess? The strong will not be born for no reason. If you are really a big cycle, then you should not go any further than the first four elements of the king." The kings of the material world can live through the explosions and chaos of the big cycle, and the kings of the spiritual world have no reason to be completely annihilated. For these two reasons, the answer is of course clear." The only question is, what method did you use to take the lead in the material world and occupy the dominant position in this new world?"

The Lord of the Order bowed his head, and the light in his eyes flashed for the first time.

Grasping the gap between the Lord of the Order and revealing his identity, there is a chaotic gap, and the figure of the Glorious Lord suddenly shakes and disappears in front of Him.

In the next moment, the Lord of Glory appeared on the battlefield against chaos and appeared above chaos.

"The old things that have been completely useless, contribute your last strength, crown the king of the new era!"

He screamed coldly and rushed to the side of chaos, ignoring the various attacks that chaos launched on himself. He reached into the chaotic body and pulled out a black and inky thing.

At this time, the figure of the Lord of the Order followed closely and appeared on the battlefield. He did not pay attention to anyone, but screamed "to stop the hand" and rushed to the Lord of Glory, trying to stop his next actions.

However, the Lord of Order is still a slow step.

In the moment before He arrived, the Glorious Lord stuffed the group of dark things that were still dripping with disgusting drops into his mouth and swallowed it.