MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 986 finally

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Yan Xiong took the time.

He didn't understand how he did it, but he just took the time.

Hold it, hold it tightly, and then pull it hard.

He tried to pull out the time that belongs to the "past" and cover the "now" that has been destroyed.

This is totally unimaginable. Even if he is, he feels that it is impossible.

But he must do it. If this is not the case, there is no way to save this destroyed world, and there is no way to reassure himself.

There is no way... to explain to those friends who have sacrificed, the men!

So he must do it!

"Hey, let's cheer!"

He said to himself.

Then, force again.

The invisible "picture scroll" was pulled, but it did not move, just like the roots of the roots, no matter how much strength he used, there was no way to shake it.

Yuxiong knows that this is a matter of course.

The past can't be chased, the past is the past, even if it is enough to destroy the world, I also want to recover the past one hundred millionth of an instant.

However, he is not willing.

This world carries him too many misses, too much concern, too much disappointment. Friends, subordinates, those who believe in him, those who died generously for a belief, those who are waiting for hope in their sleep, those who burned everything, leaving only a message on the mural The gods.

The things they are trying to guard should never be so gone!

With a roar, Yuxiong made another effort.

He knows he can't do it, but he just wants to tell himself that you can do it!

Giving up hope, acknowledging that "can't do it" is easy, but can he give up?

In the past years, he followed his belief in his people until he burned out and did not give up hope. How could he give up?

"Give me, move!"

With both hands clinging to the picture of time, beyond imagination, unparalleled power madly tears the time of solidity. This power is enough to stir the entire cycle, to re-establish the water and fire, to regain order in a chaotic world, and to create a new era.

However, it still cannot shake the time.

The past is the past, and the past will not come again.

The male's feet were firmly nailed in the void, and around his feet, the void shattered, but he was fixed by him and could not really crack. Time and space twists, like a chain, repeatedly entangled on his legs, so that he can stand more stable, like the pile nailed when the foundation was built before the house was built, and it was fixed there, providing him with the source. Constant power.

His body was bent into a bow. Because of the extreme force, every muscle was jumping and shaking. He was squeezing all his strength and not even letting go. He stopped breathing, closed his eyes, stopped all the organs that he couldn't use during the force, and closed all the feelings that he couldn't use, just to extract even more strength.

However, he did not move the picture of time.

It is impossible to go beyond time, cover the future with the past, and negate the result of the destruction of the world.

"nothing is impossible!"

The roaring roaring, clenching his teeth, the blood oozing out of the teeth, his mouth was bright red, flowing down the corner of his mouth, and the whole body of the wrinkled body was wet.

Because he couldn't bear such a strong force, his nails picked up one by one, and blood rushed out and flowed into his hands, moistening his fingers.

At this moment, his hand slipped and there was no picture that could capture the time.

With a sudden lightness in his hand, he lost his balance. As the strength of the scorpion flew up, he fell several slams in the air, smashed a few turbulences in one breath, and finally lay on the clothes like a dead dog. A little bit of blood, like a defeated soldier.

"What a joke! How can I fall!"

It took a few seconds for Yuxiong to recover. He wanted to get up quickly, but found that the muscles of the whole body were shaking because of excessive force. The soft legs were soft, and not only did not get up, but fell again. .

"Oh! It’s useless! I drank a little bit of wine, and I couldn’t stand up even..."

He tried to turn over and lay there, panting vigorously.

Take a break, take a break, wait until you have recovered your strength, and continue to work hard.

From the destruction of the old era to the birth of the new era, it is a very long process. He has enough time to rest and work hard again.

The wooden tree is born in the end; the nine-story platform starts from the soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with the foot. At the time of the college entrance examination, a problem that could not be made, naturally came to his heart at the moment.

Even if it is a difficult thing, as long as you work hard, you can still do it. Yugong can move the mountain, he is very young and young, what can't be done!

After a long break, he finally recovered, got up again, went to the place where he was, and broke up several turbulences that flowed into the vicinity, once again unfolding a strange sight, looking for a picture of time.

The Lord of the Goodness jumped out of the little world and asked, "What are you doing? It seems to be very difficult."

"I want to pull the past time to the present and cover the time of the destruction of this world."

"...this is impossible! The order of the past and the future will not be changed, and what has already happened will not disappear."

"It's annoying! The frog will shut me up! What is ‘Impossible?' I will show it to you now!”

Yan Xiong shouted and grabbed the picture of time again.

“In this world, there is nothing ‘impossible’ at all!”

He made another effort, but still couldn't shake the time in the past.

"Give up, even if you are, there are things that you can't do after all. People can't always stay in the past, even if they are suffering, we can only stand on the present and go to the future."

"I don't want to be based on the destruction of this world!" Yan Xiong screamed wildly. "What will happen in the future, I will not admit it!"

"Don't compare me to you. I am the fulcrum of this world. There is nothing that I can't do!"

He said, he tried again, but he fell to the ground again because his feet slipped.

The Lord of the Goodness looked at him with a sorrowful look, watching him as mad, tearing the time he couldn't see, trying to do something that could not be done, and sighing secretly.

He has given up on persuasion and can only wait patiently.

Things that can't be done can't be done after all. He waited for the hero to die, and then wanted to discuss something about the new era.

The mistakes of the past can never be repeated!

But Xiongxiong did not give up.

He tried again and again, working hard again and again, failing again and again.

But he did not give up.

He became ragged and unkempt, and he gradually suffered a lot of injuries, and gradually stood still.

But he refused to give up.

His breathing was heavy, his eyes were scattered, his feet were vain, and his arms were weakening.

But he still has not given up.

"Forget it, if you go on like this, you will die." I don't know how long I waited, but I still can't wait for the good man he gave up to say, "Those who died, those who burned out, they absolutely I don't want to see you die like this."

"I am... no... just like this... dead!"

Yu Xiong used the sound of the general bellows to pull the bellows, intermittently, and answered with anger.

"You know that it is impossible!" The Lord of the Good is angry, becomes a frog bigger than a human, picks up a cane, and squats on his head. "Time cannot be moved! Want to use the past Time to cover the present, it is impossible!"

Yan Xiong ignored the attack that was useless to himself. Turning his head, the exhausted face squeezed a smile that was more ugly than crying.

"You... know? The evil spirit... is also God." He said hard, "Accept... everyone's... prayer. Respond... everyone's... hope. This is... God!"

"They... look forward to... I... go back. I... don't... let it go... their... hope!"

"God has something that can't be done!" The voice of the lord of the good old man has already had some whimpers. "If I can do it, I have already done it! People hope that God can do it, how can it be so good under the sun?" thing!"

Yan Xiong laughed again and gasped for a long time before he replied: "I am... different from you... I am... evil spirit. Evil god... no... obey... what... rules!"

"So... I can... get it."

"You can't do it! You are almost alive and exhausted!" The lord of the good, the wrath of the lord, madly slammed with a cane. "Your strength has been exhausted! You try your best! Don't waste your effort! You Can't die here!"

"If... can't... save... the world, I... die... here... also... good!"

Yan Xiong replied tiredly, standing as straight as possible and grasping the picture of the time ahead.

"How can you die! You are dead, the world is completely hopeless!" The Lord of Goodness grabbed his arm and tried to stop him. "Give it up, and then start the next era. There is nothing in the world." Eternal things, the last era is over, this era will end as well... Then open the next era! Think about everything that should be born in the future!"

"Don't...worry...the epoch...the problem." The male arm shook his arm gently, and the uncontrollable force shook the good Lord. "Even... I...dead...will...have ... next... era."

"I will turn ... body... into the earth... eyes... into... the sun and the moon... the blood... the river... the river... the breath... the wind... the wind..." he gasped hard After a while, squeeze out a smile that almost collapses. "Next... Era... there will be!"

Said, he pulled hard again.

Because of the numerous tears that he had torn, the invisible time scrolls were stained with shallow blood. These blood marks are messy, and each one records his efforts and pain.

As usual, the scroll of time did not move, but with the wound on his hand, new blood marks were added.

This time, the blood marks overlapped in the blood marks of the past and penetrated into the depths of time.

In the bottom of the Temple of the Void Fortress, in the burning flame, the dying city of Leon Igor, who is about to burn out, is a little glimpse. He sees the other side of the time, and the injured man is desperately pulling the time. The picture of the picture.

Although they never actually met each other, he suddenly recognized the hero.

"His?? How are you doing this! What are you doing?"

Xiongxiong glanced, subconsciously looking around, and then smiled and shook his head: "It seems that I really died, and I actually imagined that I heard Leon's voice."

Then he heard the voice of Leon again.

"Your Majesty! I am here! Can you hear it?"

This time, it is not an illusion.

Because of the infiltration of blood, the past and the future were connected, and Yuxiong and Leon finally got in touch.

As a god, Leon easily understood what happened in the future and understood what he was doing.

"Your" Almost the burning illusion flashed in tears. "Sorry, I can't help."

"How can you not help? At least help him." The voice of the **** of justice, Jorgardman, came from another time, the words that were about to burn out.

"Father, maybe our strength is negligible, but even if it is a little bit, how much can always help."

"Your Majesty, I can still work with you at the last moment, it is my honor!"

"I am the **** of war! Fighting with time, such a great thing, how can I not participate!"

"Although my strength is weak, if I can help you..."

"Death in the battle with time, how can it be better to be burned out, this is a good ending for the Warriors!"

"Please order."

"I believe that what you are doing is fair and correct, and it is still the case until now."

"This pair always holds the hand of the girl, and occasionally wants to grab something very powerful!"

"I am not only enjoying, now I am already a medium power, don't underestimate me!"

"You give me a rebirth, this is the time when I return to you!"

"In the name of a hero, I recognize your struggle and ask you to allow me to participate in the great cause of saving the world and share your glory!"


One after another, a **** sent a message in a piece of time. A piece of information gathered together, like a droplet of water that merged into a small river. On the side of time, it echoed with Xiongxiong.

Kao Xiong responded one by one, and every time he answered, his spirit was invigorating. His eyes regained his brilliance. The flame passed through the ruined world and passed through the destroyed temple. Inside the underground hall, it appeared in his eyes.

The flame began to burn again, as he rekindled his fighting spirit.

Not only that, but with the igniting of the flames, from more distant times, the refugee camps, the Void City, the Northwestern Republic, the Void Mask Church...and even the first followers of the time...there are countless beliefs and All the people who support Xiongxiong feel the call of the end of the world from the end of time. They begin to pray, and countless prayers come together. With the flames of the gods burning all the flames, the **** marks of Yuxiong’s countless efforts are used as a bridge. Time is passed on far and far.

The flames in the eyes of Yan Xiong are getting brighter and brighter, illuminating the surrounding water and the fire, and the long river that shines through the time, it also shows the fighting spirit that will spurt out in his heart like a fire.

Xiong Xiong slowly took a deep breath, and with every breath, his breath will increase. The body that was already exhausted to the extreme has regained its power, even stronger than in the past. He ripped off some of the ruined clothes that were in the way, revealing a body that became thin and strong because of long-term labor. A strip of scars quickly disappeared, and the original body recovered to health at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it glowed with new radiance.

In the past, everyone trusts him and supports him. Even if time passes, they are no longer there, but this trust, this support, can pass through time and stir in his heart.

Watching him suddenly recovered his spirit, and he became stronger, even the whole person was full of brilliance, and the worried and savvy Lord was shocked.

"This... what is going on? How did you suddenly recover?"

"Old frog, do you think that the power of people comes from?" Yan Xiong did not answer.

“Where does the power come from?” The Lord of the Goodness stunned, thought and answered, “From the food that I ate, and the magic of absorption?”

"Maybe it's true, but for me, there is only one source of strength." Yuxiong said in a renewed and confident voice, "From my heart!"

"If the heart does not die, the power will not die."

"My previous exhaustion was not because I was tired, but because I was already dead and gave up. When I gave up, everything was over."

"But, everyone hasn't given up! They are still on the side of the time, doing everything they can, fighting hard. They are fighting, what reason can I give up? Are you right?"

The eyes of the Lord of the Good is bright, and his face is smiling: "Of course!"

"I will not live up to their trust and support. I want to guard everyone, guard the world, and guard everything that I value and love!" The male smiled and the flame in his eyes burned more and more. "I remember who said The so-called man, when there is to be stronger in order to guard against something, in order to protect those, even if it is 'impossible', it must be broken and become 'possible'."

"Old frog, have you ever had that moment?"

After waiting for the answer of the Lord of Goodness, he laughed and tried to pull the "picture" of time again.

"For me, this is the place!"

This time, he finally took a step and pulled the picture of time.

"There are a lot of rules in the world, I don't like the rules. I broke a lot, but there are still many." His steps are heavy, his body is completely tightened because he is doing his best, but the voice is full. Strength, "What about that? Continue to break them!"

"Time can't be reversed? Can't replace the present in the past? This nasty rule, just break it!"

"I am a **** of evil, I have not been obeying the rules! On the contrary, since I have seen them, the rules of those nasty mistakes, I will smash them all!"

His steps are getting bigger and bigger, the scroll of time is constantly oscillating under his pull, and the time from the "past" gradually flows out, covering the "now" at the moment. The collapse of the world is like a movie rewind, slowly reversing. .

At this moment, the heroes are flying high. He stands tall and screams, and his voice is full of enthusiasm. He is shining enough to illuminate the whole world, illuminate the brilliance of all time, and scrolls along the countless blood marks, shouting at the long river of the whole time.

"In all the people in the past, are you willing to accept the rules that are hard to breathe on your head? Are you willing to accept a life that is hard but you can't see hope? You are willing to accept the efforts of generations to create business, but ultimately Is it because of the ambitious family that completely destroyed the fate?"

"If you don't want to accept it, you will raise your courage and lift your head. See the bright red in the sky? That is my banner, that is my call!

"follow me!"

"change the world!"

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
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