MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 582 Stop

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"That golden light, just swept a bit, in the case that I did not use magical powers, I judged my strongest fighting power... This trial tower is also a treasure that is not a must!" Ye Wei said with a sigh, immediately behind the golden light The wings fluttered, the whole person was like a golden lightning, and a beautiful arc was drawn. The fist that rubbed the golden light flashed aside.

"Hey!" Jinguang people have a heavy foot on the soles of their feet, like the bones of the skeleton, forcibly twisting the body at an incredible angle, the fists continue to pull out, and the angle is smashed, such as a poisonous snake.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The golden light wings behind Ye Wei fluctuated again and again, and the figure fluttered and flicked, and did not fight hard with Jinguang people.

Trying to build the first floor of the tower, in the gray space, Ye Wei and Jin Guang people made two blurred images, and the air violently, but there was no positive confrontation.

"Well, it is like this!" Ye Wei has not been confronted with Jinguang figures. He is not unsure of defeating Jinguang figures, but is observing. After all, Ye Wei’s goal is not only to try out the first layer of the tower.

"The fighting power of Jinguang People's Shadows is undoubtedly ten times that of the top-ranking emperor. It is not weaker than me, but the speed is worse than me!"

Ye Wei looked at the golden light figure, and his face showed a faint smile.

鲲鹏神通, the first change condenses the golden light wing, the advantage is the speed and the ability to freely shuttle the void, the second change illusion of the North Sea void, the big fish attack, that is the means of attack.

Combat power refers only to the strongest force that erupts in an instant, so even if the combat power is the same, the speed difference is still obvious!

"It's almost time to end the battle!" Ye Wei's mouth twitched with a smile, and immediately the figure shook, extremely cleverly avoiding the golden light of the fist, and then there was an endless black sea shadow. A big fish jumped up, and the fish tail carried the amazing power of the earth, and it was beaten on the golden light.


The fish tail fell. Jinguang people’s shadows are too late to defend, and they should collapse.

It has the fighting power of ten times the peak of the emperor. It doesn't mean that you can resist the attack of the ten-time peak of the emperor!

Try the first layer of the test tower, pass, and then Ye Wei goes directly to the second floor!

Through the first trial, Ye Wei spent three hours, which is more than ten times longer than Lin Ziyan and Gong Qingxue!

Xiaokun Kun’s secret environment passed the second layer of the trial training tower. Gong Qingxue and Lin Ziyan, who were awarded the second grade of the trial tower, were also deducing the magical powers. Three hundred and sixty young talents, in addition to Ye Wei, all blocked the five knowledge, one by one is pushing the magic power.

No one noticed that Ye Wei’s ranking on the trial list is changing at a very terrifying speed.

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3!

At the fifth floor of the test tower, the speed of Ye Wei slowed down. The first layer dealt with an opponent with considerable combat power, the second layer dealt with three, and the third layer dealt with ten. The fourth layer deals with thirty.

Ye Wei took advantage of speed and rushed to the fourth floor in one breath. At the same time, he faced 30 combat forces and was not weaker than his golden shadow. Ye Wei’s advantage in speed was suppressed.

In the Holy Sepulchre, there is a magnificent palace above the Golden Summit. There is a huge light and shadow in the palace. The light and shadow show the scene in the secret of Xiaokun.

There are four middle-aged men sitting in the hall, and a white-haired old man!

The old man is the owner of the White Deer Monastery, and the four middle-aged men are the real control of the Holy Court. Four of the seven disciples of Wu Sheng’s predecessors, each with a five-day perfection .

From the respectful attitude of the owner of the White Deer, it is not difficult to see. The four middle-aged men are higher than the owners of the Holy Court!

"This little guy's head is very flexible, and the fighting talent is also good. So quickly rushed to the fourth floor of the test tower, it is rare. It is rare!"

"Look at this little guy, look at the genius cultivated in the Holy House, I feel embarrassed!" A black-and-white robes, middle-aged men with scattered hair, watching the light and shadow one by one blocked the five-minded devotion Three hundred and fifty young geniuses in the Holy Court, slightly frowning, said slightly unpleasantly.

The Xuanqing robes of the men who are talking are the ones who are one of the seven disciples of Wu Sheng’s predecessors!

"Teacher, these little guys have to be in the secrets of Xiaokun Kun for 30 years. This is just the beginning. What are you worried about? The white wind of the Qingfeng Holy Court, the wine swordsman from the Fire House, the white tiger holy house Not weak."

"The little guy who mastered the Pengpeng magical powers may not always be able to lead!" Another middle-aged man in a red robe said with a smile.

"Well, Kunpeng Shentong is the first supernatural powerhouse of the Shentong Monument. Even if the little guy has been meditation in the cultivation room, in just 30 years, he can't prove it with the sacred spirit." The middle-aged man with a few beards on his chin also said.

"Hey, that little guy is not a fool. He won't prove it with the singer. If I didn't guess wrong, then the little guy must have been rumored by three thousand thunder!"

"It’s too difficult to prove the road to the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred,

"If I were the little guy, I must have been rumored by three thousand thunders, and I would like to step into the Great Confucianism!" The last middle-aged man had a rare silver hair.

The middle-aged man of Xuanqing robes, the middle-aged man of red robe, the middle-aged man of purple war suit, and the middle-aged man of silver hair are all disciples of Wu Sheng’s predecessors. All four have a perfect accomplishment of the Five Great Days!

There are a total of seven disciples in Wusheng's predecessors, three of whom are the only three people who are the only ones in the human race. The three of them are now in the sixth heaven. The four in the Holy Court are the four. The sky is full and strong.

From the main entrance of the White Deer's House, it is known that Ye Wei is the master of the genius of Jingpeng. With their status, it is easy to investigate all the information of Ye Wei.

They know that Ye Wei has created a total of three magical powers, one thousand thunder and thunder, one north, and the other, and knows that the eighty-one gods of Ye Wei's fusion are all special gods. Nature also knows the true identity of Ye Wei.

"With three thousand thunder and sensation, even if the three thousand thundering magical powers are all composed of special gods. After the cultivation of Ye Wei's little guy has stepped into the great emperor's respect, his combat power is at most the double heavenly perfection. Count!” The owner of the White Deer Monastery frowned slightly.

He hoped that Ye Wei would prove his way with the sacred sacred sacred sacred sect. When Ye Wei’s cultivation is stepping into the great emperor’s respect, he can have seven great achievements. Only in order to become a legendary emperor, can we reverse the situation in the entire Sanyuan continent!

Ye Wei used the weakest three thousand thunder to pass the magical evidence. Even if he was trained to step into the great emperor's respect, the perfection of the double heavenly perfection did not make much sense to the entire human race.

Ye Wei is the hope of the entire Terran!

Wu Sheng, the four disciples and the owner of the Bailu Shengyuan, who knows the potential of Ye Wei, have high hopes for Ye Wei. They have been silently paying attention to Ye Wei.

"Zhenpeng Shentong, Beiming Wanshen Shentong are all supernatural powers that are famous for their monuments. It is not a matter of time for these two gods to pass the testimony!"

Yinfa middle-aged glanced at the owner of the White Deer Temple.

"Even with Ye Wei's talent, there is no hope for success in three or five hundred years. That is to say, don't pin your hopes on Ye Wei in these three or five hundred years!"

"Looking at the entire Shengyuan continent is an invincible legendary emperor, how can it be a glimpse?" Changqingzi looked at the owner of the White Deer, and sighed.

"We all know the potential of Ye Wei, but it is Ye Wei's potential is too amazing. The time he needs to grow up is also very long. The Yaozu and the beasts are very powerful. How do we get to win three hundred dollars for Ye Wei? Five years!"

"My three brothers are all six great and strong, but the demon and the beasts add up to eight six-day grand perfection. The comprehensive strength of our human race is better than the demon and the beast. Weak a lot, if the top level of power can not be balanced. In view of the current strength of our Terran, once the second ethnic war broke out, we can't stand for one hundred years!" Evergreen looked at the light curtain in the hall, the tone was extremely dignified.

"Whether the Terran can persist in the Ye Weina kid to become a legendary emperor. It depends on the fact that these three hundred children can be born with six six-day grand perfection."

"The white wind of the Qingfeng Holy Court, from the wine samurai of the Fire House, the white tiger holy house is the most hopeful of these three little guys, so I hope that the most dazzling person is not Ye Wei, but this Three children, your eyes should also be placed on these three children, understand?" Changqingzi frowned, looking at the owner of the White Deer Monastery, Shen Sheng said.


The owner of Bailu Shengyuan slowly nodded.

The white wind of the Qingfeng Holy Court. From the wine swords of the Fire House, the White Tiger Temple is free. These three people are the most promising to become the six-day grand perfection, the more dazzling they are. The more resources that are competing in Xiaokun’s secret environment, the more promising it is to enter the Great Confucian Empire!

As for Ye Wei... I secretly watched Ye Wei grow up slowly. If Ye Wei chose to pass the North to the sacred sacred sacred sacred sect, or the sacred sacred sacred sect, Ye Wei’s repair is definitely a very slow improvement, District III The possibility of ten years of training to enter the middle of the emperor is very small.

Even if Ye Wei has the advantage of being the only one in the past three months, he will soon be surpassed!

And if Ye Wei uses the tens of thousands of thunder to pass the magical testimony, even if the speed of repairing progress is very against the sky, 30 years of cultivation is stepping into the great perfection of the emperor, and the strength is the perfection of the double heaven. It is very important for Ye Wei personally, but for the entire Terran, one person with two big and perfect people has no value at all.

Therefore, no matter whether Ye Wei is a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred,

Instead of focusing on Ye Wei, it is better to focus on the white children, the white swords, the wine swords, and the three children.

Ye Wei, who is trying to practice the tower and thirty-three fighters who are not weaker than their own Jinguang figures, do not know the views of the high courts on the self. Even if he knows that he may be defeated at any time, he does not have time to think about these things.

"It's too hard!"

"At the same time, with 30 strong combat powers who are not weaker than their own, even if they have an advantage in speed, they are also suppressed to death!" The golden light wings behind Ye Wei fluctuated again and again, and the number on the green shirt has been broken. The crack in the road, the sweat dripping down the cheeks, and struggling to escape, the whole person looked very embarrassed.

"In a short period of time, I didn't hope to pass the trial of the fourth floor of the test tower!" Ye Wei looked at the death of all his retreats. He was murdering his own 30 golden figures and shook his head slightly.

"Give up the trial!"

Just when the fists of the thirty Jinguang figures were about to reach Ye Wei, Ye Wei chose to give up.


The fists of the 30 golden figures suddenly stopped, and they stopped at the position of Ye Wei in less than three inches. Immediately, thirty Jinguang figures disappeared at the same time, and Ye Wei was sent out of the trial tower by an irresistible force. . (To be continued)
