MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 613 Shenfeng bereaved

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The purple robe youth looked around, and the calm eyes swept over the four great emperors of the Fengzong ancestors. The body was carrying a noble momentum that was sent to the bones. Like the gods on the top, people couldn’t help but want to worship. .

The Wushan Sovereign, Tuofeng, and Yuzu looked at a dozen black shadows that suddenly came out of the void portal. The pupils suddenly shrank, and there were unspeakable monks on their faces.

More than a dozen black shadows, all of them are great emperors, and the purple-robed youths who are headed are the two great and perfect people. So many strong people are in the storm, and they ask Ye Wei, they are who?

Looking at the entire Shengyuan Continent, the Terran has once dispatched more than a dozen great emperors to respect the mighty powers. Apart from the Holy Court, there are only two unseen places, Hanging Mountain and Sanqing Cave.

But these dozens of people have a natural and noble atmosphere, which gives people a strange feeling. Unlike the human race, it is not a demon and a beast.

"It turned out to be the leader of Su Gu, and the old man had a long way to meet!" When the three men of Wushan, Tuofeng and Yuzu secretly guessed the identity of these people, Fengzu suddenly stood up and headed for the first time. The purple robe youth arched his hand and said with a smile.

"Sugu Tuo Ling? Feng Zu knows these people?"

The three masters of the Wushan lord looked at the ancestors, and nodded thoughtfully. The ancestors were the oldest and most powerful emperors of the storms. They often swayed in the Shengyuan continent and saw a lot of knowledge. He knew some Things that you don't know are normal.

But what are these strong people looking for Ye Weikan?

The Wushan Sovereign, Tuofeng, and Yuzu are somewhat embarrassed. The other party’s power is an unimaginable existence, and the opening is to find Ye Wei, and I don’t know what happened. The three people could not help but be nervous.

"you know me?"

The purple robe youth looked at the wind ancestors slightly surprised. The black eyebrows of the sword are slightly picking up.

"Su Gu Tong led the nobles to forget things. Three hundred years ago, Lao Zeng had a relationship with Su Gu Tuo in the "Zi Yue Mi Jing"." Feng Zu Cang's face with a gentle smile like a spring breeze. Said quite respectfully.

"Ziyue mystery?"

The purple robe youth frowned and looked up at the wind ancestors. I seem to remember when I saw this old man.

"It turned out to be your lord!"

The purple robe youth smiled, and did not know whether he really remembered the ancestors, or politely perfunctory, but looking at his look, it seems that the latter is more likely.

"Older generations, the old things will be discussed later, I have a task in my body. It is said that Ye Wei of the Great Zhou Dynasty is in the storm. I don't know where others are?" The purple robe youth brows slightly, his eyes are not far away. On the thatched cottage leaning against the cliff, there was a cold color in the eyes.

This Su Gu Tuoguan obviously already knows that Ye Wei is in that thatched house, but it is only because the Fengzu is a big and perfect person who is bound to the limit, and he seems to know himself, he politely asks One sentence.

"The leader of Su Gu, in Wuxia, the patriarch of the storm, and Ye Wei is indeed a disciple of my storm. I don't know why Su Gu led to find Ye Wei?" The Wushan lord arched his hand. With a respectful smile on his face, he couldn't figure out the other's intentions. He didn't know that he was an enemy or a friend. I want to explore the tone first.

Ye Wei is the hope of the rise of the wind and rain, and may become the genius of the legendary emperor. Before the rise of Ye Wei, the Wushan lord did not want Ye Wei to have any accidents.

Even if the other party is a force that they can't imagine, if the other party is really unfavorable to Ye Wei, they can't hand over Ye Wei. Even if they fight on the wind and rain, they must maintain Ye Wei's thoughtfulness.

And here is the wind and rain, and Ye Wei is a disciple of the wind and rain. As a lord, I have the responsibility to keep the wind and rain for Ye Wei!

"Let Ye Wei come out. My family, you are not qualified to ask!" Zipao youth looked at the Wushan lord. The brow was slightly wrinkled, slightly unpleasant, cold and cold.

"Well? I am not qualified to ask?" The face of the Wushan lord became a bit ugly, and a cold light in the eyelids was like a needle, and these people were not good.

It is an enemy friend!

In this case, Ye Wei can't be handed over to them. The Wushan lord has a decision in his heart. The smile on his face slowly converges and his eyes become a bit cold.

"Oh, Su Tong, reminder, this is not your family, but my storm!"

"My Wushan is the master of the storm, and Ye Wei is my disciple, I think, no matter what, I should be qualified to ask!"

The Wushan lord stared straight at the eyes of the purple robe youth, his voice was low, his tone was tough, and he said one word at a time.

The other side has more than a dozen great emperors, and the purple-robed youths headed by the two are more complete and powerful. There are only four great emperors in the Fengzong sect. There is a big gap between them. However, there are wind and rain sects here, and there are guardian seals arranged by the ancestors of the wind and rain.

If you really fight, even if the other party is more than a dozen great emperors, the Wushan lord is sure to compete with it!

"Old predecessors, do you think so?" The purple robe youth did not pay attention to the Wushan lord, but looked at the ancestors of the wind, the entire storm, the only thing that made him somewhat taboo was the ancestors.

The purple robe youth is the perfect person of the double heaven and the great, and the ancestors are also the most important thing. The more important thing is that the ancestors of the ancestors are the ones who are bounded by the big limit, and they can’t live for a few years, and the strength is not weak. People, once crazy, but nothing will be scrupulous!

"Why do you want to care about my old man's opinion? I haven't lived for a few years, but Ye Wei's child is a disciple of my storm, and it is my only disciple. I want to know Sugu. What is Ye Wei's?" Feng Zu squats on his back, his eyes are muddy, like the dead wood of the wind and the candle, faintly said.

The sound of the voice, the face of the purple robe youth gradually gloomy, cold eyes staring at the wind ancestors, this old thing deliberately stressed that he has lived for a few years, and then named Ye Wei is his only disciple, now is warning Don't move Ye Wei yourself.

"Since the old predecessors know my identity, I must understand the weight of the forces behind me. My task to the storm is to take away Ye Wei. If you want to protect Ye Wei, you can, but I advise you to do the best. Let's take the anger of the housekeeper who you and your storms have!"

"I can tell you clearly that Ye Wei has done something that should not be done, and has committed my family taboos, not to mention your storms, even the Holy Court can't protect him!"

The cold light in the purple eyelids of the young people became more and more intense, and they shouted coldly.

The sound of the sound, the faint smile of Feng Zu’s face slowly converges. If Ye Wei and Su Gu’s leadership are only private grievances, he can still force it down, but it involves the forces behind Su Gu’s leadership...

Don't say that you and the storms, even the Holy Court!

The face of the Wushan Sovereign, Tuofeng, and Yuzu saw the ancestors suddenly became dignified, and the heart suddenly swelled, and things were more difficult than they had imagined.

"Ha ha ha, I don't know how Su Gu led to find me Ye Wei, what advice? What did I do wrong things?" Just when the four great emperors of the Fengzong Emperor were in a dilemma, accompanied by With a hearty laughter, Ye Wei walked out of the thatched cottage with a smile on his face and walked slowly.

Su Gu’s collar and more than a dozen black robes around him looked at Ye Wei, looking at the young man with a smile on his face, his eyes suddenly becoming cold, like a needle, cold kill There is no hidden meaning in the meaning, and the naked one broke out.

More than a dozen great perfection of the emperor's esteemed strong, the horror to the extreme, people chilling, even the face of the four great emperors of the stormy dynasty suddenly became unnatural.

And Ye Wei is like nothing, with a smile, the clouds are light, and nothing is moving!

"You are Ye Wei?" The purple robe youth looked gloomy and stared straight at Ye Wei. He felt the strength of the stock that was in the body of Ye Wei, and there was a ripple in the calm heart. It seems that there is a wave in the lake. Something unbelievable, the muscles of the corners of the eyes unnaturally twitched a few times.

As a double-bright Tiandi emperor, he naturally does not put Ye Wei on the peak of the emperor's respect for the cultivation of the emperor, but Ye Wei's physical strength makes him very unbelievable.

Although Ye Wei stood there motionless, but it made him feel a faint sense of oppression, this feeling is very strange!

A little guy who is only a high-ranking emperor in the peak of the peak, even let himself feel the oppression of being a double-strong and perfect person?

This is a big joke!

However, at the next moment, the faint feeling of oppression that Ye Wei had scented suddenly disappeared, as if there had never been a general.

“Is it an illusion?”

Su Gu slightly wrinkled his frown, and his face appeared a puzzled look. The front of Ye Weipu was ordinary, although the breath fluctuations were stronger than the general peak of the emperor, but it was the peak of the emperor. .

On the top of the emperor, where is the emperor's respect, where can he be strong and strong? Compared with himself, he was a hundred thousand miles away. When he thought of it, Su Gu was even more convinced that the faint oppression that had just existed was just his own illusion.

He did not know that Ye Wei was just refining and smashing three drops of divine power, and he cultivated the first layer of the basics of the gods of prisonership into the realm of Xiaocheng, and suddenly did not control the power, which made the power leak. Some.

Nowadays, Ye Wei has perfectly controlled the power of the imaginary phantom in the illusory, and there is no power to leak. Su Gu naturally feels no sense of oppression.

"Yes, I am Ye Wei. I don't seem to know Su Gu's leadership. I don't know what I should do, but I have committed taboos for your family?"

Ye Wei had a smile on his face and asked casually.

Now Ye Wei, seems to have revealed a confidence and confidence in the gestures, even if faced with the double-powerful and perfect, Su Gutong is still very calm.

Self-confidence and confidence are naturally derived from strength!

After devouring three drops of divine power and practicing the basics of the idol prisonership to Xiaocheng, Ye Wei did not know how strong his strength was, but there was a feeling of faintness in his heart. The strong seems to be unable to help himself. (To be continued)


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