MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 648 alliance

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The old patriarch Yue Hezhen looked at Ye Wei, and he did not speak for a long time. Ye Wei is not the general six-day grand perfection. He is a perfect and invincible existence of the Sixth Heaven. Even if you look at the entire Shengyuan continent, Ye Weidu It is the strongest closest to the legendary emperor.

"Do you really have the confidence to become a legendary emperor in 30 years?" After a long silence, Yue He looked at Ye Wei and slowly spoke.

If it is only for 30 years of support, the strength of the Terran and the three beasts of the beasts will certainly have no problems, and the casualties will not be too great. This loss can be afforded by the Qingniu bereaved.

"Up to thirty years!"

Ye Weizhong focused on nodding. Now is not a time of modesty. Only by letting Yuehe see hope, it is possible for the Qingniu to be associated with the Terran.

The sound of the sound, the Yuehe River and the high-ranking behemoths in the main hall, all of them were silent. Originally, they did not intend to join the Terran.

But now, they are a little shaken!

Changqingzi, Suyuan, and Yanbo also looked at Yuehe. The Qingniu beast is the strongest ethnic group among the three great beasts. As long as the Yuehe nod, the Qingniu beasts participate in the war, only insist on the 30 years, the loss of the Terran Alliance. It will be smaller.

Will the Qingniu bereaved alliance with the Terran?

Ye Wei looked straight at Yuehe, and he had no confidence in his heart. Except for the Void Warship, his own cards were almost all taken out. If the Qingniu remains are still unwilling to join the Terran, they have no better way!

"Ye Wei Xiao Brothers!"

Yuehe slowly took a breath and looked at Ye Wei. His eyes were firm and he seemed to have made a decision.

Everyone in the room is a little nervous, will the Qingniu beneficiary alliance with the Terran?

"You are very sincere. We seem to have no reason to refuse to join the Terran Alliance..." Yuehe deliberately paused, and the words suddenly turned.

"But... I am not the patriarch of the Qingniu beast now. Is it true that the Qingniu beneficiary is in alliance with the Terran? I have to say no. You have to ask, we are the patriarch of the Qingniu bereaved!" Yuehe looked Ye Wei, said openly, he has passed the ethnic print to Yue Ling.

The entire Qingniu bereaved, only Yue Ling is qualified to determine whether the Qingniu bereaved alliance with the Terran!

"Not a patriarch?"

Ye Wei, Chang Qingzi, Su Yuan, and Yan Bo were all stunned, and their faces showed a wrong color.

"Yue Qianshan, please come over to the patriarch!"

Yuehe looked at a middle-aged man in the hall. Yuehe’s attitude was not against the Qingniu and the Terran Alliance, but he did not support it.

As for whether the Qingniu will be associated with the Terran. To see the attitude of Yue Ling!


The middle-aged man with brown hair is slightly covered, respectfully leading the life, and the figure swayed and vanished.

"Everyone, wait a moment!" The hall fell into silence. The high-level officials of Yuehe and Qingniu were waiting for the decision of the new patriarch of Yueling. Ye Wei, Su Yuan, Yan Bo, and Chang Qingzi could only wait. .

"Why do we want to join the Terran Alliance? I hate the Terran, there are too many hypocritical and despicable villains in the Terran!" Soon, a crisp voice sounded.

People have not arrived. The faint and clear words are clearly heard in the ears of everyone!

The sound of the sound, the face of Ye Wei is changed. It seems that the new patriarch of the Qingniu family is not planning to join the Terran.


Ye Wei sighed and shook his head slightly helplessly. There was a touch of bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, regardless of whether the three great beasts of the beasts participated in the war, the strength of the human race. If you are obsessed with it, it is not too difficult to stick to a hundred years.

Moreover. Now the descendants of Shenfeng and Sirius are all in alliance with the Terran, even if the Qingniu are not involved. As long as you insist on Ye Wei stepping into the legendary emperor.

The winner is definitely the Terran Alliance!

However, in this case, the Terran will continue to be forbearing, and during the time when the Terran Alliance is forbearing, countless gods will be destroyed, and millions of people will be blood-stained!

Ye Wei can't bear to let the family bleed again. This is the effort to convince the three great beasts to fight, because once the Terran and the three great beasts are in alliance, they don't need to be forbearing anymore.

With the strength of the three great beasts and the human races, even if they are not enemies of the demon and the beasts, they will not be a problem for hundreds of years. They will fight for it. In just 30 years, the Terran Alliance will not fall into the wrong wind.

Changqingzi, Suyuan, and Yanbo looked at each other, and they all shook their heads with helplessness. The patriarch of the Qingniu bereaved was not willing to join the Terran, and no one could do anything about it.

Yuehe and the high-ranking Qingniu survivors on the scene were faceless, and Yueling inherited the ethnic seal. She is the supreme ruler of the Qingniu bereaved. No matter what decision Yue Ling made, they can only obey!

"Da da da!"

Accompanied by the light footsteps, a cute little girl dressed in a green dress with a shofar on her head and a powdered jade walked into the hall.

Behind him, the middle-aged man of the brown hair, Yue Qianshan, respectfully follows!

"Yue Ling Shantou!"

Looking at the little girl walking into the hall, Ye Wei suddenly stunned, and the voice was full of unspeakable surprises. Ye Wei never dreamed that Yue Ling’s head was actually a beneficiary of the Qingniu, and he did not even think of the new appointment of the Qingniu bereaved. The patriarch would be the little girl of Yue Ling.

"Big brother!"

Hearing the sound, Yue Ling went to Ye Weiwang, and saw Ye Wei’s moment. The face of Xiaotou’s head suddenly appeared a touch of excitement and rosy. Then in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, he flew to Ye Wei and flew directly in Ye Wei’s arms. .


The crowd widened their eyes and looked at Yue Ling, who was spoiled in Ye Wei’s arms, and was stunned.

"The new patriarch of the Qingniu beast is actually a little girl?"

"Ye Wei knows her!"

"The relationship seems to be very close."

Su Yuan, Yan Luo, and Chang Qingzi are all dumbfounded.

The people in Yuehe and the main hall were also stunned. The big brother who had recited thousands of times in the mouth of the Yueling clan, turned out to be Ye Wei?

"Okay, hoe!"

Ye Wei licked the small head of Yu Yueling, and his face showed a very gentle smile. After a few years, the girl was still so sticky.

"Big brother. Linger miss you!" Yue Ling looked up and reluctantly left Ye Wei's arms. A layer of water mist is placed on the scorpion of the water.

As long as it is not a fool, it is the individual who can see the dependence of Yue Ling’s head on Ye Wei!


"See the patriarch!"

Yuehe coughed a few times. Take the lead to the spirit of the ceremony.

"See the patriarch!" The people in the hall also suddenly realized that they were very respectful to the spirit of the spirit. From the moment when Yue Ling inherited the ethnic seal, Yue Ling was the patriarch of the Qingniu, even if it was Yue Ling. Grandpa, Yuehe, the old patriarch of the Qingniu bereaved, also has to be respectful.

The patriarch has the supreme right, this is the tradition and rules of the tens of thousands of years of the Qingniu bereaved!

"Shantou, awesome, I haven't seen you for a few years. You have become the patriarch of the Qingniu bereaved!" Ye Wei looked down at Yue Ling's tender and green face, his red face, and pinched his little nose.

"What patriarch, Linger is not rare, as long as you can be around the big brother, Linger does not care, big brother, you should not leave Linger again in the future, Linger is really really miss you!" The spirit said and said. In the scorpion of Shui Lingling, there was a tear of great grievances.

"Not anymore!"

Ye Wei stretched out his hand and wiped the crystal teardrop hanging on Yue Ling's face with his back. His tone was low and he said quietly. Before, because his strength is too weak, he can't reveal his true identity. Otherwise, once the people of the Yaozu and the beasts know that they are enlightened by the people of Pengpeng, they are themselves. You and others around you will be implicated.

Now, you don't have to bear it anymore!

What about the Yaozu? What about the wild beasts? Even if they do their best. I am not afraid of myself!

"Right, big brother. How did you come to the Qingniu bereaved? Is it coming to me?" Yue Ling moved his big eyes, his throat was clear, innocent.

"No, the big brother doesn't know that Linger is a blue-born bereaved person, and he doesn't even know that the little girl who was at the beginning is now the patriarch of the Qingniu bereaved!" Ye Wei smiled.

"This way..."

Yue Ling Shantou was somewhat lost. She thought that Ye Wei was specifically looking for her, but soon she was relieved. The big brother didn't know that he was a blue-born bereaved person. It was normal to go to the Qingniu family to find himself.

"How did the big brother suddenly go to the blue cattle bereaved?"

"This..." Ye Wei is somewhat embarrassed to open. If the patriarch of the Qingniu beast is not Yueling, he will naturally try his best, but now Ye Weizhen does not know how to open it.

Because, Ye Wei is very clear, once he speaks, Yue Ling Shantou will definitely agree to alliance with the Terran!

However, Yue Ling’s head is unwilling to unite with the Terran, so that Yue Ling’s gimmicks do things that violate his will, and Ye Wei is reluctant!

"Yue Ling patriarch, your big brother wants to join forces with your blue cattle progeny to fight against the demon and the beasts!" Seeing Ye Wei is embarrassed to speak, Changqingzi said with a smile.

Evergreen did not think so much, see Ye Wei and Yue Ling relationship so close, my heart is secretly excited, I thought that this time there must be hope to convince the Qingniu to fight!

Su Yuan and Yan Luo also looked at Yue Ling. Things seem to have a turning point. There is a relationship between Ye Wei and Yue Ling. The hope of the Qingniu and the Terran Alliance is very big.

The sound of the people, Yuehe people also looked at Yue Ling, Yue Ling, this girl is very disgusted with the Terran, I feel that there are many hypocritical and mean people in the Terran, but only her big brother, Ye Wei, is very rely.

As long as Ye Wei opens, Yue Ling is almost impossible to refuse!

"Taro, don't worry about me, what do you think in your heart, rest assured, even if the blue cattle bereaved does not participate in the war, I am still your big brother, forever big brother!"

Ye Wei took a look at Chang Qingzi, and then looked at Yue Ling, solemnly said.

Ye Wei has always regarded Yue Ling as his sister. Regardless of the decision made by Yue Ling, Ye Wei will respect it!


Yue Ling looked at Ye Wei, a serious face, grinning. "Big brother, although Linger hates the human race, there are many good people in the human race. Like big brothers, like Qing Xue sister... are very good for Linger. ""

"Under the alliance with the Terran, little things!"

Yue Ling patted his hands, and his mind was moved. The ethnic prints were taken from the eyebrows.

~~The snail new book "The Demon God" has been released. Please support me a lot. The demon **** is a work carefully carved by the snail. Please look forward to it. The contract of "Shenzhen Road" has some problems and is being solved, but the snail will try to finish the "Shenzhen Road". (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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