MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 654 Look high?

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The energy contained in the golden power is hundreds of times the ordinary power, very powerful, but... it seems that this golden power is equivalent to the triple heavenly perfection.

It’s already very against the sky when I’ve just stepped into the Great Confucianism, and it’s already a great battle. If Lin Ziyan has a suitable treasure, it will definitely become a five-year Tianda is perfect!

But now, Lin Ziwei is only equivalent to the three-day great combat effectiveness, let alone contend with the hateful demon emperor, even if it is more weak than the hateful demon emperor's four-day big and perfect demon emperor.

Soon, three hours passed!

The power of the heavens around Lin Ziyan gradually dissipated. Lin Ziyan, who was sitting in the void, slowly opened his eyes, and the golden power flowed around him, exuding unusually powerful power fluctuations. If this force broke out, it was enough. In the blink of an eye, the entire Great Zhou Dynasty was destroyed.

"Triple Heaven is perfect!" The hateful demon emperor and the six great consuls of the majesty, who sensed the power fluctuations emitted by Lin Ziyan, were slightly frowning.

Among them, the three emperors who had a perfect accomplishment of the Triple Heaven and the two double-talented and full-faced demon emperors suddenly became very ugly.

Just now they are still ridiculing Lin Ziyan, but in a blink of an eye, Lin Ziyan Lin Zi, who just broke through, can even compare with them, even stronger than them.

It was like a silent slap in the face!

Even the one who was full of the four heavens and the strong, and the head of the hateful demon emperor's face also gloomy, eyes cold and terrible, Lin Zizhen's current combat power is not comparable to them.

Can Lin Zizhen just broke through!

Once he gave Lin Zizhen enough time, Lin Ziyan even hoped to become a four-day grand perfect with his own cultivation. If there is another piece that is suitable for the treasure, Lin Zizhen will almost become a five-day perfect person, and even have a glimmer of hope to become a six-day grand perfection.

Six heavens are perfect... How many people are there in the entire Shengyuan continent? That is the existence of the demon level!

“Does the triple heaven perfect?” Lin Ziyan extended his jade hand and slowly grasped his fist and felt the power contained in the golden power of the body. Slightly disappointed, shook his head.

"My own magical powers are still a little weak..." Lin Ziyan was somewhat disappointed with herself, but in the face of seven great demon emperors such as the hateful demon emperor, the pretty face still showed no hint of fear, as always, indifferent.

"If you give you enough time, you may even have hopes stronger than me, but unfortunately. You are too confident, blind self-confidence is arrogance!"

Hate the Heavenly Emperor took a breath, staring straight at Lin Ziyan, and the eyes were filled with cold and cold.

"If you can keep a low profile, you will learn to hide and hide. You have been staying in the Holy Land for further study. Maybe you will be a six-day grand perfection in your lifetime!"

"Now, you let me see your potential, then whether Ye Wei is mastering the amazing genius of Kunpeng Shentong, I can't let you live any more!" Hate the demon emperor to kill, but he did not intend Killing Lin Ziyan, but now, after seeing the scary potential of Lin Ziyan. He suddenly changed his mind.

Even if there is no Lin Ziyan, Ye Wei’s elders, ethnic groups, and friends can seduce Ye Wei’s appearance. Moreover, Ye Wei is not the one who has mastered the genius of Jingpeng.

If it is for an uncertain thing. Let Lin Ziyi, the genius who may become a six-day grand perfection, continue to grow, too much to lose!

"Choufu demon emperor, shot it!" A three-day grand perfection, not yet qualified to let the hate demon emperor personally shot, with a four-day perfection of the enemies of the demon emperor shot, enough.


Have a blue hair. On the forehead, a man with two tentacles on his forehead walked toward Lin Ziyan.

"Lin Ziyan, you don't want to destroy Da Zhou Shen dynasty? Let me go to a battle!" Qiu Fu Yao looked at Lin Ziyan. Extend a finger and point to the sky.

The Great Perfection is the strongest of this series. Once you fight, the aftermath of the battle can easily destroy the entire Zhou Dynasty, and the people who hate the Heavenly Emperor must be born with all the people who have a relationship with Ye Wei. In case Ye Weizhen is the genius who mastered the Shenpeng magical power, it is good to lure the leaves. Wei appeared.

Now, they naturally don't want to, and can't ruin the Great Zhou Dynasty!

"Yes!" Lin Ziyan nodded. Her family and relatives were in the Great Zhou Dynasty. She naturally had no reason to reject the proposal of the Enemy.


The enemies of the Enemy, Lin Ziyi, and one after the other, turned into two streams of light, plundering toward the blue sky, with their strength, the first violent Thunder naturally can not afford them.

"Several of you are here, without my orders, you can't act rashly!" Hate the Emperor of Heaven to confess, and the figure swayed and followed.

Although I hate the Heavenly Emperor, I believe that Lin Ziyi is definitely not the opponent of the Enemy Emperor, but I am afraid that Lin Zizhen has any cards that he does not know. After all, Lin Zizhen is too calm, unreasonable calm!

In order to ensure that nothing is lost, hate the Heavenly Emperor also followed the past, I thought, even if Lin Zizhen has any cards, she has herself, she Lin Yanzhen can not afford any waves.

The five heavens are perfect, and they are a hundred times stronger than the triple heaven. The hateful demon can't think of any cards in the entire Sanyuan continent, which can make Lin Ziyi reverse this hundredfold gap!

Qiu Fu, Lin Ziyan, hate the heavenly emperor rushed to the first heaven on the sky, hate the three triple-day grand perfect men under the sacred demon, and the two double-strong and perfect people continue to guard the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty .

However, what everyone does not know is that one person also quietly left the Great Zhou Dynasty, followed by the hateful demon emperor, Lin Zizhen, and Qiu Fu three stepped into the first heaven.

This person is naturally Ye Wei!

Ye Wei, who has the ability to freely shuttle the void, can not find him even if he is not strong enough to use the power of the six heavens.

"Zi Yujie only relies on personal cultivation, and the combat power has reached the level of the three heavens. It is very good, but the enemy is the four great and strong, and the hateful demon is the fifth. Complete and strong..." In the void, Ye Wei looked at everything in the dark and couldn't help but frown.

"The purple card sister's card should be that kind of red and purple. Under the blessing of Hongmeng Ziqi, the strength of Zixiao sister should be able to surpass the four-day perfection, and even barely reach the threshold of five-fold perfection."

"The enemy of the demon, the hateful demon do not know the card of the sister-in-law, so the sister-in-law should have hope to kill the enemy, but it is impossible to hate the opponent of the demon!"

"Even in the five-day-old perfection, hateful demon emperor is considered to be the top powerhouse. It is estimated that only the five-year-old and the strongest of the seniors of Changqingzi, the predecessors of the warehouse, and the descendants of the predecessors can suppress the hateful days. The Emperor, some of the owners of the Holy Court are probably not the opponents of the Heavenly Emperor!"

Ye Wei muttered to himself, he knew everything.

"Look first!" Ye Wei did not hurry to shoot, there is him, even if the strength of hating the Heavenly Emperor is ten times stronger, a hundred times, he may not hurt Lin Ziyan.

On the first day, Thunder was raging, and a strong and perfect person could not do anything. However, Lin Ziyan and Qiu Fu, the emperor, walked in a leisurely way. Wherever they passed, the raging thunder annihilated.

"Just here!"

Walking in front of the enemy, stopped and turned to look at Lin Ziyan, hate the Heavenly Emperor and stood by and watched quietly.

"Lin Ziyan, you may have hidden the cards, but I will use your fist to tell you that in the face of absolute strength, any calculations, cards, are useless!" The enemy is not a fool, Lin Zizhen The repair on the bright side is only the perfection of the triple heaven, but it is so indifferent, all the way to the first heaven, not a trace of confusion.

The fools have guessed that Lin Ziyan definitely has a card, and the enemy is not a fool. He naturally guessed it, but he has confidence in his own strength.

The Enemy Emperor is a four-day grand perfection, and Lin Zizhen is only a three-day grand perfection. He is ten times stronger than Lin Ziwei, unless Lin Zizhen has a treasure, and the fit is very high, otherwise The Enemy Emperor can't think of the possibility of Lin Zizhen's turnaround.

Zhibao is not a Chinese cabbage. There is no more than 50 treasures in the hands of the Holy Court. Before Lin Zizhen’s cultivation is completed in the Great Confucianism, the Holy Court cannot directly give Lin Zizhen a piece. To the treasure.

Of course, if it is the high-level of the Holy Court, I know that Lin Ziyan has the solemn fighting power of the three heavens only by his personal cultivation, and will surely give Lin Zizhen the treasure.

However, Lin Zizhen’s cultivation has just stepped into the Great Confucianism, and the high-level of the Holy Court is unlikely to know the current fighting power of Lin Zizhen!

"Yes? Let me see how strong your strength is!" Lin Zizhen was unmoved, looking at the confident and full of the enemy, said lightly.

"As you wish!" The enemies of the Enemant's eyes were cold, no longer nonsense, and the vastness of the gods rushed out of their hands, and the fists suddenly slammed into them, and immediately slammed into a slap in the face.


The violent power swept through, all the punches, the violent Thunder around them annihilated, leaving a dark crack, and looking far away, the fist of the Enemant Emperor seems to have shattered the sky.

In an instant, the fist print appeared in the sky above the head of Lin Ziyan, like a mountain that descended from the sky, carrying the power of the collapsed land, kneeling.

Lin Ziyan looked up at the sky, three thousand blue silk dance, eyes cold, pretty face without any emotional fluctuations, filled with the golden power of the whole body like the river that broke the levee, madly emerged, and instantly reflected the thousands of miles of the void It became a golden color, and it was dazzling.

It seems that a simple punch than the Enemy Emperor has more momentum!

"I am too tall to see Lin Ziyan!" However, seeing this scene, the hateful demon emperor on the side could not help but shake his head, the combat power of the Enemant Emperor was much stronger than Lin Ziwei. (To be continued)


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