MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 667 Time and space demon book

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After a brief shock, the faces of the five demon gods showed a smirk of laughter. "Boy, are you not crazy? Continue to be arrogant?"

"Kill me? Come, kill me!"

Only a little bit, I died in the hands of this human race youth, three-eyed demon **** staring at Ye Wei, his face showed a sick smile. ↑

"Golden ancient god, do it!"

Standing in the void of the snow, the shadow of the gods, stunned Ye Wei, and shouted.

"Good!" Jin Gu Manshen nodded, waved his hand, and the jade symbol of the eighty-one god-printed prints simultaneously shot a beam of light, with red, purple, and cyan... colorful.

There are seven kinds of light, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. There are a total of eighty-one rays. These beams collide in midair and form a colorful handprint.

"Destroy!" The faint voice echoed in the void, carrying the colorful handprints of endless prestige toward Ye Wei, who was fixed in the air.

"Boom! Boom! Hey!"

Where the colorful handprints passed, all the space collapsed, the mountains and rivers were annihilated, and everything was turned into nothingness, like the end of the world.

"鲲鹏神通, free to shuttle the void!" Ye Wei looked at the colorful handprints that pressed to his own like a mountain, pale face, crazy display of the Pengpeng magical power, behind the golden light wing again and again shocks.

Under the pressure of the colorful handprints, the space is annihilated, how can Ye Wei shuttle?


As the colorful handprints continued to be pressed, the golden light wings behind Ye Wei collapsed directly, turning into countless pieces of golden light, dissipating in the void.

The raging wind blew up the long hair of Ye Wei!

“Did I Ye Wei die here?” Ye Wei’s mind was blank. Ye Wei was a little embarrassed, he had thought about it. I have a lot of cards, no matter what happens. Self-protection is definitely no problem.

But now, Ye Weicai suddenly found out that when he really faced the power far beyond his own, all the cards and preparations seemed so pale.

鲲鹏神通 directly collapsed, in the space of collapse and annihilation, the ability to freely shuttle the void is simply a piece of paper, even the Void warships can not be used!

"Is it too arrogant?"

"No, I am not willing. I am not willing to die like this!" Ye Wei’s gaze suddenly shot two strong, iron-like lights.

When the colorful big handprint in midair was only three feet away from Ye Wei, Ye Wei felt that time and space seemed to be still, and everything in front of him became blurred. The whole person fell into a state of mystery and mystery.

Between the two, Ye Wei seems to have seen a winged Dapeng, saw the boundless sea, and saw a black big fish named 鲲!

In my imagination, I seem to have become a squid and swim in the infinite sea. Very cheerful, very pleasant, and then suddenly jumped out, went out to sea.

The wings are 90,000 miles. Support the top nine days!

At this moment, time seems to be still, and Ye Wei quietly looks at the colorful handprint that is rushing to himself. Suddenly, the speed of the colorful big hand prints became very slow and slow. Like a snail crawling.

"Breaking and standing... 鲲鹏神通!" Ye Wei looked calm, and his face showed a faint smile. I seem to be able to turn into a real 鲲鹏 at any time.

This time, Ye Wei really experienced a crisis of life and death, as if all the cards had no effect. Under such pressure, Ye Wei finally realized.

Everything suddenly became clear in an instant, and it was proved by the 鲲鹏神通!

All this is slow, but it is only a matter of moments.


"The entire Shengyuan continent will be my demon!"

The five demon gods and the golden ancient gods, the snow shadows and the gods are all looking at the leafy under the colorful handprints. It seems that they have seen the scene of Ye Wei’s annihilation, and his face is full of bloodthirsty smiles.

"The true mystery of Kunpeng Shentong is not a sputum, nor a change, but a devour, like a boundless sea, devours all power!" Looking at the colorful big handprints that are close at hand, Ye Wei’s mouth reveals a faint smile. One mouth, gently sucking, the colorful big hand prints at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fell into the mouth of Ye Wei.


In the next moment, the day of the earthquake, Ye Wei seems to have become the **** who dominates everything. The power fluctuations radiated from the body completely surpass the limits of the emperor's respect and set foot in another world.

This world can be called a holy place!

But because Ye Weishang has not passed the punishment of God, this piece of heaven and earth can also be called the legendary legendary emperor, and the power is not weaker than the strong people of the Holy Land.

"No, this is impossible!" The golden ancient gods, the snow shadows and the demon five demon gods looked into the colorful handprints that continued to shrink and then fell into Ye Weikou, and the eyes were full of incredible shock.

"Hey?" Ye Wei did not have the time to pay attention to their shock, because Ye Wei is now shocked by the changes in his own Dantian space.

After the Zhengpeng Shentong Zhengdao, Ye Wei’s cultivation was natural and he stepped into the legendary emperor’s respect, that is, the seven heavens were perfect. Just Ye Wei’s exhibition of the Peng Peng magical power, swallowed the power of the colorful big handprints, can be swallowed, after the Peng Peng The force did not stop, but continued to swallow.

Devouring the power of three thousand thunderstorms in the space of Ye Weidantian, the power of the North Ming!

As everyone knows, there are only two ways to step into the legendary emperor's respect, one is like Ye Wei, directly with a very powerful magical evidence.

The other is to combine different forces!

Several legendary emperors who have appeared in the history of the Holy Land have taken the second road, mastering the power above and then integrating.

Now, after Ye Wei’s sacred slogan, he does not need Ye Wei’s control. The power of Kun Peng has taken the initiative to swallow up the power of three thousand thunderstorms in the Dantian space and the power of the North.

"Eight big heaven is perfect!" Soon, a few breaths of time, the power of Kunpeng swallowed up the power of three thousand thunder, Ye Wei surprised to discover that his strength has increased ten in just a few breaths. Several times.

"This..." Ye Wei lived, and the entire Shengyuan continent, how many great perfect people have been born in tens of thousands of years? These great and perfect emperors have worked hard for things that they could not do for a lifetime. When I got to myself, it was naturally completed. This surprise is too big.


"Go, go!"

"The colorful big hand prints can't help him. If I didn't guess wrong, his cultivation has already broken through to the legendary emperor's honor, and the legendary emperor is strong, but it is not weaker than the existence of the holy place. "The five demon gods and the golden ancient gods, the snow shadows and the gods face no blood, no longer have a rebellious thought, crazy escape.

"I have the legendary emperor who has been perfected by the eight heavens, and I am the only one in the tens of thousands of years of the Sanyuan continent?"

"Even if the sacred strongmen did not leave the Shengyuan continent, they are not estimated to be my opponents?" Ye Wei glanced at the five demon gods and two sacred gods who were fleeing wildly. Smiling and shook his head.


Now that you are stronger than the strong people of the Holy Land, have you escaped?

"But it!" Ye Wei did not do anything, but simply said two words, but these two words seem to contain the will of the law of heaven.

Ye Wei let them go, they can only be destroyed!

Quietly, the five demon gods and the two sacred gods annihilated directly, as if they had never appeared before!

Words are the law!

Although Ye Wei’s cultivation did not enter the holy realm, he possessed the same means as the sacred strong, no. Ye Wei’s words and deeds are even stronger than those of the holy places on the Continent.

"Is this the power of the law?" Ye Wei slowly squeezed his fist, and his face showed a faint smile, finally understanding why the status of the Holy Land is so high in the Shengyuan continent.

Words are the law, except for the same level. No amount of people have any meaning!

If you are willing, a sentence can make you quietly annihilate as long as I am willing to do it.


Really invincible!

"The Eight Great Heavens are so strong. If the power of Kunpeng devours the power of the North, then my cultivation is stepping into the completion of the Nine Heavens. How strong will it be?"

"Is it comparable to the central sanctuary?" Ye Wei is looking forward to the Dantian space. Without the control of Ye Wei, the power of Kunpeng is consuming the power of the North.

It’s just that the power of the North is much stronger than the force of three thousand thunder, and the time of engulfing is longer!

Of course, this length is relative to the power of swallowing three thousand thunder, actually it is still very short, but a dozen times of breathing time.

Nine Heavens is perfect!

This is the equivalent of the existence of the median sanctuary. At the moment when he entered the nine-day heaven, Ye Wei suddenly felt that the world in front of him had changed.

A thought can cover the entire territory of the Holy Yuan, the real control!

The power of the law of the lower sanctuary can ignore the law of heaven in a region. According to the difference in cultivation, this region may be a hundred miles or a billion.

But the power of the law of the middle sage is strong, but it can cover the entire continent!

Under the force of Ye Wei's law, the entire Shengyuan continent can be free from the limitations of the law of heaven. Ye Wei can dominate everything, let the power of heaven come, and the power of heaven will come!

"The battle of the ethnic group... Oh, this farce should also come to an end!" Ye Wei’s gaze penetrated the void and saw the Sixth Six-Heavenly Perfection who was rushing to the Holy See as soon as possible. I saw the demon army that was attacking the Holy House in madness. I saw Ye Family ones who were worried about their own people. They saw the one sitting alone in the foothills, the small hand holding the minibus, and the eyebrows of Lin Ziwei, saw it. Su Shi, who saw Yue Ling’s hoe, also saw the palace Qing Xue who guarded his god.

Everything is under the control of Ye Wei!


Ye Wei sighed with a sigh, and the demon army that was madly besieging the Holy Court disappeared completely. It was natural, as if there had never been a general, the demon who suddenly disappeared from the ancestral temple’s Changqingzi and Wuhou. The army, blinked hard, and looked incredibly wrong.

As a result of the completion of the nine-day success, as long as Ye Wei is willing, he can step into the holy place at any time, and the punishment of God is estimated that even one of Ye Wei’s hair can’t be hurt.


Ye Weiduan sat in the Tianxu Mountain, hitting the holy realm, and a nine-color robber cloud appeared at the top of his head.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The nine-color robbery cloud rushed, and after a while, a sacred demon slammed into the leaf. And Ye Wei was sitting so quietly in the disk, enough to kill the Thunder. Even Ye Wei’s clothes were not hurt.

Soon, the nine-color robbery cloud dispersed. A purple sacred seed appeared in the space of Ye Weidan. This seed sprouted, rooted and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye and became a holy tree.

This is the root of the Holy Land!

Purple Shengli circulates around the body, transforming Ye Wei's bones, flesh and blood, organs, and soul. This is a transition of life and a qualitative change.

When Ye Wei stepped into the holy place, he knew the ancient mountain in the sea and violently oscillated. After each shock, it would shrink by one point, after hundreds of millions of shocks. Shenshan became a crystal clear crystal spar!

"This is..." Ye Wei, sitting in the sky above the Tianxu Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes, and the moment when the golden spar appeared, a mysterious and mysterious Ming Wu passed through his heart.

"This ancient mountain, even turned out, is the crystal of the **** of the gods who smashed their **** heads!" Ye Wei finally understands why after the disappearance of the ancient gods, there is no more powerful sacred place in the sacred continent. They are all suddenly open.

The mountain is the crystal of the Lord God, this thing. However, even the ancient elephant gods will be the home of the family, and the power of the punishment of the district is naturally nothing!

After entering the holy world, Ye Weicai understands how precious the Lord God Crystal is. The original ancient elephant **** would think that even Ye Wei inherited the inheritance of the godlike prisoner. At least 100,000 years of time, to be able to step into the peak of the Holy Land.

At this moment, Ye Wei’s mind has reached an unimaginable field. Under the support of the power of the Lord God, his eyesight seems to have passed through hundreds of millions of light years.

Hundreds of millions of continents pass by.

It turns out that they are in the world. It's just a tiny one of the endless planes.

Among these endless planes, countless races multiply among them. Terrans, demons, barbarians, and many other races that are not named. The so-called six-fold perfection and the legendary emperor's respect are just a very inconspicuous existence in this vast world. Whether it is the demon of the Yaozu, the savage of the barbarian, or the six people of the human race, they are like the ants.

At this moment, Ye Wei’s understanding of life and his understanding of heaven have reached an unimaginable level.

A lot of past, including all kinds of Ye's clan, and the encounter with Lin Ziyan and others, are vividly in sight, gazing into the distance, through the billions of voids, Ye Wei saw an endless thundercloud, look carefully These thunderclouds are actually composed of tens of thousands of stars. Among them, the thunder and the thunder are running through, and countless stars are annihilated. The fire that bursts in the moment is like the fireworks in the night sky.

The message from the Crystal of the Lord God, where is the plane of the ancient gods!

Ye Wei tried to penetrate his own thoughts, but countless stars exploded, and the brilliant light penetrated into Ye Wei's eyes.

"Ah!" Ye Wei felt the tingling of his eyes and quickly closed his eyes.

That plane is too strong, even if it is the leaf of the main god, Ye Wei, can not see through the inside.

"Drink!" Ye Wei opened his eyes again, and there was a ray of light in his eyes, looking at the billions of voids and trying to penetrate the thunderclouds.

But he still failed.

The gaze is only passing over the periphery of the thundercloud. Suddenly, in the endless thundercloud, an ancient book spurts out. This ancient book is full of dazzling golden light, like a meteor passing through an endless void.

"Hey, what is that?" Ye Wei wonders, an ancient book that flies out from the plane where the ancient elephant **** will be? This is certainly something that is not trivial, and maybe it is something that is comparable to the crystal of the Lord God.

Maybe, that is the key to entering the plane where the ancient elephant **** will be!

Eyesight gaze at the ancient book, faintly, Ye Wei seems to see the above font: the book of time and space demon spirit?

A strange name!

"Give me the income!" Ye Wei urged the crystal of the Lord God. With the strength of Ye Wei, it is impossible to shuttle the distant void, but the crystal of the Lord God is different. The top of the crystal of the Lord God contains super terrible power. It is not difficult to shuttle the plane.

Thousands of ideas rushed to the book of the time and space demon spirit.

Just as the mind touched the book of the time and space demon spirit, Ye Wei suddenly felt that the crystal of the Lord God shook inexplicably, bursting out with dazzling light, and then thousands of lines of the gods flowed out from the crystal of the Lord God. Follow Ye Wei’s thoughts into the book of Time and Space.

This time, the book of the demon spirit is consuming the gods on the crystal of the Lord God!

The speed of engulfing is too fast, and Ye Wei feels that the power of the crystal of the Lord God is swallowed by about one-tenth.

"Come back!" Ye Wei did not dare to continue, and quickly took back his mind.

If this continues, the power of the Crystal of the Lord God will surely be swallowed up by the book of this time and space!

A powerful treasure!

This time-space demon spirit book is even incomparable to the crystal of the Lord God.

Hey, the book of time and space demon spirit draws a long trajectory in the dark night sky, suddenly disappears, and in the blink of an eye, it appears in a place beyond 100 million light years, and the slamming sound disappears again. This time, the book of the demon spirits is flying too fast, and even Ye Wei’s thoughts cannot be traced.

Suddenly, Lei Yun was wearing a figure of the Tao. These figures seemed to be pursuing the book of time and space, and flew away in the direction of the disappearance of the book of time and space, and disappeared at the end of the void.

The book of time and space demon spirit? What kind of treasure is it? The ancient gods will also be very concerned about the people in the plane.

Ye Wei’s eyeballs turned, urging the power of the crystal of the Lord God, and smashed out five avatars. One of them had a flash of thought, and returned to the Great Zhou Dynasty, accompanied by Lin Ziyan’s side, and went to God. The Fengzuo family, together with Su Shi, waited for the birth of the children, and also took charge of the Holy Court and promoted the People's Road. As for the other two, it is a process of two streams of light, chasing away in the direction of the endless void, the disappearance of the book of time and space.

In the endless void, the crossing of the meteor, the two avatars of Ye Wei, disappeared without a trace.

What is the way forward, waiting for Ye Wei, what is the story?

The Shenhua Road is a prequel to the demon gods. The story behind, please continue to pay attention to the snail new book "The Demon God". (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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