MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 516 【Safety】

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  Chapter 516 [Peace]

"I'm alone, weak, light and weak. Naturally, I couldn't resist, so I had no choice but to escape. Fortunately, I was good at running since I was a child. I was not caught up when I was waiting for idlers to catch up. It's just that I was too anxious when I ran for my life. Entering a cave, I thought the inside would be rugged and complicated, it would be difficult for pursuers to enter, and there would be other exits, but who would have thought that it would lead to other places.”

  Hearing what he said, Fang Chang knew that the goal of this search had been achieved, and it seemed to be another world. I just don't know how the cave in Ximen Hekou is connected to the opposite side? He didn't interrupt, and continued to listen to Ximen He's narration.

But Ximen He recalled and said: "Actually, there is no special feeling, but suddenly the surrounding scenery is not right. The originally rough and narrow cave wall suddenly becomes wider, and then there is a little light, but the sun is not visible. .”

"I can see the sky, but the sky is an uncomfortable gray-yellow color, and the ground is the same, like lead that has been placed for a long time, but it is still soft to the touch. After walking for a while, I feel more and more wrong , I also feel more and more that I am not in the cave anymore."

"Because no one cared about me when I was young, I often ran around. I also know the situation in the cave. As long as I follow the direction of the wind, I won't get lost. So this time when I was chased, I wanted to escape by familiarizing myself with the geography. After all, I Even though they run fast, they can't hold them down too much."

   At this time, the clerk interrupted: "Let's talk about the situation inside, what happened to you?"

  Ximen He immediately pulled back his thoughts:

"Oh, after I felt that my surroundings were not right, I was scared and wanted to go back, but at this moment, I suddenly found that there was no way behind, so I panicked all of a sudden. I wandered around like a fly for probably some time. It took two days before I suddenly found a cave and went back outside."

"Usually, I wouldn't be like this, but for some reason, during those two days, I felt confused in my heart, and I was stunned, and I walked like wandering. Fortunately, I can find water to drink inside, and I also have some symptoms on my body. Dry food, so I won’t die of thirst and starvation. When I came out, thinking about this experience scared me to death, and I swore I would never run into the cave again next time.”

  The little official next to him was furious when he heard this: "Then why didn't you swear that you would never lie again? If you hadn't lied to others, why would you hide in the cave!"

  Ximen Crane shrank its neck in fright.

  Fang Chang took over the conversation and asked Ximen He: "Is there any living things in it, or is it still desolate, do you still have any impression of this?"

  Seeing that Fang Chang spoke politely and did not mean to look down on himself, Ximen He was very happy, and he told Fang Chang:

   "There must be living things. There seemed to be a figure moving in the distance, but I was in a daze at the time, so I didn't dare to go close to it for some reason, and I didn't know whether it was a beast or a person."

"But when I was looking for a place, I met a person who pointed me in the direction and said that I could go out, and then said that he entered here by mistake five years ago and settled down. In short, he felt strange. "

   "But having said that, the exit I finally found was in the direction he pointed, but since he knew the exit, why didn't he go out?"

   Having said this, Ximen Crane shook his head again and again.

  The little official knocked him beside him and said, "If there is anything else, tell me, and don't hide it."

Ximen He hurriedly said: "Of course I dare not hide it, not for your sake, but also for Yinzi's sake, but I really only remember so much...Can I take it?" Seeing a piece of silver, Ximenhe was very excited, his eyes couldn't help but want to glance at the silver, and a few drops of sweat came out of the tip of his nose.

"Of course." Fang Chang waved his hand, indicating that Ximen He could take the silver. "Your Excellency has told me enough information. These are exactly what I want. According to the previous agreement, the silver is yours. I hope you will do more good deeds in the future, and do less cheating."

   "Thank you for your distinguished guest!" Ximen He was very excited, and quickly picked up the money, "This is enough for us to live for a long time."

Seeing the woman next to him looking at him with a worried face, Ximen He immediately understood, and said impatiently: "If you don't lie about something, how can we live? But when it comes to changing careers, today's incident gave me some other thoughts , or I should change my career to become a news dealer, which suits me quite well."

  Fang Chang then said to Ximen He: "We intend to go to the place you mentioned. Would you like to guide us? We can pay in advance."

  Ximen He showed embarrassment, but couldn't hide his desire for money: "I want to go, but I really don't dare to go again."

   "You don't need to follow us in." Fang Chang said with a smile, "Just take us to the entrance of the cave you went to before, and we will solve the rest by ourselves."

"Okay, that's not a problem, then I'll go." Ximen He bit his lower lip and said, "But it's still too dangerous inside, you two had better not go in, who knows what's going on inside? What if you are not as lucky as me and can't find the way out? And this one looks too old, so let's not bother..."

  Fang Chang didn't answer, but took out two more strings of copper coins and put them on the table.

   "Two hundred wen, your Excellency only needs to lead us to find the entrance of the cave, and we will take care of the rest."

   "I'm so happy." Seeing Huang Chengcheng's copper coin, Ximen He immediately changed his attitude, "You two, please come with me, it's not far outside the city."

  Fang Chang and Miao Zhenyun followed the Ximen Crane out of the city and walked towards the mountains outside the city.

   Using his eyesight, Fang Chang carefully looked at the surrounding environment outside the city.

  As the two worlds are gradually joining together, various gaps invisible to mortals are not common. It seems that the two worlds have been entangled very deeply, and this matter is not easy to resolve.

  Not far ahead, there is a stream rushing into the ground beside the road.

   "From here, turn up along the stream, and you will see the entrance of the cave after a short walk. Follow me."

  Ximen Crane led the way and brought the two of them to a secluded foot of a mountain, where there really was a big hole. The entrance of the cave is approximately circular, and the surrounding stones have been polished smooth. I don't know how many animals and humans have walked through the entrance of the cave, rubbing the mountain flat.

   There was a booming sound coming from inside. Fang Chang knew that this was the sound made when the underground river was flowing, and this cave was obviously a cave. Such a hole is stronger than the houses outside, at least it cannot be affected by ordinary earthquakes at all.

   "I only dared to come here. I really don't have the guts to go in again." Ximen He smiled bitterly at Fang Chang and Xu Zhenyun, and said, "I wish you a safe journey."

   Thank you Ye Xuanqi and Drunken Dreams for your rewards.



  (end of this chapter)