MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 525 【Revisit Xianqi Cliff】

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  Chapter 525 [Revisiting Xianqi Cliff]

  Afterwards, every time he went up to the immortal cliff, Zhang Shanshen would feel some changes on the cliff.

   Sometimes there are a few more buildings, but they disappeared when I went there. It seems that although Fang Shangxian lived leisurely on the cliff, he did not sit or lie down all day, but kept doing things. Zhang Shanshen also asked about this, Fang Chang only said that he was bored to do something.

  Recently, he also saw that Fang Shangxian had built a pill furnace and was making pills.

  When the two played chess, God Zhang Shan also told Fang Shangxian about his progress in contacting the gods in the world, and sometimes he would get some advice, which was often very good. However, he went to the cliff to play chess with Fang Shangxian, and said that what he usually did was to relieve the fatigue caused by heavy affairs, and he didn't make a special trip to ask for advice.

  Because he was busy with communication, Zhang Shanshen didn't have as good a grasp of the situation in the world as Fang Chang, so the two exchanged what happened in the world.

  After writing another letter and sealing it, the mountain **** Zhang Chun stretched his neck, folded the letter into a paper crane three or five times, breathed lightly, and threw it out. The paper crane left its hand, and instantly became a little more agile. It fluttered its wings and flew away into the distance.

This move is a method that Zhang Chun asked for advice from Xianqi Cliff, which greatly reduced his workload, but he still can't do Fang Chang's level, he needs to stack more carefully, and the spells applied on it are only enough. One Way.

  Just pulling out the letter paper and preparing to write a new one, Zhang Shanshen suddenly raised his head and looked outside.

  Someone called me, and it was an acquaintance.

Since the story of the pangolin was spread many years ago, this small mountain temple in the mountains has no shortage of incense. Because passers-by on the official road come here to sacrifice all the year round, the path from the official road to here is very trampled. Broad and solid. Later, due to the muddy rain, someone raised money and food to pave the road up the mountain with stone slabs, and expanded the mountain temple again.

  There are still temple celebrations here, and occasionally passers-by take shelter from the rain or stay overnight. Two years ago, there were two more residents. They cultivated some fields nearby and set up stalls to do business for pilgrims. It seems that it has the meaning of development.

  Zhang Shanshen went outside to take a look, and was instantly delighted.

  It turned out that there was a young man standing outside under the pine trees. It was Hu Yun who had left Yunzhong Mountain for a long time. He was still wearing orange-red clothes, carrying a load, and accompanied by his wife. After going down the mountain for many years, Hu Yun's appearance has not changed much, but he has grown a beard and his expression is more stable.

   "Uncle Zhang!" Hu Yun immediately stepped forward when he saw Zhang Chun, and his wife Song Yao also stepped forward to salute.

   "Come in and sit down, where is the child?" Zhang Chun hurriedly brought them into the mansion, took out the spiritual tea that Fang Chang had given to him at the edge of the fairy habitat, and prepared to brew it with boiling water. Due to the busy schedule every day, Zhang Shanshen's stove is always burning hot water. He likes to make a pot of strong tea with a lot of broken tea and drink it while working.

"I went to Xingqing Mansion to study." Hu Yun said, "Although the two Mr. Jian are no longer there, the school in Xingqing Mansion is still much better than ours. Yu'er likes to make progress, so we discussed it. , and obeyed his wishes and sent him to Xingqing Mansion to go to school."

"In this way, he can only live in Xingqing Mansion. Fortunately, there are several companions who go with him, and there is no lack of care. Once Yu'er left, we had a free time. After thinking about it, we simply returned to Yun Take a look in Zhongshan, and live in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers by the way."

  Zhang Chun was coming over with a teapot and a teacup. Hearing this, he was suddenly surprised:

   "Come back this time, don't you want to go?"

   "Well, I'm not leaving." Hu Yun said, then took the teapot in Zhang Chun's hand, poured it into the three cups, and Zhang Shanshen was overjoyed.

   "Where are you going to live? What's next?" asked the mountain god.

"I haven't decided where to live yet. Let's talk about it after walking around in Yunzhong Mountain first." Hu Yun said, "I have some ideas for the time being, but I haven't decided yet. Next, I plan to go to grandpa's place today, and then go to Xian Meet Mr. Xia on the cliff."

   "Okay." Zhang Shanshen said, "Now my place is full of incense, and the mansion is much more spacious. Let's live here for a while."


  Fox Valley.

  The climate at the turn of spring and summer is very pleasant. The hillside in front of you is full of beautiful flowers. When the mountain wind blows over, the sea of ​​flowers is full of waves, which is very beautiful.

  When Hu Feng passed away, according to his last wish, he did not leave a tomb, but was buried under this sea of ​​flowers. Hu Yun stood here, watched the sea of ​​flowers quietly for a while, and then bowed down with Song Yao. After the two got up, they stood here for a while, wandered around before leaving.

   "Let's go, let's go up the cliff."

   Hu Yun said to his wife with a little immersion in the memories of the past in his tone.

   "Uncle Zhang looks so busy these past few years." Song Yao said to Hu Yun, "I remember when I came to the mountains the last two times, Uncle Zhang seemed very leisurely."

   "Well, that's right." Hu Yun said with a smile, "Uncle Zhang has important things to do in the past few years."

  Because I had just given myself a vacation to go to the cliff not long ago, Zhang Shanshen did not go with the two of them. Hu Yun and his wife first worshiped Hu Feng in Fox Valley, and then walked towards the direction of Xianqi Cliff. This is not the first time for them to go to Xianqi Cliff, so the route is fairly familiar, but there are no ready-made roads in the mountains, and many places are rough and difficult to walk. Hu Yun had to carry his wife on his back at places where the road was not easy to walk, just like before.

  The scenery under the Xianqi Cliff is still good. There are forests, water and waterfalls, which is very attractive. Song Yao looked at this, then looked up at the plank road, and said to her husband Hu Yun: "This plank road is too high, but fortunately there are clouds and fog on both sides of the high place, otherwise it would be really scary."

  The couple were about to go up the cliff, when suddenly a figure approached not far away, and smiled at them, "Here we are."

  Hu Yun turned his head immediately, saw the person coming, and shouted happily: "Mr. Fang!"

Fang Chang smiled and said: "Well, this plank road is indeed a bit high. I wanted to install a traction ladder, but I couldn't find a suitable rope. When I have time later, I will install railings on the plank road. Today, you can go I come."

  After speaking, he waved his hand, and a cloud rose from under the three of them.

   Song Yao and Hu Yun took the cloud for the first time, only to feel that the mountain wall outside was going down quickly, and the land in the distance was getting lower and lower. After passing through the hazy mist, the cloud had already stopped on the edge of Xianqi cliff. Fang Chang led the two of them through the gate made of stone rings, and walked towards the Unnamed Hall, while the clouds behind them quietly dissipated.

   "It's really a fairy trick!" Song Yao exclaimed.

  The two walked to the cliff, and saw that the surrounding scenery had changed a lot. For example, the pond at the beginning has now expanded several times in size, like a small lake. On the edge of the vegetable field in the distance, there are a few more buildings with strange shapes, like a row of houses that have been cut in half obliquely, and then the cut surface is covered with wooden frames, all of which are inlaid with glass.

  (end of this chapter)

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