MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 583 【I don't know where the clouds are deep】

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  Chapter 583 [Unknown Cloud Deep]

  Lu Shaoyuan shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, the foundation of the country is the people of the world, they are them." He pointed out the window.

   Renhuang looked in the direction Lu Shaoyuan pointed, and found that in the distance, several farmers were working in the fields.

  The scattered Tangqi were strictly ordered not to disturb the local area, so there was not much movement, and they were walking on the ridges and fields, so these non-threatening people were not disturbed.

  The sun is very strong, but it is covered by the roof extending from both sides of the chariot, so it will not shine in through the glass windows.

  The farmers outside only wore straw hats and moved under the scorching sun.

  At this time, the field is the most labor-intensive, and the seedlings have grown to half their height, and have not yet formed an absolute competitive advantage over weeds, so they can only be weeded by manpower. And the best time for weeding is when the sun is blazing. After weeding the weeds under the sun, they will be wilted in the sun after a while, and they will not re-root, which is more effective.

   Withdrawing his gaze, Ren Huang looked at Lu Shaoyuan and listened to what he said next.

  Lu Shaoyuan continued to extend, persuading:

"The ancients said that those who look for the elders of trees must solidify their roots; those who want to flow far must dredge their springs; those who think about the security of the country must accumulate their virtues and righteousness. The way of government is to live in peace and think of danger, avoid extravagance and use frugality, and be simple Let them do what they can, choose what is good and follow it, let the wise do their best, the brave do their best, the benevolent spread their benefits, and the believers are loyal.”

"When the national strength is still abundant, such as today, it is necessary to prepare for disasters and famines. Taking advantage of the abundance of money and food, we should sort out the administration, roads, water conservancy, culture, education, and warehouses, encourage farming, encourage learning, and encourage land reclamation. Just like when a person is young and healthy, he should cherish his body and study hard. Practice diligently, exercise your body, save more, and with such actions, you will not be afraid of illness and prolong your life in people, and you will be able to prolong your life in the country.”

"For example, although the schools in the world are broadcast by sages, they still benefit less than half of the children in the world. And the officials in the world, most of them follow the previous dynasty, and there are many disadvantages, especially in storage. The water conservancy is even more serious. , The planning hundreds of years ago is no longer suitable for today, and it is appropriate to re-measure the rules.”

"Only the official road in the world is maintained by the state capitals all the year round. At present, it is convenient and does not need to consume too much energy. I heard that there is a capable official Wei He, and the water management is quite effective all the year round. The people are deeply impressed by his virtue. Thousands of people have recited it, and it may be possible. Summon him into the imperial capital to assist in overseeing the world's water conservancy affairs."

  After hearing this, Ren Huang was silent for a while, and before Lu Shaoyuan could say more, he raised his hand to stop him, and said:

"These things have already been written down. The matter of the water-controlling official can now be drafted and sent back to the imperial capital for handling. But you don't want to stop the trip to Yunzhongshan, Ninghe Prefecture, Jingzhou. After all, this trip Once it has begun, there is no room for it to end halfway.”

  Then the Emperor looked at the scenery outside and sighed:

"However, you can also do some other things by the way. If you don't come out for a walk, it's hard to understand what the world looks like just relying on a few words in the memorial. Only by seeing it with your own eyes will you have a look in your heart. Know the gains and losses of the state capital and the court's governance."

  During the next journey, Yujia's style suddenly changed.

  After getting the order from above, the long guard of honor slowed down, and there were various orders sent from here, so that the chief officials from all over the country came to report on their duties.

  After going out for more than a hundred miles, he suddenly changed his mind and asked chief officials from various places to report on their work.

  During the period, Lu Shaoyuan also participated in the audition, recorded the entire debriefing process, and relied on his own extensive knowledge and knowledge to recite abundant reference materials to Renhuang. During this process, officials from all over the country received many praises, promotions and demotions, and the administration of officials along the way was cleared up.

   Cleared, at least for a short time.


  Fang Chang waited on the Xianqi Cliff until the sun passed the sky.

  Looking down the cliff, seeing the group of people still walking slowly through the woods, Fang Chang heated up yesterday's pancakes, went to the field to get two fresh vegetables, and quickly fried them with minced garlic and oil to accompany the meal.

  After clearing away the bowls and chopsticks, he went to get some bamboo, slowly split it into thin bamboo strips with a knife, and then sat on the steps of the Hall of Nameless Hall and started weaving baskets. After many years of practice, Fang Chang's bamboo weaving skills have become so proficient that even the most skilled bamboo craftsmen would be willing to bow down.

  The long and flexible bamboo is cut and cut, like noodles, like thin leeks, bunches rattling, and then bent and intertwined deftly to form a beautiful and strong bamboo basket. After so many years, the first batch of utensils had become somewhat decayed, so some of them were just replaced, and the rest were put into the warehouse for storage.

  The Renhuang group at the foot of the Xianqi Cliff, after gathering the personnel stationed at the mountain temple, had already determined the way to go up the mountain, but it took them a lot of time to pass through the forest at the foot of the mountain. Over the years, the forest has become more and more dense, and it has long been impassable for chariots, so the emperor, like the people around him, went down to the ground and walked. Fortunately, he didn't grow up in the deep palace, so he was no different.

  However, gradually, the people below began to gradually disperse.

  There are fewer and fewer people around, making the core of the team, Ren Huang and the government official Lu Shaoyuan, a little surprised, but when we get here, retreating is not an option, so we have to keep going. However, the time for them to be suspicious was very short, because after a few steps, everyone around them disappeared, and their eyes suddenly became clear.

  In front of it is the cliff that cuts like an axe and goes straight into the clouds. A long waterfall washes down from the edge of the cliff, rumbles and stirs in the pool, and the momentum spreads far and wide. There are long plank roads rising from the flat ground, climbing to the cliffs, and winding straight up. The surrounding grass, trees, pools and stones are all very beautiful, and it doesn't look like a bad place, so the two relax.

   "What a great place! I think it's the residence of immortals." Human Sovereign exclaimed.

   Waited for a while, but still no one came out of the woods.

So Lu Shaoyuan said: "Your Majesty, it seems that everyone has dispersed. According to the reports I saw before, people who get lost here will go out of the forest. We got separated and there was chaos."

   "What you said is reasonable, let's go up quickly."

  Although the plank road is stable, it is not very wide after all, and sometimes it will creak. On one side is a towering cliff, and on the other side is a valley bottom that is getting farther and farther away. This situation is a bit exciting for both of them. So they gritted their teeth silently and didn't speak, but Lu Shaoyuan was quite calm and wanted to appreciate the beautiful scenery in the distance.

  The two of them are not very old, they don’t usually lack food and drink, and they have plenty of energy, so they go up very fast.

However, as the plank road deepened into the clouds and mist, although the ground farther and farther under his feet could not be seen, the loneliness of the emperor came together with fear, and he couldn't help shrinking a little. He stopped and looked at the only living person beside him. Said: "Lu Qing, I don't know how far it is up here. After walking for a long time, it seems that there is no end?"

  (end of this chapter)

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