MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 1041 Dependent on life

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Aibo accepted the order from the mother, that is to bring back the four sisters who had gone away.

The source of the fog that accepted this order was two, but only Aibo went to the position of the mother with anxious mood.

The world of fog is cruel, even if she is created by the same mother as the other three foggy ideologies in the city.

However, there is no family relationship between the fog at all. Aibo was born late, so he has been suppressed by the brothers and sisters above.

So much so that she currently has less power than the original two gray fog origins.

She hates her brother and sister, but it is different for the four sisters.

The four sisters are the only ones who can feel the temperature in this cold fog relationship.

Aibo is now very worried about the safety of Lieta.

The human beings in this city are even more dangerous than her own people. Aibo has some pity for human beings at a young age.

But her brother, with Aibo, saw the cruelty of the humanity in this city, and her pity had long been washed away.

Lieta didn’t eat last night, today she left her house with an empty stomach...

If she faints on the side of the road...

Aibo couldn't imagine what would happen next. The tentacles sticking out from behind her suddenly slammed into the ground, and there was a crack on the ground. Aibo jumped directly into the sky of 100 meters.

She moved on the street in this way, and in less than three minutes she arrived at the place marked by her mother.

A human organization station called a sewing gang.

The gang who was stationed outside the sewing gang saw the imposing Aibo who appeared outside, and picked up the wooden stick and the axe at hand.

Aibo did not wear the inspector's clothes when he went out today.

"Step aside!"

The light gray long hair behind Ai Bo was directly wrapped around the neck of a sewing gang member for a tentacles, and he fell heavily on the ground.

The bricks on the ground shattered into debris, and the member of the sewing gang coughed out scarlet blood.

This scene scared the guards of other sewing gangs, and also angered the guards of the sewing gang, and more and more people ran out of the pub.

Ai Bo's brows are crumpled, she can easily kill all the people here, but these guys are ‘dairy cows’, and the fog-conscious body can only drink ‘milk’.

Therefore, Aibo’s massacres of this group of human beings are equivalent to taking food from the mouths of brothers and long sisters.

"All come back! You are disrespectful to the inspectors."

The leader of the sewing gang, Marceau, recognized Aibo’s ability to be unique to the inspector.

She immediately came forward to let the stupid guys back down.

A sharp tentacles slammed into Marceau's neck, and Ai Bo stared at the human woman who had a head higher than her.

"I heard about you, have you bought my servant?"

Aibo's gray-white pupil stared at Marceau, and even with the threat of death, Marceau's expression did not change.

"How is it possible... Lietta is coming to visit my territory today, she is very satisfied." Maso said while carefully letting go of his position.

Lieta walked out of the tavern. At the moment he saw his sister, Ai Bo retracted the tentacles on the collar of the sewing gang.

"There is no next time." Aibo is not in the mood to explore what these guys are hiding, anyway, this group of guys can't escape.

Lieta went to Abo's side without saying a word, and when Aibo wanted to subconsciously pick up his sister's hand, Lieta ignored her to go in the direction of going home.

"Lieta, what do you go to where people are waiting?"

Ai Bo quickly followed her sister and her tone became softer.

She vaguely felt that Lieta seemed to have something to worry about.

"eat meat."

Lieta spoke out the reason that Qiao Xiu gave her good morning.

"You have eaten the flesh and blood of human beings? We are not yelling at you... can you speak something that you can't eat?"

When Aibo heard the news, she ran to the front of Lieta and squatted down. She had a gray mist on her hand.

It is true that human beings are regarded as food by them, but the origin of the fog does not like to eat the flesh and blood of human beings, because flesh and blood carry human memory.

These memories will also be absorbed by the source of the fog, which will make the fog source into a chaotic state and cannot maintain itself.

Lieta, the origin of the fog that was less than three years old, is a taboo for consuming the flesh and blood of human beings.

"Fish." When Lieta replied, Aibo also took out three small fish from the body of Lieta.

"Tell me what you want to eat later! Don't run around again!"

Ai Bo saw a slight sigh of relief after the fish was dried.

Animals have a weaker self-awareness, and even if they eat raw, they have no effect on their consciousness, let alone the meat after the drying.

Lieta nodded slightly, and Aibo returned to their home with her sister innocently.

This residence is located in the middle of the city. Aibo heard that the owner was originally human, but now human beings are only qualified to be servants here.

When Aibo walked on the side of her sister, she felt that the strength of her sister was gradually weakening.

Speaking of her missed the time of eating today because she left home, Aibo also missed the time to eat in order to find her sister.

Ai Bo immediately took her to the deepest part of the residence, where the ground was filled with a faint gray fog... When Ai Bo opened the door, the light in the depth of the room radiated a faint blue light.

A ball made of fog floats slowly in the center of the room. Underneath the ball is the instrument that carries it. The exterior looks like a chain.

Aibo took Lietta to the edge of the ball, and the dim gray mist slowly descended from the ball, and finally gathered in the hands of Aibo.

"Is there only one thing left?" Ai Bo looked at the gray crystals that had condensed in his hands.

This ball was created by their mother... The energy gathered by the humans in this city will come together, and their mother will give them a certain amount of energy every day.

The energy is limited and the mother is not responsible for the distribution, leaving only an order ‘must be assigned to other brothers and sisters’.

Aibo’s long sister and brother did, but the energy left is not enough for Aibo to eat half full.

"The two greedy guys..." Ai Bo’s rising anger surprisingly relieved her hunger, but anger was useless. She was far from the opponent of the brother and the elder sister.

Ai Bo can only put these hatred and anger in his heart, and he will give half of his crystal to Lieta.

"At night, I might be able to go to the city to collect some new ones," Aibo said.