MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 1051 Before the premiere

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"You have to leave the city too?"

Joe Xiu controlled the orange cat sitting on the long table and licking the two wild BoSS in front of him.

Aibo will come to see Joshua so unexpectedly that Joe Xiu did not expect that Lieta was brought by her.

It’s just that the state of the two gray fogs is not very good. Aibo’s body is already in a translucent state, as if it is going to disappear at any time.

Lieta is okay... at least she is working hard to clear a pixel game called Adventure Island.

"and also?"

Aibo's figure is hidden under the hood, but the hood still can't hide her chin's translucent state.

Before coming to the sewing gang, Aibo had thoroughly considered it. She did not put down her hatred for her older sister.

The presence of the city and Lietta can continue to disappear sooner or later, so she must leave the big sister's territory to find new opportunities.

When Aibo came to find this orange cat, many people wanted to leave the city from the attitude of this orange cat.

"Your assassination failed?" The orange cat suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"This has nothing to do with you."

Aibo still does not understand what it is like to ask for or to ask for a cat.

The orange cat raised his little paw and waved gently. The hood on Aibo’s head fell off instantly. Aibo hurriedly wanted to pull the hood back again, but after she realized that it was meaningless, Gradually gave up.

"The gathering of fog just now is what you caused. The reason why you become translucent... Is the energy in your body sucked by your big sister or brother?"

When Joe Xiu saw Aibo last time, she could maintain her physical state at least. Now Aibo is like a ghost.

Ai Bo re-opened his hood and said nothing.

“It is a big discovery that the source of the fog and the source of the fog can draw energy from each other.”

At first, Qiao Xiu thought that the food of Lieta was the negative energy of human beings, but she did not expect the energy absorbed by her long sister and brother, and she could take it.

This discovery is very interesting.

"I said you...called Aibo right? Have you considered revenge to your sister?" Qiao Xiu once again tried to counter the relationship between the origin of the fog.

"I will never let go of any chance if I can... but now..." The hatred in Aibo’s voice eventually became powerless. "I have no chance."

"Why?" Qiao Xiu asked again.

Now Joe corrects the way to solve the fog around the city and the coastline. The source of the fog is obviously the big sister of Aibo and Lieta.

The fog power she possesses is really too strong.

"Because she has the power from all the humans in the city!" Aibo couldn't help but tell Joe Qiao that the facts she already knew seemed to be a stupid thing to warn the orange cat and her long sister. “Even if you have the energy to dispel the power in her body, she can be strong again if she wants to just “eat”!”

"Unless you have the ability to kill all the people in this city, it is impossible to defeat her!"

This is the only way that Aibo thinks, but the population of this city must be at least 100,000 people, and want to kill all the light...

"Stop it? This is a good way, you reminded me." The orange cat gently clicked on the table with his claws.

"You don't really want to do this?"

When Ai Bo looked at the orange cat and seemed to seriously consider this matter, she felt a little twitching inside. Humans should have the same status as the mouse in her eyes.

But Aibo’s mind always echoes the back of the old woman.

"I will send you out of the city, with your sister."

Qiao Xiu once again shifted the topic and promised her request in the absence of Ai Bo.


Aibo does not think that this orange cat will be much lower than those of human beings. She chose to come back and trade with this orange cat because she has nowhere to go.

"The price... I think about it." The orange cat scratched his chin with his hind legs and finally came to the conclusion "How about watching a show before you go?"


Aibo was the first to hear about this word. The people of Black Bay City are difficult to protect themselves, and there is still time spent on art.

"It's to explain it to you, it's the equivalent of watching under the penalty platform."

The orange cat told Aibo an understandable explanation.

Apo, the execution desk, knows that in order to make those humans feel fear, Black Bay City will conduct a public execution every once in a while.

The purpose is to kill those who are restless, and the rest of the human beings have become settled.


She finally chose to nod, and Aibo did not dislike the punishment... every execution can bring her a lot of energy supply.

It is better to say that if you can watch a sentence at close range, it is beneficial to her current physical condition.

"The city will change a lot in the next few days. As for whether you will change together, read the show and talk about it."

The orange cat jumped off the table and walked toward the door. Aibo also went out subconsciously.

Shortly after she left the room, she turned back and picked up Lietta, who was still playing with Adventure Island.

Since the assassination failed, Lieta was like a demon, except for eating, he kept holding his hands.

In Aibo's opinion, Lieta may be a victim of the heart, so the consciousness is somewhat blurred.

From the perspective of Qiao Xiu... Lieta is trying to estimate that he has lived soon, so he must pass several games before he dies.

"Gray is not easy."

The orange cat took a small step and took Aibo to the cinema that Sewing Gang had just built.

This cinema was built in collaboration with the former secret society and the sewing gang.

The location is underground and there is only one studio, each of which can accommodate 300 people.

Although the quantity is small, the advantage is concealed and it is very simple to make.

The Order God has begun to build this mini-cinema in the entire city.

Qiao Xiu has already planned to update the contents of the order Bible, that is, all the believers of order gods must watch this movie once.

Ai Bo is not a disciple of order gods... but she was lucky enough to catch the premiere of the film.

Part of the person who is qualified to watch this premiere is the Order God and the other part is the sewing gang.

"What about the execution desk?" Aibo looked around and found that there were only temporary chairs around.

"Just in can sit here."

Qiao Xiu chose the most corner position for the two sisters of the fog.

There are not many people in the whole theater. After all, no one in this city will take the initiative to watch movies.

The audience at the premiere was personally invited by the Orange Cat.