MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 123 Qian Quan, I love you!

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  Chapter 123 Qian Quan, I love you!

  The next week will be the final exam.

  The university liberal arts exam highlights a rote memorization, which is really not that difficult. It belongs to the level that you can definitely pass the exam as long as you study carefully.

  Of course, there are also some students who are busy with games or who don’t want to prepare for the college entrance examination after the college entrance examination.

  For Qian Quan, the exam week was actually easier than usual.

  He reviewed fully and efficiently, and judging from his active participation in class, college and school activities, the activity points have already been filled up, and there is no pressure to pass.

  Now you only need to take one or two exams every day, and the rest of the time is free, neither delaying thinking about short video content nor delaying code words.

   In terms of short videos, according to Senior Sister Bai Yungee, many merchants have used her to learn about Qian Quan’s cooperation. However, Senior Sister Bai suggested not to accept commercials for the time being, and consider accepting some appropriate cooperation when there are more works and the popularity stabilizes.

   This is also in line with Qian Quan's current thinking.

  As for the novel, it is tentatively scheduled to be released on February 1st. According to the current performance trend, the editor believes that it is expected to exceed 10,000 subscriptions for the first time (that is, the first chapter on the shelves will exceed 10,000 subscriptions within 24 hours).

Although the number of users of Yuanyuan has skyrocketed now, and the first subscription of over 10,000 is no longer exclusive to the masters, but for a newcomer like Qian Quan (pen name: Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange), such an achievement Still very bright.

  If the performance can be improved steadily after it is put on the shelves, it will be a hit masterpiece, and various copyrights can be further expected at that time.

  January 26, the end of the final exam.

   After packing his luggage, Qian Quan went to Fudan to meet Ding Linlang, and then went home together.

   Speaking of buying tickets this time, there are still some twists and turns.

  Since this is their first time grabbing tickets for the Spring Festival Games, there are some mistakes in strategy and tactics that underestimate the enemy—

  What age is it now, the transportation is convenient, the green leather and the high-speed rail are parallel, and there are soft sleepers, hard sleepers, hard seats and no seats for you to choose from.

   Just like the passengers interviewed by a certain reporter on the train, everyone said that they had bought tickets, which means that it is not so difficult to buy tickets.

  However, when they reacted, all the tickets for the green leather and the high-speed rail at the right time were sold out, and the rest either left too early or arrived home too late.

   And there are not many tickets left. Some of them clearly show that there are two tickets, but they are sold out as soon as they are purchased.

   is outrageous.

   There are still about ten days before the Chinese New Year, and the power of the Spring Festival Transport has begun to show. I really don’t know what kind of grand event it will be when the office workers start their holidays.

  In the end, Qian Quan and Ding Linlang discussed three options:

  The first is unlimited transfers, where there is a ticket, go there first, go to a place, rent a hotel for a few days, continue to the next stop, so that you can go home while traveling;

  The second is to stay in Zhonghai for a few more days, and get back the tickets for which day;

  The third is to buy an evening train, arrive at Mingzhu South Station at 11:00 p.m., stay in a hotel near the station for one night, and return home leisurely the next day.

  After some deliberation, they chose the third option.

  It’s one thing to return home like an arrow. The main reason is that both of them have coding tasks now, especially the good news of the new book is getting more and more.

  “We’ve been buying train tickets and forgetting about the plane.”

  Ding Linlang mentioned this matter to Qian Quan as soon as he saw him.

   "We don't have an airport."

   "You can go to Jinling first, and then transfer from Jinling to go home."

   "It's still necessary to grab tickets, and the time is even more uncontrollable," Qian Quan paid attention to this plan when buying tickets, "but it will be fine next year."

   "What business?"

   "My driver's license will be one year old next year. We can rent a car from Zhonghai and drive back, or we can take a plane to Jinling and then rent a car back."

   "Why do you have to have a driver's license for one year before you can rent a car?"

   "It's not that you can rent a car after one year, but you can get on the highway after one year."

"All right."

  The two were talking and took a taxi to the high-speed rail station.

  On the way, Ding Linlang couldn't hold back after all, and asked Mu Hongying about buying the copyright of "Que Xian" face to face.

  Qian Quan first showed her Mu Hongying's WeChat account, and then said: "She said that the estimated price quoted was more than 2 million, and after bargaining with the website, it is estimated that it can reach around 2.5 million.

   "According to the contract, after deducting taxes, you will get at least 1.1 million."

  Ding Linlang heard the words and said, "It feels a little unreal."

"I feel so too."

  Ding Linlang suddenly looked at Qian Quan with a smile in the corner of his eyes, and asked, "Did you save the earth in your previous life?"

"How to say?"

   "Stay with me." Ding Linlang pretended to be proud.

  Qian Quan smiled and said: "Da Lin Lang, you may not know that if I agree to Huahong Media to act in "Quexian", I may get more than 5 million yuan in salary."

   "Cut~" Ding Linlang didn't believe it.

   "As an online author who is expected to adapt copyright, your understanding of the entertainment industry is too limited.

  “Even if you are not interested in entertainment gossip, you can learn about their income status from social and legal news.”

   "I know celebrities make a lot of money, 2 million a day, I just don't believe you can earn that much, haha..."

   "You have to have some confidence in your boyfriend, the brokerage company wants to train me as a top class."

  Ding Linlang suddenly stopped talking, and looked ahead silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?"

   "It's nothing." Ding Linlang shook his head, "It's just a bit contradictory."

   "What is the contradiction?"

  Ding Linlang pondered for a moment, and said: "I hope you can shine brightly, but also hope that you can remain unknown."

  Qian Quan joked: "You have a sense of crisis."

   "A little bit." Ding Linlang actually admitted, "In the past eighteen years, no matter what I do, I have full confidence, and I can often do it, at least I will become a relatively good group.

   "Learning, playing basketball, playing chess and code words, as long as I want to do it, there will be ideal results, but..."

  Qian Quan was listening carefully, seeing her pause, and asked, "But what?"

  Ding Linlang shook his head: "It's hard to say."

  Qian Quan didn't ask any further questions, and reached out to take her slender and tender hand, and Ding Linlang clasped his fingers in turn.

  Both of them stopped talking, quietly watching the scene of receding outside the car window.

   About 35 minutes, the car arrived at the high-speed rail station.

   At this time, there are still 40 minutes before the departure of the high-speed rail.

  Because they bought a business seat, after entering the station, they went directly to the business seat waiting area to register and wait.

  The waiting area provides a variety of free snacks, coffee drinks and purified water.

  They picked a few snacks at random, took two bottles of water, and found a seat to sit down.

   "If it's a short distance, you can get back your money by buying a business seat and eating snacks." Qian Quan looked around the lounge and said with a smile.

   “Using money to buy services and money to buy convenience are the same in all industries.”

   "Actually, you can calculate the cost," Qian Quan said, "For example, from Zhonghai to Mingzhu, the high-speed train takes about 3 hours. If you take a business seat, you can use these three hours to write a chapter update..."

   "Qian Quan, are you a devil?" Ding Linlang complained, "I sit in the business seat for enjoyment, and you want me to code?"

   "Haha, let me use an analogy, to deal with emergencies, such as the last day at the end of the month, you have to take full attendance, and there is no leave of absence..."

  Ding Linlang actually understood what Qian Quan meant, she said that on purpose.

  It seems that since the night of New Year's Day, when she faced Qian Quan, her mentality had undergone a subtle change.

   The two were eating snacks and chatting without paying attention to the time. Soon a girl in uniform came to guide them to the car.

   Passengers in the business class do not need to queue up for ticket inspection, but are led by the staff and directly enter the platform in advance to get on the train.

   Simply put, the business class is the VIP of the high-speed rail.

   After getting on the bus, I found that there were only five seats in the whole car.

  It is said to be a seat, but it is actually an independent sofa.

  Qian Quan and Ding Linlang sat next to each other. After sitting down, he put on the slippers that came with each seat, and Ding Linlang directly adjusted the seat to lie flat, ready to take a nap.

  Qian Quan opened the small table, took out the computer, and started typing.

  His new book will be on shelves on February 1st, and now is a critical stage for manuscript deposit.

  According to the editor, now whenever the author is on the shelves, if there is no 4D update on the day, he will be embarrassed to meet other authors.

   Moreover, his new book has such a good score, he can compete for the monthly ticket list of the new book.

  However, Qian Quan now only has two chapters on file, and an explosion is far from enough.

  He was just saying on the surface that Ding Linlang could code in the business seat, but he was actually talking about himself.

  Ding Linlang saw that Qian Quan was preparing the code words in a serious manner, and asked, "Qian Quan, what are you doing, are you pointing at me on purpose?"

  Qian Quan smiled and said, "Sleep with you, I want to write a short video copy."

  Ding Linlang suddenly remembered that Qian Quan is now a short video blogger with 2.3 million fans.

   It seems that even if he doesn't star in his own novel, it is not too difficult to earn 1 million.

   Could it be that I was the one who saved the earth in my previous life?

  The subtle sense of contradiction in Ding Linlang's heart resurfaced again.

  Close your eyes and take a nap, but all kinds of thoughts are churning in your mind, and you can't calm down.

   After lying down for a while, I was really not in the mood to fall asleep, so I just took my phone and read a novel for a while.

At this moment, a man in his thirties and wearing a round hat who was sitting next to him came over and said in a gentle tone: "Hello, beauty, I am a senior photographer of the fashion magazine "Lady". Are you interested in considering a part-time job as a graphic model?"

  The photographer had noticed Ding Linlang since getting in the car, and was amazed by her slender, perfectly proportioned figure and handsome appearance, and had been secretly observing her.

   Seeing her wake up at this time, she went up to strike up a conversation immediately.

  Ding Linlang pointed at Qian Quan expressionlessly and said, "Go ask my boyfriend."

  The photographer turned his head to look at Qian Quan, and found a cold and sharp gaze looking at him, making his body tremble, as if struck by a substantial sense of fear.

   "Hi, hello, you, hey, you look kind, are you Qian Quan?" The photographer unexpectedly recognized Qian Quan.

   "It's me, what's the matter with you?"

   "It's okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to bother you." The photographer was obviously much older than Qian Quan, but he was completely overwhelmed by Qian Quan, especially after learning his identity, he fled in despair.

   Just kidding, that is a ruthless guy who can K·O the Japanese fighting champion at will, but I can't take his punch.

  After this little episode, Qian Quan and Ding Linlang didn't encounter any other harassment, and returned to Mingzhu quietly all the way.

  It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when they arrived at Mingzhu South Station, and they dragged their luggage to the pre-booked hotel.

  This time, Qian Quan didn't pretentiously book a standard room, but directly booked a room with a double bed.

  After they checked in and swiped their cards to enter the room, Ding Linlang saw the big bed room, and couldn't help but feel a wonderful feeling of ambiguous atmosphere in his heart.

   After all, this is the first time they have booked a double room so blatantly.

   "You go and wash up first, and I will learn how to type." Qian Quan said.

   "Yes." Ding Linlang opened the suitcase, took out a change of clothes, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

   After she finished washing, the chapter on Qian Quan was finally finished.

   "Go wash up." Ding Linlang said.


  Ding Linlang put away her luggage and got on the bed. When she sat on the bed, the feeling became even more strange——

   She is now like a wife waiting for her husband.

   Not long after, Qian Quan came out of the bathroom, changed into pajamas and pajamas, naturally climbed into bed, and sat next to him.

"sleep early."


   The two turned off the lights and went to bed.

  Qian Quan reached under Ding Linlang's neck, pulled her over, and held her in his arms.

   "Money power."


   "Shall we chat for a while?"

   "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

   "Well, let me ask you, what is our relationship now?"

   "Boyfriend and boyfriend."

   "But neither of us confessed to each other."

  Qian Quan also suddenly realized this problem.

  It seems that since the two kissed desperately in the middle of the night on the New Year's Eve, they have acquiesced in their relationship with each other, but from the beginning to the end, they have never made a serious confession, nor have they said a word of true love.

   “We just got it right and we skipped those links directly.”

  Ding Linlang nodded lightly in Qian Quan's arms, and said: "Actually, if you didn't take the initiative to kiss me that night, I certainly wouldn't take the initiative, and we might still be in this stalemate and flirt with each other forever.

   "So, when you kissed me domineeringly and involuntarily that night, I thought you were so manly. It was the most manly time I've known you for a long time."

  Qian Quan chuckled and said, "I'm also very glad that I mustered up the courage to kiss you that night."

   "So, I want to ask you, since when did you like me?" Ding Linlang raised her head to look at Qian Quan after asking the question.

   "It should be when I was very young."

   "Don't come here, you didn't see me as a girl before, and you have been secretly in love with other girls."

   "Maybe I'm escaping, or I want to prove to you deep down that I don't like you, I only treat you as a buddy and best friend, so we can always play together."

   "Then why did you change your mind later?"

   "Because I found that even if I like you, I can still play with you, and the relationship can be closer."

   "But the mentality is different..." Ding Linlang said, "Qian Quan, I don't want to hide it from you, I am possessive of you now, and I don't want to share you with any other girls."

  Qian Quan laughed, rubbed Ding Linlang's ear with his nose, and said, "I'm yours, you don't have to share it with anyone."

  The words blew into her ears, numb, Ding Linlang's head suddenly became a little dazed, and his body began to go weak.

   Then Qian Quan kissed her earlobe, and she turned her head and kissed Qian Quan's lips proactively.

  The two begin a long and intense kiss.

   I don't know how long we kissed.

  Ding Linlang felt that her consciousness had been burnt, she held Qian Quan tightly, and whispered softly:

   "Qian Quan, I love you, I really, really love you..."

   "I love you too, Lin Lang..."

  Qian Quan's hands became even more unscrupulous.

  Ding Linlang couldn't stop it, and didn't want to stop it.

So be it.

  Her remaining sober consciousness can only hold the final bottom line.

   The rest, let him go.



   4352 words, two in one! Worried about the scale, I can't write to my heart's content, and the emotion of the story cannot be in place, which is very uncomfortable.



  (end of this chapter)

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