MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 92 Important information, Qian Quan is stronger than expected!

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  Chapter 92 Important information, Qian Quan is stronger than expected!

   "Brother, awesome, you are too rigid, I support you!"

   "If you don't accept it, come to fight, this is too encouraging, top!"

   "Domineering! This is the true nature of a man!"

  “A strong youth makes China strong, let the whole world see our Chinese youth!”


  After Qian Quan’s video became popular on the Internet, it received wide support. A large number of netizens praised Qian Quan, and used this video to madly criticize those netizens who continue to advocate that Japanese martial arts are better:

   "Don't just say it, go to Haishi University if you don't accept it, I will pay you for the travel expenses, are you afraid to go?"

  But Internet debates, the usual style is to pay attention to what you say, and I say mine, and the hard-talking netizens continue to be ambiguous:

   "Hype, definitely hype, this video is posted in China, who will challenge him? Isn't that a traitor?"

   "Here I suggest that he send the video to Japan!"

   "The popularity has reached this point, it's amazing, I'm still challenging the Trisolarans, and the Trisolarans are welcome to fight at any time..."

   Then these remarks were refuted one by one:

   "Those yin and yang freaks take a good look at other people's videos. They say they will participate in the competition. Will they not fight against Japanese players then?

   "What people are going to challenge now is you kings of mouth who can only type on the keyboard. If you have the guts, go for it, and if you don't have the guts, shut up!"

   "Laughing to death, I just don't dare to accept the challenge, just admit it, and make so many excuses."

  “It is clearly stated in the video that those who recognize that Japanese martial arts are better than China will challenge them, and they did not say that they must be Japanese.”

   "I'm going to fight hard to smear online, and challenge me to be submissive offline, which fits my stereotype of this group of people."

   "So many people support Japan, they won't support it all with their mouths and a heart that loves Japan. Fuck him, even if there is one person who dares to stand up, I won't look down on you so much!"

   "Wait until this little brother finally doesn't appear on the competition stage, he won't be in a hurry if you go to Yinyang again?"


  Accompanied by the heat and controversy, Bai Yun Gee's fans also began a new round of skyrocketing, and the video playback, forwarding and likes also set a new record for personal accounts.

   Then, inevitably, Qian Quan's video was posted by relatives and friends again, and they all came to ask about the situation.

  Even my father called him personally to ask him why he made this video.

  Qian Quan had no choice but to reply: "I just can't understand how netizens are blindly advocating Japanese martial arts, so I **** them off.

   "Don't worry, our president is a great Tai Chi expert, and even if someone does come, everyone will discuss it as soon as possible, and no one will be injured."

   "You have to remember that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Don't think that knowing a little kung fu will make you invincible, especially now in the Internet age, everything may be over-interpreted." Dad said in a serious tone.

"I remember. During this period of time, because of drinking that tea, I feel that I have made rapid progress in everything I have learned. Now I have even learned Wing Chun, so I am a little flustered. I will pay attention to it later." Qian Quan took the opportunity to pave the way for his father. .

   "Learning a few routines is not called learning. Actual combat and routines are not the same thing." Dad educated, "I also practice Wing Chun every day, and now I dare not say that I will win a fight with anyone."

   "Well, I see. In fact, our video mainly focuses on hot topics, and there will be no real fights." Qian Quan said.

  However, just a few hours after Qian Quan said these words, the first group of challengers came to Naval Normal University.

   are three Japanese students studying abroad.

  They saw the video in the WeChat group, and felt humiliated, so they made an appointment together to find Qian Quan and let him see the real Japanese martial arts.

  They are all high-level judo and karate masters. When they were in Japan, they had brilliant competition records. In terms of strength, they all think that there is no problem.

  For the sake of fairness and justice, they also have their own cameras, which will take pictures of the entire challenge process, and you will not unilaterally manipulate public opinion maliciously, such as denying the loss or maliciously editing the video.

   Then, Qian Quan met them.

   and took them to the school gym.

   This is nothing to hide.

  Qian Quan blatantly declared war on the Internet, and then people came, and the result was naturally a fight.

   "For the sake of fairness, you can choose any opponent from the three of us to fight the first battle. If you win, you can choose another opponent to fight the second game, and then the third game until you lose..."

  One of the Japanese students said in fluent Chinese.

   "Don't bother, the three of you can go together." Qian Quan said.

   "What did you say?" The Japanese student looked angry.

   "I said the three of you together, this saves time, and you can return early after the fight."

   "Sorry, that doesn't conform to our Japanese Bushido spirit!

   "Since you don't want to choose, let me play the first match with you."

   "Alright." Qian Quan didn't insist either.

   Thus, the first game begins.

  The Japanese student opened his posture, and his expression suddenly became sharp, which seemed to be a sign that he was going to make a big move.

   Afterwards, he bowed slightly to Qian Quan, completing the pre-match etiquette.

  Qian Quan cupped his fists in return, then stretched out his hand and said, "Please."

  The Japanese student suddenly roared something in Japanese, then raised his foot and kicked Qian Quan.

  Qian Quan raised his hand and slapped his feet away, kicking him sideways with a quick kick, which hit the Japanese student in the chest and sent him flying to the ground.

  The Japanese student lay on the ground for a few seconds before he recovered and sat up with difficulty.

  Qian Quan walked over, stretched out his hand to pull him up, and said with a smile:


  The Japanese student looked at Qian Quan dully, not knowing how to answer the question.

  Qian Quan turned his head to look at the remaining two foreign students, and said, "Together?"

  The two international students saw Qian Quan deal with his companion with one move, no matter the force or speed of the attack, they were far beyond their reach.

   Don't talk about one-on-one, even if the two of them team up, there is no chance.

  However, since they are all here, it is impossible to suddenly say no, the cameras on both sides are filming.

  So they nodded in unison.

  Two people go together, more or less can share some.

  However, things did not develop as they thought. The two of them joined forces to fight against Qian Quan, but still failed to catch Qian Quan's move.

   At the moment of the shot, the two of them were held by Qian Quan's chest, pushed them flying, and fell firmly to the ground, making their chests feel cold.

  At that moment, the three international students realized that what Qian Quan said in the video was not bragging or hype, but a fact.

  They analyzed Qian Quan's strength from the previous video and got completely wrong information.

  They find themselves underestimating money and power a lot.

  Qian Quan is 100 times more terrifying than they imagined.

  Although they came aggressively and left in despair, they got this important information.

  They want to share this information with other compatriots as soon as possible.

   Next, they still have to wait silently for Qian Quan to upload the video of their defeat, and be mentally prepared for the overwhelming attack of cynicism from the entire Internet.

   But, they didn't wait.

  Qian Quan did not upload the video of this private discussion on the Internet.


  He is afraid of exposing himself?

   Still don't care about this competition at all?

   Soon after, another video about Qian Quan was quietly circulated on the Internet.

  That is the video of him participating in the final of the Zhonghai City Freshman Hands-on Competition and finally winning the championship.

  It seems that he is not afraid of exposing his strength.

  (end of this chapter)