MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 144 Future 'free market'

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  Chapter 144 Future 'Free Trade Market'

   "I'm back! Come and taste the food I just ordered. The food here [Baichuan Restaurant] tastes better than the [Baichuan Restaurant] in Xianyang."

   "Of course, this is the headquarters of [Baichuan Restaurant] after all, and Xianyang is just a branch."

   On the third floor of the headquarters of Baichuan Restaurant, the businessman "Feng Huan", who was enjoying the food while blowing on the heater, was taken aback when he heard what his friend "Qian Tongyu" said.

  But then he saw a trace of helplessness on his face, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "I really didn't expect that our Daqin Lord Shengping is actually a good businessman."

  In fact, when I was in Xianyang before, some people had guessed that [Baichuan Restaurant] might have something to do with Mr. Shengping, but no one had any evidence at that time.

  But now with the appearance of this [Baichuan Restaurant·Headquarters], all previous speculations have been confirmed.

  And the current booming business of this [Baichuan Restaurant·Headquarters] also proves this point.

After all, given the remote location of this [Baichuan Restaurant·Headquarters] and the high consumer prices, if it weren't for the relationship between this place and Mr. Shengping, it would be impossible for all businessmen to rest here, and all of them opened above the third floor. Room.

  Even based on Feng Huan's current experience, the environment here is really worth the money.

  However, what Feng Huan couldn't understand was that Mr. Sheng Ping spent so much effort, he couldn't just get them here and make them a fortune!

   "Heh~~ He's not just a good player, our Lord Shengping of the Qin Kingdom is simply a genius when it comes to business."

  Hearing Feng Huan's words, Qian Tongyu sneered, then walked in front of him, and said mysteriously: "Do you know what news I found out when I went out this time?"

"what news?"

"Didn't you wonder why ordinary people in Gunshan County can set up roadside stalls to trade at will? Now let me tell you, it is because Mr. Shengping revised the commercial law of Hanzhong County. In today's Hanzhong, anyone Merchants who come here only need to pay a quarter of the tax, and they can conduct business transactions here freely."



  Feng Huan stood up suddenly and turned over the chair directly, but he didn't care at all. Instead, his eyes widened, and he looked at Qian Tongyu in shock and said, "Are you serious?"

Qian Tongyu grinned and said, "Hey~~Of course it's true. Now the news has spread throughout Hanzhong, and even many outside businessmen have received the news. I'm afraid it won't be long before a large number of businessmen come from Came over from outside."

  Feng Huan couldn't help shaking his hands when he heard this, both because of shock and excitement.

The shock was because Feng Huan never expected that this Lord Shengping would be so courageous. Although the other party was the real lord of Hanzhong County, the revision of the Commercial Tax Law was almost a direct rejection of the national policy stipulated in the Shangjun Reform Law. .

  Even if this method can only be implemented in Hanzhong, it is enough to bring turmoil to the entire Qin State.

  I am excited because if the news is true, then the whole of Hanzhong will probably become a merchant's paradise. For Feng Huan, who was born in a merchant's family, this is undoubtedly an unprecedented opportunity.

  What is the biggest restriction on businessmen in the state of Qin today?



   Or cheap?



  The biggest restriction of the state of Qin on merchants today is the national policy implemented by the Shangjun Reform, which fundamentally cut off the possibility of the survival of merchants in the country.

  Although there are many high-ranking officials and nobles in Qin State who are doing business, in fact, even the shops opened by these high-ranking officials and nobles are basically in violation of the law.

   It's just that it is impossible for a country to have no merchants at all, so even Ying Zheng in the entire Qin country turned a blind eye to these things and turned a blind eye.

  In such an environment, the only way out for most merchants is to attach themselves to a certain noble or high-ranking official, and then under the protection of the other party, barely seek a little room for survival.

  But for this, the price these merchants paid was extremely huge.

  The commercial tax law implemented by Mr. Mo in Hanzhong requires almost 25% of the profits of these merchants to be collected as tax. Even if some land rent and customs duties are added, the tax may even reach 35%~40%.

   Is such a tax high?

  Natural high.

   But not particularly high.

  Because most of the merchants in Qin now have to pay 20% to 25% of the tax they have to pay when they are doing business.

   And after that, almost 50% of the profits will be handed over to those dignitaries and nobles who protect themselves.

in other words.

  Nowadays, many merchants who have no background in their own clans, and merchants who have worked hard for a year, only about 20 to 30% of the profits that can really be owned by themselves.

  This is the living environment of Qin merchants today.

  Originally, if there was no other choice, most merchants would accept the reality.

  But now, Mo Jun has opened up another better living environment for businessmen in Hanzhong County.

   One can imagine.

   Next, once this news spreads throughout Qin, what a shock it will cause.

   I am afraid that the merchants in the entire Qin State will be moved by the news, and by then, Hanzhong will be completely transformed into a paradise for merchants.

   A huge 'free market'.

   It's just that in this way, the pressure on Mo Jun will become even greater.



   Three days later.

  Many residents in Xianyang City suddenly discovered that many new restaurants and shops have opened in the city recently, and the newly opened restaurants and shops not only have a variety of dishes, but also many vegetables that Qin people have never heard of or seen before.

  More importantly, the cooking methods of these new dishes are also extremely rare, neither steamed, boiled, nor baked.

   But after a little tasting.

  Many people unexpectedly discovered that these dishes tasted good.

   But in comparison, the dish named [Baichuan Restaurant] tastes the best, and the taste, style, and service here are all first-class.

  The only disadvantage is probably that the price is a bit expensive.

in addition.

   There have always been rumors that the third floor of this [Baichuan Restaurant] is like spring all the year round, and the fourth floor is drunk and dreamy.

   It's just that most people have no chance to see this.

  After all, the starting price for the third floor is one gold coin, and the starting price for the fourth floor is five gold coins. Except for a few high-ranking officials and nobles who can afford such a price, ordinary people dare not even think about it.

  As the method of "stir-frying" gradually emerged in Xianyang, this cooking method finally spread to Xianyang Palace.

  The apse of Zhangtai Palace.

   Ying Zheng is not a picky person about food.

  Perhaps because of his childhood experience, most of the time, Yingzheng's food requirements are just to fill his stomach.

  However, today's dishes surprised Ying Zheng a little, not because of the taste, but because the ingredients themselves are so special that even Ying Zheng couldn't recognize them for a while.

   "Today's dishes seem to be different from usual?"

"Returning to the king, a cooking technique called 'stir-frying' has been circulating among the people recently, and there are also many vegetables that are said to come from exotic lands on the market, so I have the courage to ask Guanglu Temple to study some new dishes. Let the king and the people have fun together."

  A servant with a pale face and reddish hair lowered his head and bowed in response.

  Ying Zheng looked majestic, and didn't care about the servant's flattery, slightly surprised: "Fried vegetables? Exotic vegetables? Where do these vegetables come from? Who invented them?"

  The waiter bowed his head and said: "I don't know, but it is said that these vegetables and the skill of 'stir-frying' all come from Hanzhong County."

  Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly became strange when he heard the words: "Hanzhong? Could it be that these are Mo Qing's handwriting again?"

   This time Ying Zheng spoke in a very low voice, and the servants at the side couldn't hear him clearly, so he didn't dare to answer casually, so he could only respond in silence.

   And Ying Zheng obviously didn't care, but had another thing in mind.


   It seems that the memorials to impeach Mr. Mo have increased a lot.

  In fact, ever since Mr. Mo blatantly tore up the fig leaf of the grain tax of the counties and counties in the "Great Harvest of the World", the entire court of the Qin State has continued to impeach Mr. Mo.

  The reasons for impeachment are basically the same.

  What in Hanzhong County covered the sky with one hand, robbed people's land by force, and tampered with the law of grain taxation.

   It sounds like a lot of crimes.

  However, Ying Zheng opened a book of memorials, read it for a long time, thought about it, and found no evidence for these charges.

   Until later.

  He finally saw three words between the words:


  So in the end, Ying Zheng simply threw aside all the memorials to impeach Mr. Mo, without even looking at them.

  However, in the last few days, the amount of that pile of 'garbage' has suddenly increased a lot. Originally, Ying Zheng thought it was because of the previous food tax, so he didn't care.

  However, today I heard about 'fried vegetables' and 'exotic vegetables'.


  Ying Zheng suddenly had a premonition, did Mr. Mo come up with something new during this period of time?

   This is the end of the thought.

   Ying Zheng suddenly became curious.

   "Why don't you go to Hanzhong for a tour?"

  Speaking of which, since I became King Qin, I seem to have not relaxed for a long time. In addition to dealing with political affairs every day, I deal with political affairs.

   By contrast.

  Ying Zheng suddenly felt that Mo Jun's life seemed much more exciting than his own.

  And in the recent period, Ying Zheng also often got some news about Hanzhong through intelligence agencies. It seems that since Mo Jun went to Hanzhong, the whole Hanzhong has changed quite a lot.

   After the other [Qin Ping Avenue] was built, Ying Zheng himself hadn't seen it with his own eyes until now.

  An idea came to mind, and Ying Zheng's desire to go out for a parade in the palace became stronger and stronger.

   But this matter can't be made public, it can only be done quietly by him and Ge Nie.

   "You go back first!"

   Ying Zheng drove away the servant, but before leaving, Ying Zheng suddenly asked on a whim: "By the way, what's your name?"

  The servant quickly turned his head and said respectfully, "The name of this servant is Zhao Gao."


  (end of this chapter)