MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 153 awkward and disgusting

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  Chapter 153 Awkward and Disgusting

  The fact that Mr. Mo was ordered by the King of Qin to assist in the investigation because he was suspected of murdering his family, soon spread to the ears of the high-ranking nobles in Xianyang.

  Although there are quite a few high-ranking officials and nobles in the state of Qin who have enmity with Mr. Mo, the first reaction of the vast majority of people after hearing the news is not to be happy, but to be skeptical.

  Murder and destroy the family?

   Is Mo Jun to assist in the investigation on this matter?

   For that guy, things like this have long been commonplace, routine operations!


  Ting Wei Jin Youjun took his life as a pretext, and threw himself to death in front of Mo Jun.


   Having said that, do we understand it!


  Probably the true reaction of the vast majority of dignitaries and nobles who heard the news for the first time.


   And on the other side.

  Just after hearing the news that Mo Jun will be grounded, Hei Yu passed the news back to Hanzhong through Asuka.

   "Jun Shengping is suspected of murder and is now grounded?"

  Six Fingers Heixia and Fu Nian couldn't help showing a bit of astonishment on their increasingly mellow faces when they heard the news.

  The Mo family has always taken helping the world and saving the people as its mission. During this period of time, because of worrying about the snow disaster, Six Fingers Heixia has been living in Hanzhong [Mo House], the purpose is to be able to help him in time if Mr. Mo encounters troubles in disaster relief.

  The result was absolutely unexpected.

  The disaster victims are fine, but Mo Jun is in trouble.

"how so?"

   "Brother Mo Jun, are you okay! No, I'm going to Xianyang to find him."

   "Linger, don't be impulsive, adults just need to assist in the investigation now. Remember how I taught you? The more critical the moment is, the more we must remain calm."

  Jian Jiuyuan said in a deep voice.

  Since the news of Mo Jun's grounding was reported back to Hanzhong, all the core members under Mo Jun's command returned to Hanzhong [Mo Mansion] immediately.

  Xiong Da, Xiong Da, the three masters and apprentices of Yaogui, Jian Jiuyuan, Jian Linger, Yuenv, Zhuyeqing, Jiu Jianchi... more than a dozen people gathered together.

  Although when they first got the news, everyone panicked for a while.

  But many of the people under Mo Jun's command have seen the world, so after only a short period of panic, they quickly regained their composure and began to discuss countermeasures.

   "Who did your lord do it this time? The action was a little too rough, and it left such a big hole. By the way, who did your lord kill this time?"

  Suddenly, Zhuyeqing asked a word coldly.

  Hearing this, the rest of the people also looked at Xiong Da curiously, and facing everyone's gaze, Xiong Da was also full of dark lines.

   "You guys, do you have any misunderstanding of the character of the adults? This incident is really not the action of the adults."


  After Xiong Da finished speaking, everyone present widened their eyes, and they seemed to be more surprised than others.

  Even Fu Nian and Liuzhi Heixia could not believe what Xiong Da said.

   "So, is your lord being framed this time?"

   "According to the letter sent by Hei Yu, this time it should be done by Mr. Changping's lineage."

   "With the current reputation of Mr. Shengping, even if Mr. Changping wants to plant him, it may not be an easy task!" Fu Nian frowned and thought for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xiong Dao.

  Xiong Da took a look at Fu Nian, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, nodded and said: "Mr. Fu Nian is right, my lord is always cautious, and ordinary framing is of course useless."

   "But this time it's different, because this time the deceased was none other than the important minister of Qin State, Ting Wei "Jin Youjun" who had a small conflict with the adults before."

"And this time not only the whole family of the Jin family was wiped out, but even Jin Youjun himself was crashed to death in the Zhangtai Palace in front of the king of Qin and all civil and military officials, and before he died, what Jin Youjun shouted was the words of your lord." name."

   "It is precisely because of Jin Youjun's testimony before his death that he became the biggest suspect in this case."

  After listening to Xiong Da tell the whole process of the incident, the expressions of the rest of the people changed one after another, and only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter.

  The identity of the deceased is significant.

   And before he died, he personally identified the "murderer".

  Based on these two points alone, if the law is not strict in another country, or if the "murderer" this time is not Mo Jun, the case may have been closed by now.

   "In this way, the case is now full of witnesses, and the only thing that needs to be settled is the physical evidence." Six Fingers Heixia looked dignified and thought slowly.

Xiong Da nodded and said: "That's right, and this is exactly what we are worried about. Now that Your Excellency is confined in Xianyang [Mo Mansion], if someone takes advantage of this period of time to tamper with the physical evidence, Your Excellency will be in court. I am afraid that we will be completely passive."

   "So next, we must first do two things: the first is to find out the truth of the case, and the second is to prevent people from Mr. Changping's line from doing things secretly."

   "And both of these things require someone to go to Hadong County."

   "In the Mo Mansion, seniors Jian Jiuyuan and Yaogui need to sit in command. Now that the adults are not here, we must leave people to sit in the back to prevent the younger generation from taking advantage of the chaos to plot."

"And Xiong Er and I can't leave during this time, because the 'free trading market' established by the adults is still unstable, especially now that after the news of the adults being grounded, in recent days, many people came to Hanzhong The merchants have all started to make some small moves, so Xiong Er and I need to sit in charge here."

   "Therefore, I can only entrust you three to go to Hedong for investigation."

   At the end, General Xiong looked at Zhuyeqing, Jiujianchi, and Yuenv.

  Zhuyeqing, Jiu Jianchi, and Yuenv nodded and said, "We understand."

  Xiong Da threw a token to the three of them, and said: "After going to Hedong, if you encounter trouble, you can go to the [Xiong Chumo Chamber of Commerce] branch over there."

After Xiong Da slowly arranged the matter in an orderly manner, Six Fingers Heixia then said: "In this case, I will also help you. The old man will notify the Mohist disciples in Hedong County and help you find out the truth of this case as soon as possible. .”

  As soon as Liuzhi Heixia finished speaking, Fu Nian also continued to say: "I'm a bit of a scumbag in Confucianism. Afterwards, Fu Nian will write a letter, asking the Confucian disciples from Hedong to help Sheng Pingjun."

  Xiong Da was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect the two in front of him to be willing to take the initiative to help.

   "Thank you for your help."

   "It's okay, Mr. Shengping's merits are immeasurable. Now that we are framed by villains, even if we are people in the world, we should help. What's more, if Mr. Shengping is really killed because of this, it will be a loss for the whole world."




  【Mo Fu】.

   Just when the outside world was aroused by the investigation of Mr. Mo being grounded.

  At this moment, inside the [Mo Mansion], the years are quiet and peaceful.

  Mr. Mo was sitting by the lotus pond in the back garden of Xianyang [Mo Mansion], holding a fishing rod in his hand, with a calm face, showing no urgency of being 'in danger' at all.

   It may even be because he is in a good mood today that the number of times the fish bite the hook is much more frequent. After fishing for two hours today, there are already three small white stripes in the fish basket.

   "My lord, there is news from Hanzhong."

  A burst of black feathers fell, and the black feather figure suddenly appeared behind Mo Jun.

  Mr. Mo is currently grounded in [Mo Mansion], in principle, he cannot contact anyone, mainly to prevent the suspect from colluding with others before the case is heard.

   But that is only in principle.

  In fact, since Yingzheng did not imprison Mo Jun in accordance with the laws of the Great Qin, he had already acquiesced to the fact that he can communicate with the outside world.

  Mo Jun struggled to climb from a refugee to such a high position. for what? Isn't it just for the privilege!

"what news?"

   "It was reported by Xiong Da, saying that during this period of time, in the 'free trading market' over there in Hanzhong, many merchants began to conduct transactions secretly, without filing with the [Commercial Supervision Department]."

   "Heh! It really is a group of dogs that can't change the things that eat shit!"

  Mr. Mo smiled lightly and shook his head.

  When merchants in Hanzhong's "free trading market" conduct transactions, they need to take the initiative to file with the [Commercial Supervision Department], so as to facilitate the payment of commercial taxes.

  When Mo Jun was here before, this group of people were fairly honest.

  Now, Mr. Mo just showed a trace of 'decline', and this group of merchants started to make small moves without hesitation.

   "You asked Xiong Da to record all the names of these people first, and deal with them together after I go back."


   Kuroba responded.

  Then continued: "In addition, Xiong Da has sent Zhuyeqing, Jiujianchi, and Yuenv to Hedong to investigate the truth of the case of the 'Jin family extermination'. It is said that Liuzhi Heixia and Mr. Fu Nian also intervened."

   Jun Mo nodded and said, "Thank you Mr. Meng and Mr. Fu Nian for me."

   Seeing that Mo Jun didn't even mention the case of the "Jin Clan Extermination" in his words, and seemed to have no interest in this matter, Hei Yu couldn't help asking: "My lord, have you already guessed something?"

   "Guess what?"

   "The truth of this case."

  Mr. Mo shook his head, and said flatly: "No, on the contrary, this incident is the first time so far that I haven't caught the slightest clue."

  Mr. Mo did not lie. The extermination of Jin Youjun and the Jin family this time was the first time that Mr. Mo could not see through the inside story.

   Actually so far.

  Jin Youjun's case brought Mo Jun the greatest feeling not of danger, but an indescribable feeling of 'awkward' and 'disgusting'.

   If you have to describe it.

  Mr. Mo's current feeling is probably like walking on the road and suddenly stepping into a cesspit.

  Although a cesspit more than one meter deep cannot drown anyone, nor can it cause physical trauma, but Mo Jun's face is covered with feces, which is enough to psychologically make him unable to eat for several days.


  (end of this chapter)

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