MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 160 Changes brought about by merchants

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  Chapter 160 Changes brought about by merchants


   This word is not a good word nowadays.

  Ordinary people these days mostly spend as much money as they have, and there is no such thing as 'borrowing' or 'advancing consumption'.

  And the current loans are generally usury loans, and they are borrowed according to the method of nine out and thirteen returns.

  Once the borrower repays the loan.

  Maybe the whole family will have to pay.

   And this is why Ying Zheng frowned.

   Seeing Ying Zheng's expression, Mayor Tie obviously guessed what Ying Zheng was thinking, and asked, "Do you think 'loan' is not good?"


   Ying Zheng nodded, not hiding anything.

"Then you're wrong. It's hard to talk about loans from other places, but Mr. Shengping won't harm poor people like us. Even if it's the highest interest, the loan that Mr. Shengping lends to us commoners is only 30% in ten years." It's just profit."

   "Thirty percent profit in ten years?"

  Hearing Mayor Tie's words, Ying Zheng's expression softened a bit.

  If it is such an interest, it is indeed a very generous loan.

  After all, with this kind of interest, even if you borrow for ten years, you only need to repay one hundred and thirty big money in the end.

   But then Ying Zheng remembered another thing.

   "Did Mr. Shengping issue loans to the whole of Hanzhong? Where did he get so much money?"

   "It is said that Lord Shengping distributed the money with the taxes he collected in Hanzhong County."


  Ying Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered the large amount of commercial tax paid by Hanzhong County every month during this period.

Under normal circumstances.

  Qin merchants need to pay about 20% of the business tax, but Hanzhong, as Mo Jun’s fiefdom, only needs to pay 15% of the business tax, and the remaining 5% belongs to Mo Jun’s fief income.

  In the past, Yingzheng didn't pay much attention to Qin's business taxes, because Qin's business has not been developed since he succeeded to the throne.

However, since Mr. Mo opened up the "free trading market" in Hanzhong County, in the past few months, Hanzhong County has brought 200,000 to 400,000 gold coins to the Qin State treasury every month. income.

  When he first learned about this income, Ying Zheng himself was taken aback, and even had the idea of ​​changing the national policy of "emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business" in his heart.

   But later, the idea was still dead.

  However, Ying Zheng was very happy about the business tax revenue that Hanzhong County paid every month, but now after the reminder from Mayor Tie, Ying Zheng suddenly reacted.


  If Hanzhong pays 15% business tax every month, it would already have so much money.

  Then how much tax does Mo Jun himself collect?

  After all, Yingzheng is very clear that the business tax paid here in Hanzhong is not only 20%, depending on the specific situation, the total business tax paid by the merchants here is mostly around 30%.

in other words.

  Now the monthly commercial tax paid by Hanzhong County is only half of the total tax of Hanzhong County.

   This is the end of the thought.

   Ying Zheng woke up suddenly.

  Good guy, after a long time, is Hanzhong County already so rich?

But at this moment, Mayor Tie continued: "According to Mr. Shengping, this is called taking from the people and using it for the people. Money has value only in circulation. It's just that I don't care about these old people." I understand it too well."

   "And it's not just a loan. There are many things in Hanzhong that were built by Mr. Shengping with these taxes, just like the road you are walking on now."

  Gai Nie folded his arms and saluted, and said, "May I ask Mayor Tie, where does this road lead to?"

"This road leads directly to [Shengping Town], which is the center of the free trade market. According to the announcement from Mr. Shengping, this road has not yet been completed. The entire plan of Mr. Shengping is to use the city of Qunshan County As the center, this kind of cement road will connect all the counties in Hanzhong County."

  While leading the crowd forward, Mayor Tie explained: "When all these roads are completed, it will be more convenient for businessmen who come to Hanzhong to do business in the future."

  After hearing this, Ying Zheng couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Is the use of these merchants really so great?"

  Although Ying Zheng and Huang Huan had a good chat just now, in fact Ying Zheng doesn't think much of merchants. In this era, even as a king, Ying Zheng's thinking will inevitably be affected by some eras.

   "Merchants are not very useful, and this old man can't say well. But the iron stone town under the old man's feet is indeed rich because of the merchants from outside."

Speaking of this, Mayor Tie also had a flash of memory in his eyes, and sighed: "When this was still Tieshi Village, the villagers basically didn't even eat because of the exploitation of the landlords and nobles above them, as well as the occasional natural disasters. Not full."

"Later, after Mr. Shengping came, he distributed new grains to us, arranged a lot of new jobs, and cut down all those unscrupulous landlords. The life in the village improved a lot, but it's not as good as it is now. The point of being rich."

  “Because there was not much arable land near the village at that time, there was a large piece of land under which a kind of hard iron-like stone grew.”

   "Until later."

   "After Mr. Sheng Ping announced the opening of the 'free trading market', a large number of businessmen began to often come to our village to rest."

"After a long time, some people in the village started to imitate the city and opened an inn. They didn't expect to make a lot of money at once. Then other people began to follow suit. Slowly, more and more businessmen came here to rest. More and more."

   "The people from several nearby villages saw that there was an opportunity to make money here, so many of them came and opened restaurants and inns outside the village and started business."

   "Then more and more people gathered in Tieshi Village..."

   "In the end, the current 'Iron Stone Town' was gradually formed."

   As he spoke, Mayor Tie stopped suddenly, and then changed the topic: "Here we are, this is the best inn in this town."

   At this point.

   Only then did Ying Zheng discover that the three of them had been brought to the door of a bright inn by Mayor Tie without knowing it.

   A little bit of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

   Immediately, Ying Zheng shook his head dumbfounded and said, "No wonder Mayor Tie is so gracious when Zhao came here for the first time. It turns out that he is here to attract guests to your place!"

Mayor Tie squinted his old eyes, smiled like a fox, and said, "You guys know that you are extravagant at a glance. If someone in the town has no eyesight and takes the three of you to some inn that doesn't meet your status, wouldn't it be negligent? Are you a distinguished guest?"

   "Don't worry, you guys. Although the inn in the small town may not be as good as the big city outside, it will definitely satisfy the three of you."

"Besides this inn, there is our unique 'bath sauna' in Hanzhong. In the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, before going to bed, go there to take a hot bath and rub your back. Oh day!"

Ying Zheng did not reject Mayor Tie's 'kindness' either, and responded to his compliment, saying: "Really? Then I will definitely try the 'bathing sauna' that Mayor Tie praised so much later. What is it? what does it feel like."

  Mayor Tie immediately smiled and cupped his hands when he heard the words: "It's getting late, I won't bother you guys to rest, I'll leave."

   "Mayor Tie, please stay."

Just as Mayor Tie was about to leave, Ying Zheng suddenly called him to stop, then pointed to a pinch of black smoke rising into the sky in the distance, and said, "Please ask me, what happened to the black smoke over there?" Something? Zhao has already seen the black smoke over there before, could it be that there is a fire over there?"

Mayor Tie glanced in the direction of Yingzheng's finger, and said with a smile, "That's the [iron smelting plant] that Mr. Shengping built in our town, or how can you say that Mr. Shengping is very human! Before Didn't the old man say that there used to be a large piece of soil in Iron Stone Village that was full of iron stones!"

   "This kind of 'iron stone' has been in Iron Stone Village for decades, and the whole village doesn't take it seriously, and even dislikes it very much."

   "As a result, Mr. Shengping's people came only once, and discovered that there was an 'iron mine' buried under the ground. The black smoke was produced by Mr. Shengping's digging and smelting of iron ore."

  Ying Zheng nodded suddenly, and said, "So that's the case, I'm bothering Mayor Tie."

Regarding iron smelting, Ying Zheng vaguely remembered that Mo Jun had mentioned it to him once, but according to Mo Jun himself, the existing iron smelting technology is immature, and most of the smelted iron can only be used to make farm tools and iron pots , plowshares... and other daily necessities.

  Cannot be used in the military.

  So Ying Zheng didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the mainstream weapon in Qin State is still bronze.

   "It's okay, the old man will leave."

   Mayor Tie bowed his hands towards Ying Zheng, then turned and left.

  The three of Ying Zheng also walked into the inn.

  The cost of this inn is indeed not low. Just staying for one night requires 20 yuan, almost half a stone of food.

   But this kind of consumption is obviously nothing to the three of Ying Zheng.

  The three of them opened three rooms.

  Yingzheng lives in the middle, while Gai Nie and Zhao Gao live on both sides, so that they can protect Yingzheng at any time.

  The environment of the inn is really not bad.

   Even compared with some inns in Xianyang capital, it is not inferior at all.

  The beds in the room are all heated from the outside.

  Futons are also brand new.

  Even in such a cold winter, sleeping in the room, I will not feel cold at all.

  However, lying on the bed, Ying Zheng found that he could not fall asleep, because as soon as he closed his eyes, what he had seen and heard outside of Hanzhong in the past few days would automatically appear in his mind.

   Then subconsciously, I will start to compare the situation in other places with Hanzhong.

  The results needless to say.

   Not to mention that the area north of the Qinling Mountains is still suffering from snowstorms.

  Even without this year's heavy snowstorm, apart from the capital city of Xianyang, there is basically no place in the counties and counties of Qin State outside Hanzhong that can compare with this "iron stone town" in Hanzhong.

  Even in Xianyang, apart from those relatively prosperous urban areas, other areas may not be stronger than Hanzhong.

  Since entering Hanzhong,

  Ying Zheng has always felt that compared with the outside world, Hanzhong County today is like a paradise, which seems out of place.

  The ordinary people here are living the "peace and prosperity" that Ying Zheng has always dreamed of.

   And all this.

   But Mo Jun only spent a year to achieve it.

   It is naturally impossible for Ying Zheng to feel jealous or jealous towards Mo Jun just because of these.

   After all, as the later "Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages", Yingzheng is not so tolerant.

   What he is worried about now is mainly because of the source of this change in Hanzhong.

   "It's just a group of merchants, do they really have such great ability?"


  (end of this chapter)

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