MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 218 sorry, no tension

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  Chapter 218 I'm sorry, I didn't hold back

  Kuroba picked up the broken water and took a look.

   "Good sword."

   "It is indeed a good sword."

  Zhuyeqing agreed, and then changed the topic: "But now it's ours."

   "Give it to an adult, he will be very happy."

   "Heh~ With the character of an adult, he will be very happy whenever he sees [Trap] being unlucky."

  As if thinking of the character of her adult, Zhuyeqing also shook her head helplessly.

  In the current era, great people generally pay attention to big minds, have the opportunity to contain the universe, and have the ambition to swallow everything. However, the one they are loyal to has no such self-knowledge at all. Not only does he boast of being 'small-minded', but he also sounds quite proud of this in his tone.

  It's really a bit... eclectic.

  However, they, the followers of the Mo House, don't really dislike this.

   "Yeah! Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I left this time, hurry up and solve the tasks here, we should go home too..."

   At the end, Kuroba couldn't help but pause.


   This is really an unfamiliar word.

Even Hei Yu himself didn't know why such a word popped out of his mouth for a while. After all, for a Hei Yu who was absorbed into night training since childhood and grew up to become a killer, this word is no longer "unfamiliar". , but does not exist in consciousness at all.

   And Zhuyeqing was also stunned for a moment, she didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky compared to Heiyu, because in her memory she once had the concept of 'home'.

   But I haven’t heard this word for a long time now.

   "Complete the task first!"

  This time, Zhuyeqing didn't agree with Heiyu, and after leaving a word, she jumped off the roof, and then, like a slender and concealed poisonous snake, quickly approached the nearest battlefield.

  Tianze alone is not completely at a disadvantage against Shangbai. Tianze's martial arts are not weak. Although he is Wang Zhou, he is very talented and proficient in Baiyue witchcraft.

  But at this moment, his opponent is stronger, whether it is internal strength or external strength, they are far more than Tianze.

The reason.

   It's not because Bai Yifei has better talent, nor is it because Bai Yifei works harder.

   But because the other party is older.

  Bai Yifei practiced a very special martial art called "Bat Blood Art", which was the secret art practiced by hidden bats later.

  Every time you kill a person and drink all the blood in your body, your skill will improve by one point.

  However, compared to the appearance of neither human nor ghost that the hidden bat cultivated, Bai Yifei's cultivation method is more harsh, but at the same time, the side effects are also lower.

  Cryptobats are never picky when they **** blood, but Bai Yifei only **** the blood of pure girls who are virgins in order to ensure the purity of the blood he drinks.


  Bai Yifei also spent a huge cost to cultivate a special "Gu King" and transplanted it on his body. This Gu King can greatly weaken the side effects of "Bat Blood Technique" and keep him youthful forever.

  So although it looks like Bai Yifei is only in his twenties or thirties on the surface, in fact, he is probably the only one who knows how old he is.

  The only thing that is certain is that Bai Yifei's cultivation time is at least ten to twenty years longer than Tianze's.


  Bai Yifei held a pair of bat-shaped red and white double swords, easily and calmly pushed aside the snake skull chains that Tianze manipulated, and then manipulated the cold air to attack in reverse, freezing the six chains in midair in an instant.

   "Damn it!"

When the chains were frozen, Tianze immediately mobilized the black mist to shatter the ice, but at the moment when the ice shattered, Bai Yifei caught a loophole, suddenly passed through the defense of the six chains, and quickly moved towards Amasawa is approaching.

   Tianze cursed in a low voice, and then quickly manipulated the chains to return to defense. Two of the chains were wrapped around his arms, and he forcibly shook the red and white swords.


   Sparks are flying.

  The deep inner force carried by the red and white swords directly shook Tianze back, causing Tianze to groan uncontrollably, and the injuries he suffered before were aggravated again.

  After that, Bai Yifei followed up again, and the long sword went straight to Tianze's throat.

Tianze had no choice but to forcibly use his internal force to manipulate the chains to set up a defense, but because of the aggravated internal injuries caused by the blow just now, Tianze's reaction was a little slower, and he could only watch helplessly as Bai Yifei's long sword pierced through the defense... ····

   At this critical juncture.


  A sword light suddenly appeared.

  The sword energy coming from the side made Bai Yifei raise his eyebrows, and subconsciously condensed ice vines to defend, but facing the incoming sword light, these ice vines were instantly defeated.

   As a last resort.

  Bai Yifei had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​continuing to attack Tianze, and swung his sword across to defend in front of him.


  A slender sharp sword was blocked by the white sword, and Bai Yifei swung the red sword backhand, but the attacker avoided the sword with a nimble backflip and landed in front of Tianze.

   "Are you okay?" Zhuyeqing asked.

   "Fortunately, I can't die." Tian Ze stood up and replied.

  With Zhuyeqing's sword that Bai Yifei attacked at the moment, Tianze finally got a moment of respite.

   On the opposite side at this moment, Bai Yifei first glanced at the sword mark on the edge of the white sword in his hand, which was cut by Zhuyeqing's sword just now, and then turned his head to look at the fallen 'Duan Shui' on the roof, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

   "It's really surprising. As a woman, it's really rare for you to be able to cultivate your swordsmanship to this level."

  Bai Yifei looked at Zhuyeqing who was facing him. Although Zhuyeqing still had two hideous scars on his face at this time, it was still difficult to hide his beautiful face.

  So Bai Yifei became somewhat interested in Zhuyeqing, and said:

   "I can give you a chance, be loyal to me, and I can give you a way out."


"What did you say?"

this moment.

  The air seemed to be quiet.

  Speaking of it, Zhuyeqing's personality can be regarded as relatively strict, but this time it is true and a little unrestrained.

  Zhuyeqing looked at the other side with a calm expression, but there was always a faint feigned Bai Yifei in his gestures, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably and said:

   "Although I was a bit reluctant when I joined that person's command at the beginning. But you don't think you will be more attractive than that person, do you? No? No?"

   This is the first time that Zhuyeqing didn't understand the opponent's operation so far.

   Speaking of recruiting others, don’t you generally need to offer better conditions? How can anyone use worse conditions to solicit others.

Although Zhuyeqing was indeed forced to join Mo Jun's command at the beginning, but after getting along for such a long time, even Zhuyeqing has to admit that in the whole world, men who can be compared with him really have one hand. I can count them.

   By contrast.

  The blood-clothed prince in front of him—Bai Yifei, although his status and abilities are not bad, but if he wants to compare with the current Mo Jun, he is completely in the sky and in the earth.

  Although the two of them are both princes and marquises on the surface.

  But one is the marquis of the weakest country...even a country that is about to perish.

  The other is the prince of the strongest country.

   And one was promoted to Marquis because he could only be promoted to Marquis. And the other was promoted to the monarch because the highest title is only the monarch.

  Under such circumstances, Zhuyeqing couldn't figure out why Bai Yifei recruited herself.

   Because of his age?

   Or because he can **** blood?


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion