MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 113 [Young People Really Play] Sweet Little Daily Outings 2

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Milan is a paradise full of a strong sense of the times and art. There are not many high-rise buildings that are particularly urbanized. Many streets are even green brick roads. They shuttle between streets and alleys, and even slow time Feeling down.

As a rising artist, Chu Hang has naturally come to Milan many times, but every time he comes to work, almost never like now, letting go of everything and holding his lover ’s hand, diffuse It is so casual to walk on the street.

Originally, he was a bit lenient. After all, the domestic climate is still relatively conservative. Even though there is much tolerance for homosexuals, many people still wear colored glasses. So even if he was abroad, he hardly ever walked with Lu Chenghan holding hands like this.

But who let another pair of young men be too open, especially the Lu Xiaoning, who could not wait to become a conjoined baby with Lu Chenghe. Walk well on the road, even if you hold hands, you still have to be satisfied. Lu Chenghe is on his back. He is lying on Lu Chenghe's back with water in his hand, and he drinks from time to time and feeds Lu Chenghe. And Lu Chenghe relied on him in this way, and didn't care about passersby's eyes.

Compared to the carelessness of that pair, he suddenly felt that holding hands in this way was actually not much of a problem. Especially when he took Lu Chenghan's hand, he clearly felt that he was holding his strength and couldn't help but smile. I'm afraid Cheng Han is thinking very much, just restrained for his own sake.

I was wondering if I should let go of it again. Since I ’m going to play, I have to enjoy it as well as I did. I saw Lu Xiaoning lying on the back of Lu Chenghe and waved back at them: "Big brother, big brother, do you want to eat Something? There is kebab in front of me! "

Eating kebabs on the streets of Milan, I'm afraid only Zuo Ning can do it.

Seeing that Lu Ning had already jumped off Lu Chenghe's back and dragged him to the front to buy it. The two did not say anything, walked slowly, and then was stuffed with a kebab. It smells pretty fragrant. It's been a whole morning and I'm really hungry.

Zuo Ning blew the kebab. After it was not so hot, he took a sip and nodded again and again to Lu Chenghe: "Although the spicy taste is not that heavy, it is delicious!"

Lu Chenghe took a paper towel and wiped his mouth. "As long as you can eat, there is nothing bad!"

Zuo Ning bite a piece of meat from the wood bore, then slightly pad his toes, and leaned his head to send the meat in his mouth to Lu Chenghe's mouth.

Lu Chenghe turned around and left, Zuo Ning held him: "Uh huh !!!"

Zuo Ning grabbed Lu Chenghe's neck, pressed his head stiffly, stuffed the meat in his mouth into Lu Chenghe's mouth, and smiled proudly: "Eat fast, let me give You tried poison. "

In the presence of his elder brother, Lu Chenghe, who has never done such a thing, put up a slap in the head of the little pudding, and he did not stop for a moment. But the meat that was fed into the mouth was still eaten, so he wouldn't spit it out, otherwise maybe the little pudding would have to toss him.

After seeing the whole two in the back, Lu Chenghan looked at the kebabs in his hands with a bit of sorrow. Chu Hang smiled with joy. The young people now are really interesting.

Milan has the most clothing and churches. Whether it's a world-renowned church or a small chapel on the street that can't be named, it looks extra special. In particular, the church is full of various murals and statues, dazzling and fascinating. Even if you don't understand anything, you can feel a very emotional mood.

However, these things are too deep for Zuo Ning. He is a semi-illiterate man who did n’t finish reading at a university and did n’t recognize all the characters. It ’s better to let him sit on the roadside. A few more strings come true.

However, Chu Hang was very interested in these artistic things, so they played separately according to the original plan.

But when you come to this country full of Renaissance atmosphere, in addition to watching or watching, when it comes to delicious, in fact, there are really not many, even if there are, most of them do not meet the taste of the Chinese. In particular, the various recommended strategies on the Internet are really not good to eat, and sometimes they are not as good as those in some small streets.

But these are not important anymore. What's important is that since he separated from Chu Hang, Lu Chenghe let him take charge of the tour himself. In other words, he has to decide where to go, what he has to eat, look at the map himself, ask the way himself, and all he has to do to buy things is to speak for himself.

In Italy, the majority of English-speaking tourists are tourists. The native English is not very good. They seem to be more inclined to French. And Zuo Ning himself is a dumb English, and it was all picked up by him later, but he let him talk to people fluently. In fact, it is not impossible. It is not dare. I always think that if I speak too accent It will be laughed at.

However, no matter how he embarrassed Cheng Chenghe, Lu Chenghe said that he wouldn't open his mouth if he didn't speak.

After jumping one word at a time, word by word, getting more and more proficient at the back, and then successfully asking the right way from the mouth of a local foreign student, Zuo Ning threw himself to Lu Chenghe with excitement: "I'm terrific! Yes It ’s not that special! Even if we are lost, I can ask someone there to find the way back to the hotel! "

Lu Chenghe smiled and said, "Well said, isn't it easy?"

Zuo Ning's proud tail was about to twitch, and he pulled Cheng He's hand over the streets and lanes. Played until it was dark before I was willing to return to the hotel.

There is a small circle of highways at the door of the hotel. Zuo Ning and Lu Chenghe slowly came up. Zuo Ning was clamoring to back Lu Chenghe. Lu Chenghe said he didn't believe his small body, but couldn't hold back his face. Lie on his back.

Zuo Ning feels that as a man, he can carry people back, and Lu Chenghe looks very shapely. He is not fat and thin, and it is a golden proportion. Even heavier than him, he must not be heavier. However, the imagination is beautiful, the reality is that he couldn't even stand up when he landed on his back.

Lu Chenghe watched him struggling there and smirked: "You can exercise for a few years before you come back."

Zuo Ning squatted on the ground, grabbing Cheng Cheng's hand to prevent him from getting up: "I'll try again, don't move!"

After Zuo Ning finished speaking, he made a sudden force and carried Lu Chenghe back. After exhaling proudly, "How about, look down on me!"

Lu Chenghe chuckled, he hasn't been carried by anyone, especially this apparently thin small body: "Then you have to walk stably, this uphill road is very difficult and easy to fall."

Zuo Ning hummed, "Relax, even if you fall, I'm holding you underneath!"

Lu Chenghe smiled, and said a fool secretly, he was about to fall, and he could not fall on the little pudding.

Seeing the strength of the little pudding carrying his back, Lu Chenghe went with him, watching the shadow cast by the street lamp stretch into a strip, Lu Chenghe smiled and said, "I will not be like this until you grow up. It's hard, but I'm afraid you won't be happy at that time. "

Zuo Ning sucked his nose and gasped, "I'm grown up, don't always look at me as a child, I can move you on my back, and for another ten or twenty years, I can do the same Carry you! "

"Little pudding."

Zuo Ning said, it's not easy to go uphill with a person. But if the man says something, pour out the water. The main reason is that Lu Chenghe's legs are too long. He must work very hard, otherwise his feet will directly touch the ground.

Lu Chenghe laughed: "Okay, let me carry you."

Zuo Ning quickly put Lu Chenghe down when he heard this, but this is the first time that Lu Chenghe has offered to betray him! It was not his own request that he jumped on Lu Chenghe's back.

Seeing the pudding's eagerness, Lu Chenghe couldn't help laughing, but still squatted down to allow the pudding to lie on his back. Compared to the little pudding who had just stood up, Lu Chenghe couldn't see the effort with the person on his back.

Zuo Ning climbed up to Lu Chenghe's ear and said, "This is the first time you have taken the initiative to memorize me! I want to write down today as our anniversary!"

"Isn't there a lot of anniversaries that you write down? I'm afraid that 365 days a year is not enough for you."

The two gradually walked from the slightly dim street lights to the hotel's entrance. There was a large fountain at the entrance. The spotlights projected from the pool, shining the thin water flowing from the entrance of the fountain. Eye-catching.

When he came to the light, he saw that he was about to enter the hotel. Zuo Ning quickly said, "Cheng He, wait a moment."

Lu Chenghe turned back slightly: "What's wrong?"

Zuo Ning grabbed his neck and climbed up, then half of his body reached his head, so he lay on Lu Chenghe's back and kissed his lips directly.

Lu Chenghan, who was carrying a red hair dryer on the balcony, saw everything. From then on, Lu Ning wanted to carry Lu Chenghe for a long time and couldn't carry it for a long time until they stood kissing at the fountain in front of the hotel. Overwhelmed. Today's young people need to use such a difficult posture for a kiss, tossing about blindly.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Lu Chenghan looked back and saw Chu Hang just came out of the bath, took a sip of the red wine in the glass and drank it. He closed the door and closed the curtains. He pulled Chu Hang aside and pushed him Squeezed up after bed.