MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 54 [Pudding Brand Dog Biscuits] It's a dog blood to come home to meet him

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What does it feel like when the entire world feels like itself, Zuo Ning, who has slumped on the carpet into a pool of mud and completely integrated with the carpet, can tell you that it is comfortable and really comfortable. It feels like the guests at home have gone, and finally no longer need to take a stance, it takes a second to show its original shape, and completely frees itself.

When Lu Chenghe passed by the living room, he saw the little pudding lying on the rug, and his short legs were still on the coffee table. His twisted posture was really hot eyes.

Zuo Ning looked for a voice and turned his head: "Ang?"

"Put your little legs down."

Zuo Ning glanced at his long slender legs, then turned his head and continued to watch TV, he ignored nothing. His legs are so long that he must not be talking to him just now.

Seeing that he pretended not to hear, Lu Chenghe no longer ignored him, took a plate and walked into the side hall to sit down. The sun in the side hall was bright, and the deep winter sun matched the floor heating in the room. It was an extremely enjoyable thing to wear a thin sweater and read a book on the sofa.

Pick up the small knife on the table and cut the kiwi in the plate. The crisp sound when the blade touched the porcelain plate brought Zuo Ning, who was addicted to the TV series, to God, turned his head to see what Lu Chenghe was doing As a result, when he saw that he was eating fruit, he quickly put down his slender beautiful legs, and the fart climbed up, and trot to Lu Chenghe in three or two steps: "Wang!" You should eat alone!

Lu Chenghe didn't look at him either. He picked up the spoon on the plate, picked up the halved kiwi, took a spoon and ate it into his mouth. There was a touch of tartness in the sweetness, and the taste was very good.

Zuo Ning's claws dangled in Lu Chenghe's thigh and looked at him with his head: "Wang!" Mine!

Lu Chenghe lowered his eyes and looked at him: "I just talked to you and you pretended not to hear. Now I want to eat, it's late."

Seeing that Lu Chenghe didn't feed himself, Zuo Ning jumped directly onto the sofa, and when he was on the sofa, he was almost as high as Lu Chenghe, and then rushed to him and intended to grab it.

Of course, Lu Chenghe wouldn't let him grab it, and he stopped him directly on the sofa. Zuo Ning was pulled like a turtle by Lu Chenghe's four claws. Although he really wanted to resist, it was easy to get up. After all, nearly fifty pounds of meat was not white. But Lu Chenghe was obviously playing with him, and he simply turned over and put Lu Chenghe's hand in his mouth.

Lu Chenghe backhandedly squeezed his mouth: "When did I apply some poison on my hand, so that you would never open your mouth with a long memory."


"Want to eat?"

Zuo Ning sat down for a second and obediently waited for feeding.

Lu Chenghe squeezed his ears: "Move your ears."

Zuo Ning's obedient ears trembled, and then one ear went forward and one ear went backwards. This is his new lighting skill. He posted a video on Weibo two days ago, and then attracted many cute pet bloggers to compete. Following the example, Hot Search even entered the top ten. Now the little netizens in the cute pet circle will not move their ears and will not sell cute.

Lu Chenghe picked up the spoon and fed him a sip. This kiwi is not the kind that is ripe to sweet. The crispy texture is a little bit sour, so Zuo Ning took a bite, and the sour eyes were all together. Compared to this slightly sour taste, he prefers particularly sweet and sweet.

After taking a bite, I was disgusted, and turned away.

How could Lu Chenghe not know his preferences, but he just wanted to see the little expression of his sour food. Now that the bad taste is as expected, he cuts another one thoroughly cooked: "Little pudding, this is super sweet, really. "

Zuo Ning looked suspiciously at Lu Chenghe, and saw that Lu Chenghe took a spoon and looked darker and softer than the previous color, so he ran a few steps and turned back.

But Lu Chenghe said: "Congratulations, see if I forgot to teach you the other day."

Just know! I knew this man wouldn't feed him directly so well! This has happened countless times since the two of them lived here. And Lu Chenghe is almost like the joy of pet-raising, and always allows him to perform some 'talent' to satisfy his appetite.

However, there are no outsiders here, so let ’s perform. Just do the shameful thing. It ’s better to humiliate by closing the door than outside. So Zuo Ningshun's intention of landing Cheng He stood up, and his claws were folded: "Wang!"

Lu Chenghe hugged the little pudding and kissed him on the forehead: "The little pudding is so smart." Then he picked up a spoonful of kiwi and fed it into his mouth.

If you wish to eat the sweet kiwi, Zuo Ning was so tired in Lu Chenghe's arms until he finished eating the whole. Lu Chenghe picked up the cut sour and asked him: "Are you still eating?"

Zuo Ning drilled down directly from him, ran back to the living room without looking back, and continued to indulge in the TV series.

Lu Chenghe, who looked at the simple little back, couldn't help laughing, but he didn't waste the kiwi with sour, but instead took the kitchen's special ingredients to make a milkshake. Knocking on the dog bowl of the milkshake, Lu Chenghe looked at the little pudding who was lying on the carpet again: "Drink the milkshake?"

As soon as the voice fell, a small cannonball rushed over. Lu Chenghe smiled and hugged the little marshmallows, watching Xiao Meng who licked his milkshake quickly with his little tongue out, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never stopped.

Although there are some things that were prepared specially at home, all the things that should be eaten in these days are almost the same, and some fresh vegetables must have been consumed. Lu Chenghe thought that because the snow outside had not melted these days, this villa area is not suitable for morning jogging. The little pudding has been closed for several days. He can only happily happily in the house every day, so I do n’t know if it is stuffy. I didn't plan to send anything, but took the little pudding to the supermarket by myself.

Although he was always waiting for a bunch of people around him, he didn't need to speak at all, and the things he needed could be delivered to his hands, but he still had the ability to take care of himself. When he was studying abroad, he was also a person who managed his own life, and this long-lost life experience kept him happy.

Except for the last time that Lu Chenghe took him to the mall to buy toys, Zuo Ning had not lived with him in such a way of life at home. Until the car drove to the parking lot, Zuo Ning was in an excited state. Shopping in the supermarket 诶, one of those must-have items for cohabiting young couples.

Before he jumped out of the car, Lu Chenghe hugged him. The ground is covered with snow. Even in the parking lot, there is a lot of mud brought in by the wheels. The white hair is dirty and you have to take a bath when you go back.

Zuo Ning thought he would be stopped, after all, he had never seen anyone bring a dog into a supermarket. But until he was put into the shopping cart by Lu Chenghe, no one stopped him. Zuo Ning picked up in the car, his excited tail swayed, looking at the dazzling array of goods, anxious to grab them in the car.

Lu Chenghe pushed him towards the fresh area, and as soon as he walked over, the little pudding stretched his paw in one direction. Pushing the car in his direction, he saw a large fish tank with a lot of fresh shrimp.

"You want to play?"

Zuo Ning looked at Cheng He with a contemptuous glance: "Wang Wang!"

Not to play but to eat, Lu Chenghe touched his dog's head, pushed the car and was ready to leave: "I won't do this thing. I will let the cook do it for you when I go home."

After hearing Lu Chenghe's words, Zuo Ning was naturally not troubled, although he really wanted to eat spicy shrimp, but even if Lu Chenghe would do it, he could not make it for him, so he could only put his two claws on the edge of the car cage His head rested on his paw, and the look of the shrimp was almost the same as that of the little girlfriend who was about to separate.

Lu Chenghe, who looked reluctantly, couldn't bear it for a while, thinking about raising a little pudding for so long. Only when he was a kid, he had a problem with his stomach due to eating too much. Then, he turned back and asked the supermarket staff to load it up a bit. He is too complicated to do it, but it's ok to steam and boil. Just giving a few puddings should be fine.

Zuo Ning saw that Lu Chenghe had changed his mind and usually packed him shrimps. He was happy to stand up in the car and hug him, but was pressed by Lu Chenghe: "Don't move, be careful."

Zuo Ning shook his tail and watched the staff member load the shrimp, and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Lu Chenghe shook his head. Child Mao, she was indeed a child.

After buying the shrimp, I picked a few fresh-looking vegetables, but when I passed the snack area, Lu Chenghe was able to see the pudding's bear nature. He grabbed a claw out of the little pudding, and Lu Chenghe looked at him with a serious expression: "No, this is not what you eat."

Zuo Ningyun looked at Lu Chenghe, beef jerky is not allowed, chicken wings and claws are not allowed, why not even sandwich cookies! It's not allowed, it's not allowed, what supermarket is he brought to!

The box of cookies that was held in his arms by the little pudding was finally pulled out and put back on the shelf. Lu Chenghe nodded his nose: "You will get sick if you eat these things. This is not a good thing."

Zuo Ning snorted and turned his head away from looking at Lu Chenghe. Of course, he knew that those were not good things. What good can this snack have, but it is delicious.

Lu Chenghe's funny comfort comforted the little-tempered little thing: "Go back and let me do it for you."

Zuo Ning suddenly looked at him with an unbelieving small eye, and he would still make cookies?

Lu Chenghe flicked his head directly into his head: "Look at what you see, and do it for you."

Then came a bear child carrying his mother, went straight to the chocolate sandwich biscuits, and grabbed several bags. When the bear's mother saw a dog next to him, he quickly frightened him: "Seeing that the dog is not there, these cookies are dogs. You dare to take the dogs and they will bite you!"

The bear child looked at the big white dog sitting in the car holding the biscuit and whispered to his mother, "He is in there and can't get out."

Zuo Ning turned his teeth toward him.

As soon as the sharp canine teeth came out, the bear child was frightened and the biscuit in his hand fell to the ground. His mother quickly put the cookies back on the shelf, and then pulled the bear child away.

Zuo Ning turned innocently and looked at Lu Chenghe. If the child was afraid of dogs in the future, he would obviously be the culprit.

Lu Chenghe bowed his head and grinned, pushing the little fool to go to the line to checkout.

One person and one dog happily went shopping in the supermarket. Although there are differences between the beginning and the end of the purchase, in general, it is a happy trip. Upon returning home, Lu Chenghe directly soaked the shrimp in the water, then began to roll up his sleeves to make cookies for the little pudding.

I do n’t know what ingredients are added to the outside, but for the delicious taste, there are definitely a lot of sweeteners, so I ’d rather make it myself.

Zuo Ning saw that Lu Chenghe really wanted to make biscuits for him and simply sat at the door of the kitchen and stared. In the past two days, he had seen Lu Chenghe cook, but he simply cooked a dish or cooked a dumpling. And his dog food is simpler. Cut the cut, steam it directly, and mix it with various nutritional powders. So Zuo Ning was strange when he saw Lu Chenghe's sleeves baking cookies for him.

Lu Chenghe saw the little pudding sitting at the door staring at himself like an overseer, and laughed, "If you don't play with you, come and see what, what do you understand?"

Zuo Ning shook his head, and his tail flickered behind him: "Wang!" I can understand everything, and I will make it for you in the future!

Lu Chenghe smiled, and began to paste the production method found on the Internet on the cabinet, mixing the materials together according to the requirements above.

Zuo Ning sat at the door and looked at it like this. The kitchen directly leads to the courtyard. There is also a large floor-to-ceiling glass. The sun shines in, making the entire kitchen extremely bright. And Lu Chenghe was standing back and forth at the moment, the whole side seemed to have crossed a layer of light, the handsome was almost going to blind Zuo Ning's eyes.

It wasn't until the oven sang that Zuo Ning came back and smelled the rich milk aroma in the air. Then he realized that he had lost sight of Lu Chenghe for so long, even when he put the small biscuit model in Bake. I don't know when the shrimp lines are cleaned. This time, the biscuits are ready and the shrimps are processed. He is making dog food for him, so where did he go in the middle of an hour?

Lu Chenghe wiped his hands, put on gloves to open the oven, and took out the baking tray. The golden crispy dog-shaped and bone-shaped biscuits inside were baked well.

Zuo Ning smelled the milk scent, took a deep breath, and ran over to dig into Cheng Hyuk's thighs, and wanted to see what it was like.

Lu Chenghe thought he couldn't wait to eat, and he picked him up so that he could see the baking pan on the cooking table: "Wait a while, it's hot now, let it be cold before eating."

Looking at the neatly arranged dog-shaped, dog-bone-like shapes on the baking sheet, I feel that a small bag can be used to seal it and sell it directly as a commodity. I didn't expect that Lu Chenghe still had such skills. It was indeed the man he liked, that is all-around!

Lu Chenghe gave the little pudding a glance, and then put him on the ground and drove him out to play, lest he smell the scent, but just stretched his paw secretly, then the dog's paw was really cooked.

Zuo Ning returned to the living room with satisfaction, and saw the male lead hug the female lead in the TV show and kissed him, squinting and squinting on the carpet. The biscuits Lu Chenghe told him, he died happily. If they could live like this for two people all the time, the more comfortable they are now, the more he doesn't want to go back to that big house.

Biscuits are quite milky, but the sweetness is obviously not very high. Lu Chenghe puts specially-refined sugar in it, not ordinary granulated sugar. The burden on dogs will not be so heavy, so these little cookies and puddings want No problem eating more. And the little pudding also gave face very much. After dinner, half of the little biscuits on that baking tray were eaten directly.

If it wasn't for a round belly, he would restrict it and put away a part of it. I'm afraid a whole plate of biscuits would be eaten. Until the night brushing his teeth, the little thing was smelling of milk.

Lu Chenghe brushed his bristles with dry cleaning supplies. There was no pet dryer in the villa. He would clean the little pudding like this every few days during this time, and take a thorough bath when he got home.

After wiping off a few paws, Lu Chenghe hugged him to the bed: "You're all washed out, don't allow you to step down anymore, stay honest."

As soon as Lu Chenghe entered the bathroom and took a bath, the phone on the bedside table rang. Zuo Ning's probe looked at the video from Lu's mother. Glancing at Lu Chenghe who was taking a bath, he pressed his paw up.

The video was switched on, but he didn't see his son's face. Lu mother called Lu Chenghe several times, and then a big dog's head stretched out. This is probably because the little pudding was accidentally picked up, so Lu Mu laughed and said, "Little pudding, have you been playing outside for so long, have you missed me? Come and call me."

Zuo Ning yelled obediently, and Lu mother immediately laughed happily. He kept praising the baby for being smart, and then asked him, "What about Cheng He? Your father Lu? Go and call your father Lu . "

Yes, in Lu's eyes, the little pudding is already his son's. Since it is a dog raised by his son, it is fine for him to call his son Father Lu.

Zuo Ning directly ignored this appellation, what a messy generation is all ghosts. Then he swung his tail on the camera of the phone.

Mother Lu is probably not that important. Seeing the little pudding may not understand her, and she is not in a hurry. I haven't seen this little thing for a few days. She still has a little thought, so she speaks to the little pudding in the video. From time to time, he screamed, and he should respond to himself.

When Lu Chenghe took a shower, he saw the little pudding crouching on the bedside table, and then his mother was talking on the phone. So he walked over to pick up the phone: "Mom, is there something wrong?"

Seeing his son's appearance, Mother Lu guessed that he was probably taking a bath just now, so she went straight to the topic: "When are you coming back?"

Upon hearing Zuo Ning's ears fell down, she was really going home. But he was able to live outside for so many days, and after a couple of days in the two-person world, he also made money.

Lu Chenghe said: "Two days later."

When I heard that my son wanted to stay outside for two more days, he was unwilling: "Hurry back to me. You said they were still talking about you when the Chinese New Year. Come back, your grandfather is waiting for you."

Lu Chenghe had originally planned to return home in the past two days, but when he saw that his mother had called, he decided to go back tomorrow. I ’m going to worship my grandfather for a year, and I ca n’t rest at home for two days before going to work. As soon as I hung up the phone, I saw the little pudding lying back on the bed in a listless manner, and then came forward and touched his ear: "What's wrong, are you happy to hear that you are going home?"

Zuo Ning glanced at Lu Chenghe, crawled from the bed to his body, and pinched his chest. Although I was not willing to end the happy days like this, life will always return to the right track. And after returning home, Lu Chenghe will start to work again every day, and he will be able to organize himself by then.

However, Zuo Ning did not expect that returning does not mean returning to the previous step-by-step life, but facing a more dog-like reality.

Zuo Ning sat on the sofa next to Cheng Chenghe's thigh, demanding that Lu Chenghe's hand be put on his head and touch him. As long as Lu Chenghe took the hand down, he used his paw to pat Lu Chenghe's leg to remind him When necessary, declaring sovereignty is a very important act.

On the other side of the sofa, one wore a beige dress, a white cashmere coat, and a pair of high-heeled boots to the calf, showing a good figure, his face was clean, but his complexion was fair and delicate, and his facial features were exquisite. Girl sitting quietly.

Mother Lu was also sitting next to the girl, and then holding the girl ’s hand towards Lu Chenghe said, "This is Ren Shishi, who is studying at the Canadian Academy of Fine Arts. Her paintings are particularly good-looking, especially the characters. Now I return to the Chinese New Year, I think I asked her to paint an oil painting for me, and it was a kind of extra large canvas, so I just asked Shishi to live in our house for a while. "

Zuo Ning rolled his eyes silently, blind date, blind date, need to find so many reasons.

And the mother ’s intentions are not clear to Lu Chenghe, but since the mother did not say clearly, he would not drive him away so unkindly, so he said: “Welcome Miss Ren, then Miss Lau Ren My mother. "

Ren Shishi smiled slightly. The appearance of Jingruo Virtue almost contained the unique temperament of Chinese beauties, gentle and demure, dignified and beautiful, and the smile seemed to be with the poetry of classical beauties: "Can paint for Aunt Lu it's my honour."

That is, Zuo Ning is now a dog, so she has to look at Lu's vision in such a glance. She looks at this appearance and is definitely worthy of Lu Chenghe.

So Zuo Ning held out his nails in hate and pinched Lu Chenghe's thigh!

He had been smoothed by the little pudding's request, and his claws were disturbed. Lu Chenghe simply hugged him and controlled his claws to keep him from moving. Then she said to Ren Shishi: "Although Miss Ren, if you have any needs, you can tell the housekeeper directly. I still have something to deal with. I'll be out of company first."

The place where they talk is Lu Mu ’s house. Even if Lu Mu ’s thoughts are well known to the whole manor, it is not easy for a single girl to live with Lu Chenghe, but as long as she is in a garden, There is always a chance to meet each other. Near the water tower, the moon will be acquired first.

If Zuo Ning knew Lu Mu's thoughts, he would laugh at the sky and talk about being near the water tower. Who can approach him? He is the one who sleeps with Lu Chenghe every day!

However, there is a heavy-weight rival in the family. In the future, you must not care about Lu Chenghe. It is necessary to prevent death.

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