MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 68 [The look in that second] A dog that can't afford even a sesame seed

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Zuo Ning shrank silently in the quilt, and he suddenly caught him by surprise. The most important thing is that the hotel is not home. He has no clothes to wear.

Wrapped the quilt probe for a while, seeing that there was no movement in the room, he rolled the quilt, then climbed up and rummaged around, and finally put on the bathrobe provided by the hotel. Fortunately, the weather is still cold, The bathrobe provided by the hotel is thick and long, and it is worn directly on the calf. Tightening the belt tightly, Zuo Ning quickly ran to look at the mirror, then suddenly opened his mouth in shock.

When I became a person last time, I could only be regarded as a teenager, but this time it looked like a long open. I did n’t look very old at this age, about 19 or 20 years old, and my facial features were very beautiful, but not at all. Show femininity. Especially those pair of eyes, black and bright, as if there is a spring water in it, it is born to brighten the pupil skills. He is most pleased with his height. He is obviously more than a little taller this time, at least one hundred and seventy-five, but it will definitely grow, and the long one-eighths is not a dream!

She smiled slightly, revealing the small tiger teeth on one side, Zuo Ning put out his tongue and licked, and looked left and right in satisfaction, and then indulged himself in the mirror almost unable to extricate himself.

He remembered that it only took five minutes to become a person last time, so he didn't plan to go there this time. Although he hopes to extend the time, but in case it is another five minutes, if he ran out and suddenly transformed in front of people, then Lu Chenghe I'm afraid he won't be able to keep him. So Zuo Ning held his cell phone for a while and looked at the time, fearing that Lu Chenghe would suddenly come back. As a result, after five minutes, he still maintained the human figure, and he didn't feel any change.

After becoming a human last time, it did not suddenly become a dog without warning, but suddenly felt a little hot at the eyebrow, and then changed back to a dog within a short while. Zuo Ning thought, maybe he has grown up, it has been a long time to maintain the humanoid shape, then whether he has to wait for Lu Chenghe, who was returned in the house, to grab a bag, or run out to feel the feeling of being human .

Looking at what he was wearing, Zuo Ning thought it seemed a bit shame if he just went out, but what should he say if Lu Chenghe came back, saying hi, hello, I'm the little fairy pudding you raised?

Keeping a pet that has become a sperm, and having a pet that turns into a sperm after being sperm, are two different feelings. Lu Chenghe can accept his uniqueness as a dog, but if he becomes a human, Zuo Ning cannot guarantee. Especially now that he becomes a man, he is not sure whether he is stable. The more I stayed, the more I felt that Lu Chenghe might come back at any time. Zuo Ning thought about it and went out. There is a feeling to change back to the dog, and then run away and hide.

However, before that, Zuo Ning turned around the whole house and wanted to find something to eat. He woke up and was hungry. But there was only one refrigerator in the room, and there were various drinks in the refrigerator, which filled the stomach at all. Zuo Ning licked his mouth and thought, or closed the refrigerator door. Earlier, there were a few bags of dried jerky prepared by Lu Chenghe for him.

I rummaged through the entire room and searched in Lu Chenghe's changed dirty clothes. As a result, I didn't have any money.

In the end, Zuo Ning, who had to give up, went out wearing a nightgown like this. After going out in a human posture, Zuo Ning only felt that the whole world had come alive. The sky is so blue, and the white clouds are so white. It would be better if he was not wearing a bathrobe.

This hotel is not like the one he used to live in. It seems to be the top floor. What you see from the door of the room is not a closed promenade, but a very beautiful little garden. The small garden seems to occupy half of the entire top floor. It is very large. There are also small round tables with various shapes in it. There is even a large open space. There are still a few barbecue racks scattered on the open space. Maybe It was only recently used here.

As soon as I entered the small garden, a cold air blew towards us. Although the weather was cold, the flowers and plants on it grew very well. Zuo Ning looked around, there was no one in the small garden. Wrapped in clothes and walked more inside, digging on the railing and looking down, the height was scary. When Zuo Ning felt a bit cold and was planning to find a sheltered place to wait to change back to a dog, he suddenly felt that his brows began to get hot.

Quickly pulled out the phone and glanced at the time, this time lasted for half an hour! When he was about to turn back to the room, he looked up to see the other side of the glass window in the garden, the elevator door opened, and a man he knew very well came out of the elevator.

Lu Chenghe! !! !!

Zuo Ning immediately pulled me out. I knew that this transformation only took half an hour, and Lu Chenghe was outside and didn't know what he had done so long before returning. He should stay in the room and then lock the bathroom door. By the time Lu Chenghe returned, he probably had changed back.

How to do! Zuo Ning looked around and hurried toward the other side of the garden. There is no one in the garden now, as long as there are no cameras nearby, he will return later.

As soon as Lu Chenghe got out of the elevator, he met the man standing in the garden wearing a nightgown and chopping the top railing. Before he could see the look of the man, the man ran away. The only thing that can be seen is the dark eyes, which are clean and clear. As soon as he paused, there was only his room on the top of the building, and it was impossible for outsiders to come up except for a specific room card.

Lu Chenghe frowned slightly, but did not chase after him, but accelerated his pace and went directly to the room. Walked to the door of the room and saw a pair of slippers against the door, and the door was open. Lu Chenghe quickly pushed the door open: "Little pudding?"

No dog ran out, and Lu Chenghe sank in a moment and walked in quickly. The room was fine and there was no sign of chaos. Except for the quilt wrapped on the bed, most of it fell to the ground. But the dog that was supposed to be in the room was gone.

Lu Chenghe turned directly and planned to adjust the monitoring. As soon as he went out, he saw a white tail sticking out of the flower bed in the garden, and then a very beautiful flower that was originally blooming was scrapped by a claw.

Lu Chenghe was relieved when he saw the figure of the little pudding. He slowly walked over, holding his arms high and watching him there.

As soon as Zuo Ning looked up, he saw Lu Chenghe, and quickly raised a smile and greeted him, "Wang!"

Lu Chenghe looked at him: "Did you run out?"

Zuo Ning screamed quickly. If Lu Chenghe mistakenly thought that someone had turned himself out of the room, and then went to the monitor to find someone, then he would just finish playing.

"Running out and knowing to use your shoes at the door? So smart?"

Zuo Ning called and shook his tail. Yes, he was so smart.

Lu Chenghe asked again, "Did you see any strangers?"

"Wang Wang!" This must not be.

Seeing Lu Chenghe seemed a little suspicious, Zuo Ning quickly rushed to his body and hugged him, then grabbed his hand and poke into his mouth.

Lu Chenghe pulled his hand out and touched him: "Hungry?"

Zuo Ning: "Wang!" Starved to death.

Lu Chenghe smiled, closed the door and was ready to take the little pudding to dinner. When he walked over to the garden, the little pudding suddenly jumped from him, then ran into the garden and pulled out a mobile phone.

When Lu Chenghe looked at it, it was the little pudding's own mobile phone. He immediately tapped his head with a smile: "You're not leaving your mobile phone now? Just your paw, what do you want the mobile phone to do?"

Zuo Ning couldn't help but yelled a few times, in fact he didn't know what he was calling, anyway, he guilty a few times. When he came out before, he only wanted to watch the time, but he had no idea what to do with the phone if it turned into a dog.

Fortunately, Lu Chenghe didn't seem to think much. Hearing his call automatically understood: "Well, you will still call."

Zuo Ning snorted and put his head on Lu Chenghe's shoulders, so he was held into the elevator. Hopefully the nightgown that fell in the corner will be found later, at least when they leave.

A pleasantly surprised and thrilling morning, Zuo Ning passed away in three large meat packs in one breath. Unfortunately, Lu Chenghe only gave him pure fresh meat. The spicy beef buns were not willing to buy for him, but I did not expect that such a large hotel would make meat buns. It was really too earthy, but the taste It's really good.

After Zuo Ning decided to go back, he had to put a little cash in the small bag. In case of such a situation again today, he could at least take the time to come down and have a good meal.

He thought he would go home after a rest night, but Lu Chenghe brought him to the hospital. It is said that Lou Jiu had already woken up once in the morning. Fortunately, although he hurt his head, he did not cause much damage except for some blood loss. Now it depends on the recovery of his leg injury. If it is well adjusted, it will not affect walking.

Lou Jiu heard that he was able to find him this time, all relying on the little native dog. Although the dog was not brought to the hospital for the time being, Lou Jiu decided to keep it well in the future. A life-saving dog can't be offered for living.

Just when everyone was joking with Lou Jiu, how to raise a dog, please refer to Lu Chenghe's standards. A tall man in a khaki trench coat suddenly pushed in.

Zuo Ning hasn't seen this person, but since he came in, the atmosphere in the room seemed to condense instantly. He could also guess who he was with his tail. It turns out that this is the legendary scumbag, and it really looks tall and handsome. If you stand with Lou Jiu, it will definitely be a good match. But why is it a scum?

Lu Chenghe covered his eyes that he wanted to see gossip, hugged him and stood up and said, "Have a good rest, I'll go back first, and then contact me if there is anything."

Nie Yong also said with a smile: "Let ’s do it. There will be blessings if you do n’t die. You will take care of your injuries. I also found a professional nurse to take care of you. I work around the clock, 24 hours a day. It will leave no one around you, and you have to do it by yourself when you drink water. "

Shen Tao didn't say a word, managed the quilt for Lou Jiu, and followed them out.

Zuo Ning was unwilling to pick up Cheng He's arm and look into the room. How could he go without reading the gossip? Is Lou Lou Jiu angry or rejecting the scumbag again? This has not seen the end yet.

Lu Chenghe snapped the dog's buttocks on the glass in front of the door with a slap: "Do you want to stay here or want to go home?"

Zuo Ning quickly grabbed Lu Chenghe's neck with his two paws, and between gossip and going home, of course, he had to choose to go home. Hmm, hurry back, lest things in the hotel show up.

On the returning car, Zuo Ning was looking out the window to see the scenery, and was suddenly embraced by Lu Chenghe, then forced to look at him.

Zuo Ning crooked his head and looked at him: "Ang?" What are you doing?

Lu Chenghe reached out and touched his eyes, and was released again when Zuo Ning was in the mist. Zuo Ning was suddenly lifted, and then suddenly dropped to the seat next to him. He couldn't help but rush up and bite at the landing Cheng He. Ye Di, this is, when he has no temper, right? If you want to hug, just throw it, and bite you!

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