MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 71 [Inequitable Transaction] Stop Bad Habits and Start with a Dog

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When Zuo Ning saw Wangcai again, he was in Lou Jiu's private kitchen courtyard. Compared to the first time I saw Wangcai, in just such a short week, it has been raised to shine. The little guy still remembers him, and when he saw him, he ran over with joy, sniffing around him.

Zuo Ning patted his paw on his head: "Hi brother, how are you doing?"

Wangcai excitedly wanted to poke him, Zuo Ning crawled onto Lu Chenghe's lap, and then looked down at Wangcai, "Did you change your host, and you were so happy?"

Wangcai didn't know that he had been abandoned. When Zuo Ning ran to his own master, he sat on the ground and raised his head and said, "Happy, my master treats me well every day and gives me all kinds of delicious food. There are also a lot of meat and bones. I hide a lot. I will take you to dig them out for you later. "

Zuo Ning couldn't help but have three black lines on his head: "No, you can keep it for yourself. If you have any questions about your new life, you can ask me, I can help you answer it, and I can teach you how to make your master more love you."

Wangcai tilted her head in confusion: "But my master loves me very much."

Zuo Ning snorted: "I tell you, in the future, do n’t eat the food that others give you, only eat what your master gave you. Do n’t run around and bark outside. Always follow him obediently and remember to work hard. Stay with him for a few syllables that you often repeat, and then understand what he means and do as you want, and do n’t take care of food in front of your master. If you are eating, he takes food from your mouth, which is teasing. You, in the end, will give you food. The most important thing is that you must not bite. You can show your teeth to scare people, but you must not bite. "

Wangcai is very careful to listen to, he thinks this big white dog is great, understands a lot of looks, he must use him as an example, and be his own favorite dog!

Lu Chenghe touched Pudding's head: "What are you talking about?"

Zuo Ning slightly tilted his head and slap on his hand: "Woohoo." One hundred and eight ways to domesticate human beings.

Lou Jiu was sitting in a wheelchair. The big yellow dog was so obediently sitting at his hand. When he saw Lu Chenghe going to touch the little pudding, he couldn't help but touch it on Wang Cai's head and smiled, "They may be in Chatting old, maybe they remember each other. "

Lu Chenghe glanced at the big yellow dog next to him, and it looked a bit more pleasing than the last time, even his eyes were dark and energetic, and he looked well raised.

Seeing Lu Chenghe's eyes, Lou Jiu laughed, "The original one wanted to change the name, but the veterinarian said it was two years old, I'm afraid I've been used to this name, so I continued to call Wangcai. It was very good. Not too noisy, even playing only in front of me, maybe after the darkness of the past, so I will especially cherish the happiness now. "

Lu Chenghe said: "What about you?"

Lou Jiu naturally understood what he was asking, looking at the teacup exuding the scent of heat, Lou Jiu smiled: "I told him clearly."

Lu Chenghe held his tea in his hand for a moment and looked up at him.

Lou Jiu sighed: "I said I wouldn't wait any longer. If I met a good person, I would live together. I didn't plan to go back anyway, so I opened a small shop like this and occasionally got together with friends Ju, I still have a dog now, which is very comfortable. "

"What about him?"

Lou Jiu lowered his eyes and smiled lightly: "He said wait."

Lu Chenghe said nothing, and put a sip of the tea cup on the stone table. Zuo Ning lying on his body didn't say a word, so he lay on Lu Chenghe's leg and looked at the beautiful man. A person as good as Lou Jiu's looks is really pleasing to the eye with a smile, so that a good-looking person is worthy of being held up for pain. Why is it so unfortunate that he fell in love with a man who couldn't pay for him wholeheartedly.

Thinking so, I couldn't help turning my head slightly to see Lu Chenghe. Based on his understanding of Lu Chenghe, if anyone can get Lu Chenghe's true heart, then Lu Chenghe will definitely be good to him regardless of everything. Even if a friend like Lou Jiu had an accident, Lu Chenghe could let go of everything and rush over. If it happened to someone he likes, it would absolutely be a matter of course to find someone by digging three feet directly around the whole hill.

What ’s the delay in the flight? Even for a dog like him, Lu Chenghe could buy a plane to take him out. He did n’t believe that the man could n’t borrow a plane outside. Even if he really wanted to, he would directly ask Lu Chenghe for help. Willing to help. Maybe the man is still eating at home and can't do things so careless, but at this time, he has to be cautious, and it must be in his heart that he is the most important.

So this kind of man waited for a fart, just stumbled to find a better one!

Lou Jiu took a look at Wangcai, and touched his head and said, "So isn't the old saying, isn't it a blessing, this man really has to go through something, otherwise he will be confined to death, and he thinks it is so. It ’s a whole sky, but it ’s not too late now. "

Hearing Lou Jiu's words, Lu Chenghe didn't say a word. He always didn't interfere with the feelings of others. I just came to see the recovery of Lou Jiu. Seeing that everything was fine, Lu Chenghe didn't stay long. After sitting for a while, he left with a little pudding.

Before leaving, Zuo Ning yelled at Wangcai: "Have a good relationship with your host. Remember what you don't understand. Ask me next time you come."

Wangcai vomited his tongue and gasped, shaking his tail towards them: "Okay, wait for you to come next time!"

Hearing the two dogs as if they were saying goodbye, Lou Jiu touched him with a smile: "Are you making friends? Are you a little **** holding Bai Fumei's thigh? No, little pudding should It's Gao Fushui. "

He didn't understand what his master was talking about. The wealthy pimple turned around Lou Jiu, and from time to time he used his head to pinch the hand he touched, which was very intimate.

Lou Jiu couldn't help laughing when he looked at the sticky Wangcai. They all said that falling in love is worse than having a dog. This is really true.

On the way back, Zuo Ning saw that there were roasted sweet potatoes on the side of the road, and before the car reached the intersection, he couldn't help but slap the window and shouted at Cheng Chenghe. His favorite is sweet potatoes baked in a large iron tube on the street.

Lu Chenghe glanced at him and understood his intent, so he asked the driver to park on the side of the road, and then said to the little pudding, "You have the money, you can buy it yourself."

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe in shock, slap him on the leg of Lu Chenghe: "Ahh!" You didn't give me a backpack today when you went out!

Lu Chenghe waved his paws politely: "Did we not discuss this matter before? You keep your money for me, and what you want to eat, I buy it for you, and you don't keep it for me, then you You can buy what you want. The car has been parked for you. You can buy it yourself. "

The driver in front heard a lot of black lines. The boss was talking to a dog about saving and buying. Although he had driven the boss for so long, he had carried the boss and the little pudding more than once. Is it too superclass for dogs? He quietly glanced at the boss with his rearview mirror, and then stared blankly at the front. He didn't understand the bad taste of the boss. No wonder people can be bosses, but he can only be a driver.

Zuo Ning pulled the clothes that landed on Cheng He with his claws, and turned pitifully to look at the roasted sweet potatoes outside the window. Then he touched the back of Lu Cheng He's hand with his own pad, and leaned on his face. I kissed him and said, "Woohoo ..." Buy one, just one.

Lu Chenghe looked at him coldly and ruthlessly: "What a man says has to be done, so is the little male dog."

Zuo Ning licked his mouth and saw that Lu Chenghe was unwilling to buy it for him. He sighed helplessly and buried his head directly in Lu Chenghe's clothes. When he goes out later, he must bring a bag!

Lu Chenghe touched his ear and said, "If you want to eat, it's not impossible."

Zuo Ning quickly looked up at Lu Chenghe, raised his ears, tilted his head, opened his mouth, and put his tongue out to look at him with a full set.

Lu Chenghe said: "One hundred yuan. When I go home, I need to make twenty more push-ups."

Zuo Ning thought about it, it would be uneconomical to pay one hundred yuan each for physical labor, but after this village, there must be no shop next time, so his teeth bite: "Wang!"

Lu Chenghe couldn't help but laugh: "I usually ask you to do two or three and you are tired and you have to break your legs. Now you promise to eat twenty and you will choke you."

Zuo Ning shook his tail and sat in the car waiting for Cheng Cheng to buy it for him. Alas, the long, windy legs that walked in a group of passers-by had a flash background and blind dog eyes.

When the driver saw the little pudding, he was lying on the back seat and watching the boss to buy roasted sweet potatoes. He opened his mouth and licked his mouth from time to time. His eyes were focused as if he were looking at a plate of braised pork. He thought it was particularly wanting to eat. Then, jokingly: "This is anxious, look at your small appearance, so that the boss can buy you baked sweet potatoes, you can be considered the first dog."

Zuo Ning snorted in his heart. What is sweet potato? It is not sweet potato that really makes him want to eat, but unfortunately he has not been able to get it in his own bowl for the time being.

Seeing Lu Chenghe holding a plastic bag that was extremely inconsistent with his image, the plastic bag was filled with sweet potatoes with a black skin and carbon ash. The appearance of the oncoming face made Zuo Ning's smile narrowed, so handsome, I really thought Just rush and lick two.

Lu Chenghe politely shoved the dog's head into the car: "It is only allowed to eat half, this thing is too flatulent."

Zuo Ning glanced at the little sweet potato in his hand. It was so small that it would not affect dinner. Seeing Lu Chenghe staring at him with an expressionless expression, Zuo Ning snorted and accepted this unfair treatment in silence. One hundred and twenty Voldemorts stood up, and only half of the sweet potatoes were exchanged, which was a big loss.

At about nine o'clock that night, the little pudding's Weibo was updated. I saw in the video that the white Samoyed was doing push-ups, and there was obviously a person sitting on the side. Unfortunately, the person did not appear in the picture. Whenever the little pudding made one, the man put a cookie in front of the little pudding.

When the biscuit was placed on the twelfth block, the poor little pudding was no longer able to support it, and then he turned his head to look at the person sitting next to him, and grabbed his leg with his paws to please , It's so cute.

[The whole world sends me a dog! !! !! 】

[Pause screen counts, twelve biscuits, and it's not easy to make twelve. Such a tonnage can even hold up. Is the owner training the little pudding to lose weight? 】

[Ouch, my poor sample of the pudding, the owner even looked at it to do push-ups. It was too cruel. After finishing it, he must feed more meat to supplement it. 】

[It's so boring, what's so good about dogs doing push-ups, I just watched it dozens of times. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha happy to hear, little pudding finally embarked on the road to lose weight. 】

[Little pudding: It's a grievance. The meat on your body is proof that you love me. How can you make me lose 嘤 嘤 嘤. 】

When Zuo Ning trembled and finished the fourteenth, it was really impossible to hold up, lying on the ground and sticking his tongue out was just like a dog. But Lu Chenghe said rudely: "You still owe me six, and next time you want me to buy you something, make up for these six first."

Zuo Ning squinted at Lu Chenghe, as if he was treating a ruthless and unreasonable villain.

Lu Chenghe hit a pillow directly on his head: "Want to play tricks again?

Zuo Ning quickly got up and jumped to bed, threw Lu Chenghe to the bed, and fangs at him. This big canine tooth is so fierce that it will show up to scare you!

Lu Chenghe reached out and touched his canine teeth, and opened his mouth again: "Show me if there are worm teeth, and I do n’t like to brush my teeth after eating so many sweets every day."

Zuo Ning licked on his hand, and buried his head in his neck foal. "Woohoo!" Who said he didn't like brushing his teeth, he brushed his teeth every day, no. Bring such wrongdoing. Seeing Lu Chenghe also wanted to push himself away, Zuo Ning directly lowered his head, kissed him directly, and licked his lips. He wanted to do it in the afternoon, and finally got it as he wished.

Lu Chenghe straightened up and sat up, and caught the little pudding who wanted to run away. "If you dare to lick people in the future, I will give you a meal, believe it or not."

Zuo Ning plunged directly into Lu Chenghe's arms, not the first time he was so fierce.

Lu Chenghe squeezed his paw, and saw that he didn't even realize what he meant, and he had a headache. This dog licks a person, can it be the same as a dog that can become a human.

However, I'm afraid this little idiot has never realized that it's wrong. I can't stop the habit of thinking of a little pudding who has become a human. When I am happy or want to please someone, I will rush to lick it. I can't help it. Itchy hands.

Read The Duke's Passion