MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 75 [Pit yourself not soft] The white back and that soft meat

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The biggest difference in becoming a person in front of Lu Chenghe is that he can order food by himself. In the past, Lu Chenghe only regarded him as a fairy, but the fairy is also a dog. After giving him something that the dog may not eat, he must observe his reaction, and then check it regularly to determine that there is no problem. I dared to let him eat. Now that the little pudding can be completely turned into a human, the system in the body must be different, so it should be no problem to fully accept human food, so Lu Chenghe no longer controls him in all things.

When the secretary came in with a stack of documents, Yu Guang glanced at a white Samoyed lying on the sofa, and it was no surprise. When I saw a dog in the boss's office for the first time, she wished to rub her eyes to determine if this was true if she did not support her professionalism.

Now some senior executives in the company basically know that the boss brings his dog to work every day. It is said that it is the boss's favorite dog, and he bought a plane for it. It is said that the dog is particularly sticky to the boss. Even if someone plays with him at home, if the boss is not around, he will cry every day. It is said that the boss was about to be depressed because of the dog named Pudding, so he couldn't bear to take it to work every day.

The main point is that this little pudding is still a star dog and has played two award-winning movies that have been blown up by word of mouth, so in recent times, their secretaries have signed documents to the boss more often.

The secretary is trained to classify the documents in front of Lu Chenghe, and each color of the folder represents a document of a different nature, but no matter which one, it is certainly not a trivial matter for the boss to sign in person. The secretary waited after getting some urgent documents to the boss.

At this moment, the dog lying on the sofa turned his head and said to the boss, "Wang!"

The secretary looked at the dog with curiosity, and the white one, who was so adorable, was helpless, and it felt good to rush it into his arms!

The boss didn't look up. "You wait a moment."

The secretary thought that the boss was talking to himself, and was just about to respond, but the Samoyed turned and turned away, and then obediently noisy and noisy.

The little girl stuck out her tongue, and was almost affectionate just now. Fortunately, she didn't speak, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

When she took out the papers signed by the boss, she also heard that the boss could say something gentle to the Samoyed, and seemed to be discussing the issue of lunch.

The secretary pouted and had to talk to the dog about what to eat. It seemed that the boss loved the dog more than the special help of the dog as his son.

After processing the few documents at hand that need to be resolved immediately today, Lu Chenghe walked to the sofa, saw the little pudding looking up at him, climbed up and looked through a large dining book, pointing at each one and it looked like Extremely hot dishes.

Lu Chenghe frowned: "No, it's so spicy, your stomach can't stand it."

Zuo Ning rushed to Lu Chenghe's body and hugged him with his tail. "Wang!" Yes, don't underestimate me!

Lu Chenghe glanced at him and pointed at one of the hairs and bloods: "Spicy is this one. If you eat without diarrhea, talk about the others later."

Zuo Ning looked back at the picture book, sour soup and fat beef, boiled fish fillet, chicken gizzards with chilli pepper, and spicy chicken that looked very delicious. He looked at Lu Chenghe with reluctance: "唧 ..."

Lu Chenghe looked at him: "Speak people, let people eat you."

Zuo Ning stared at Lu Chenghe with anxiety and animosity. Without such a bully dog, if he could control the deformation, would he have no choice what to eat?

Lu Chenghe slapped his head with a slap, and then made a clear sound.

Zuo Ning quickly pursed his head, Lu Chenghe was really more and more brutal to him!

Lu Chenghe's diet has always been light. Many delicious foods pay attention to the original taste. At most, they use special spices and other things to enhance the taste and refine the original taste of the food. Most of the food he eats like Chinese food is made by some senior chefs. It is not like the little puddings that are full of seasonings. They can't eat the original flavor of the food.

Lu Chenghe was weird. He was a dog raised by his own hands. From snacks, they are all kinds of exquisite food. Even if they are human, they are also what he eats. How small? The taste of things is so strange, so many delicious foods do not like it, but they like the taste of a bunch of seasoning bombing.

However, in the end, the dogs you know yourself know that even if you add other dishes and a large bowl of white rice, it is probably just right for the food of an adult Samoyed. So if it is not for Lu Chenghe to control it hard, then The whole plate of Mao Xuewang was eaten up by him in one breath.

This is the first time Zuo Ning has eaten such a heavy food since he became a dog. People who can eat spicy foods will not eat for a long time, and their acceptance of spicy foods will decrease, not to mention Zuo Ning's dog body has never received the baptism of peppers at all. But his tears and snot flowed but he couldn't stop his mouth. Lu Chenghe looked helpless and funny.

As a result, it was obvious that Zuo Ning had already had his stomach twice before he arrived at Lu Chenghe.

So Lu Chenghe, who had to take him off to work to prescribe medicine in advance, wished to pinch his ears and teach him a hard meal.

Zuo Ning didn't care about this at all. Sometimes the hot pot was hot. It was not normal to have a diarrhea several times the next day. Besides, diarrhea did not hurt much, so it was okay. The only bad thing is that every time you go to the toilet, you must push your **** hard, so as not to stain the hair on the butt. Otherwise, letting Lu Chenghe wash his buttocks is really ashamed of the dog.

The stomach was rumbling, and the diarrhea was better after taking the medicine, but the effect was certainly not so immediate. Zuo Ning lay on the bed and watched Lu Chenghe give him another medicine, so he couldn't help turning over and lamenting.

Lu Chenghe glanced back at him: "I haven't sighed, but you sighed, and said you can't be spicy, you don't listen."

Zuo Ning turned his head. Naturally, a baby with a healthy diet would not know that this sequelae of eating spicy food is normal. Fortunately, Lu Chenghe did not say that he would not be spicy again, or he would have to rush with Lu Chenghe.

After adjusting the powder, Lu Chenghe walked over, Zuo Ning consciously lay on his body, then opened his mouth to feed.

At the moment when the infusion was taken, a familiar feeling came again. Zuo Ning widened his eyes and looked at Lu Chenghe.

Lu Chenghe looked at him: "What's wrong? Very bitter?"

However, when his voice just came to an end, and he was just a little white-haired pudding, he suddenly became a smooth boy.

Fortunately, the little pudding was lying on his stomach just now, so Lu Chenghe just saw a smooth back. After looking at the naked person for three seconds, Lu Chenghe pulled open the quilt and wrapped him in: "Did you not feel it before becoming human?"

Zuo Ning, who was watched by Lu Chenghe, shyly hid in the quilt, only half of his head was revealed: "Yes, I feel warm, and then changed."

Lu Chenghe looked at him: "It's only been one day since you became a person last time. It seems that you have become more and more frequent. If you still can't grasp the know-how of transformation, then you may not be able to go out for a while, otherwise too dangerous."

Zuo Ning shrinks under the quilt, and Lu Chenghe said, "Have you ever eaten the same thing or done the same thing before you became a human?"

Zuo Ning thought for a while and thought, "I just want to be special. I want to be human."

Before that, he was thinking that if he could become a human at this time, he would not be ashamed of diarrhea and dirty hairs.

"So the biggest chance of becoming a human being is all on your mind, right?"

Zuo Ning nodded, he thought this possibility was very high, but where was the idea of ​​self-control of this kind of thing, every time he wanted to focus on what he did, his thoughts flew away.

Looking at the little pudding that is completely unknown, Lu Chenghe said helplessly: "Come on slowly."

Apart from taking it slowly, there was no other way. There was a bang in the stomach again, and Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe with reluctance.

Lu Chenghe was so close, he could naturally hear the gurgling sound in his stomach, so he got up and took it to him. Zuo Ning went straight to the toilet as soon as he put it on.

When Zuo Ning came out of the toilet again, he looked at Lu Chenghe poorly, covering his stomach: "Lu Chenghe, my stomach hurts."

Lu Chenghe frowned slightly. "Don't you say it just doesn't hurt if you have a diarrhea? It's hard? I'll call the doctor."

Zuo Ning hurriedly landed Cheng He: "No! No need, then, you rub it for me, otherwise there will be a person in your room."

Lu Chenghe looked at him: "Who else can I not ask because of this, what needs to be explained."

Zuo Ning froze. As a teenager who once ate a takeaway and had to be careful not to have any autonomy, he didn't know much about the adult world. Seeing Lu Chenghe squinting at himself, Zuo Ning simply lay down on the bed, hugging the pillow and looking at Lu Chenghe: "Uncomfortable, please rub it for me?"

A small thing that was seen through him in an act, how could Lu Chenghe not see that he was just playing on the coquettishness unreasonably, it really hurts his stomach, this is not his performance at all. But the little guy has been pulled several times, and the discomfort is sure, although it may not be so painful, looking at the expectant look, Lu Chenghe has unconsciously sat on the bedside and stretched out his hands to rub him up.

Obviously when he was so fat as a dog, he turned into a human but he didn't have a few flesh. The dog who followed him in the morning every day had a ball of soft meat on his stomach.

Lu Chenghe picked up a small layer of soft meat on his stomach: "I'll wait for your deformation and stability, and follow me every day to exercise."

Zuo Ning fell to the bed with a sigh of sorrow, but it was the slimy one who wanted to use the topic to play, feeling that he had pitted himself again.

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