MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 90 [Environment makes people change] The little pudding who has learned how to start contradicting

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Going to school was not as bad as Zuo Ning imagined. Well, it wasn't such a bad thing at first, but sometimes the mental presupposition thinks of something that is not like this, as if the sky had collapsed. Because he only listened to this course, although Lu Chenghe also interspersed some other schedules, the time of the day was still very leisurely. Even the director arranged his drama after the class and gradually adapted to this. After the rhythm of life, Zuo Ning felt that life had become more fulfilled.

Every day during class, filming, and seizing the opportunity, he landed on Cheng Hyuk to take him to eat delicious food, using the excuse of comforting his hard work in class, almost every day to eat out before going home. Although not often, Zuo Ning also occasionally pulls down to land. Nian Qi and Lu Chenghe have lunch together. They have had more contact. Naturally, their feelings have become more intimate. At least a few times later, Lu Nianqi was not so awed and restrained by Lu Chenghe .

For this reason, Lu Nianqi was very happy for a while, and he could see that he was more relaxed and active when talking. However, the happy time does not last for long. When Zuo Ning went to Lu Nianqi to take a class together, he encountered a tear of a good friend.

He and Lu Nianqi only had the same course as Professor Jin, so other students of Lu Nianqi did not know Zuo Ning. When they saw someone pushing Lu Nianqi, thinking he was bullied, he rushed up with his sleeves.

However, the boy who had a dispute with Lu Nianqi turned away as soon as he saw him. Lu Nianqi grabbed Zuo Ning who wanted to rush to the theory: "Don't you! We're fine, not what you think!"

Zuo Ning looked back at him, angrily saying: "It's all right, I see him pushing you! Are you often bullied like this in school? Why aren't you being bullied? Who is that person and why? Bullying you? You tell me, is someone bullying you ?! "

Afraid that he would directly sue the second brother, Lu Nianqi hurriedly said: "No, no, it really isn't what you think. No one bullied me at school, but I just had a dispute with him because of something. Nothing you thought. so serious!"

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Zuo Ning gave up. He asked why he was arguing about it, but unfortunately Lu Nianqi didn't tell him. Helplessly shrugged, everyone has their own secret, see Lu Nianqi not willing to say, Zuo Ning had no choice but to do so.

However, Zuo Ning soon realized that maybe it was because of himself, because Lu Nianqi's attitude towards him had become slightly different. Although Lu Nianqi did not show it, Zuo Ning's intuition seemed that Lu Nianqi was deliberately maintaining something. On several occasions, Lu Chenghe came over and said that he had lunch together, but Lu Nianqi refused on the pretext of something. Also during the class, it was obvious that I didn't want to talk to him. It seemed that even taking the class together was obstructed by Lu Chenghe's orders to him and had to continue.

Although Zuo Ning is not a very sensitive person, his instincts have always been accurate. If he changes to someone else and is not willing to play with him, then he will not play, and it is not a big deal. But Lu Nianqi is Lu Chenghe's younger brother. Although he acknowledged it halfway, Lu Chenghe may not pay much attention to Lu Nianqi, but in the end he is not a family member.

So after class, before Lu Nianqi was ready to return to the bedroom, Zuo Ning pulled him away and looked at him with a serious expression: "Everyone is an adult. Whatever you say, if you are dissatisfied with me, Just say, you can rest assured, I will never go to complain to Cheng Hyuk. If you do n’t say, but you have such an attitude to me, then our friendship does not have to be maintained. If Cheng Hyuk asks me then, , I will tell you the truth. "

Lu Nianqi did not know whether he should cry or laugh when he heard what he said. This was not a threat to sue, but it was also his own problem. He obviously didn't adjust his mentality, so he apologized, "Sorry, I have encountered some problems recently. Things are a little bit emotional. "

"Related to me?"

Lu Nianqi looked at him for a moment, and maybe he was really angry. Although he knew it would not blame people at all, he always brought it out unconsciously, and then he said, "I'm on. I returned to Lu's house after college. Before that, I had been working outside. Even if I returned to Lu's house, I never told my friends around me. "

Zuo Ning looked at him for unknown reasons.

Lu Nianqi sighed: "Now they know, some simply broke up, some began to have ulterior motives, anyway, some feelings are no longer as pure as before."

Originally Lu Nianqi's life can be said to be very simple. Even if he returned to the Lu family, his life would no longer be as stretched as before, and the material wealth would affect him most. For the friends around him, he didn't think about it, but in the end he chose to hide it for various reasons.

As a poor man, he can raise his eyebrows and exhale, and can get the attention of others in vanity. This is something Lu Nianqi once imagined, but this kind of thing can only be fantasy to him. He knew that once his identity as the Lu family was revealed, it would surely become a sought-after existence because of various interests.

It's impossible to say that you don't like this kind of pursuit. People have their own vanity. But when this opportunity was really in his hands, he chose to be silent. He knows clearly that he cannot cope with such a scene. In the face of so many ulterior motives, he does not know how to distinguish.

During the time of Lu's life, he had already experienced another kind of life. Behind the glitz was that he was unaccustomed, uncomfortable, and even unbearably tired. In the end, he chose to return to his previous life, simple interpersonal communication, not so many benefits, and not so many impure purposes. When he slowly worked out a balance between these two worlds, Lu Ning's appearance broke this balance.

A dispute with him that day was his friend Shen Bin, a fellow fellow. They used to be in the same high school, except that Shen Bin was one grade higher than him. Later, they entered the city of Jade Bird, and Shen Bin took great care of him. At the beginning, he introduced the place where he worked, which helped him a lot in his studies and life.

As he contacted Lu Ning more and more, after eating with Lu Chenghe and being seen, his identity as a Lu family member was picked out by a caring person. Some classmates who used to be mediocre began to get close to him. Some students who haven't spoken to him in college have come to show him good. But Shen Bin, who has been caring for him a lot, changed his attitude and even broke up with him.

He thought that Shen Bin was blaming himself for concealing him. If he replaced him, he was regarded as his best friend to conceal such important things, and he would certainly be very angry. On several occasions, he wanted to seek reconciliation from Shen Bin and apologize. At least two of them could have a good talk, and it would be nice to talk about some things.

However, after he accidentally heard that Shen Bin and his roommate complained about him, Lu Nianqi realized how stupid he was before. Those caring, those helping him, those who are good, are nothing but the superiority of Shen Bin himself.

They all came from the same place. The small place was originally undeveloped. The family environment of each household was very ordinary, but he lost his parents when he was very young. Exaggerated.

So when he came to this big city and saw so many extravagant children's extravagant lives, Shen Bin's original unbalanced mentality found a sense of superiority in him. There is a kind of person who is jealous when he is not as good as others, but he is glad to see something worse than himself, and even hesitates to help him to improve his sense of superiority.

He didn't have a lot of good friends in the school. In addition to being able to speak in his bedroom, there was only Shen Bin who was one year older than him. As a result, the appearance of Lu Ning broke the peace he hoped to maintain, but also revealed the appearance of self-deception.

He knew that such a thing was no wonder Lu Ning, but knew that Guiqi knew that it would take time to adjust emotionally, but all things suddenly filled him, which made him unable to face his mentality at once.

After understanding the cause and effect of the matter, Zuo Ning didn't know what to say, who would have expected such a thing. He had no experience with such a thing, and even the enlightenment did not know how to enlighten Lu Nianqi. In particular, if you don't have yourself, maybe Lu Nianqi can really go to college completely and peacefully.

So Zuo Ning had to smile at him embarrassingly, and after giving him a few words of comfort, he stunned.

Seeing the back running away, Lu Nianqi couldn't help raising a little envy, a carefree teenage time, it was good.

After returning at night, Zuo Ning wentssips with Lu Chenghe again. After speaking, he saw Lu Chenghe had no reaction at all, couldn't help coming to him, squeezed between him and the computer and looked at him: "That's your brother Alas, you don't even care. "

"The way you choose and how you live your life is up to you."

Zuo Ning looked at him dissatisfied: "Why did you choose the road that brought him back to the Lu family? Although it's plausible to say so, I feel that returning to the Lu family has only material aspects for him. Ascension, others, it feels worse than before. It feels like freedom and stress. "

After hearing this, Lu Chenghe smiled and looked at the little guy who stuck to himself and embarrassed others, saying, "Do you think he would force him if he didn't want it? After getting the result of the appraisal, the elder brother went to find him Things have been said all the time. Even if he does not return to the Lu family, the Lu family will give him a fund as compensation for his parents, but his future life has nothing to do with the Lu family. He chose to return. Recognizing his ancestors and returning to ancestors, how to balance the changes in life is his own business. "

Zuo Ning thought that after confirming Lu Nianqi's identity, they brought the person back without saying a word. He couldn't help but smile at Lu Chenghe and grabbed the button of his shirt. "This way, I misunderstood you. "

Lu Chenghe slapped his hand away with a slap: "while playing."

Zuo Ning managed to squeeze out the computer. How could it be so easy to give way? Lu Chenghe was unwilling to come down and said, "My drama is about to kill."

Lu Chenghe raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him, but he didn't answer. I'm afraid that the pudding's schedule is clearer than the pudding himself.

"We haven't been out for a long time."

Lu Chenghe simply refused: "You want to go to class."

Zuo Ning just wanted to say leave then. Anyway, he didn't take the exam and didn't get the certificate anyway. When he saw Lu Chenghe just looked at himself like this, he swallowed suddenly when he got to his mouth and turned into: "I don't have class on weekends."

Laughed by his eager little poor, Lu Chenghe said helplessly: "Where do you want to play?"

Upon hearing a play, Zuo Ning opened his eyes instantly, then jumped from Lu Chenghe, ran to the bed and ran back with a tablet, and he opened a lot of beautiful pictures that he had already saved: "Here, here, I also want to go here. There are mountain views and sea views. If you think the city is noisy, we go to a quieter place. If you feel that it is not popular enough, we will go to the big cities. "

Lu Chenghe clicked on the photos one by one, there are landmark buildings all over the place, but: "Is this what you want to go?"

Zuo Ning quickly nodded.

Lu Chenghe laughed softly: "Then don't go."

Zuo Ning stared at Lu Chenghe instantly: "You promised to hang out!"

Lu Chenghe ordered the screen: "These places you choose will take at least ten hours to fly, one day back and forth, and you will take two days off on the weekend. Tell me how do you play?"

Seeing that the routine couldn't stop Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning lowered his head and slid the tablet. Although these places were not necessarily what he wanted to go, he did not go out with Lu Chenghe for a long time, and he has never been since he became a human. It's up! Every day I go to work and work like this, and go to school and school, life is not adjusted, how to cultivate feelings!

Lu Chenghe touched his head: "Wait for your end of this course, I will take you out before the start of school. You can play wherever you want, and play until the beginning of the school."

Zuo Ning quickly put out his right little finger: "Hook!"

Lu Chenghe hasn't done such naive things at such a long age, and before he gets tangled, the little pudding directly grabs his hand and pushes his little thumb to hook it. A meaningless formal agreement was made, and the guy who was just crying with a smiley face instantly laughed like a flower.

I thought the chat was over like this, but saw the little pudding open a photo album: "Then you pick one here, the farthest flight is only three hours, the closest flight is only one hour, I There is no class on Monday morning. We will leave on Friday afternoon. Come back on Monday morning.

Lu Chenghe grabbed the face close at hand, and Xiao Xiao played with him carefully.

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