MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 31

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"Mr. Ou, how could you..." Guan Qijun panicked.

Dr. Chen stood aside, sighed softly, lowered his head with complicated eyes and stopped talking.

Ou Shaowen walked in front of them calmly, his calm eyes were like two deep pools, he seemed to say a joke casually, without any hesitation or fear, "You don't have to think about it so much, you can actually ask me directly, I am willing to help Ou Renjin Give your heart."

Although what Qi Jun originally planned to say and the expression on his face that he was prepared to respond to were completely forgotten at this moment, Ou Shaowen's words were almost like a thunderclap, and it was like a sharp knife piercing through his years of love. cognition and belief.

"You, you..." He was speechless.

Dr. Chen frowned, looked at Ou Shaowen incomprehensibly, and explained softly: "Mr. Ou, heart donation is not like bone marrow transplantation or kidney transplantation, which can affect the donor as little as possible, but the heart can't. One, people cannot live without it.”

"I know." Ou Shaowen was a little puzzled, there was no one in the world who understood the structure of the human body better than him, and it was precisely because people could not live without it that they had to quickly perform surgery on Ou Renjin. "So, when are you going to arrange the transplant operation? I can cooperate anytime."

Seeing that the eyes of the two people on the opposite side were still shocked and hesitant, Ou Shaowen raised his eyebrows and sincerely tried to persuade them: "You don't need to think about me, I'm fine."

Over the years, it was the first time that the pain he had endured many times was noticed by others. This feeling of being cared for and valued filled his heart, which made him feel a strong desire to repay, "It is Ou Renjin Don't you want to? Don't worry, I'll just go and talk to him myself. "

He passed them, ready to go inside.

Guan Qijun finally came back to his senses, "Wait a minute." He called Ou Shaowen, was silent for a moment, and opened his mouth a little awkwardly. Ou Shaowen looked at him suspiciously, quietly waiting for what he was going to say.

At that moment, it seemed that a pointer standing in the middle of his heart was swinging back and forth, and he almost gave up saying that sentence, but in the end, he still said, "If you really want to If so, sign an organ donation consent form first.”

His gaze became firm again, and he even showed an expectant and encouraging smile to Ou Shaowen.

"Okay." Ou Shaowen followed them to the office at the end of the corridor, signed his name at the end of the consent form, and asked again, "Is Ou Renjin in good health now? How long will it take before the operation can be arranged?" !"

His signing action was too chic and casual, Guan Qijun's heart had just lifted into the air, and everything was settled. He was almost unbelievable, and couldn't help but began to wonder if all this was just a fantasy produced by his obsession.

Dr. Chen still looked like he was in a trance until now. He took Ou Shaowen's organ donation consent form, turned to the page that had just been signed, read it quietly for a long time, and then raised his head to look at him, The eyes are extremely shocked, moved, pity and hesitation.

His throat choked, "The hospital is not qualified to arrange this operation, even if you want to."

"Why?" Ou Shaowen was a little anxious.

"This kind of practice violates humanitarian concepts. You must know that even euthanasia has not been approved in China."

Ou Shaowen frowned and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. He turned his head and saw the nurse's surprised expression, "Dr. Chen, Mr. Ou Renjin has woken up."

"We'll discuss this matter later." Doctor Chen waved his hand, put on his stethoscope, and walked quickly towards Ou Renjin's ward. Ou Shaowen also followed behind, his eyes were loose, and he looked lost in thought.

So, he didn't even notice that when Ou Renjin saw him standing behind Dr. Chen, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Ou Shaowen." He called his name coldly.

Ou Shaowen came back to his senses, walked to his bed and squatted down, held his hand and kissed him lightly, "Don't be afraid, the pain will be gone soon."

His tone of voice was so gentle that Ou Renjin was in a daze. He pressed his lips tightly and gently pulled out his hand.

Ou Shaowen then lowered his head to kiss his wrist, his lips touched his skin like a cotton candy, Ou Renjin felt a little itchy, and said coldly, "Don't make trouble!"

Dr. Chen quickly finished the most basic examination and said that Ou Renjin's condition is stable for the time being and there is no serious problem.

He glanced at Ou Shaowen who was squatting beside the bed with crystal clear eyes, exited the ward as quickly as possible, walked to the door, grabbed the arm of Guan Qijun who had been standing there, and led him out, "Don't stand Here it is, let's go."

Glancing at the door of the ward closed by Dr. Chen, Ou Renjin let Ou Shaowen turn his head and put his cheek against his exposed wrist, but his expression was still stern, "Why are you here? Qi Jun asked you to come here?"

"No, he lied to me that you were going on a business trip abroad. I heard the voice of the nurse calling for a change of dressing on the phone, so I found it." He raised his head, as if emphasizing and boasting, "You always think that I I don’t know anything, but I already know a lot.”

Ou Renjin felt that his eyes were burning hot at this time, so he turned his head to avoid his sight. At this moment, his emotions were a bit complicated, there was a little bit of weakness exposed in front of others, and so much An Ran, who had waited for a long time and finally arrived, seemed to finally have another hand stretched out to share a certain burden on him that was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

"Ou Renjin, does it hurt you?" Ou Shaowen asked, he smiled slightly, the smile seemed a little vague and distant, "Can I transplant your heart for you?"

Ou Renjin turned his head abruptly. He was dazed as if he was hit by a heavy hammer on the top of his head. After reacting for a long time, he was sure that the words just now were not his auditory hallucinations. Then he fell silent for a long time, and chuckled lightly. He said, "I understand everything I say, but I still don't understand anything."

His voice was calm, but it sounded extremely dangerous, "Who told you about this, who persuaded you to agree? Do you understand what this means?"

"What does it mean? It means digging out my heart and putting it in your chest. It's that simple. Why do you think I don't understand?" Ou Shaowen was refuted again and again, even with a bit of indignation. He didn't understand. For the people in the laboratory, this is obviously a very simple matter. Type matching, surgery, recuperation, and repeated cycles can complete transplants again and again. Why do people outside always think so much and imagine things so complicated.

He understands, he understands.

He understands what it means to violate humanitarianism, but since the establishment of the "Renewable Organ Petri Dish" project, and since he was born in this world, everything he has experienced has violated this so-called humanitarianism. Therefore, the laboratory cannot disclose its research results to the public, and cannot disclose its existence to the public. They are like cockroaches and ants hiding in the gutter and multiplying secretly, carefully protruding their tentacles towards the world in order to secretly obtain enough. They survive and study other topics of interest.

"I know what you're worried about, it's okay, we can tell the doctor to do it quietly, don't do it in the hospital, just don't let others find out." His tone is natural, but he can't wait, like a jubilant bird pounced on it. Flame Moth.

Ou Renjin lowered his eyes, didn't look at him, and didn't speak, his fingers clenched unconsciously, and his whole body seemed to be trembling slightly.

"What's the matter with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable again?" Ou Shaowen sat on the head of the bed and leaned over to listen to his heartbeat.

Ou Renjin touched his face halfway, and didn't let him lean against his chest. He laughed slowly, leaned close to his ear, and said in a low voice, "Are you willing to donate your heart to me?"


"But it's not a coincidence." He gently pushed his face away, his movements were firm and unreasonable, "I don't want it."

Ou Shaowen was impatient and irritable, and he couldn't suppress his anger, "But my heart is better than the hearts of all the people who can successfully match with you."

"No matter how good it is, I don't want it." Ou Renjin even felt a little absurd, he tried his best to throw away those messy emotions, and tried his best to divert his attention. He ignored the overwhelming feelings in his heart, suppressed his urge to look at Ou Shaowen, and began to recall one by one.

What exactly did Ou Shaowen go through, what kind of environment did he grow up in, and what kind of past did he encounter that made him say "I will transplant your heart" to a person he has only known for a few months.

Before today, he still never felt that it was too much for him to make fun of people. Life is so short, spending time on things that make you happy is the best arrangement.

However, just now, when Ou Shaowen firmly and urgently insisted that he would give his heart to him, he suddenly felt regretful. He felt that he should never have known such a person from the very beginning. should know him.

He is the most unsuitable person in the whole world to play that kind of hypocritical game with him. He is too real, showing the most sincere emotions in every move. The whole body blood to repay you.

He doesn't want his blood, and he doesn't deserve his blood.

Ou Renjin's throat was slightly choked, his fists were clenched too tightly, and the needle tip seemed to be wandering in the blood vessels.

The whole ward fell into a stiff dullness.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and said calmly: "Go back and rest first, call Guan Qijun in, I have something to ask him."

Ou Shaowen didn't answer immediately, Ou Renjin endured and endured, but still couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

Then, he saw the doll he picked up, who couldn't cry or laugh at first, lowered his head quietly at this moment, and tears fell one after another continuously. There was no expression on his face, and his eyes were foggy, unable to see the light.

Ou Renjin stretched out his hand to cover his chest, feeling that this person really gave him a headache and heartache.

"I've never seen such a stupid fool before."

Read The Duke's Passion