MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 36

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"No." Ou Shaowen let him rub his forehead without any redness and swelling with some enjoyment, "But if you are happy because of me, I will feel a sense of accomplishment."

Ou Renjin finally patted the top of his head and withdrew his hand, "I am very happy because of you every day."

"You're coaxing me again." Mingming's tone was different.

Ou Renjin really laughed now, "It's amazing, now I know I'm kidding you."

Seeing how he always took every word he said so seriously, I thought Ou Shaowen had always believed every word he said unconditionally.

"It doesn't matter, Qi Yue said that being able to be coaxed by others means that the other party likes you very much and cares about you, and I will often coax you in the future." During this time, he actually tried to learn how to coax Ou Renjin. Ou Renjin can always easily say what the other party likes to hear, but he can't. He doesn't know what Ou Renjin wants to hear, and he can't be sure whether he has received real feedback.

Because Ou Renjin likes to laugh, no matter what he says, he always has a good temper and smiling eyes. He was angry a few times before because he did something wrong. As long as he is well-behaved, he will always It's gentle and smiling.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that Ou Renjin is really talented, and a casual word can make him very happy.

"Ou Renjin, may I ask you a question?" He lay down in front of Ou Renjin, with a look of thirst for knowledge.


"Every time, what do you feel the happiest when you hear it?"

"That depends on who the person talking to me is." Ou Renjin sat up, pulled Ou Shaowen into his arms, hugged him from behind, and leaned his chin on his shoulder wearily, "If it's a business partner, listen He is the happiest when things are finalized and he says that the cooperation is pleasant; if he is a subordinate of an employee, he is the happiest when he hears how many times the company's benefits have increased..."

He didn't dislike Ou Shaowen's childish question, and answered quite seriously.

"What about me, are you the happiest when you hear what I say?" Ou Shaowen was a little excited like a poor student who was about to be missed by the teacher.

"You?" Ou Renjin chuckled softly in his ear, "I am happy every second I see you. I am not happy because I hear something I want to hear, but because you are you, So every word you say makes me happy."

Again, here we go again.

He was always able to casually say words that made his eardrums tremble and his whole body went numb. It's like he dropped a spark at random, which can make his whole body start to burn and boil, happy emotions keep bubbling up, one after another, until a pool of water is boiled dry, it will not stop when.

"You're coaxing me." His earlobe was slightly red, but his tone was very firm.

"I didn't coax you." Obviously I am the most natural jelly bean, which can make the whole air sweet and greasy in a second, but I don't realize it.

Staying with him is more fun than watching a play.

But... it may also be that he is too special, so it is like a mysterious and wonderful drama, and you will unconsciously expect his every answer and every reaction.

Ou Shaowen wanted to turn his head to confirm the expression on Ou Renjin's face, but he was firmly locked by him, unable to move. Of course, if he wanted, he could easily break free, but when he was hugged by Ou Renjin, he was lazy and didn't want to move.

"Take a leave with the teacher tomorrow and take you out to play."

"Where are you going to play?" Ou Shaowen hooked a finger of Ou Renjin hanging in front of him, shaking it gently.

"Take you to play things you have never played before." For a child like Ou Shaowen who likes to play remote control racing cars, it should actually be the best decision to take him to the playground, but because of his health, 80% He can't accompany him in any of the projects, so he can only be wronged to accompany him to play the "health care project for the elderly", feed the animals, take the cable car to see flowers and plants or something.

"I'm so happy. I'm not happy because I'm going out to play, but because you are you, and I'm happy to do anything with you."

Ou Renjin coughed lightly, let go of his hand, and held his shoulders to distance himself from himself, "Don't imitate me. You have to think about your love words, and it's meaningless to say what others have said."

"Can't you learn?" Ou Shaowen was a little disappointed, and Ou Renjin's bland reaction made him even more disappointed, "But I won't say it."

"Stupid." Ou Renjin tapped his forehead and stood up, "If you don't know how to say it, don't say it, just say what you want to say."

He felt that he had to go back to his room quickly, if he stayed with this kid for too long, he would die of his cuteness.

Ou Renjin excused himself to go to the study, Ou Shaowen lay down where he had just been lying down, looked at the ceiling, and felt that he couldn't just give up like this, he had to learn how to coax others.

He suddenly jumped up from the sofa and sent Qi Yue a WeChat message—I asked Ou Renjin what he likes to hear from me today, but he said that as long as it was me, every word he said would make him happy. So I still don't know, what can I say to coax him? Who do you think will know the answer to this question better?

After two seconds, Qi Yue replied with a long series of exclamation marks.

Before Ou Shaowen asked him what he meant, his next sentence came immediately. "Damn it, what did I do wrong? You'll be fed dog food at night."

"So can you answer this question?"

Qi Yue called him directly, probably because he thought it was too much trouble to type and couldn't understand, "I really don't know much about the matter between the two men. According to my experience of coaxing my girlfriend, it must be done when she doesn't expressly express it." Before, it was very difficult to detect the true thoughts in her heart. Without a solid foundation, it is basically impossible to do it. You should stop learning and learn the most basic operations. For example, pay more attention to Mr. Ou, think of his Send him WeChat messages, make phone calls, remember his birthdays, anniversaries, all kinds of days that mean a lot to him, stand by his side in everything, think for him, support him, let him feel As long as you have enough love."

"But..." Ou Shaowen was a little puzzled, "Isn't this something that can be done? Is this considered deceiving?"

Ou Shaowen's words seemed to have dealt a powerful blow to Qi Yue. A mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, and he was so blocked that he couldn't say anything.

"If that's not enough, I'm sure I can't do anything about the advanced tutorial, you'd better figure it out by yourself." He giggled twice, and hung up the phone without saying a word.

Ou Shaowen held the phone in confusion for a while, no one could ask for help, he could only continue to search for strategies on the Internet, the netizens gave whole paragraphs of long speeches, all of them had full marks in theoretical knowledge, but Ou Shaowen put it on Ou Renjin, and he couldn't help it. It seems that these operations are of no use to him.

Would he really be happy that he let him play games all night?

After reading it for a long time, there is only one that is quite suitable: no matter what time you want to praise him to your heart's content, you must worship him, and let him find a sense of existence and satisfaction in you.

So, when Ou Renjin took him out the next day, he began to use various excuses to praise him along the way.

"Ou Renjin, your driving posture is so handsome."

"Ou Renjin, how do you even know which road will be blocked?"

"You passed a lot of cars along the way, and you drove better than them all!"

"What does that roadside sign mean? How do you know everything, you are really good."

After getting on the cable car, Ou Shaowen's attention was instantly attracted by the open world and the beautiful scenery, and finally he didn't have the time to continue racking his brains to praise Ou Renjin.

Holding on to the guardrail in front of him, he leaned his whole body down, feeling that the whole person seemed to be floating in mid-air, which was very novel and interesting.

Ou Renjin grabbed his arm, motioned him to be careful, and teased: "What? Your first coaxing attempt is over? Your performance is not bad. I'll give you 60 points."

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, the scenery all over the mountains and plains instantly lost its attractiveness. Ou Shaowen turned his head to look at him, and was pleasantly surprised: "Really? Are you happy?"

Ou Renjin looked into his eyes, couldn't help holding Ou Shaowen's face, and kissed him with his eyes closed in the wet and swaying high altitude.

Of course it is true, he will be happy because of his existence. He could actually feel every step Ou Shaowen stepped towards him cautiously, every sincerity and enthusiasm. It is precisely because he can feel it that he feels that he can no longer act according to his own will.

They maintained a rather long kiss, until Ou Renjin heard the sound of staff coming to unlock the button not far in front, and finally let go of Ou Shaowen. Glancing at Ou Renjin, then at the destination that was getting closer and closer in front of him, he restrained his eagerness to move with some regret.

"Is it fun?"

Ou Shaowen nodded positively, "Can we play again?"

Ou Renjin smiled and didn't say good or bad.

Ou Shaowen held his hand and shook it lightly, "I want to kiss you again, shall we sit down again?"

At this moment, Ou Renjin really wanted to tell him that every time he expressed his heart so straightforwardly, it seemed to be able to poke into his heart. He can be himself to his heart's content, and every word he utters naturally is much better than the embarrassing and deliberate praise he just had. But the child didn't know if he had reached the stage of rebellion. He told him the truth, but he didn't believe it.

"Okay, listen to you today, you can sit as many times as you want."

"Is there no kiss share? Can I kiss you as many times as I want?"

"Yes," Ou Renjin looked at him and laughed, "As many times as you want."

Ou Shaowen seemed to have received a shocking gift. This morning, he really took him seven times on the cable car, going up and down again. Every time, he would come over and kiss him in the middle, confidently, and didn't mind occasionally facing them face to face. The cable car that slid over didn't care if there were people sitting on it who were staring at them dumbfounded.

Until he finally enjoyed himself, they got off the cable car and were about to leave. The staff tried to maintain a professional smile, and couldn't help but keep looking at them, and when they suggested that they could take commemorative photos of them sitting on the cable car, Ou Shaowen was just a little shy while being surprised.