MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 48

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He said before that he didn't know what the live broadcast was about, and seemed afraid of communicating with fans, but every time he was really thrown into a relevant situation, he always performed generously and outstandingly. He is the kind of person who naturally doesn't care what other people say. Some obvious maliciousness on the barrage, some sharp questions wrapped in love, all of them just pass by in front of his eyes. He will choose the questions that he is also interested in. He answered very straightforwardly.

"When will you marry me? There won't be such a day."

"The next work arrangement? We will release a debut song, and we will also shoot a group show, which is very fun."

"Brother, please work hard to do business. What is business? Just be handsome forever, and post more Weibo? Okay, don't worry, I will."

"Why are you with Ou Renjin?"

After reading this sentence, Ou Shaowen paused, looked up in Ou Renjin's direction, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was clearly visible, "Because he is the best person I have ever met."

He wanted to express to everyone what a good person Ou Renjin is, but he was unwilling to reveal the details of their exclusive relationship. In the end, he just smiled and raised his chin at the curious or malicious questions on the screen, "In short, everything There is no one in the world better than him."

Ou Renjin, who was sitting opposite, chuckled, and questioned what the fans wanted to question, "You have only met a few people, it's the whole world."

"Hey!" Ou Shaowen pretended to be angry, "There's no one to dismantle yourself, you're really nice, aren't you?"

"Many people think that I'm just a scumbag who cheats on your feelings and covets your appearance."

Ou Shaowen categorically retorted, "They don't know you, but I know you."

"Maybe they think they're right."

"Huh?" He was taken aback.

"But you are so easy to deceive, so easy to deceive that no one can bear to deceive you." It sounds like Ou Renjin must have laughed, and reprimanded "little fool" in a low voice.

The fans tasted the bright sweetness again.

As a qualified cp fan, don't worry about the future, just eat enough sugar now.

The normal business turned into distributing candy to CP fans. Ou Renjin felt self-willed and wanted to make up for the children. The next day, he specially called a photographer to follow him to the dance room, and took a cool photo. The practice room flipped and posted on Weibo as compensation for poking Wei Fan's heart last night.

Tired of being together for two days, and obviously didn't do anything special, Ou Shaowen just felt that he was full of energy as if he was fully charged, but when it was time to go back to work, he was very reluctant.

He hugged Ou Renjin's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder, motionless.

"I'll make a video call to you at night." Ou Renjin coaxed him.

"Well, good." Ou Shaowen still refused to move. After a while, he raised his head as if returning to his soul, "Ah, I know what else I should bring in my luggage."

He rattled up the stairs, hugged Ou Renjin's body and hugged him as a pillow, and smiled complacently, "Hey, I hug it when I miss you."

Ou Renjin leaned on the sofa and looked at him with his head tilted, "Don't you often take pictures of the daily life in the dormitory? When you release it, everyone will think you are a romantic mind."

"What is love brain?" Ou Shaowen hugged the pillow and refused to let it go.

"It's just... thinking about love all day long, giving up principles for the sake of the other half, having no ambition, and not being able to live without love."

Ou Shaowen thought for a while, and came to a conclusion: "Then I am a love brain."


Ou Renjin was defeated by him and waved his hand, "You can take it if you want."

Ou Shaowen happily carried the luggage and got into the car with the pillow in his arms.

When we returned to the dormitory, four or five teammates were already eating snacks and watching TV in the living room. Everyone was discussing their next announcement, when someone suddenly asked, "The host who interviewed us is Li Zhongming?"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Isn't it rumored that he is Ou Renjin's first love?"

"Ah!" Everyone suddenly turned their heads to look at him. After a moment of silence, they suddenly started chirping, and they started making noise with each other.

"Where did the rumor come from?"

"No, it was said like this before, and Mr. Ou never denied it."

"It's probably a rumor. Ou Renjin's boyfriends aren't announced immediately..."

Ou Shaowen walked to the entrance of the living room with his body pillow in his arms, and looked at them with a bewildered expression.


The living room became quiet in an instant, everyone looked at Ou Shaowen, then at the pillow he was hugging, and smiled very stiffly.

"Good morning." Ou Shaowen smiled and waved to them.

"Uh." "Good morning."

After saying hello, the living room became quiet again, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

"That..." The young man who mentioned this at the beginning carefully glanced at his face, "everyone's talking about first love, there's no such thing as stone hammer, don't mind it."

"Even if it's true, it's okay. Mr. Ou has always broken up with his ex and never turned back."

"Yeah, haha."

It was quiet again.


Ou Shaowen stared at them for a while, then suddenly laughed, "It's okay, it doesn't matter, it's all in the past."

It's strange that everyone seems to think he cares and is sad, but he doesn't mind at all. Ou Renjin has been with him for almost eight months, and he has already slapped many people who said that Ou Renjin would abandon him in less than half a year.

And he has been with Ou Renjin for so long, and he has developed a tacit understanding with him. With such a little bit of confidence, he will not be afraid of breaking up with fear every day. Ou Renjin treats him so well, he already believes in him with all his heart, and he just needs to be obedient and happily fall in love every day, so he doesn't have much energy to care about the past and the future.

It's just that it would be nice to heal his heart.

He sighed softly, and took out all the snacks in his backpack, "I have brought you some delicious food. Look, the yogurt cake made by Aunt Zhou, as well as salt-baked duck legs and beef cubes."

"Wow." "It's about to be divided, don't leave it for them." "First come, first served." "You take less, don't you say you want to lose weight?"

Everyone surrounded Ou Shaowen, chattering loudly, but also lively.

In the evening, Ou Shaowen went to the balcony to call Ou Renjin. Among the remaining eight people, Zhang Houyue, who was older and the team leader, suddenly said, "I think everyone should pay attention tomorrow. It's fine if the host hosts normally. Cue President Ou, everyone can just think of a topic to divert from."

Zhang Houyue is a funny person on weekdays, and has a good relationship with everyone, but in fact, he is very delicate, considerate and gentle, and can pay attention to the small emotions of his teammates.

"Got it." Everyone nodded.

Ou Shaowen has a pure heart and is straightforward with everyone. Although he is motivated and hardworking on weekdays, he is very contradictory and has no sense of gain or loss. He doesn't care about the lens or interests. When his teammates need help, he never hesitates to ignore himself. The one where interests respond.

Coupled with the fact that the popularity gap is too large, there is no conflict with everyone, and he has naturally become the favorite of the group. Everyone sincerely treats him as a younger brother, and the daily relationship is very harmonious.

"Oh, this idiot thought his acting skills were so good, and he sighed sadly after he finished speaking, thinking we couldn't see it, making trouble."

"The few of you later didn't see the stupid look of him hugging that pillow during the day."

"I didn't see it before, but now I see it, and it's all on the bedside, so it's so conspicuous that I can't see it?"

"Now I can only sincerely wish him and Ou Renjin a long time together, otherwise one day we will break up, I doubt this fool will cry to death."

So when they were interviewed the next day, the other eight people were a little nervous, and Ou Shaowen foolishly comforted them, "It's okay, Sister Yu said just now, just follow our usual way of getting along."

Li Zhongming's interviews can be regarded as having done enough homework. He can casually talk about their memes during the game, know each of their nicknames, and grab two of them to play games together. , cue him many times, gave him a lot of highlight shots, and threw a lot of interesting memes.

Everyone was noisy and the atmosphere was very lively. Finally, everyone was having fun, but felt that this Li Zhongming was very professional and funny, so everyone was no longer nervous and vigilant like in the beginning.

When the show was about to end, Li Zhongming glanced at the script in his hand, and suddenly asked, "What about Shaowen, if you were to choose a son-in-law for your future daughter, which teammate would you choose?"

Ou Shaowen didn't think there was anything wrong, and tilted his head to his teammates seriously, thinking for a while, then shook his head, "Forget it, my daughter should like a younger brother who is a little bit similar in age."

"Then Shaowen will be a daughter slave? Have you ever thought that in the future, he will pamper his daughter unconditionally, or be very principled, and his daughter will be strictly criticized when she makes a mistake?"

Before Ou Shaowen could answer, he was interrupted by his teammates jokingly, "So Ou Shaowen, are you planning to let Mr. Ou give birth to a daughter for you?"

Ou Shaowen was stunned for a moment, thinking of some funny scene, he suddenly laughed.

"Shut up, Mr. Ou sees that it's time to block you and I'll tell you."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"Guys, look at my thumbs, you bastard!"

Everyone laughed together.

Ou Shaowen just smiled, but after being teased by them, he couldn't stop. He covered his stomach and laughed for a long time, but he still didn't forget to explain to Ou Renjin, "He... haha... won't block you."

The last few questions were passed by everyone in a rowdy way, and the work was settled smoothly. From the beginning to the end, Ou Shaowen didn't feel the slightest malice hidden under the problem.

This question, which seems to be frequently asked by idol groups in interviews, has a different meaning when asked about Ou Shaowen.

Because he likes the same sex, there is no way for two men to reproduce. In this case, asking him what he expects of his daughter is a kind of mockery in a sense, or a challenge to his relationship with his current boyfriend.

Fortunately, Ou Shaowen didn't understand, but because he didn't understand, it didn't mean that other people didn't understand. At least on weekdays, Ou Renjin, who always likes to turn a sentence eight times, can instantly feel other people's soft knife killing people, and then hit back with soft knife, frowned immediately when he saw this.

"What, did Ou Shaowen offend this host?" Sitting in the VIP waiting room at the airport, he handed the phone to Xiao Liu who was sitting next to him, motioning him to watch this video.

Xiao Liu took it over, and after watching the cut, he turned his face and stared at Ou Renjin with an unbelievable expression, "Mr. Ou, you don't know him, do you?"

"Who, host?"

Xiao Liu nodded.

"Why should I know him? Is he a signed artist of our company?"

"Speaking of which, it's a story from a long, long time ago." Xiao Liu clicked his tongue, looking very interested, "I remember that when you just broke up with your first aunt, this Li Zhongming posted on Weibo I posted a photo with you on po, it was a photo taken in college, you are so young, you put your arms around his shoulders, and you smiled innocently."

"That's why many people speculate whether this Mr. Li is your first love."

"Just because of a group photo?" Ou Renjin rubbed his brows, but he really didn't recall the name deep in his memory.


Daily updates will be maintained before March, and follow the fate after March

Read The Duke's Passion