MTL - Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master-Chapter 5

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He picked up the pendant and compared it to his chest, fumbled to put it on his neck, lowered his head, and held it in the palm of his hand.

It's so beautiful! It's a pity that such a beautiful thing cannot belong to him forever, and there is a high probability that it will be taken away when he returns to the laboratory.

Back in the room, he stared at the pendant in the mirror for a long time, then walked to the study room like sleepwalking, stood on the chair and pulled out the first book from the first row of bookshelves, held it in his hand and opened it, and finally all his thoughts paid attention to it. Immersed in the text, he breathed a sigh of relief, nestled in the chair and read it intently.

Sure enough, the rich man hasn't shown up for more than half a month. Today Ou Shaowen just got his ID card, household register and bank card. He spent some time to figure out the purpose of these documents, and put them into a box like a treasure. inside.

He found the box in the room, probably a packaging box for some luxury item, with a beautiful design. This box contains the leaves that he crushed into specimens and the two remote-control racing cars. Now there are a few more documents. Before returning to the laboratory, he plans to bury this box secretly. If there is a chance to meet again in the future A rich man who is as gentle and kind as Ou Renjin, you can still dig it out and have a look.

"Ding!" is the notification tone of the text message.

Originally light-handed, he closed the box in his hand with a "snap", quickly picked up the phone and unlocked it.

"Take you out for dinner tonight and wait for me at home."

He wasn't in a bad mood before, but from this moment on, he felt happy, like a ballerina dancing on tiptoes in his heart. Ou Shaowen went downstairs briskly, sat on the sofa and waited quietly.

He lowered his head and quietly practiced what he was going to say later. These days, except for reading books, strolling in the garden, and occasionally trying to browse information on the Internet, he spent almost all his free time on it. It's not that he can't speak. When he was studying those basic courses, he had already learned to speak. At that time, he could communicate with others fluently, and even mastered basic English and French. However, in those long days later, after those people re-attributed all the meaning of his existence to being a successful "petri dish", no one had any intention of communicating with him.

It was not as difficult as he imagined to speak again, but he wanted to perform better to satisfy Ou Renjin.

"Collecting beautiful teenagers is like collecting vases. Ou Renjin has never given her sincerity." Ou Renjin flipped through an entertainment report on the screen of her mobile phone. The huge font was paired with a photo of a slender teenager squatting on the side of the street in thin clothes. The report was again a clichéd accusation of his flair and ruthlessness.

This child's name is Qi Shuyang. He just moved out of his villa last month. He is the youngest among all of Ou Renjin's adoptees. He has just turned eighteen. This kind of people never pleases him, but he has given Qi Shuyang the greatest consideration and patience ever. He spends the most time with him, takes him out the most times, gives him the most resources, and keeps him close. The hand that has passed the most times is the gentlest to him.

Qi Shuyang lived in the villa for nine full months, which was also the longest time.

It may be because his patience is too good this time, the game lasted too long, so long that all media audiences began to wonder whether he would be the one who made Ou Renjin's prodigal son take care of him, so long that even the kid himself began to indulge in Illusions, sinking a little more in the sea of ​​false honey every day.

The look of being confident that you have been loved is really interesting. He will act like a baby with him, will forget that their beginning is only from the contract, will make more and more demands, and will complain over and over again why he only kisses and hugs him and can't take the last step, he is justified To let Ou Renjin give up heavy work for him, confident that he is more important than other things Ou Renjin has.

Then at this moment, he suddenly knew...

In fact, he is the least important.

Ou Renjin can still remember the expression he showed at that time. It was a feeling that the whole world was broken before my eyes, doubting everything, unable to believe the truth, painful, crazy, unacceptable, deceiving myself and others, and finding countless reasons for those who hurt themselves.

It's been half a month since Ou Renjin broke up with him to when he moved out of the villa. During the past half month, Ou Renjin took time to watch the surveillance video almost every day, watched Qi Shuyang go crazy in the room, watched him mechanically dial his phone, watched him cry bitterly, watched him curse, watched him All the process of self-pull is like watching a wonderful and grand drama.

In the interview, Qi Shuyang choked up and said: "When he likes you, he can tolerate all your willfulness and unreasonableness. When he is tired of you, even if you lose all your dignity in front of him, it won't get him any soft-heartedness and change of heart. He will make it clear to you that all your sweet memories are like a joke to him and he treats you like a toy."

"What about me, my joy and pain, my youth and sincerity, what should I do?"

"Please don't say the word nurturing in front of me. I used to think that I would not reach the ending of being abandoned that everyone believed. Although I still got this result, at least when we were together, we had been in love."

Look, what a poor child, a sincere heart has been ruined, and no amount of money or resources can make up for it. The most ridiculous thing is that he still sincerely thinks that he has been loved to this day.

Ou Renjin almost laughed happily.

Although he is already tired of these rotten and hard cold meals that have been fired countless times, and this is not the first time it happened, why is it still in the news today? But he still clicked on the comment and accepted everyone's judgment with great interest.

"Ou Renjin has been self-destructive and self-destructive in collecting stamps for a long time. Qi Shuyang looks really pitiful now, but when he was with someone like Ou Renjin, he should be mentally prepared."

"It's finally divided, and the other fresh and tender teenagers who are eyeing you can go up."

"With Ou Renjin, you can ask for resources and materials, but you can't ask for feelings."

"It's too pitiful to be sincere to a person like Ou Renjin, and it's too pitiful to feel that this little white rabbit might accept Ou Renjin's big bad wolf."

"Fuck, Ou Renjin is such a scumbag, playing with others in this life, sooner or later she will be played by others."

Ou Renjin clicked his tongue lightly, and raised the corners of his mouth indifferently. He was thinking, how would Qi Shuyang feel when he saw these comments? Will he understand how ridiculous it is to dissect his heart in front of everyone. Others only watch the show, and no one cares about your sorrows and joys.

In contrast, the little black household who read the book obediently and obediently for half a month in the villa is more cute and pleasing to the eye.

Thinking about it this way, he sent the kid a text message about having a meal with him, and he got a reply right away.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Look, how well behaved.

Ou Renjin casually picked up a box of chocolates from someone in the office, preparing it as a reward for being so well-behaved.

When I came to the villa again, as soon as I entered the door, Ou Shaowen who was sitting on the sofa immediately looked up at him. Ou Renjin smiled, walked over and sat down beside him, "I heard that you got your ID card today ?”

Ou Shaowen paused, the words on his lips were disrupted by his question, so he could only say "um" first.

Afraid that Ou Renjin would say more, he grabbed his hand and called him: "Ou Renjin."

His tone was firm and calm, with a little hoarseness that he hadn't spoken for a long time, like fine sand rubbing against the pinna of his ears.

Ou Renjin was obviously taken aback.

"Thank you for the name you gave me. I like it very much. You said you wanted to hear my voice. Now that you hear it, what else do you want me to do?" Moe feeling.

"You..." The young man's voice seemed to be still lingering in his ears, Ou Renjin organized his words, "So you really can talk?"

Ou Shaowen nodded.

"Before that, why didn't you talk to them?" If this was considered a kind of flattery, then Ou Renjin had to admit that he was indeed flattered.

"They didn't tell me, they wanted to hear from me."

"Okay." Ou Renjin reluctantly accepted the explanation, he was silent for a moment, then smiled softly, "You just asked me what else do I want to see you do? Do you know what I want you to do?"

"If I can do it." He replied sternly, with a serious and solemn expression.

Ou Renjin smiled even more, "You don't need to do anything for now, just clean up and go out to dinner with me."

He took Ou Shaowen upstairs, and helped him choose the clothes for going out today in the closet. Ou Shaowen obediently let him fiddle with him throughout the whole process, never objecting to any of his words, like a BJD doll that can be held in the palm of his hand.

With his arms around his waist, he tucked the hem of his white shirt into his trousers bit by bit, and put on a light gray long sweater. His slender waist was looming in the swaying of the clothes, his limbs were slender, clean and clear, revealing the gentle temptation of a teenager.

Sitting in the car, Ou Renjin fastened his seat belt for him, and put the box of chocolates on his lap, "Here's for you, I don't know if it's good or not, you should cushion your stomach first."

"Gift?" Ou Shaowen confirmed.

"Yes, a gift."

Ou Shaowen became happy, he unpacked the box like unpacking the most precise parts of a machine, stared at the beautiful and neat chocolates for a while with some hesitation, picked up one, and handed it to Ou Renjin's mouth first.

"You can just eat." Ou Renjin started the car.

Ou Shaowen's fingers paused in front of his lips, showing a sense of persistence.

Ou Renjin would never refuse his little lover's flirtatious request, so he lowered his head and gently took his finger.

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