MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 12

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I feel like things are going to get interesting.


Chapter 9.6 The Temptation of [Corpse Lover Murderer]

The trial of [Corpse Lover]:

I can smell it...

Although it is not very strong and is far from the others, An Juncheng has indeed stepped into the field of abnormality with one foot.

It's really curious, so let the maids secretly investigate what happened to An Juncheng last night.

During the class, he was in a daze all the time, and he was staring at Teacher Xiaozhen. Could it be that he is a lo*ic*n? But I haven't seen him have any interest in Teacher Xiaozhen before...

What is he looking at?

more and more concerned.

Lan Hua also kept staring at him. Did she discover An Juncheng's abnormality long ago? Or is it just pure girlish love?

But if you keep staring at Teacher Xiaozhen like him, aren't you afraid of being called to answer questions?

As soon as he thought of this, he was named.

Hehe, as I expected, he didn't seem to be prepared at all, he didn't attend the class at all, right?

Hmm~ Should I help him~

It seems like it would be good to sell him a favor now, hehe...

"The answer is C."

So I told him the answer.

However, after getting help, he didn't turn around and thank me in a low voice. After he sat down, he just kept his head down, like a tortoise with a shriveled head.

Not cute.

He didn't even have a word of thanks for helping him? Why can't you even say something as simple as "Thank you, Lianbing, you've helped me a lot".

Although I was a little angry, I was more interested in him.

Exactly why is he so shy of me, even... afraid of me? I have to figure out why from him.

After class, he stayed in his seat, looking around at his classmates with a very strange expression on his face.

So I said to him, "That, classmate An Juncheng?"

His shoulders shook a bit, and after a two-second pause, he turned his head to answer me.

"Um... What's the matter with you?"

Oh~ have you calmed down? Or is it just pretending?

"You just looked at me and puffed, didn't you, is there something on my face?"

"Ah, no. I didn't burst out when I saw you. It has nothing to do with you."

...Didn't you make a sound when you saw 'I'? It has nothing to do with me at all?

Very interesting speech.

Can you ignore 'I' and look at 'something else'?

I still have a certain amount of confidence in my appearance.

Men are basically creatures who think with their lower bodies. Whenever I pass by them, they will look at me with squinting eyes. I can read their inner thoughts from this kind of eyes, for example, they want to push me down, they want to take me to the open room, they want to play with various poses and so on...


Although this kind of stare makes me very unpleasant, I can't do anything to them just because they are stared at. Fortunately, they don't dare to do anything more than just watching, of course, they will be killed by me before they do anything more.

But he looked at me without the slightest desire in it.

He wouldn't have a problem with his sexual orientation, would he?

It's not cute at all.

Although being stared at makes me very unpleasant, it is equally unpleasant to be stared at by such uninteresting eyes.

But now to hide this unpleasant mood, you still have to show people with a smile.

"It turns out that it wasn't because of the dirt on my face that I made the sound. It's really nice. Thank you, classmate An."

"I didn't help anything at all, did I?"

Huh... Obviously with the meaning of rejection.

You even have this attitude towards me, do you want to get involved with me?

"No, thanks to you, I know that there is no problem with my appearance today. If it was anyone else, they wouldn't tell me at all. Because, you are the only one who dares to talk to me like this, hehehe..."

"That's because you don't have any friends either."

Ha ha.

kill you?

What is this person like? I didn't know he was so irritating...

Doesn't he know what it means to read the atmosphere? It's a miracle that he didn't say anything without being killed.

Phew... calm down.

Don't let him take away the rhythm, you must firmly hold the initiative.

Um... That means, he is the kind of outspoken person.

Then talking to him in circles shouldn't have any effect. Since the topic has just developed to this point, I might as well throw a straight ball.

"Yeah... I really don't have any friends... Then, can classmate An be my friend?"

"Ah ah... ah?"

Maybe I didn't expect that I would say such a thing. An Juncheng was stunned, and then a puzzled expression appeared on his cheeks, as if he didn't understand why I would say such a thing.

Yes too.

If it were an ordinary person, if he was blocked by him with such irritating words several times, he would have made up his mind to never talk to him again.

This time, I let go of my self-esteem and came into contact with you. You must be grateful, okay? An Juncheng…

In order to make him understand that he heard correctly, I deliberately repeated it again.

"Would you please be my friend?"

His mouth opened a little wider, but he still didn't respond.

So I repeated it a second time.

"I want to be friends with you, okay?"

But still no response.

At this time, I noticed that Lan Hua, who was sitting next to him, was always watching here. Of course, ordinary people would not notice it, because Lan Hua is very talented in peeping and listening. If it wasn't for me being very sensitive to sight, I probably wouldn't have noticed that she was looking here.

Speaking of which, I still don't know what Lan Hua's abnormality is... or else just...

"Please be my boyfriend."

When I repeated it for the third time, I secretly added another word to the dialogue, which changed the meaning of the whole sentence.

Because of the previous two repetitions, An Juncheng had a habit of thinking, and he had the illusion that I repeated the same words again.

"Okay! Don't repeat it so many times, I'll just take it... eh?"


Look at his stupid face~

So cute.

I clapped my hands very deliberately, and said happily in a voice that everyone around me could hear: "Great, then you will be my boyfriend from now on. Can I just call you 'Juncheng'? "

The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Lan Hua turned his head sharply and stared at me stubbornly.

Oops~ I'm full of murderous aura, so scary~

Does this count as betraying my friend? After all, Lan Hua is also one of the few girls who can talk to me... Well, forget it, I've done it anyway, and it's useless to regret it.

And does it feel more interesting? hehe~

At this moment, the bell rang, interrupting the series of events that were about to happen, but the strange atmosphere had not dissipated.

Then, in the next break, there will be interesting developments, right?

Really looking forward to it.

I put one hand on the desk to support my cheek, and kept staring at the back of his head.

Ah, I'm scratching my head, I'm scratching my head.

It looks troubled, hehe~

I looked at An Juncheng's distressed appearance with great interest, and I could smell the annoyance emanating from him. This makes the other person's mood fluctuate greatly because of me, which makes me feel very happy.

It is worth mentioning that Lan Hua, who was next door, had always been looking at An Juncheng, but now he has been staring at me. And his eyes are full of puzzlement, betrayal, and a trace of murderousness... oh~ This is called blackening.

Oops, Lan Hua wouldn't she come to kill me with a kitchen knife in a fit of rage?

In that case, it is very likely that I will kill you.

It's really interesting to ignore that person and look at others while being watched like this.

After a while, An Juncheng calmed down and sat still in his seat.

Oh... Did you sort out your mood so quickly? This mental capacity is higher than I imagined.

This means that he has already figured out how to deal with my confession, right?

Which one is it? Is it as gleefully accepted as those shallow men? Or do you solemnly refuse? Or pretend to accept it and then make another plan?

Full of anticipation, I waited until the bell rang.

Then at the moment the bell rang, he stood up and quickly walked out of the classroom in three steps.

I didn't expect it to unfold like this, so I stood up after a while and shouted, "Juncheng!"

But he has already walked out of the classroom...

Facing me...he actually chose to 'escape'!


Chapter 9.9 The joy of [corpse love murderer]

The joy of 【Corpse Lover】:

Did you choose to escape from me without hesitation? Is this treating me like a terrifying beast?

This reaction is really a bit strange, and the fear in his eyes when he looked at me... Did he know something about me? But so far, I 'haven't' done anything that would have been noticed. And even if he did, he would never leave a trace of evidence... How did he find out?

Could it be that this is the abnormality he holds?

When I was thinking deeply, Lan Hua's nervous voice came from next door.

"That, Lianbing! You, do you like An Juncheng too?"

Aiya, it looks like Lan Hua is really in a hurry, and she used 'also' inadvertently. If I hold on to this point at this time, wouldn't it be suppressed by me?

So, how can I answer it better now? Hmm...let's answer in ambiguity first.

"Yeah... I'm a little interested."

"Oh? This is really strange, Ji Lianbing, are you interested in someone as unremarkable as An Juncheng?"

The speaker is Gao Yingnai, she is a good friend of Lan Hua, with dyed yellow hair, and often wears a pair of headphones... What is her abnormality, my maids have already investigated.

Read The Duke's Passion