MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 705

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"Oh, I thought you and I were just having fun."

"After that, we will be together for a long time, if it's just for fun, don't say forever, even for a few months.

"After a long time...

Nana narrowed her eyes as if looking at the future.

\"Instead of making a promise to a great-grandmother like me, it is better to use this rhetoric to appease the aftermath of the riot, a creature like a woman,

Before marriage and after marriage are completely different. "

"Ok, I know.'

To give a promise, not just verbally.


The sacred ceremony that connects the marriage between.

The three-community of Deqiu still needs a ceremony similar to marriage to swear eternity

"When I find everyone,

......It's been a long time since I turned the actual man. But for the happiness of my daughter, I will

, I will marry everyone. ’

"Well, hehe, do you want to marry everyone—really

Let's help you. "

Nana leaned her body on the back of the chair, closed her eyes and smiled, very fascinated.

"My own happiness. - Arrogant man, can you really give everyone happiness?"

If it was me in normal times, maybe I would shrug and say, 'Let's perfunctory.

But this time, under her gaze, can I say another answer?

Isn't it certain that there can only be one answer?

That is...

"Of course, absolutely.

"Oh. It looks like it's me, I misunderstood. I thought you were just a stinky brat who pretended to be an old man, but now it seems that is not the case.

"Have you changed your mind about me?"

"Ah, you're not a brat at all, you're just a little white-faced who speaks wildly and arrogantly."

"Xiaobailian is fine, I still want to live the ideal life of Xiaobailian.

"Then I'll be a rich woman who was deceived by the little white face.

"That is to say?

"That is to say-

Nana smiled even more, and she held it differently. There was a feeling of seeing the sun when she pushed aside the clouds and mist, and she was suddenly enlightened.

I always feel that at this moment, what is different about Nana?

"I'll take care of you."

The two of us left one after another, staggering the time we entered the school.

By the way, before parting, Nana took the initiative to kiss me on the lips.

The mixed taste of brown sugar and rock sugar remained in the mouth.

sweet kiss.

Thinking, the bell will ring in ten minutes, and it's almost time for me to set off. I started walking towards the school leisurely.

I insist on going to school with a purpose.

More specifically, for two people.

Otherwise, there is no need for me to insist on coming to school. After all, I am not someone who wants to learn, and I already know this knowledge.


One of these two people...

Oh, that's right.

Looking at the figure in the scarf in front of me, I stepped up to walk behind her, patted her on the shoulder and greeted.

"Good morning, Yuhui.

When Hai Xiang patted her on the shoulder, it was in vain. Yu Hui took half a step sideways without a trace, and said to me coldly.

Is it okay for this person to approach me casually? You and I, senior, should not be very familiar with each other, right?

"I can clear your anxiety.\"Fan (4:8's home)

"It's so cold, obviously ours,

"I don't remember my self-esteem and my body should be very sweet. As a first kiss, it can leave a beautiful return.

Remembrance. \"

"Okay, but I'll probably bite your tongue down, senior."

If you just bite off your tongue, you can taste the rain

"Beautiful memories turned into **** memories in an instant, but that's okay,

If my sister's sweet kiss, you will earn a lot of money. "

>0 If you can cut off the iconic body parts of men

"I'm sorry, I underestimate the thickness of your face, senior.

, out of sympathy, I might consider it. "

"Even if I really want to do this, I'm afraid I'll be blocked."

"Senior, your narcissism skills are also top-notch. Is there anyone else who would be in Ping, do you have such a thing?"

"Hey, don't tell lies, many people really care about CE light novels.

Speaking of which, I didn't say any more, and stopped at the same time.

Yuhui didn't wait for me to continue walking on my own,

But after noticing the person in front, he also stopped.

Well, the people in Ping are standing there in a row.

Like a girl who was beaten into cold words, the terrifying aura emanating from the group of women at the school gate made the people around them dare not rely on her.


Chang, you seem to owe a lot of emotional debt.

It's not an emotional or physical problem, but a physical problem. ’

. You're a scum in the seat of the public school, but I didn't expect you to be a forced girl.."

"Although I already know the hand,

"No, no, the fact is exactly the opposite of what you think.

It's not that I force them, it's that they want to be strong, come on, me.

.-. Sure enough, I insisted. Is going to school a bad decision?

I didn't expect that such a thing would happen to the people in the early morning. I would still come to school as usual the next day, so

No, it is precisely because of knowing my character,

Is Yi Cai blocking me at the school gate?

In fact, the most terrifying aura emanating from a group of people is Keling and Lianbing.

Ke Ling's appearance was like a runaway plane number 1, and he felt that his eyes were glowing red.

And in love with ice, the death type smiles coldly.


That is the death stare, watching who dies, if you don't tell lies, I think the soul may be sucked away.

Fortunately, the **** fox Lilan is still in a state of being purified by the holy light of purification. He persuaded other people over there, and after seeing me, he still

He also waved at me slightly.

Well, what is that cute creature that doesn't fit in? You tell me it's blue?

I must be hallucinating.

The scene froze for a while.

Can't move.

....then I'll go back to the classroom first, senior.

Seeing that Yuhui wanted to escape by herself, I quickly held her shoulders.


"Wait! Don't leave me alone,

I don't want to face that mouth alone

To face it yourself, it has nothing to do with me. "

"Senior, the emotional debt you owe yourself is also a physical debt.

"Dear school girl!"

"How can it be okay? You're my dear- uh,

"Senior, please die!"

When Qi entered the school, Hui Bing and the others did not stop the rain and tears.

Yu Hui ruthlessly shook off my hand, trotted into the school,

Woohoo, don't abandon me! y

Time goes by slowly, the bell will ring soon, SE Light Novel

There were no more students, but the guard did not dare to close the school gate under pressure.

Still in a stalemate--

Am I right now. Would it be better to take the initiative to surrender?

But maybe what awaits me is not such a happy and comfortable captivity play-.

All right, please find someone who can break this freezing time.


This voice is...

Oh oh oh oh!

Come, come, come!

It's time to come, Daddy Li Nai!

Li Nai, who can always smile when going to the temple, is present, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Good morning, you can see the situation, it's great. 7.

"For the first time, I thought it was really thighs.

I can't help but want to look at you. Is it okay to recognize me? Sure enough, Juncheng, you can't do it without me!"

"Hmm? What's the matter? Well! Hehe,

No, to be honest, it wouldn't work without you.