MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 733

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"I'm more curious about how you did it."

"From the beginning of the taxi driver, we have been our people. When we learned that you were going to the airport, we immediately arranged the flight, and the airport staff were also our people.

"In other words, all of your people are on the plane?"

"No, it's just me, there's no need to sacrifice too many people, just

(that is, other flight attendants and flight attendants)

If you want to sacrifice too many people, you only need to sacrifice one of me. "

"Tsk, it's really pervasive, annoying flies."

"Since you killed our branch head in the Garden of Eden, you have been targeted, and you will never die."

So let's play self-destruction?

"We know that you have a powerful regeneration ability, but no matter how powerful you are, if you follow this plane to explode, you will be left with nothing left."

The captain continued flatly.

"Of course you can escape by jumping out of the window now, but will you leave the woman beside you?"

Okay, good calculation.

I have to compliment -- come on, you have done a great job.

But if you take Li Nai in, you won't be able to live.

"No nonsense, [go to die].

Under my order, the man fell to the ground with seven orifices bleeding.

Directly use mental power to forcibly blast the opponent's brain.

I don't usually use this dangerous trick--who told you to kill me?

To die is that you will really die.

"Then I'll try to see if I can make an emergency landing, Li Nai, wait for me--get down.\"

Li Nai didn't panic at all, she said with a smile as if she was sending her husband out.

"Well, be careful.

"Ah, don't worry, but it's a pity that the travel brochure you made can't be used."

"It doesn't matter, there is a chance, --. With you, I can go anywhere."

"Where am I~

So, it can't just end like this.


Chapter 8 Who will be the life partner of the eighth

As a pilot, you can never lose your cool.

Xu Fei couldn't calm down now.

Xu Fei is 26 years old this year, just a young rookie who has just become a co-pilot.

Because of his passion for flying, he dreamed of becoming an airplane pilot. He gave up other entertainment and time to play with friends. After ten years of hard work, he finally became the pilot of his dreams.

But when he finally became a co-pilot, he found that the job was not as exciting as he imagined.

When working, you cannot put personal emotions first. For safety, no matter how small things are, you have to sacrifice.

This is the first rule of being a pilot.

The top priority is \'safety'. Most of the time, all he has to do is check, read meters, and report, but what he wants most is 'driving'.

But it won't happen.

The autopilot system will allow the plane to reach its destination smoothly on a safe route.

The captain I follow is an excellent pilot who has never had an accident in the past 23 years. With the help of this senior, all Xu Fei has to do every time is to enjoy the flight happily, instead of work. It was the easiest time for him.

Of course, in the eyes of other people, this is a good job with a high salary that is enviable, but he has worked hard for ten years, and this is not what he wants.

And now, maybe the 'driving' opportunity he's always wanted has finally come, but at the cost of his life...

He knew something bad was going to happen from the moment the communication equipment started to cut off suddenly, and then the captain made a strange gesture of prayer and walked out of the cockpit.

He really wanted to follow the captain to see what was going on, but his professional ethics as a pilot kept him in the cockpit, and there could be no one in the cockpit at any time.

However, the accident happened like this.

He doesn't know how to deal with it now. Xu Fei has not flown many times so far, and this is the first accident he has encountered.

In addition, the communication equipment was completely paralyzed, and the disadvantages of inexperience were exposed at this moment.

Xu Fei hated and regretted why he didn't do his homework earlier, otherwise there might be some way to do it now, instead of sitting still.

Mingming's previous self was best at being 'prepared'. It was precisely because he was well prepared that he successfully became a flight attendant... Was it because after becoming a passenger, this comfortable situation made him lost?

He couldn't calm down, thinking that maybe the plane would crash like this soon, but fortunately it was a late night flight with only two passengers.

Snap! Xu Fei slapped himself on the cheek.

No, even if it's the two of them, it's a living human life! And those flight attendants, how would they know that this time will lead to the end of life?

Xu Fei has mixed feelings. He is still unmarried. He only misses his parents, but now the communication equipment has been scrapped, and the pilot is not allowed to bring the mobile phone into the cockpit. He has no way to contact his parents. Gong Xiaoshen

Maybe he should go out like the captain to apologize to the passengers and take responsibility.-... Maybe the captain expected that the accident was irreversible, so he went out.

If even such an experienced pilot is helpless, what can he do...

Xu Fei was heartbroken and felt that it was time to give up. When he was about to get up from the driver's seat, someone pressed his shoulder.

A young voice commanded him in a tone that would not allow refusal.

"Sit down." "Huh?

Xu Fei saw a young man in his twenties sitting in the captain's seat and smiled at him.

"It hasn't landed yet. As the captain, where do you want to go?"

You are... a young couple, but Xu Fei didn't expect the other party to be so young, just a high school student.

"Now is not the time to introduce each other, let's talk about it when we land safely, but I can tell you the name, my name is An Juncheng, you

"Xu, Xu Fei, I'm not the captain, just now the pilot...-wait, where's the captain?"

Captain, he died?

\'Well, you deserved it. This accident was also planned by the captain.--No, why are you chatting, let's not talk nonsense, let's prepare to land. \"TESMil:

Xu Fei's mind was in a mess, and before he had digested all the information, he heard a young man named An Juncheng say the familiar four words 'quasi-landing', and instinctively thought of the situation that the plane was out of control, biting his lower lip with difficulty. said.

"That, this passenger, although it's a little hard to tell, but actually...

"Report the status quo, Xu Fei, co-pilot. "Huh?

He saw that the expression of the young man named An Juncheng changed from serious to serious, and there seemed to be some kind of power in those eyes, just looking at him.

"Cheer up, you are a professional.

Cheer up, you are a professional.

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This sentence resounded in Xu Fei's mind like a thunderbolt. Yes, he is a professional, and he has a responsibility on his shoulders. Now, no matter what, he has to save it. Giving up like this is the worst choice.

He didn't expect to be encouraged by the passengers in return, and Xu Fei finally calmed down. Although there are still many questions, such as the identity of this young man named An Juncheng, and the death of the captain, etc., but now the urgent matter is The plane landed, so he stopped taking the test.

Although the flying experience is not enough, the professional habits cultivated through countless trainings have allowed him to start 'working'

"Move.. Rapidly descend!

"Engine condition."

"The right engine has stopped! The left is weakening rapidly... The left engine has also stalled! There is no problem with the fuel and oil pressure, but the engine is fine,

"Forget it, I don't have time to analyze the cause of the failure now. It's high now."

"Altitude now, thirty-four thousand feet, still descending. Would you like to try restarting the engine?"

"No, I don't recommend this, the air will become thin, first drop the altitude and try again, activate the auxiliary power unit.

"Yes! Start the auxiliary power unit...

After opening it, Xu Fei realized that this young man is so skilled?

Who is he?

"No problem, the ram turbine is used to supply power, even if the engine is turned off, the autopilot system is still operating, and it can glide like a glider, no problem.

"However, the communication equipment has failed, and the information of the automatic driving system cannot be changed. . . .

"There's no need to go through the airport, just change the program manually.


Is it even possible to manually change the automatic driving program?

In such a short time? How is this possible? Isn't it more difficult than flying a plane?

"Okay, the information has been changed, but because the communication equipment has been hacked, I can't get in touch with other airports. In order to prevent accidents, I landed on the sea, no problem, right? problem.

This feeling of reassurance was the same as when the captain was by his side before, Xu Fei suddenly felt that he might not have to die here.

The crisis was lifted, and the doubts that Xu Fei forcibly forgot just now rose again.

Who is this young man so holy?

Why is the experience so experienced? Even if the captain is still there, he doesn't think he can survive the accident so smoothly, especially changing the autopilot system directly, which can already be said to be a marvelous skill. of

SF Light Novel

In short, this time should be able to spend safely.

In an instant, a thunderbolt struck the fuselage, and then the sound of thunder resounded.

"What! What's the situation!"

"Tsk, kill them all... Hey, don't be stunned, report the airspeed.

"-.None! No airspeed! Both the speedometer and altimeter are malfunctioning!

"Because in...

"But there is clearly nothing on the weather radar! It's not a cumulonimbus either!"

How could lightning fall out of thin air?

Could it be that there are cultivators nearby who transcended the calamity?!

Xu Fei was about to collapse. He clearly saw that he was going to get through the crisis, but now he is back to his original shape.

"Huh, that means there are those who have the ability to control thunder and lightning among those dead lolicons...

"It's nothing, the body structure of the plane will discharge out of the body when it is struck by lightning. I'm afraid the other party didn't expect that his own lightning could not directly shoot down the plane." Hahaha, true dish.

Holding his head, Xu Fei vaguely remembered that he did learn this knowledge in the academy before, but when he actually encountered it, how would he remember it.

"But the air data inertial reference system that shows the state, altitude, and speed of the airframe is broken, so the data can't be digitized and the autopilot system can't be used... The efforts just now have been in vain.

"Ah, really annoying... switch to manual driving, you drive.

"Hey? I'm coming?!"

"Otherwise? Or do you want me, a layman and a passenger, to land the plane."

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment, it was true, just because of the instructions given by the young man, he had an illusion.

Don't worry, I will assist you, but you still need to keep your hands steady, otherwise the plane may disintegrate in the air.

"You just follow my instructions. It is expected to descend 500 feet per minute, then fly about 200 kilometers, and finally land on the sea.

"But it's night. The visibility is almost ..-how to land.'