MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 739

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Chapter 10: One of the stalker's escape journey

There are many tables in the hall, and there are various luxurious dishes on the tables, which seems to be the scene of a wedding celebration.

But apart from the three of us, and some kimono maids serving, - none of them.

When she saw that there was food to eat, Li Nai got excited.

"Oh! Juncheng! Juncheng! This is super delicious! Don't you want to eat it?"

Eat, eat, eat, you foodie!

This guy slept a lot before, had a good time with us, and finally had a pain...and no one else, he seemed to be enjoying himself, he was really fulfilling and happy.

"Dad, what are you doing? Come and eat it too. This is a dinner prepared for us. According to local customs, only husbands can enjoy the pinch, so you have to taste each one.

"It's extravagant to have a bite of everything...".

To be honest, I'm quite interested. What is the cooking at the wedding banquet? I was about to go over and taste it when I suddenly noticed the important information in the novel's words.

Hm? Wait, only couples can enjoy it?

Then why is Li Nai here?

And, think carefully about why you want to take this cargo on the airship together?

Xiao An, she may have seen through what I was thinking, - while eating pastries - said.

"Mum, whoever sees it has a share. For the sake of her playing with me, I'll take her with me.

"Is that okay?

"Why not? I am the owner of this island, this country, I have the final say on the rules here, I can come here to allow polygamy or something~ Hee hee, and I'm the queen, what if there is a harem for women who are pregnant? Yeah, isn't it normal. Am I right, Dad?

That's right!

Is marriage such an easy thing?

"Huh? Are you going to get married? With Juncheng?"

You are sleepwalking, right! How come you suddenly realize it now!

"Hey~ That's it, it's really useful to change the hairstyle of an adult wife, I can marry Juncheng so soon~ I'm going to become a real wife.

No, no, I don't think it has anything to do with your hairstyle.

By the way, hurry up and change that dangerous hairstyle. I suspect that our plane will crash because you changed that hairstyle.

"Are you going to change into a wedding dress later?"

"Well, wait a minute, I'll change it after taking a bath in the hot spring."

"Is that so, then I'm going to enter the bridal chamber tonight? After being a virgin for so many years, can I finally get out today? Then should I change my name to my husband? Well, let me practice first, husband, husband~Old~ man~"

I'm actually a little excited.. just Li Nai!

It's over, this guy Li Nai and Ben are enjoying it, and now the pace is - step by step toward the end of marriage, and the relationship is irreversible.

I can't get out myself, and this is Xiao An's territory. At the same time, it is also a hidden island. The sand sculpture Li Nai is a direct enemy.

As a result, there is no one who can turn the situation around!

We can only pin our hopes on other people who might come after us.. Even that stalker, Lan, must not have been able to predict that our plane would crash, and then they might not be able to find it. Block... the odds are slim.

Ah, forget it, I just gave up thinking.

There's nothing wrong with getting married...

I took another look at Xiao An who was eating.

Blonde, loli, cute.

will call me dad.

It's my daughter. C

Then, every time Kong An and her experience the first two

I knelt down and hugged my head.

No matter what you think, it's not right!

It's so devilish!

Although I did do a lot of ghostly things, I was still a scumbag who opened a harem.

But only about marrying Loli's daughter...

I really can't accept it!

"Hey? Juncheng, ah, no, husband, why are you kneeling? It's not time for husband and wife to bow to each other?"

Things moved forward irreversibly, and it didn't take long for the airship to land on the tarmac at the top of the mountain.

Then we will hike to the open-air hot spring pool on the other side of the mountain. work"

"Soak in the hot spring~ This trip is really good, you say so, husband Juncheng~"

"If it's not premised on getting married, it's really a good trip...-

"Hahaha, don't lose your face, today is a day of great joy~"

"Hey, I really lost to you...".

I sighed, but what Li Nai said made sense. Instead of thinking about it so much, it is better to enjoy the happiness in front of you.

Li Nai has never thought about anything, so she can live a carefree life.

In short, let me soak in a hot spring to relieve my fatigue.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, I took off my clothes and ran into the hot spring pool, feeling like my body was about to melt.


This is really good.

Then Li Nai stripped naked and jumped in, splashing hot water on my face.

"Hey! Don't jump in!"

I wiped the water off my face, Li Nai sat next to me, and our shoulders were pressed together.

"Oh! This temperature is just right! I remember the last time I took a hot spring, I was still underground as a zombie, but I have to walk 20 kilometers to the underground magma layer to soak in the hot spring, because the temperature of the hot spring there is too high, and sometimes It will burn the skin, - if you don't pay attention, your arm will fall off, ahahahaha~"

And the description is vivid and vivid, reminiscent of the picture - the romantic atmosphere is destroyed in an instant.

"Little one, why don't you come in? It's very comfortable!"

At this moment, Xiao An hadn't come in yet. She wrapped her body in a towel and carefully touched the water at the edge of the hot spring pool, then immediately withdrew her hands, showing a troubled look.

Even though you are the sun god, you are still afraid of hot water?

Oh, well, you are not anymore.

Although this temperature is not particularly high, because children's skin is more delicate and more afraid of scalding than adults, Xiao An can't adapt quickly.

Xiao An looked at Li Nai and I who had already soaked in the hot spring, and complained very unhappily.

"Cut, the human body is really inconvenient! In the past, it was a piece of cake for me to say that the temperature was 10,000 times dry.

"Hahaha, if you think about it from another angle, for you, the feeling of being hot is also a novel experience, right?"

When Li Nai said that, Xiao An probably felt that what Li Nai said was reasonable, and her mood improved.

Li Nai went to Xiao An's side, scooped up the hot spring water with the palm of his hand, and gently applied it to Xiao An's body.

"Smear the skin with water first like this, and it won't feel hot after the skin gets used to it, um, okay, let's start from the toes and slowly come in~\'

Then, under the guidance of Li Nai, after trying several times, Xiao An also successfully soaked in the hot spring, with a flushed flush on his face, - his face enjoyed it.


'Humph, you see what I said is right? A 22

No, thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem that the contrast is that big.

Before the exam, Li Nai was also very good at teaching people when she taught us to study. Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be able to be the supervisor.

When she was underground, Li Nai was also very much loved by the undead residents, and even when she was at school, there were students who greeted her wherever she went.

Although it usually looks like a sand sculpture, but it is unexpectedly popular?

Watching Li Nai taking care of Xiao An, I can't help but think of the gentle Li Nai I once saw in the world in the mirror, and the elder sister Lin Ai who took care of me when the zombie crisis broke out...

That gentle and considerate look overlapped with Li Na in front of him.

I can't help thinking that maybe Li Nai will be a good wife and a good mother...

"Yeah~ it's comfortable~ I fell asleep, played games, ate delicious food, and soaked in hot springs. I'll wear a beautiful wedding dress to be a bride, and I can still enjoy it tonight. The happiness of being a woman is complete, complete~ There is nothing in life that feels like it's worth dying after tonight~"

"Oh, is it so easy to be satisfied?"

"Oh, after all, people used to be a zombie, because they have already died, so I only wish to enjoy \'the joy of living'.

"That's not possible, you are my old witch, um, my wife. I won't let you die like that, it's better that you stay with me forever.

"Yeah~~~ Husband is so domineering~ Everyone has to react~

F light novel

"Don't turn blue all of a sudden.

"Hehe, happy women will eventually turn blue, although I can't be immersed in the delusion of happiness like Lan Hua all the time, but I am really happy now.

Are you very happy...

When I saw Li Nai and I flirting there, Xiao An, who felt left out, puffed up her cheeks and forcibly sat between me and Li Nai.

"Mum! Don't leave me and flirt there! I'm the protagonist of this wedding! She's just an accessory!"

"I know, I know~

"~.. Forget it! As a wife, I don't care about such trivial matters, and I guess they are almost here.

"They? Do you mean Lianbing and them?"

"Yeah, they must be looking for you all over the world now, and it's almost time to see it.

"But the island is not isolated...

"Even so, they can definitely find it. Don't underestimate those sluts, Dad, don't you understand their energy?

What Xiao An said also made sense.

Seriously, my harem group is a dangerous girl who can destroy the world and then reshape it, repeating it dozens of times without any problem.

"Then what are you going to do, Xiao An?"

"What do you mean?"

"If Lianbing and the others come.

"Of course we're going to get married together.


This answer is really surprising.

"I didn't intend to monopolize you, Dad, I don't want to fight with them, it's very troublesome, everyone - get married here, then move to my country, and then you can - live a happy life forever. .

"Oh! Not bad! Little one!

"That's it

If you think about it that way, it's really good.

This ending is exactly what I want.


Chapter 10: The Escape Journey with the Stalker Part 2

Read The Duke's Passion