MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 753

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I think if I don't answer, my expression can also represent my thoughts.

It naturally understood what I meant, and continued talking to itself.

"Oh, yes, there's no reason not to worry, - then I'll give it back to you.


I didn't react, but it had already stood up and came in front of me.

He closed his eyes, stood on tiptoe, and hugged my neck.

and then kissed my lips.

00 connected, I felt something slipped into my body.

But just—in an instant, the feeling disappeared.

The girl from before has changed

Immediately afterwards, the girl opened her eyes again. Although she hadn't asked yet, I already instinctively felt that her eyes

The Xun'er that I am familiar with.



"Xun'er?! Are you all right, Xun'er!"

"We're so hungry to say...



S child

It's just that I'm hungry.

I was dizzy. Seeing Xun'er's uncomfortable expression, I thought she had done something to Xun'er.

Xun'er rubbed her eyes and said.

"Hah, I always feel like I've slept for a long time...-Juncheng, where is this from?


"Why can you come up with such a ghostly answer--it's completely wrong!

What are we doing?

"That's right, my clothes are still well-dressed, then Juncheng, you let me fall asleep and brought me to the basement.

Wei Wei looked forward to it for a while and said it.

"Are you expecting- what? Why are you so dirty even Xun'er?"

"Hee hee, this is called materialism.


It's like clustering.

Hei'er kept hugging me, stuck out her lilac tongue and licked my ear.


"Since you haven't done it yet, Juncheng, that means what you plan to do to me now, I guess right?

"Don't come to catch me as soon as you wake up, aren't you hungry?\'

"Yeah, I'm hungry in two senses, hehe~"

body, how is this

"I originally thought that I would have a good figure with a bulging front and back, but I didn't expect it to be such a barren body.

What's the matter? Since I am a human now, I should continue to grow. "


Xun'er, doesn't she remember what happened when she was possessed by it...

I've been sleeping all the time.

Said affectionately. rather say

"Forget it, Juncheng, you are a perverted lo*ic*n who can attack loli too.

Shouldn't care about this

Li is more to your liking. Anyway, as a commemoration of arriving in the new world, I will say it first. "

"When did you become so lustful?"

Damn Lolita, she can be so sweet - C Guang Jiuyou

, is the existence of the underworld

"Hee hee, when you first saw me, didn't you already know my nature? We're a ghost.

It needs the yang of human beings to say.

"You are human now...

"Is it~ so~ like this~?"

It's cute.

Hmm, wait, what does this feel like really sucking away the yang energy.

good head....

Oops, I'm going to faint...

Wake up suddenly.

No, I haven't woken up yet.

._..-This sends....

Ah, I didn't expect it to be 'back' here again.

Where is this place?

I'll know it when I describe it.

There is no distinction between up and down, left and right, inside and outside, and it is empty.

The whole world is pure white, endless as far as the eye can see, like an infinite white paper.

This is a dream, a spiritual space, and the surface layer of my soul.

It's just that there is no Yata Mirror, nor Zi'ai.

It really turned back to pure white.

From the smashed mirror of Yatagara,

After Zi Ai also left my body, I never entered this space again

And now it must be because of the call of 'it'.

Xun'er's return to its original state means that it left Xun'er.

came into my body.

"Yo, An Juncheng 5 is good early~\"=

The world is greeting me. "


Chapter 1 and 2

Good morning....

Indeed, this is the most appropriate greeting for waking up.

"good morning World."

"DengDengDeng~Congratulations on winning the lottery, being chosen to save the world, change the world, or destroy the world."

"Are there three options?"

"Of course, the choice isn't over yet, Ann... No, since it's all like this, I should call you that? Well, 'people

The voice is a female voice that sounds very tense, not a neutral voice that can't tell men and women.

But the image....

"Hey, with your image, be careful of the defendant's infringement.

"Hehe, shouldn't the world look like this? Oh, we need a door.

Then a floating stone gate suddenly appeared behind it.

It sits in front of the door without an image.

It's like a transparent person has been outlined--like, it can be seen but it doesn't seem to exist.

A delicate state.

"Stop playing...

"I'm not playing, you've seen the 'thing' that was expelled from the world and lost its existence.

It's like a shadow-, a dark mass, humanoid, but not necessarily humanoid.

Those are the 'things that do not exist' that are expelled from the world, collectively referred to as the non-existent.

Speaking of which, the world in front of you seems to be in a state of complete opposites to that of the non-existent.

"I am the world, and it is up to me to decide whether it exists or not. I do exist here, but I have no body, no soul, and naturally neither.

"Ordinary people don't understand this concept at all...".

"Are you an ordinary person?"


"Essentially ordinary people.


SE light novel

That's right, so am I, essentially the world. No matter how much I think, no matter how I think about it, I am not a human being, but the world.

There is no absolute in the world, but its essence will not change.

Something that can be easily changed is not called essence.

"Well~ it's really strange to be like this all the time, why don't you give me a character image?"

"Let me make a character for you?"

"Yeah, just like pinching your character's face at the beginning of the game, come and create a body that you think is the most perfect for me.

"Uh, want me to pinch one... Why do you suddenly think of this?"

"Well, people also wear makeup during funerals after death, right? It's called a funeral director, right?

"Ah ah...

Naturally, I am very clear about this matter, but I would rather say that I am very familiar with this matter.

Because that's what my mother used to do, I have also watched the slightly terrifying and sacred homework up close.

It was a place without a smile.

"I also want to leave clean, beautiful, and dignified.

Read The Duke's Passion