MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 9

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After sitting down, I still couldn't help thinking about it.

Why is she suddenly interested in me? What is she going to do? Shouldn't he be killing me? But she shouldn't know that I discovered her identity? It's impossible to see me, right? I don't want to be seen by a murderer!

Now Ji Lianbing's image in my mind has completely changed from a popular school girl to a horrible existence similar to Jack the Ripper.

I spent a class so worried...

In my spare time, I silently watched the scene in the class and fell into deep thought.

The [active admirer] sitting in front of me was cutting his nails silently. After cutting, he swept his nails onto a book and walked out of the classroom with the book.

The [Mixed-Blood Werewolf] in the front is asking a question to the [Pure-Blood Vampire].

[Zombie (Awakened)] sitting on my right was eating bread early in the morning. [Ghoul] and [Ogre] came over, and the three of them gathered together and happily discussed what to eat for lunch...

[Stalker (Beginner)] sitting in the back seat of my side is chatting with her two friends [Voyeur (Intermediate)] and [Eavesdropper (Advanced)]... chatting happily...

[Practice Angel] took out his mobile phone, and quickly moved his thumb to contact someone, looking a little nervous.

[Self-discipline puppet] patted the [generic home appliance] in front of him and pointed at his wrist and said something, then next to the two of them, [Puppet Master] and [Mad Scientist] also noticed and turned around Let's discuss something.

[Witch] came to [Magic Girl] with a fashion magazine, [Magic Master] with a cheap face approached, but was hit by [Witch]'s beautiful liver attack and lay on the table moan. The [Immortal Cultivator (Elementary Foundation Establishment)] next to him looked at the [Magic Master] mockingly, and gave the [Witch] a thumbs up.

Seeing this scene, [Jiaolong] hugged his stomach and laughed out of breath. As a result, he accidentally bumped into the head of [Qiong Qi]. He immediately ate a shot of Shenglong Fist and fell back, hitting the [Magic Master]. ]'s head, [Master of Magic] was knocked down twice.

In addition to this, there are [Dream], [Catman Orc], [Blood Elf], [Mermaid Princess], [Brave of Another World], [Demon King of Another World]…


I just glanced around at the door of the classroom just now, and I didn't find any normal people. Now I look so carefully, I still can't find normal people!

TMD doesn't have a single one!

What the **** kind of class is this!

What the **** kind of school is this!

What the **** is this!


Chapter 7 Confessed by the school flower

Not right! So wrong!

How could the abnormal rate be so high? This is too strange, right? There are more than 40 people in a class, but I am the only normal person!

No matter how you think about it, it's not quite right.

Then I suddenly calmed down again.

Because I began to doubt the authenticity of the 'titles' I saw.

After all, aren't these words my delusion? It's just because I subconsciously think that 'everyday' is too boring, that's why I created these fantasies with the 'non-everyday' event of being hit on the head by a UFO...

Otherwise, how could it happen that the entire class is a strange development that all the students are abnormal?

If these titles are true, let alone this class, the world is already in chaos, isn't it?

How could everyone keep their secrets unanimously?

No matter how much you think about it, the problem can only be on me, that is, there is something wrong with my head.

I suspect that I have a mental illness.

Although I think my current mental state and thinking circuit are quite normal, even if there is a problem, my optic nervous system has a problem, but people with mental illness often say that they are not mentally ill, so I should have it. mental illness.

All in all, anyway, let's blame my mental illness for everything I've seen. Otherwise, if I continue to look at these weird titles, I will really go crazy!

I don't know if it was because I found a reason for myself (self-hypnosis), but I finally regained my normal mood.

Sure enough, it's all a psychological effect. In fact, I haven't seen my classmates turn into monsters or kill people with my own eyes. In other words, there are zero instances that can confirm the authenticity of those titles.

So, ah, how could a beautiful girl like Ji Lianbing actually be a murderer or something, ahahahaha...

"That, classmate An Juncheng?"


My heart trembled for a while, but I didn't expect that she would talk to me.

But it doesn't matter, now I'm not afraid anymore! Ji Lianbing is not a savage beast, nor a twisted corpse-loving murderer. There is no need for me to be afraid of a beautiful girl who looks like a fairy.

After returning to the same state as usual, I calmly asked her, "Um... What's the matter with you?"

"You just looked at me and puffed, didn't you, is there something on my face?"

Sure enough, that sound caught her attention just now.

But now there's nothing to be afraid of. It's better to say that Ji Lianbing will come to talk to me. I'm not too happy.

"Ah, no. I didn't burst out when I saw you. It has nothing to do with you."


The moment he finished speaking, another mouthful of blood was silently poured out from the bottom of his heart.

That's it again... I'm habitually saying this again. It's because of this obvious way of speaking that I don't have a friend. Come to think of it, who would want to be friends with someone like me who makes people unable to answer?

It has been like this since the beginning, and I always end the topic inadvertently, leaving everyone speechless. That's right, it is because of my natural 'cold king' character that my interpersonal relationships are extremely bad.

Maybe the title I'm wearing right now is "King of Cold Field".

Then, I thought that this time it would be the same as before, Ji Lianbing would be like those people and would never talk to me again, but it didn't turn out like that.

Should it be said that she is a popular school flower? Even though she was treated so indifferently by me, she still kept a good-looking smile on her face, and she calmly said to me: "So it's not because of the dirt on my face that the sound is so good. already."

Then he thanked me in a serious manner: "Thank you, classmate An."

I didn't help anything at all, did I?

"I didn't help anything at all, did I?"

Oops, I accidentally said it!

There's really nothing to talk about now! Ji Lianbing obviously wanted to find a good step for both parties to say such words, so that the conversation would not be interrupted embarrassingly... But why don't I look at the atmosphere at all!

So far, I have been able to sum up the reason why An Juncheng can't make friends, that is: outspoken, regardless of the occasion, regardless of the atmosphere, what to say, no mind, and zero conversation skills.

I'm no longer saved, so I gave up treatment, but students who have such signs, don't let the situation continue to deteriorate, okay? Otherwise, I'll be alone forever...

Being blocked by me like this, it is reasonable to say that the words of ordinary people have already been overwhelmed, but Ji Lianbing can still answer very naturally: "No, thanks to you, I know that there is no problem with my appearance today. Ah. If it was someone else, they wouldn't tell me at all. Because, you're the only one who dares to talk to me like that, hehehe..."

"That's because you don't have any friends either."

As we all know, Ji Lianbing is the most famous school girl in the school. She is very popular with boys, but on the other hand, she is not popular with girls.

She probably doesn't have any friends like me. I don't usually see her and any girl who are very close.

After all, if I were a girl, I would be jealous of her.

As for male friends... Well, to put it nicely, those boys are not worthy of being her friends. The hardest thing to say is that those boys just want to get on, ahem, get her...

Then, even though I knew I shouldn't have said this, I still said it... It's really hopeless for me.

"Yeah... I really don't have any friends... Then, can classmate An be my friend?"

"Ah ah... ah?"

I didn't react for a while, and I never thought that things would turn out like this.

I admit that I don't have any friends and don't talk about it. I've blocked her so much, yet she even offered to make friends with me?

Could it be that Ji Lianbing is actually a trembling M...

Or did I hear it wrong again?

Since there is such a hallucination that can see inexplicable words, it is not strange to have such an auditory hallucination that can hear inexplicable voices, right?

"Would you please be my friend?"

It was repeated once more!

"I want to be friends with you, okay?"

It was even repeated a second time!

"Please be my boyfriend."

"Okay! Don't repeat it so many times, I'll just take it... eh?"

Wait, was there an extra word in the sentence just now?

Just when I was wondering, Ji Lianbing clapped her hands happily and said with a smile: "Great, then you will be my boyfriend from now on. Can I just call you 'Juncheng'?"

The entire classroom fell into deadly silence.

I can feel that countless eyes are focused on this corner where Ji Lianbing and I are.

This kind of reaction made me realize that I didn't hear it wrong. She really said "Please be my boyfriend" just now!

Ah ah ah? !

What the hell!

Why did it become like this? Is this my delusion? Or am I not the only one with mental illness, but Ji Lianbing is actually a brainless girl?

Just then the bell rang.

The math teacher who came to the second class looked at the silent classroom with surprise and said, "It's unprecedented. The second class, the noisiest, is so quiet today... Are you collectively practicing shut-down today?"

No one answered the teacher's question, and everyone, including me, was still in shock.

That → the school girl actually confessed to me, the → lonely boy!

If it is said that I am dreaming, please wake me up quickly!

I can't bear such a turning point!


Chapter 8 Encountered Three No Girls

I thought that I would be back to normal after the first class, but in the second class, I was still uneasy...

What happened in such a short morning is richer and more varied than what happened to me in the past year. Although I sometimes think that it would be nice if there was a little change in my daily routine...but I didn't want such a drastic change!

This is simply a change like nuclear fission on top of a chemical reaction!

At the same time, I was still thinking, why did Ji Lianbing suddenly say something like should I put it, I always felt that she didn't really like me before she confessed to me.

Maybe it's because I'm more sensitive to lies. I can almost tell whether what other people say is true or false... Of course, it's not completely correct, it's just a general feeling, and there's no way to guarantee the correctness.

But this time, my feeling is probably true.

No, in fact, even if you don't rely on this feeling, you can come to a conclusion after a rational analysis.

It's impossible for her to like me at all. She suddenly fell in love with me without contacting me? Just kidding, I think my looks are just above average, not enough to attract little girls with their faces.

...However, the dreamy development of being confessed by the school flower will really happen to me.

If I hadn't been baptized by a title, I might have really lost my mind and couldn't find the North because of the beauty.

But now I am very awake, I can understand that the probability of Ji Lianbing liking me is infinitely close to zero, she is 80% trying to make fun of me, or because I made her angry, she just wanted to fight back.

Then, how can I let her succeed? hum...

Thinking of all kinds of things, I was sitting like a sculpture, and this feeling of sitting on pins and needles was finally coming to an end. When the minute hand of the clock hanging above the blackboard pointed to 30, the get out of class bell rang. stand up…

Then the moment the teacher stepped out of the classroom door, I immediately stood up from my position and strode behind the teacher to the classroom door!


I heard Ji Lianbing's shout from behind, but I ignored it and walked out of the classroom pretending not to hear.

Thirty-six strategies, go ahead!

At this time, don't be arrogant, follow the teachings of my dear mother, run away decisively when it's time to run away, and don't do unnecessary things just because of face. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to be involved in dangerous things!

If you can correctly avoid all kinds of dangers you will encounter in life, you can live a peaceful life...

Read The Duke's Passion