MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 213

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Jinjiang is the longest river in China and has the largest water flow. Its main channel runs through the central part of China from west to east. Because of the stepped topography of China from west to east, the significant drop gives it an unimaginable rich water. can. Because of this, as of the end of the last days, there were hundreds of hydropower stations built in the entire Jinjiang River Basin.

Shen Shi'an wanted to find a place to settle down, allowing Tang Song and Lin Ruan to concentrate on research, avoiding survivors from being disturbed, and ensuring the most basic water and electricity needs. Small hydropower stations located on Jinjiang tributaries surrounded by high mountains and deep valleys Is the best choice.

Taking into account factors such as population density near the hydropower station before the end of the age, suitability for hiding, total power generation, and whether the equipment can operate normally, Shen Shian picked a total of six pending options on the way south.

After saying goodbye to Ye Shenghua, they took a short break, and then went to these six places in turn to investigate.

The first three places were not suitable for various reasons. Two days later, a group of people came to the location of the fourth hydropower station.

This hydropower station is located near the border of Shuangxi City and Sichuan Province.The mountains on both sides stretch.The dam is just built at the mouth of the two mountains, and a two hundred meters wide, deep and flat, sparkling between the two peaks is intercepted. Beautiful lake.

Standing on the top of the dam, Liu Fangzhou looked up at the two high mountains. He only felt that the mountains were green and the water was green. Even the air that was sucked in and spit out was green. The internal organs were washed away by the green eyes. Qing, could n’t help but put his hands around his mouth in a trumpet shape, screamed out with all his strength


The cries shone across the lake and echoed between the mountains and forests.

The teenager picked up a cup of water and splashed it on his face.

Tang Song and Lin Ruan entered the internal inspection of the hydropower station, and every time they came out, both of them had an unstoppable smile on their faces. "The turbine units are good, and the installed capacity and power generation are enough. Just open the gate. Can generate electricity. "

"The location is remote," said Lin Ruandao. "The nearest village and town are more than ten kilometers away from here. The ark has sensed that there are no living people. Even if there are people, these dozens of kilometers are all mountain roads. It may not be easy to come over."

"The air is good here and the environment is good," Liu Fangzhou took another handful of water. "Look at this water, how clear."

Xu Ge made a wreath for Tong Tong with a large collection of wildflowers picked along the way, and nodded. "This is really good."

"Hello baby goodbye baby"

Two loud shouts came from the sky, Yun Feiyang looked up and smiled, "Yo, Ruibao likes here too."

Shen Shi'an and Shen Xun looked at each other "then choose here"

Shen Xun nodded, "Then choose here."

Liu Fangzhou and others cheered loudly, "Then choose here"

"Boss" Xiong Manshan who didn't know what disappeared suddenly appeared a gust of wind again. "There is a winery underneath. There are no living people but zombies. I looked at it as if I could live. The place is quite big."


"It's just below. It's just a walk to the forest. It's less than five hundred meters from here."

This is good news. If you can live in it, you will save even the effort of building a house and laying electric wires and water pipes.

"Lead the way ahead."


Liu Fangzhou walked two steps closer to Xiong Manshan, "Brother Xiong, did you kill the zombie?"

"Well, I'm not stupid. I walked back around two circles and didn't even touch the zombies." If there was anything good in the factory, wouldn't he be all dead if he killed the zombies.

Liu Fangzhou gave him a thumbs up and he was very conscious.

Xiong Manshan is right. The winery is not far away. The crowd walked down the dam and walked for less than three minutes. The green brick wall among the greenery was faintly visible.

Liu Fangzhou scanned "there are a total of 23 zombies, all of them are low-level, there are no living people." It is estimated that they were all workers in the winery during their lifetime.

Jiamu led the zombies out, and the crowds were cleaned up by two, two, two, and two, and then they went on.

The area of ​​the factory is not small. There are three buildings in total, which are connected to each other and form a "" shape. Each building is three stories high.

"The circuit system is intact," Tang Song quickly gave the first good news. "The power station above is connected, and the electricity can be used normally after the sluice is opened."

Tao Yuan unscrewed a faucet. "Tap water can also be used. The water is a bit cold. It should be the water in the reservoir."

Lin Ruan took up a bunch of sniffs and said, "The water quality is okay. Haven't we brought out the purification system and the filtration system in the Institute of Medical Sciences? The problem. "Even the most demanding laboratory water requirements can be met.

After I walked into the factory building on the left, I ran out after a while, and there was a flash of light in your eyes. “Come and see. The entire floor here is a distillation plant that can be used as a boiler with a little modification. Every room is covered with heating pipes, so we wo n’t have to worry anymore this winter. ”

No matter how severe this year's cold wave is, anyway, the electric energy is enough, and the heater will burn as long as it wants.

The crowd was more and more excited, and Chen Nan took Jiamu to the third floor, walked around and then walked down. "The upper two floors can be occupied, the debris can be cleaned a little, and the rooms are particularly large."

"The building on the left serves as a boiler room, and the right is dedicated to Tang Ge and the two of them as a laboratory," Liu Fangzhou has begun to plan with his fingers on. Room, kitchen, dining room and living room can be arranged, oh, this is bigger than our villa space "

Yun Feiyang also found a large warehouse at the back of the plant, and couldn't help but call Ruibao down. "Look, even where you sleep is ready."

Members, you said one word to me, looking forward to the prospect, Shen Shian walked to the top of the third floor of the main factory building facing the gate, stared at the green trees and mountains that could not be seen in the distance, turned around and asked Shen Xun. What do you think of this place "

Shen Xun walked over and took him in his arms, buried it in his neck and took a breath. "Not bad."

Although it's dirty and messy, the air is full of lees. I don't know how many places need to be transformed, but overall, it is still a good new one.

What's more, as long as Shen Shi'an is there, he can live wherever he lives.

Shen Shian took his hand and smiled, then bowed his head towards the members downstairs and shouted, "Don't be stunned, come up and pick the room, first come first serve"

While it was still early, after the people had chosen the room, the whole factory was probably cleaned up. The bulky machines, worn tables and chairs, and various waste equipment were said to be the most difficult to clean up, but Shen Shian was very easy to solve. All the things that he doesn't need are earned by him, and then he rides Ruibao and throws him far to an unmanned village, and he can get it all in one trip.

As night fell, Lin Ruan and Tang Song returned to the power station and opened the gate. With the torrential water flowing, the electric lights in the plant flashed twice, and then the lights shone brightly, illuminating the faces of excitement.


"Come here"

"This will be the new home in the future"

"Hello baby goodbye baby"


Everyone was excited, two bonfires in the courtyard yelled and jumped, and Yun Feiyang held up a high-level cellar of liquor that was turned over from the factory building, "Don't get drunk tonight"

"Don't get drunk"

"Drink the fuck"

"New beginning, new, new tomorrow"

"Come on Duck"

"Wow this wine is really spicy"

The carnival didn't finish until midnight, and it was a good thing. After returning to the room, Shen Shian found that he was not burning, his temperature returned to normal, and the evolutionary fever that lasted for nearly half a month was finally ended.

Instead, Shen Xun's body was hot, and he came over with a red face, and his breath was full of alcohol "An An, I want it"

The drunken people are not standing steadily, but their strength is quite strong.

Shen Shian was pressed against the door with his tongue and licked his calf straight, and his waist and eyes were tingling. Since the mutual assistance between the Institute of Medical Sciences, Yun Fei Yang Feng and Ye Shenghua joined the way, Shen Xunyou Taking into account his physical condition, the two have never had the opportunity to get in touch with each other. To be honest, he also has needs, but it is indeed not the time to do this.

After the evolutionary fever is over, the exercises can work normally again. Shen Shian followed the interlocking palms into Shen Xun's body to input several spiritual forces to help him disperse some of the drunkenness, raised his head and kissed him on the mouth. Pack up what you might use and wait for tomorrow, OK? "

Shen Xun was not very happy and bit his earlobe and grinded it "not good."

The earlobe is one of Shen Shi'an's sensitive points. The itching and slight tingling of the teeth rubbing the thrill along the spine like an overcharge.

Shen Shian grasped his arm tightly and swallowed back the moaning 039 that almost came out of his mouth. After panting twice, he took the initiative to cover his lips and gave the man some sweetness "Please"

Shen Xun looked down at him with green light in his eyes. "That won't wait until tomorrow, help each other after finishing."

Shen Shi'an thought for a long time.

"This time I want to help you a few times, I can help you a few times, but not let me stop two times."

Shen Shian's ears are flushed, "more is bad for your health."

"Anyway, there is a spiritual spring, what are you afraid of?"

Shen Shian did n’t want to discuss this topic with the semi-drunk man.

When the thoughts moved, the two entered the space at the same time.

There are not many things to pack up. Since the end of the world, Shen Shi'an's income space has been increasing, and now it has accumulated to a terrible point. Since he had to clean up, he planned to go through everything.

Fortunately, he has absolute control over the objects in the space, and he can move without using his own mind, or he may not be able to organize it completely after being busy for more than ten years.

The original area of ​​the black land in the space is 5000 square meters, which can be expanded up to 666 times, that is to say, the actual land area he owns is about 466 football fields.

In addition to the planting area, Shen Shian currently uses grass seeds to expand 20 grass fields for storage, and each grass field is the size of a football field.

One of the pastures was used to raise mutated geese. After more than a year of consumption, the original 13 mutated geese are now left with eight. The grass irrigated with Lingquan water is fat and fat. Eggs can be slaughtered at any time;

Three pastures are used to store food, rice noodles, cereals, oil, instant noodles, biscuits, bread, chocolate, etc., according to the type and date of production, it is stored in a more orderly manner than any supermarket, looking up At a glance, even the colors of the outer packaging are distinguished and unified, which is called the obsessive-compulsive disorder gospel;

Four grass fields are used to store daily necessities, two grass fields are used to store household appliances and furniture, and one grass field is used to store pure water.

At the beginning, the twelve helicopters obtained from the Air Force Base alone occupied a pasture, and various military supplies and ammunition weapons accounted for another, fuel oil accounted for, medical supplies and medical related equipment accounted for one, motor vehicles, Bicycles and other means of transportation accounted for one, all kinds of clothing and footwear collected along the way accounted for one, other members' items accounted for one, and the remaining miscellaneous debris accounted for one.

As for the last pasture, it was prepared for Ye Shenghua alone, and now almost half of it has been used. It has become a large exhibition center integrating fashion, beauty and skin care products.

After finishing all the 20 grass fields, Shen Shian carried out two toy cars with a height of more than half a meter, and couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect these two things to be still there."

These two cars were specifically found out from the shopping mall before he left H city to coax Shen Xun, who was a little doll at the time, in order to divert his interest and stop tossing the robot.

It was just that afterwards he ran along the road and experienced too many things. Shen Xun did not ride a few times in total. After he recovered to beast shape, the two toy cars were completely buried in the sundries and fell into ash.

Seeing these two cars, Shen Xun seemed to see his black history, and he hummed very disgustedly, "Take what they do and throw them back."

"It's useless to put it in the space, or give it to Tong Tong"

"No way" Shen Xun's face sank, and the undissipated drink rose again, and his eyes were full of accusations, "This is what you gave me. How can I give it to others? No one should touch it, whoever touches me Who eats "

Shen Shi'an wanted to laugh a little, leaning in and comfortingly kissed, "Okay, don't touch it, let me put it in the study room, no one can touch it."

It seems that he still can't let him drink. The monster in its three hundred years old, like a child when drunk.

"Children" took advantage of him and took him up very childlessly. "It's finished, you have to help me."

"Wait a little while, the land hasn't been planted yet."

If all the planting areas are added together, there are also three or four football fields. Shen Shian picked all the fruits and vegetables that have not been eaten in the field, and stored them in boxes, and put them on the second floor of the bamboo building.

After picking the fruits, the vines and fruit trees are quickly decomposed and absorbed by the black land. Considering that even if there is a spiritual spring, the land in the space should have the opportunity to rest and recuperate. Shen Shian changed a place and took out the seeds to re-divide the planting area .

The most popular and most frequently eaten tomatoes still account for the bulk of the planting area, with a total of 500 plants planted; 20 cherries planted, 10 apples and green dates, and perfume oranges collected along the way Because it was the first time to plant loquat, Shen Shi'an didn't plant much, and each planted five trees.

In addition to fruit trees, strawberries and watermelons are variously grown in five acres, corn and pumpkins are variously grown in three acres. It is also the first time that blueberries are planted on two acres. So one acre is planted alone.

After all the vegetables and fruits were planted, Shen Shian thought about it and sprinkled two rows of rice. This is not for planting. Although the black soil is fertile, it is not suitable for growing rice. These two rows are ready to grow out and be handed over to Chen Nan as rice seeds. .

He stood on the dam today and carefully observed that there is a large piece of deserted arable land less than two hundred meters below the reservoir, which is very close to the water source. After reclamation, it is suitable for planting rice.

Although there is still a lot of rice in the space, it is not a way to sit down and eat in the sky, but always plan for a longer future. Land, water sources, rice seeds and even wood-based abilities are readily available. Even if you have no experience, it should n’t be too difficult to plant them. After the members are fully skilled in the process, you may be able to harvest several crops in a day.

Just to improve efficiency, he had better find several harvesters and seeders to come back

A sturdy and hot body covered Shen Shi'an's thoughts from behind, Shen Xun blowing into his ears, his hoarse and **** voice was like a small brush, and the string of desire was swayed at once. Okay, eh "

Shen Shian turned and hugged him, his breathing also became heavy, just about to nod, a familiar sensation suddenly rose from Dantian, and the surrounding aura condensed into a funnel-shaped vortex, pouring into him violently.

Shen Shian was shocked, or Shen Xun reacted first, and took his hand to "Go to Soul Spring"

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