MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1783 Contract source

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The end of the huge comma of the new battleship that emerged from the dynamic and static dichotomy first ejected the Minling Lord, then Chu Yunsheng, and finally a dark cone.

If you look closely, you can find that the cones are made up of countless small cubes. They were made extremely exquisitely by the transformed drow, as if not doing so would not reflect their increasingly powerful manufacturing capabilities and craftsmanship.

The cone composed of small cubes, Chu Yunsheng and Meng Lingzhu were ejected in two different directions. The Comma battleship did not decelerate sharply, but it curved its course sharply.

After that, it will fly out a big circle around the cone and Chu Yunsheng's Minling Lord and return to the original place. At that time, it will take away the cone, Chu Yunsheng and Minling Lord, and accelerate into a dynamic and static two-part form again. .

The cone flies towards its position coordinates at a low speed. After the comma battleship "strikes" against the coordinates, it gradually moves away from the curve.

The strike formed a space-time trap, and most of the drows used the space-time trap to complete a large number of data calculations in the cone cube.

The analysis of the captured samples has reached the first critical stage. It is necessary to calculate the amount of terrible data. The comma warship needs to sail and be vigilant at all times. It cannot enter the space-time trap as a whole, so it separates the cone specially used for calculation to complete this calculation. , Borrowing Chu Yunsheng’s time to try the left-handed gods’ warfare, the time in the space-time trap was used to accumulate the calculations.

3961 has made an evaluation report, and the calculations in the first stage can be solved by using spatio-temporal traps. When calculations are required in the second stage, the limitations of the spatio-temporal traps in the existing technology can no longer meet the demand for calculations.

The space-time range formed by the space-time trap technology based on the new ship is limited, and the consumed resources that can be included in the calculation are also limited by this.

But the main problem is not the computing power of the calculation itself, nor the energy required for the calculation.

The computing power problem itself can still be accumulated through time, and computing energy can also be obtained from dark energy, which is everywhere in the universe.

The biggest and most important problem is still the data storage problem that has plagued Zall last time.

A large number of calculations will generate a large amount of data. This problem has never existed for new ships. The bottleneck at that time has always been in computing power. Now storage has become the biggest trouble and bottleneck.

3961 and other Zhuoer people have modified the storage technology for macro applications, but this problem is still extremely prominent. According to the 3961 evaluation, the quality of the data storage materials required for the second stage of calculations needs to be no less than two hundred where the earth is located. The total mass of the solar system.

If this is not too exaggerated, then the computational demand in the third stage of the 3961 assessment will expand again sharply, reaching thousands of times the mass of the solar system in an extremely exaggerated manner, and the more rapid the demand will be in the later stages. Expansion, the amount of calculation required to complete the entire analysis work, under the existing technology, may require one-third of the mass of the Milky Way as a data storage medium.

Let’s not talk about how to gather a third of the Milky Way’s mass matter, and do not consider how the matter collapses and become a black hole after the concentration. It doesn’t even matter how a huge space-time trap is formed. It is only the data and information in such a huge matter. The time required to pass in a dense cluster is enough to make people desperate.

Just like the bones that carry data during the ignorant period of the earth, to record the data of the information age of the earth, it is not enough to peel all the bones of the world's animals.

Anyone who is still sane understands that under the existing data storage technology, even the theoretical basis does not exist to complete the entire analysis work.

No one thought that the first practical problem on the road of Macro Technology turned out to be a data storage problem that no one paid attention to for a long time.

Lei gave a suggestion, but it can’t quench his thirst. He thinks that he can find the highest-level information gathering center of the Wunu people, get the latest and strongest technology of the Wunu people in the material field, and combine the technical characteristics of the three major clans and the other two big clans. And under the macro application, it may be possible to complete a qualitative change in data storage technology.

3961 also agreed with Lei's suggestion, but when the problem was to find the highest-level gathering center of the Wunu, everyone might perish in failure.

Chu Yunsheng also gave 3961 a suggestion. Although he still had to wait, it was still a bit reliable, but full of uncertainty.

There is a treasure ship of the pseudo-tyrant on the new ship, because it will not be used when opened, and there is no entry point for research. They are basically sealed and untouched. Those things are treasures in the galaxy. If you can find a treasure that can temporarily solve the data storage problem , At least temporarily solve the needs of computing.

If it can't be found, then it will be used as a condition to negotiate with the pseudo-hegemon, and the transaction between the pseudo-hegemon and him has not ended.

3961 has tentatively set two goals, one is closer, hoping to solve the data storage problem through the treasure of the pseudo-tyrant, and the other is farther, hoping to find more gathering points of the black people, or other ways, from the source of technology. To resolve.

Now, neither of these two goals can be met, and we have to rely on old technology.

The cone entered the space-time trap, and on the other side, Chu Yunsheng and Mengling Master also reached the predetermined coordinate position.

Chu Yunsheng not only wanted to test the battle method, but also had many things to test.

Cavitation is one of them.

When he was trying to find Jizhixun, he ventured into the bubble world from the cavities. At that time, he succeeded, and the cavities seemed to be a new zero-dimensional.

The most important thing is that he can still come back. After returning, the "spiritual body" of the cold spirit master has not died yet.

This is completely different from the result of his previous invasion of the bubble. In that case, he needs to die before he can leave. After leaving, the life also died at the same time.

The "spiritual body" of Han Lingzhu seems to have become his other "body".

Chu Yunsheng did not try to leave the main body of the cold spirit and return to the main body or enter other bubbles for the time being. Maybe once he returned to the main body or entered the zero-dimensional of other lives, the main body of the cold spirit would really die.

Zall’s analysis believes that although the pseudo-dominant vacuole is one reason, it should only meet the technical needs, but the more important basic reason may be the problem of transplantation. From the perspective of the universe, the transplantation meets certain conditions. , The spirit body of the cold spirit master is Chu Yunsheng's life body.

Just like the Master of Mind Spirit, its spirit body is already the Lord of Cold Spirit, and has nothing to do with it. Its current spirit body is a change from the life body that Chu Yunsheng prepared for it.

The only difference is that Chu Yunsheng's ontology is still related to Chu Yunsheng, so once Chu Yunsheng returns to his ontology, something might happen again.

Chu Yunsheng didn't try to return to his body lightly, and he would not finally try to return to his body until he had done all the tests that could be done with the cold spirit main body.

But even so, it may also cause many cognitive problems, which can be regarded as philosophical and ethical problems in a formal sense.

As far as Chu Yunsheng is concerned, his own body, the main cold spirit body, now, which one is "I"?

In the past, when we invaded other zero-dimensional, we can also use invasion to define the difference between the two, especially when we come back from self-death. When we return, the zero-dimensional also died, so the problem is not big, just like the drow replacement when needed. The living body does not cause serious problems.

Now that the definition is transplanted, the main body of the cold spirit has become his own, and he can come back after going out. It is similar to the main body, and this problem cannot be solved.

If the term original self and id is used distortedly, the original human ontology is the original self, and now the astral body is the original self, then when he returns to the original human ontology, the ontology has the id, and the astral body becomes in turn Original me? Or do you lose the original self and the id at the same time and become a "no-self" nothingness?

Zhuoer couldn't explain, and Chu Yunsheng didn't know.

Fortunately, it is not possible for Chu Yunsheng to simultaneously exist in two living entities with consciousness at the same time. Otherwise, he would not be left-handed or other people, and the universe itself would make him disappear.

So far, the new ship’s biological database has not found that the same life and the same consciousness can simultaneously observe the universe at two different coordinate points in the universe.

That will first cause greater philosophical and ethical issues, who is "I", who is "you", who is "other", etc., when the same life, the same consciousness, and the life forms at different coordinate points look at each other. , It must face this problem.

Secondly, when two organisms with different coordinates observe the universe at the same time and obtain real physical information at the same time, there is no longer a sequence for obtaining the same physical information at two different coordinates. Either the universe will collapse immediately or the life will disappear in ashes.

Obviously the universe will not collapse, and the result is obvious.

Of course, if the universe collapses, the life will still be wiped out.

It's just that the life is gone in ashes, and it is no longer possible to know whether the universe has collapsed after it died?

Therefore, if there is such an experiment, the results of the experiment can only exist in the eyes of "others", and I will never know it, so I will go back to the previous philosophical and ethical question.

The Zall people are very interested in the problems that Chu Yunsheng's current situation extends. If it is possible, they will definitely try a similar experiment, and will not learn the lessons of the last death experiment.

But they don't have time to study this problem now, the data storage problem is enough for them to devote a lifetime of energy.

Chu Yunsheng didn't plan to let them study either. After he and the Master of Mind arrived at the planned position, they asked Minor of Mind: "I want to know the views of your new kingdom on divinity."

The Master of Mind didn't know that Chu Yunsheng had no idea what divinity was, and Chu Yunsheng's questioning did not reveal this. He thought for a while and said:

"I can tell you, but this is a business matter. You need to agree to the following conditions for our cooperation in this super galaxy. I say this for a reason, because our spirit master must know more about divinity than left-handed. The spirits, at least here, they will not know more than we do. This is determined by the conditions of the new kingdom of God."

The Master of Mind has not talked with Chu Yunsheng about the conditions of cooperation. One reason is that there is no suitable opportunity. Chu Yunsheng is also very busy. The other is that it has less and less chips to talk about these conditions. It has not been until now. There are new opportunities and bargaining chips.

Chu Yunsheng looked at the several conditions it sent, and chose some of them to agree, and the others either refused or waited until later.

The Lingling Master also knew that Chu Yunsheng would not agree with all of them, for example, to help them obtain a left-handed Spirit Master's mission galaxy.

After negotiating the conditions, the Master of Mind began to say:

"First of all, we believe that divinity and spiritual aggregates are different from the power of cardinals, the law of the source gate, and so on. It is not a power or other things. It is a state, a kind of as long as it appears, any spiritual life As to why we can feel it immediately, I will explain our cognition in various parts.

Secondly, it has always only existed in the gods. I have never heard that life other than the gods reveals the divine nature. When you see the gods, you will know that you see the gods. You are the first one I have seen and heard.

Third, I would like to explain first, although we know more about divinity than left-handed spirits, I am only a first-time spirit, limited by myself, knowing cannot be all, and divinity itself is extremely mysterious, even Our old deity has never said where or how divinity comes from.

Although you are a left-handed god, you have never returned to left-handed, so you may not know some secrets related to divinity, but if you don’t talk about these secrets, our knowledge cannot be explained later, I can tell you these Secret, anyway, as long as you don't die, you will know it sooner or later.

Regardless of whether it is left-handed or ours, the internal structure and form cannot be separated from reality and determined by imagination. They all have a realistic basis and reason.

The existence of the kingdom of God and the existence of the gods cannot be determined by anyone. Even the gods themselves cannot. It is determined by reality.

There are many aspects to this reality, of which contract and divinity are the more critical parts.

Let’s talk about contracts first. The new kingdom of Gods may not be prominent yet, while the left-handed ones are very prominent. They have existed for too long. The long life of a spirit is enough for them to nurture the maximum number of contracts under the limits of their different levels, and enough time, Enough for these contract winners to continuously give birth to enough new spirits under probability of trial and error, and these new spirits have enough time to nurture new contracts.

If this cycle continues, you can imagine how terrifying the result is.

Going back to the question of the kingdom of God, once the contract winners are born, such as me, my contract source master cannot dispose of my life at will like contract cardinals and source gates.

On this, many cardinals and source gate beings have misunderstandings. They believe that their contract source master can withdraw their contract at any time and let them die.

In fact, if you think about it, if I were a cardinal, would it be a very simple matter for you to kill me as a spiritual master?

Do you need to withdraw the contract to kill me? Just a thought.

The only difference is whether my contract can be withdrawn by you after I die.

After the birth of the spirit, whether it is left-handed or in our side, it has become an important resource of the kingdom of God, and the contract source is restricted and can no longer take my life at will.

From then on, my life was determined by the kingdom of God.

But still take myself as an example. After I gave birth to my soul, it was not irrelevant to the source of my contract. There were still many things that could restrict me. "