MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1785 Is it a god?

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In the empty dark realm, perhaps there has never been an unnatural disturbance for hundreds of millions of years, and there has never been a life or a spacecraft passing by, only the radiation that has been away from home for countless years, hurriedly came, hurriedly left, Get a glimpse of the history of the shining starry sky of the universe.

Only when some larger cosmic events occur, such as a nearby supernova that can't help but erupt, the dark domain that has been silent for thousands of years becomes lively.

In a small star system not far from Chu Yunsheng and Lunling, one of the supernovae burst out in the calm surroundings many years ago. According to the calculations of the Battleship Comma, the excitement that it burst out is sweeping the starry sky. , Came violently and aggressively.

Only on the scale of the universe, it will take at least millions of earth years for its violent temper to vent here.

The drow people have no interest in studying what it is stimulated to cause it to erupt, nor are they interested in what it will cost and what benefits it will get after it erupts. The three major tribes have long been interested in this kind of thing. Period.

On the contrary, it was about to pass an emerging black hole near the route of the battleship, which generated intense interest.

It can't be said that it happened to be near the route, but the route was slightly changed by 3961 for it.

When the Sundial clan surveyed the sky, they routinely measured its mass to mark the details of the star map. However, there was a small accident. There was a slight error between the actual calculated value and the theoretical calculated value.

It turns out that the Sundial tribe thought that the drow people had too much calculation power, or they were interfered by the spirits of Chu Yunsheng and the master of Mind, resulting in calculation errors. For this reason, they temporarily added a system check and applied according to the regular regulations. After Chu Yunsheng and the Master of Mind retreated once, and then performed calculations, they were surprised to find that the error still exists.

The person in charge of the Sundial Clan's sky survey immediately became a little nervous. While reporting to the drow immediately, he urgently performed the same process for other black holes.

It is most worried about problems with warships, and deviations in calculations are usually a sign of being attacked by higher levels of life.

The drow immediately took over the error check. In order to eliminate the assimilation effect of the metal body of the cage star, the drow released a large number of observation spacecraft away from the battleship, and similarly measured other black holes in the same way.

However, there are still slight errors in the final calculation results of the mass of the emerging black hole that is rapidly expanding.

This error is placed on the previous battleship, and it cannot be found with the new ship technology. It is the result of using the latest macro application now.

After discussion, the drow people decided to modify the route, take a little detour to see what happened, and see if there is a problem with the latest macro application. If it is, it will be very helpful to improve the application.

Any technology is constantly corrected in actual application.

Although there are no problems with the calculation of other black holes around, after all, the number of samples is still too small, and the occurrence of a black hole mass error, especially a rapidly expanding black hole, often means that a new technological system has major flaws.

The drow people simply reported to Chu Yunsheng the reasons for the adjustment of the route. This kind of thing happened frequently in the new ships before, and it was very common. The various races that perform their duties will find many problems every day, and the three tribes will do the same. The exploration of the universe is endless and will never stop. There will be a lot of similar things to do on and off the new ship every day.

If it is not necessary to adjust the route, most of them do not need to report to Chu Yunsheng.

Otherwise, Chu Yunsheng would not have to do anything, and he would have to read the details of these reports all the time.

Nowadays, even the three tribes no longer pay attention to details in many things, and only summarize the results. The process and details, the sundial and other races can already be handled very well.

If the comma battleship is suddenly attacked and destroyed suddenly, the attackers will not pay attention to the trivial details of the battleship's non-spiritual beings at the time, in order to understand their world, experience the excitement of harvest in their world, and when they fail. Frustration and so on.

It's like a life on the ground can never leave its planet, but it does not prevent the universe from flying on a lifeless planet in another corner of the planet to move continuously day by day, even for this life on the ground. As far as this planet exists, the world is "meaningless".

The universe is so indifferent, and it is also so full of mysterious charm.

After Chu Yunsheng listened to the words of the Spirit Master, when he was about to try the gods' tactics again, in another part of the starry sky, the Cold Spirit Master was coldly observing the progress of the Sanke Ship Spirit Master.

Once the opponent has the same situation as it happened when it was in power, it will immediately record it, and, regardless of whether the opponent really surrenders, it will borrow the power of the alien galaxy to imprison it, and wait until Chu Yunsheng rushes to prove that it has not. lie.

But the reality is very cruel. It seems that the difficulty of the opponent's superiority is only in the preparatory work, and the superiority process is very smooth and calm.

The cold spirit master is not a tangled person either. If he didn't find it, he didn't find it. He decisively ended his observation of the other party and immediately asked the other party to act with him: "You can change your name and scatter with me in the spirit accumulation."

The other party calmly said: "No, I always use only one name. According to your dictionary, call me Tuo."

It doesn't matter if the cold spirit master is called Tuo or Tuo, just have a name.

It immediately marked the several key positions that had been selected to Master Tuoling, and said: "It is still done in the conventional left-handed scattering method, and I will use the power of the alien galaxy to enhance the scattering."

Master Tuo Ling carefully looked at the scattered content sent by Master Cold Spirit, and it said murderously:

"The original spirit, the soldier of the gods, are ordered to quell the rebellion... attack the seventh galaxy, the Sanke ship Lingtuo will return with sincerity... the atmosphere of rebellion is clear, the divinity has been manifested, and the power is irreversible... Forget the past, and those who refuse to obey will destroy the spirit and take the contract...and the agreement is made early, the battle of gods will end...under the starlight, all the spirits, regardless of their belonging, can follow my deity...The darkness is coming, and the souls are silent. No one can Fleeing...all of these, the meaning of the old gods, is nothing more than this."

Lord Tuoling did not object to the name of Lord Han Ling to join the Sanke Ship, but instead objected to the last paragraph: "The meaning of the old god, there is no need to join, adding it is counterproductive."

The Lord Han Ling said: "Since the meaning of the old **** is no longer known, the prince who inherits the old **** will automatically have the right to interpret all the meaning of the old god."

Lord Tuoling did not refute Hanling Lord’s question about the ownership of the original intention of the old gods. This is the key to the struggle for the position of the gods, which is not easy for others to touch. He only said:

"You may have misunderstood what I mean. Many spiritual masters have misunderstood. I did say that there is no way to know what the old goddess wants to do, but I don't mean that the old gods have extremely deep, obscure or extremely complicated intentions. And our level is insufficient, coupled with the lack of basic information, so that we can not understand its true intentions.

Many spiritual masters in the Kingdom of God have this misunderstanding, and they have this misunderstanding because they are limited to their own perspective.

You have to jump out of your own perspective, jump out of the situation you see, and even jump out of the kingdom of God.

What kind of arrangement and intention the old **** has to make, with its level and ability, whether we can guess it or not, with our level and ability, it is impossible to shake it.

Its intention and arrangement do not need to consider whether we can guess it, and whether it will have a good or bad impact on its arrangement.

If you can't do this, how can you be a god?

For example, if it really attaches great importance to the inheritance of the divine throne, the situation you and I have seen today will not happen at all. You and I will definitely see a very powerful new deity coming out dazzlingly.

I know you will refute me, saying that there is a problem with the old gods of foreign spirits interfering.

This problem does indeed exist. We have inferred many times that if our ideas are correct, the old **** of foreign spirits should also have a misjudgment of the intentions of the old **** of the kingdom of God, or a temptation, and the result will be reflected in the new **** of foreign spirits. It will be intercepted once before our Divine Reserve heads to the Kingdom of God.

I'm not sure whether this interception will appear on the planet where the gods are born or after it enters the starry sky, but it will definitely happen.

Because the misjudgment would think that the inheritance of the divine position by the divine reserve is extremely important, at least one of the extremely important, then the current struggle for divine position within our side will not occur, but our divine reserve and the new deity of the foreign spirit Competition will be highlighted to the first position.

The old **** of foreign spirits will definitely arrange for its heirs to intercept and kill our gods. The purpose is at least two. One is for the competitive relationship I just mentioned, and the other is to prevent misjudgment. Try our old gods. True intentions.

Therefore, I said that there will be one interception by the other party’s new god, but it must be only once, because there can only be one chance, and only once, because our old **** may not be able to. To accurately judge the intentions of the other party's old god, it also requires this opportunity to obtain future evidence-like temptations.

Because they cannot completely determine the other's intentions while they are alive, they need to intercept their own judgment evidence after they die, the intention becomes a reality, and the process of officially starting their operations and development.

After this time, it is meaningless for the two parties to continue to test, and they will re-enter their respective preset orbits.

There is also a problem here. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Why doesn't the old foreign gods directly find a top-level spirit to replace their new gods to steadily kill our gods.

Later, I thought there were several reasons. The place where the two old gods were trapped to death was weird, and it was already the limit to let one come over. Then if the top spirits were replaced, the interception would not be possible, and our old gods would counteract it. Kill, no one can complete the opponent's follow-up plan.

And if the opponent's new deity comes over, the opponent's old deity is sure that our old deity will not kill it. The reason may be that the opponent's new deity plays an important role in the two old deities' respective plans and mutual games.

Regarding this point, it’s actually easy to verify. You can ask our divine reserve, whether the old divine deity’s legacy of information related to the other’s new divine deity is ambiguous? Or, at least not explicitly requiring it to destroy the other party?

Also, when the opponent's new **** intercepted and killed it, if it knew that it had been attacked, did you see that the process of our old god's counter-attack was not for the purpose of killing the opponent?

Although I don't know what happened and the details of what happened, the new gods of the other party and the gods of our party are still alive now, which shows that the two old gods have not failed in their respective intentions.

Going back to the argument just now, the basis of the misjudgment is that the inheritance of the divine position by our divine prince is an extremely important event. Looking at it now, it is clear that this basis no longer exists and can be determined as a misjudgment.

If the old gods of foreign spirits can let their new gods go to the place where they are trapped to death, then our old gods will definitely be able to do it. However, so far, we have never heard of the life of the gods being arranged by the old gods to go.

There will be another detail here, and the **** prince should know it, which can be used as evidence.

When it is intercepted, the old deity of the other party will definitely keep precautions on it. I don’t know what it will be, but it will definitely be there to prevent the powerful beings from our kingdom of God from killing their new gods. Respect.

But if our powerful beings do not appear, this measure will automatically prevent the countermeasures left by our old gods, and take all measures to ensure that their new gods are not in danger of life.

These things, if the gods are careful, they should be aware of them, and they can be coherent and predictable. In the land where the two gods are trapped to death, I know no more information about his experience.

Judging from the situation of internal conflicts in our side, there must be no one who had strong life to go to the place where the two great gods were trapped, otherwise the **** prince should have been in the kingdom of God by now, and the current situation will not appear.

But I think our old deity shouldn't waste this opportunity, then, who has it let over? What is the purpose? Why not let the life of the kingdom of God go? Only God Chu himself will know about these in the future.

Therefore, the opponents of the old gods' intentions are not those of us, nor those of foreign spirits. The old gods of the other side are one of them, but they are only one of them.

The place where they are trapped to die, and what is vocalizing here, is the level where they really need to compete.

That is the battlefield where they fight to the death.

What they want to guard against will never be us, they want to guard against their opponents at the same level, or even more terrifying opponents.

Their opponents, regardless of level and information base, are not necessarily less than two gods, even if the two gods design their own intentions no matter how subtle, perfect, obscure, and complicated, it will be sooner or later that they are guessed by their opponents. Things.

But they are gods. Don’t use our thoughts to measure them. The path of subtle, perfect, obscure, complicated, etc. will not work, and there will still be a chance of being seen through. They shouldn’t stumbling on this path. Hold on.

The current captain of the Sanke Ship proposed an idea, which I agree with. It thinks that at the level of the deity, it is necessary to consider that it is absolutely impossible to see the intention for the opponent. The only possibility is to encapsulate its intention, completely physicalize it, and use it. The uncertainty principle, one of the intrinsic properties of matter, makes any opponent who tries to measure its intended value even if it is incredibly accurate to measure each value, the result will become meaningless.

The intentions of the gods will become a dynamic process, and they will not know what they want to do until the end of the process.

Of course, there is a possibility that God Chu solves this state by himself, but I think it is unlikely.

In this way, the two gods actually used the laws of the universe to defend themselves, and unless the opponent could understand the entire universe, there would be no solution.

No matter how strong the opponent is, he can only interfere with the deity’s intentions by killing the deity, but cannot know the deity’s intentions by killing the deity. Moreover, even killing the deity may not be able to prevent the deity’s intentions, otherwise, The issue of our new deity will not arise either.

The only opportunity for the two gods to be able to observe their intentions was the time when our **** reserve was intercepted and killed. That was the opportunity that the two gods had to leave in order to obtain evidence from each other.

Therefore, if you add the last paragraph, you will not be able to justify it in the future, and there will be more chaos. "

Master Han Ling looked at Master Tuo Ling in amazement, all of the Sanke Ship Spirits were indeed lunatics.

The information of Lord Tuoling about the divine reserve cannot exceed it, but only relying on the current reality results to reversely infer a large number of rigorous details. Whether these details are true or not, Chu Yunsheng knows right away.

Although these inferences were not made by the master of Tuoling, many places included the thinking of the whole ship of Sanke ship, but once Chu Yun ascended and proved that his inference was good, then a problem would arise: the ship spirit of Sanke came. What is it for here?

It is not important to add the last paragraph. Chu Yunsheng and his plan were not to deceive left-handedness. In terms of "conspiracy", the master of the spirit is obviously not as sharp as his extreme keenness in event analysis.

The cold spirit master looked at it quietly and said: "You really want to see the goddess."

Lord Tuoling still said calmly: "Yes."

The Lord Han Ling said simply: "Okay, but I hope you don't regret it."

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