MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1811 Was targeted

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The Nine Spirits Array is still in operation. Even if the formation stops, it can't be done in a moment, it will take a long time to gradually stop.

The other spirit masters who were farther away still didn't know what was happening here, and the farthest one was more than two light years away. When it knew the result, everything was settled.

Under the control of the two spirit masters of the New God Kingdom, the slowly stopping Nine Spirits Array opened a safe passage to allow the warships and spirits that followed Chu Yun to enter the galaxy.

Chu Yunsheng didn't count the number of spirits that followed him in, and how many battleships there were. After "breaking the formation", he still floated in the body of a war worm not far from the spirit of the main formation of the New God Kingdom.

His consciousness is a bit unstable, and the frequent and large number of actions in the bubble world have obvious side effects. Fortunately, he is also rich in experience, and he has not tried to be dying.

There is no problem if you insist on it for a while.

The spirit of the main formation of the New God Kingdom was not affected by Chu Yunsheng's "breaking the formation" at all, and looked towards Chu Yunsheng and said, "We meet again."

Spiritual life itself is vague, unable to observe, without contact with spiritual accumulation, without communication, it is difficult to know who the other party is.

For the spirits of the New Kingdom of God, Chu Yunsheng is relatively easy to recognize. When they see Chu Yunsheng, Chu Yunsheng is the specific life form. They have seen the appearance of war worms, but they don’t think it is Chu. Yunsheng's body, so the Master of Mind was shocked when he saw Chu Yunsheng's body later.

When the spirit of the main formation communicated with Chu Yunsheng using the new ship dictionary with his own spirit, Chu Yunsheng knew who it was.

It was the only upper-level spirit among the spirits of the new kingdom of God when it was in the base camp of the pseudo-hegemony.

At that time, it was injured, and now it is not clear whether it is healed.

This upper spirit of the New God Kingdom has always been decisive, and when he gave up, he was very resolute.

Chu Yunsheng didn't speak, just to see what it was going to say.

It continued: "You can call me Heng, you can represent our spirits here."

Chu Yunsheng responded with one sentence: "I have already discussed some things with Lun Ling."

Spirit Lord Heng immediately said: "Yes, but I didn't see it, where is it?"

Chu Yunsheng said the truth: "That's why I'm still standing in front of you. It went to the Rainbow Bridge, and it will probably not come back for a while."

Lord Heng Ling said: "I believe in you."

Chu Yunsheng was a little surprised at this time. At the beginning of the pseudo-hegemony base camp, how could the spirits of the New God Kingdom not believe that he didn't know the whereabouts of the spirit master. After the two sides separated, how could they believe in themselves again?

Lord Heng Ling immediately showed Chu Yunsheng a star map, saying: "This is the star map on which we tracked you at the time. When we return, we also use it as the standard way to return, but when we return to this position , The spiritual master named Gu who we stayed here has disappeared."

It opened the second star map with the missing point as the center and said: "We conducted a large-scale search with this as the center, and found nothing. It seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no traces and no spirit. Battle, no tracks, no warnings, nothing."

Chu Yunsheng felt that it was not lying, because this matter had nothing to do with him. It was meaningless to tell him this lie, but the matter itself was a bit weird. First, the mysterious disappearance of the spirit master, and then the spirit called Gu. The Lord also disappeared silently.

Both he and the new ship had originally suspected that the pseudo-hegemony had done it, and it was indeed the most suspicious, but this solid spirit master could never have been done by the pseudo-hegemon, and the pseudo-hegemon should still be in its base camp at the time.

Is it true that the hypocrite did not lie, and it really wasn't it because of the disappearance of the spirit master?

Chu Yunsheng compared the information near the coordinates he knew to the star map of Lord Heng Ling, and found nothing unusual, and said, "Who do you think did it?"

Heng Ling said: "I don't know, but now it's definitely not you or left-handed."

It's not that Chu Yunsheng can be sure, it's not that left-handedness doesn't know how it judges it, Chu Yunsheng didn't ask, it can say so, because there is a conclusive proof method.

It is definitely not a good thing to be able to make a spiritual life disappear without knowing it.

Chu Yunsheng quickly passed the "powerful" he knew, and first denied the Dark Warship. According to the information brought by the giant ship, it had been chasing the giant ship for a long time, and the course was not in the right direction.

The counterfeit left-handedness has been denied, and then it may be the spirit loser, but the problem of the spirit loser is the same as that of the counterfeit bully. It was too late to catch up at the time, and it had to accurately find the route of the new kingdom of God. There were many contradictions.

Who would it be?

The great darkness fell, and as expected, all the ghosts, ghosts, and snakes came out. The already intricate starry sky became even more turbulent, and undercurrents surging.

But this also seems to be normal. The universe is never single, and the world does not just revolve around anyone. When he was outside the Nine Spirits Array, he did not see the two spirits that did not belong to this era, nor did he meet in the base camp of the pseudo-tyrant. I saw the spirit loser, and the spirits of unknown origin who escaped from the Milky Way galaxy with him.

The upcoming battle between him and L-Spin is far from all under this starry sky. It can only be regarded as one of the more important events at best. It belongs to L-Spin, the new kingdom of God, the "relationship world" of him and some other lives involved. The same Important things may be happening in the "relationship world" of other beings, such as the soul losers.

Limited to time and space, occasionally, everyone will cross due to encounters, sometimes it may have an important impact, sometimes it just touches and leaves, each back to its own orbit.

No one can say that his own affairs must be more important than other people's, but life always and always live in the visible and knowable range of oneself. For each life, this visible and knowable range is each life. The center of the world is where the meaning of survival lies.

Chu Yunsheng glanced at the Nine Spirits Formation. At this time, battleships were passing through the Spirit Formation channel.

Although they were shocked by Chu Yunsheng's "performance", they had no place to be proud of themselves. They were still cautious in the face of the New God Kingdom Spirit Array, and they did not dare to go beyond the channel scope stipulated and controlled by the New God Kingdom two spirits.

Even the spiritual beings strictly abide by the regulations of the new kingdom of God and dare not fly indiscriminately.

The comma battleship also passed through the passage honestly in the fleet, but it was so advanced that it had been spotted by several spirit masters.

Because of the Nine Spirits Formation, both parties were not paying attention to these things. Now they are safe. When they enter the galaxy, they will be safer. Many spirit masters, including the spirit masters of the new kingdom of God, have all, for different reasons. Prepare to replace the ship.

After all, there are too many starry sky races here, and there are too many choices.

The comma battleship is so beautiful and outstanding in the fleet, it is naturally watched by many spirits. When everyone enters the galaxy, the left-handed gods convene them for a meeting of the spirits, make a covenant, and make rules. It is time to divide the ship. .

As for what the Starry Sky Race in those battleships think, it is no longer the scope of the spirits to consider, this kind of thing, it is not the turn of the Starry Race Race to have any opinions, the Alliance of the Spirits is the highest covenant.

The 3961 that controlled the comma battleship to sail honestly, at this time, I don't know that many spirits have been eyeing them.

Chu Yunsheng returned his gaze from the spiritual formation and said to Lord Heng Ling: "I can help you investigate after this incident. You have been here for so long, have you found the first life to come in?"

Lord Heng Ling said frankly: "This is something I will tell you later. In fact, you and I know that there is really nothing to talk about between us on the matter of cooperating to win this battle. This is Our common needs are ridiculous, but we still have to cooperate in the end.

Therefore, I have decided not to talk about this anymore. If I want to talk about it, I will talk about other things. The thing about the disappearance of Ku Lingzhu and Gu Lingzhu is, but this thing is not. I will tell you all the circumstances of our investigation. "

Chu Yunsheng didn’t stop talking to the spirits of the New God Kingdom, he just wanted to reduce the opponent’s bargaining chip and increase his own right to speak. Now, since the New God Kingdom has simply listed the "cooperation in this battle" as unnecessary to talk about. Scope, that would be better. For other things, even if the spirits of the New Kingdom of God did not find him, he would also find some intelligence and information from them.

So he agreed: "It’s okay to save everyone’s energy and time, but there are urgency, and I also have suggestions. We can talk about things slowly during our cooperation, or we can talk about them later. It’s okay. Now In order to prevent left-handedness from controlling the galaxy before us, the sooner we prepare for action, the better."

Lingling Lord Heng followed: "No problem. Regarding the first life that came in, we repeatedly searched with spirits, asked the star races that arrived second, and searched for their thinking. After many methods, we could only make sure that it entered. The planet where the advent point is.

The planet was surrounded by a halo of haze, and the life that entered immediately lost contact. So far, the starry sky races that have arrived have sent thousands of expeditions, and none of them have been able to return. "

Chu Yunsheng keenly said: "Whether the expedition team entered is dead or alive can be seen from the numbers. You block the galaxies and the numbers can be controlled and observed. Then, in terms of numbers, are they still alive?"

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