MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1829 Help you give birth

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Chu Yunsheng no longer wanted to have any conversations with this newly arrived dead corpse. With the huge information gap, no matter what he said, he could only suffer.

The words and deeds of this self-proclaimed Zan envoy were inconsistent with the information that the cold spirit master had revealed to him. In particular, the last time the cold spirit master used Lingyun scattering to transmit to the comma battleship did not mention it. The left-handed envoy does not recognize the left-handed new god.

And this Zan came up straight and didn't admit it.

Although logically speaking, a compromise has been reached within the kingdom of God, and after Chu Yunsheng's handling of the problem here, no matter what the outcome is, the new deity will be the deity.

But said indifferently, "It's not a god," Chu Yunsheng had never heard of it from any life.

Don't look at the cold spirit master changing his name soon, it's essentially because it is really afraid of it, it is a deep fear of left-handedness, and borrowing it a hundred courage, it dare not say such words in this tone.

Just look at the kind of left-handed spirits present, and none of them dared to speak at this time.

Even the Lord Xi Ling, who has always talked the most, shut up.

However, they are also the strangest thing. To say that the origin of this Zan is suspicious, it is normal for Chu Yunsheng to be unclear. It is impossible for the left-handed spirits to be unclear, but none of them questioned it.

If it weren’t for the spirits of the New Kingdom of God to be outside of the halo, Chu Yunsheng would even doubt whether the "Left-handed spirits" present were fake, and everyone appeared in the form of dead corpses, and no one could see. Out of the clues.

Or, it's all "Tian Youli" who made ghosts all alone. These dead corpses have nothing to do with left-handedness and the new kingdom of God. They are all illusions of its self-direction and self-acting.

Anyway, the Ling Yun couldn't be revealed in the halo, and he pretended to be a spirit and proceeded with his mouth.

Humans in the Sixth Age were the only forces able to prove the innocence of Tian Youli, but unfortunately they still appeared in the form of dead corpses. They had to prove themselves first, and then prove the left-handed spirits, thus proving the innocence of Tian Youli from the side.

But in this way, things will become more and more complicated, and ultimately the question of whether the coming life is lying is basically unsolvable.

Naturally, Chu Yunsheng wouldn't be like before, and then dive into this unsolvable trap to explore in vain, he is just continuing to delay time.

Even if the new **** of left-handedness came in person, it was the same.

Step by step to today, he and the new ship have already become one. There is no second way to go, and he will not choose the second way. There is only one way and one goal.

In the mist not far away, the first body appeared.

Chu Yunsheng calmly looked at Zan at the foot of the grand triangle building and said, "How do you prove your identity?"

If he doesn't fall into this insoluble trap, it won't prevent him from giving the trouble to the other party to get a headache.

Zan said directly: "You can't prove it, you can't understand it."

Chu Yunsheng asked, "Then what are you doing?"

Zan said: "Help you give birth to spirits."

Chu Yunsheng was more alert, and there were few lives that could see that he was a fake spirit, but it was unclear whether there was any information leaked, and I don't know how this Zan knew.

He still said very calmly: "No need."

Zan said: "Need."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Who needs it?"

Zan said: "You, me, everyone."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Reason."

Zan said: "The Kingdom of God is closed."

As soon as it said this, there was a commotion among the many dead corpses present, if it weren't for Zan, I'm afraid it had become a mess.

Chu Yunsheng knows that there are two concepts of left-handed gods. One is more broad, referring to the left-handed power, which is a concept of power, and the other is more narrow, referring to a specific place and the like. concept.

However, it seems that the cold spirit master has never been there, and now, it is the hope for the survival of the spirits.

If it is closed, it is equivalent to extinguishing the chance of survival of the left-handed spirits.

These words must not be said nonsense, they are about to happen!

But it didn't make much sense to Chu Yunsheng. He was just to delay time, and there were more and more bodies around him. It should be the new reinforcement commander who is continuously increasing troops here.

Chu Yunsheng immediately said very sensitively, "What does it have to do with me."

His tone was not a question, but a statement, but he knew that the rioting corpses must want to know the answer after this sentence was replaced by a question.

They don't want to know exactly what it has to do with Chu Yunsheng, but to know what happened to the kingdom of God.

Zan did not pay attention to the commotion of the dead corpses at all, as he said before: "You are the gods."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Then what?"

Zan said: "The gods can reopen the kingdom of gods."

Chu Yunsheng said: "So you want me to be a god."

Zan said: "You can't become a god."

Chu Yunsheng said: "The reason."

Zan said: "The Kingdom of God has been closed."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Then what are you looking for me for?"

Zan said: "Open the kingdom of God."

This seemed to be an infinite loop. Chu Yunsheng didn't care. He was just delaying time to inquire about some information, but unfortunately, it was about to be delayed, and more and more reinforcements were coming.

He changed his angle and talked about the most concerned issue of many rioting dead bodies at this time: "Who shut it down?"

Zan said: "Many, such as Zhuyuan, etc., have been in the kingdom of God for a long time."

Chu Yunsheng didn't know the situation in God's country, so he didn't know, so he continued: "Why?"

Zan said: "I don't know."

Chu Yunsheng didn't know if it was true or false, and said, "Are you sure I can open it?"

Zan said: "Yes."

Chu Yunsheng said again: "Reason."

Zan said: "Old god."

Chu Yunsheng said, "What if I refuse?"

Zan said: "You have no choice."

At this time, the rapid increase in the number of body weights has crossed the balance point of combat power, and has greatly begun to take advantage, and Chu Yunsheng is about to be unable to hold on.

The new commander is so eager to reinforce, there must be a reason to do so, otherwise, the comma battleship will not fail to judge his purpose of delaying time.

Chu Yunsheng finally said, "How are you going to help me give birth to spirits?"

There was a problem with his body long ago. Ming had also calculated that he would not be born, and he really wanted to give birth to a spirit. It was probably only the path of the main spiritual body of the cold spirit.

However, with Han Ling's main spirit body, Zan's help was not needed.

A light curtain shot out from Zan's eyes, and a dark and pure shadow appeared in the light curtain, saying:

"It dies, you live, and you can have spirits."

Ferry of this super galaxy.

The arrival point of the liquid starship is not far from the side of the smart computing array.

The liquid mass dispersed, and a light and shadow shot out.

Fluctuations were immediately heard from the liquid starship: "Did you see the nine ships?"

Guangying said: "I saw it, but it was not settled."

The liquid starship waved and said: "What do they say?"

Guangying said: "Without this order, they only take the order they receive. If the fire worm prevents the gods from returning to the kingdom of the gods, they kill the fire worms; if the fire bugs do not stop them, they ensure that they can safely send the gods back, and the gods Chu takes this as a condition, and they will kill us."

The liquid starship waved and said: "Are they really sent by the palace?"

Guangying said: "They claim to be."

The liquid starship waved and said: "Do we need to evaluate our losses after eliminating them in the worst case?"

Guangying said: "Don't waste resources, I'm sure that the fire worms will not let them take away the gods."

The liquid starship waved and said: "But I feel you are worried about something."

Guangying said: "Yes, do you remember that incident in the Rainbow Bridge?"

The liquid starship waved and said: "I know, there are also the latest intelligence records in the ship. It only remembers that it is called He."

Guangying said: "I just passed the Rainbow Bridge, this incident is getting more and more dangerous, I feel that something big is going to happen!"

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