MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1849 Twelve lines

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  Sure enough, the pseudo-tyrant did not make a mistake, and left-handed only tried to probe here once, and there was no follow-up movement.

  However, the starry sky has become extremely spectacular.

  One after another, the war machines were lit up, and their arrival points were scattered throughout the entire super galaxy, such as countless tentacles extending from different positions, capturing the universe information in different time and space at the same time.

The information sent by light and other radiation, the farther away from them, the longer the time of occurrence, and on the diameter of the local super galaxy, which is counted as one billion light-years of the earth, if you rely on an isolated point to observe the whole This super galaxy gathers all the events that have happened in the galaxy, and that long time is enough to make everything an illusion.

And the war machine is in the state where they are dispersed in the super galaxy, as if all the positions have been calculated and accurate. When they are ignited one by one, they are like nodes, collecting data from different time and space, and then reorganizing. Get up, send it into the node to perfect the details of the deduction, until it constitutes an extremely magnificent local super galaxy's billions of years of evolution.

At this time, no life dare to break into the world of historical changes they are deducing from the outside, even the left-handed spirit masters dare not enter, such a large-scale collection and calculation, even as a spiritual life, they also resist No longer, it will be treated as an abnormal interference to be eliminated at any time.

  Because this is not a simple model, nor is it a complex mathematical world, but a delicate and real world!

  Of course, there is another situation, when the life itself is collected by them, they can take the opportunity to get in and take a peek.

  It’s just that this kind of experience may not even count as a dream for most lives, let alone consciously observe.

The pseudo-tyrant said that left-handedness is looking for someone, and it can’t be wrong. Once they complete the historical world of the super galaxy, starting from the most distant beam of light and the radiation of the super galaxy they can collect, until now, think Who to find, where it went, what it did... will be able to reproduce.

  Everything will be invisible.


On an edge of the local super galaxy, a shadow that seems to be always on the back of the light appeared in front of a strange cube that even 3961 had never seen before.

  This cube did not originally exist, but it was not forced to appear until the shadow appeared.

  But there are only twelve exquisite rays of light, which form a linear cube, which still seems to be empty, no different from the surrounding starry sky.

  The shadow went through the vicissitudes of life and said to the twelve rays of light cubes: "I have been to many places, and also far away, and finally found you here. You have never left before."

   There was a response from the twelve-line cube: "Your original record, we no longer have it."

  Shadow said with emotion: "When you left, I was still in my childhood, and it was very ordinary. It is normal for you to have no record."

  Twelve-line cube coldly said: "In this case, you shouldn't find us."

  The shadow let the light of the starry sky come in, saying: "I won't find you, they will also find you, you can't hide it anymore."

  The twelve-line cube coldly said without emotion: "We are not hiding, and we have nothing to do with you."

The shadow seems to have adapted to the coldness of the other party a long time ago, even if it is so strong now, it is the same, calmly said: "I was surprised, how did they know you existed? Why do they want to find you at any cost? I quietly grabbed them among them It’s a pity that it doesn’t know anything. Someone deliberately concealed your real problems from them.”

  The twelve-line legislation was cold and unresponsive, as if nothing was concerned.

The shadow continued: "Later, I was thinking about the things of the old men. When I thought about it, I suddenly remembered that 95833 was never found when I set out to search for the domain certificate. It has been missing for too long. At first, it was estimated that only 95827 knew its whereabouts."

  The twelve-line cube still has no response, as if it has nothing to do with them.

  The shadow jumped and said again: "Except for 95827, only 95833 knows your existence."

  The twelve-line cube reacted this time, but it was still cold: "Don't you know it too?"

The shadow denied: "I mean to know the importance of your existence. Many drow people know you, but the one who knows what you have taken and the importance of you may only be the drow who implemented that plan. People, and among those drow people, except for the 95827 and the missing 95833, the others have been confirmed dead."

   Twelve-line cube coldly said: "The first one made a big mistake, and you are one of them."

  The shadow obviously does not want to argue with the other party about this issue, and only said: "The facts have been formed, and it is no use to say right or wrong. The old generation is gone now, and there is no unsolvable contradiction between us."

  The twelve-line cube said: "If you want to get something from us, then you will definitely fail, because your purpose is completely different from ours."

The shadow is not prepared to use many reasons to convince the other party. Although it is so powerful, it knows that it is unable to persuade any one of the other parties. It is extremely wise and authentic: "It is not for me to choose now. It is time for you to choose. If My guess is correct, you need to choose between 95827 and 95833, and later, you will never have another chance."

  The twelve-line cube still said coldly: "Do you know the real mission of 95827?"

  Shadow said: "I don't know."

  The twelve-line cube asked coldly: "Then do you know the real mission of 95833?"

  The shadow still said: "I don't know."

  The twelve-line cube asked coldly, "Do you know what the purpose of the old first is?"

  The shadow still said: "I don't know."

  The twelve-line cube said coldly: "Since you don't know anything, what are you talking about?"

   Shadow said: "Because, I have seen 95827."

  The twelve-line cube is unmoved, and there is no longer any response.

  The shadow said with a fatal blow: "It hasn't been born yet!"