MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 4 Monster advent

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Chapter 4 Monsters Coming ()

This low-level second-order meta-function is only one-time. After the energy of the meta-function body is exhausted, the mysterious storage capacity will disappear, and all the stored items will appear around in an instant. Therefore, before the meta-function body is exhausted, Chu Yunsheng needs to make another object element. Of course, if the level of cultivation is increased by one level, you can make a third-order element, you can always go from yourself to the yuan. If you add energy, you can use it forever.

The structure of the meta-function is not complicated, and consists of three parts: the first, the ontology, and the seal:

The principle of the first is to guide the heaven and earth vitality and the element itself to generate channels and activate the meta-function;

The ontology is to introduce the rules of certain abilities after the introduction of vitality, so as to realize the magical power. The principle of these rules and rules Chu Yunsheng simply does not understand, now can only be used, just like driving, not necessarily know The principle of the engine is the same.

After the activation of the ontology, the law of the ontology function is complete, and finally the meta-character is sealed, and the flavor of the person is printed or made into a non-primitive character to distinguish the user. There are also some, such as the ability to leak and seal into the human body.

For the first-order meta-function of the fire soldier Yuan Fu, Chu Yunsheng was very difficult to cope with it. It took him three hours to complete the construction. In spite of this, his vitality was also consumed. He ventured to make it first. The fire soldier Yuan Fu is trying to increase the experience of using the vitality system. He wants to ensure the one-time success of the Yuan Yuan Yuan. He has no time and no energy to waste.

The object element is a second-order element, and the difficulty and success rate are greatly increased. Chu Yunsheng, who cannot master the principle, does not dare to care.

Fortunately, with the help of ancient books, he found that it was difficult to reduce the number of papers produced on ancient books.

The energy required to make the second-level symbol is far more than one level. If the energy is insufficient at the time, the loss will be heavy, so he began to work day and night in order to create the material element.

During these days, when Chu Yunsheng was working hard, the situation outside was further worsened. The colder climate is said to have frozen and killed a lot of people. The sun seems to disappear forever, never again, hunger. And the cold forced the residents to leave the house and find supplies.

The army has gradually been unable to control the city and has to abandon some fringe areas and build a large number of military defense facilities in the core city.

Chu Yunsheng did not know the specific situation outside. It was only a strange thing happened in the past two days. When his community allocated the same day ration, a man complained of less and less food, and the soldiers clashed with each other. Under the attack, the soldiers punched, that is, this punch, everyone who was shocked and stunned, Chu Yunsheng saw it with his own eyes and felt incredible!

The man’s angry punch was so cold with ice, and the poor soldier was frozen into ice sculptures. The man himself was shocked. He took the other soldiers and did not react from the surprise, and quickly shouted. "I will push him regardless of my business. You have seen it, no matter what I do."

As he spoke, he ran back home.

An hour later, the roaring armored vehicle drove into the community. The heavily armed soldiers, like the enemy, quickly took the ice boxer who had fled home to the armored car, no matter how surprised it was, now Human beings are like rabbits in a panic, still have an inexplicable fear of the army night.

The ice boxer did not resist the soldiers who were strict with him. He kept saying that he was really embarrassed, that is, he pushed it. Unfortunately, the military still took him away with the gun of the black hole, leaving his wife and about seven or eight. The old son whispered at the door.

Chu Yunsheng knows that the man should be the old book, the fourth dimension of God self-awaken, but he did not find himself, in anger, inadvertently launched the power of heaven and earth, frozen the unlucky soldier.

Really powerful, I have practiced for so many days before I practiced God. This kind of person has an unconscious self-awakening, which makes Chu Yunsheng very embarrassed.

However, if you blame it, people may not have an ancient book like him, which makes him more psychologically balanced.

This incident made him wary that his own affairs must not be exposed. Seeing those military people who took the ice fists with a cold face, they knew that there was no good thing, and they might be used as test articles by the national laboratory for various torture tests.

He definitely didn't want to be the second man of Ice Boxing. He originally thought about telling others about some simple cultivation methods, helping them to tide over the difficulties together. The ice punch man's end, shocked the already timid Chu Yunsheng. Thinking about killing and not telling others their secrets.

A few days later, when the collar was rations, the experts upstairs told him a message that the research department found a lot of dark matter and dark energy that could not be detected and captured before. The ice boxer who was transported in the community may be one of them. Related to dark energy, the government is accelerating research in this area.

In addition, upstairs experts also claimed that the temperature has been suspended due to some kind of dark energy, and even some plants outside have been able to replace the previous photosynthesis through dark energy, he said that this will be a new scientific system.

However, Chu Yunsheng simply couldn't understand what he was talking about. He always felt that if he was not frozen to death or suffocated without oxygen, he would be fortunate.

The production of his object is not as smooth as he thought. When he carefully prepared the situation, the first forced production of the second-level symbol ended in failure. This kind of attack made Chu Yunsheng succumbed to an afternoon. Sure enough, people are not as good as days!

If he suffers from the loss, he would like to make a first-level meta-function. The energy of refining and refining for so many days will not be wasted!

What he didn't think was that nine days later, he once again had a very unsatisfactory failure in the production of the Yuanyuanfu, which was full of confidence. The reason was that a high-decibel scream suddenly came from the road outside the community, and the voice was full of fear. And panic, followed by gunshots, under the fright, Chu Yunsheng Yunqi's characterization of the seal was completely ruined!

Chu Yunsheng was so angry that he simply thought that the outside was definitely the animal that could not bear, trying to **** a beautiful woman and then being killed by the soldiers. This kind of thing happened in countless days.

Under the atmosphere of the end of the world, the boundless darkness has given great excitement to some people who are not guilty. Some of them have no hope for the future. Under the stimulation of multiple factors of despair, panic and chaos, people are doing everything. It is possible to do it out.

Listening to the experts on the upper floor said that in the past few days, the military has already killed many rioters. The above meaning is that the chaotic world uses heavy codes. Anyone who shoots a soldier and ignores them will shoot them to deter chaos. However, the experts upstairs said in a low voice, in fact, many soldiers have participated in the crime, and the people are angry and afraid to speak.

Chu Yun has been promoted for more than 20 years. He has always been a kind-hearted person with good temper, good speech, and no sin. This time, he is really angry. He has grown bold and has not used his courage for more than 20 years. He is ready to be at the window. A few words of roar, in fact, his heart is that the mob estimated that he had been killed by the military, so there is no need to fear the revenge of the mob.

But when he opened the only small steel plate on the window that was not sealed, so looking at the outside, suddenly the anger was vanished, replaced by the chill and panic!

On the opposite side of the road, under the illumination of the military lights, I can clearly see that a white Audi trocome that was deformed by some kind of force was stunned by a huge monster, and Chu Yunsheng swears. It is in the animal world of Uncle Zhao Zhongxiang that I have never seen such ugly and fierce things!

The huge body is like the Audi trot, under the fire red carapace, there are four strange legs like a steel knife blade, and there are two long fierce tongs in front of the torso!

In panic, Chu Yunsheng’s pick-up binoculars from the window, through the lens, clearly saw the sharp and ferocious blood on the head of the monster, and the **** red eyes!

Along the big mouth, leaving a disgusting green liquid, the liquid flows to the body of the Audi trot, slamming white smoke, corroding a big hole, Chu Yunsheng does not need a head to know the corrosion of the liquid. How strong is sex!

Finished, finished, they are finally here, what should I do? How to do?

I always thought that Chu Yunsheng, who was in control, suddenly panicked. He didn’t panic when the sun disappeared. He fell into the darkness of the ice. He didn’t panic. He didn’t panic in the chaos of the world, because he prepared for these things. .

But now, the different space space tracks in the ancient books coincide! Powerful creatures are coming! And still so fierce, he did not have time to do the planned yuan, which makes Chu Yunsheng, who always likes to pursue stability, seems to be a little overwhelmed!

Read The Mage of Eternity