MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 3 fallen devil

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  Chapter 3 The Fallen Demon

  The Fallen Demon is also known as "The Fallen", 【Thefallen】.

This race used to be one of the four demon kings of hell, the elite soldiers under Azmodan, the evil king. Now the "petite" form.

   Poor man, Azmodan also blamed them for the defeat, causing them to remain weak forever.

  Diablo (Diablo), Baal (Baal), and Maphisto (Mephisto) in Yat's mouth are the three major demon gods in the dark world and the supreme ruler of hell.

  He didn't want to simply banish the Fallen Demon back, and he wasn't even satisfied with just summoning the Fallen Demon in front of him, so he spread such a lie under the banner of the three major demon gods.

  After taking office as a demon warlock, he can communicate with the summoned demon without barriers.

  The more lies are told, the more demons will believe them, especially under the influence of the contract rules of the demon warlock profession.

   Presumably no devil would dare to ask those three guys for proof.

  Even if those three guys knew about it, could they still follow the network cable... through countless dimensions to come to this world to settle accounts with him?

  Occupation can no longer be changed. In such an extremely insecure world, he can't give up either. He can only try his best to strengthen himself.

  The moment he heard these three names, the fallen demon in front of him collapsed to the ground, trembling in panic.

  Cowardly and cowardly, who can imagine that this race was once the proud soldier of hell?

   "Answer me, Fallen!" Art didn't stop there, but continued to yell.

   It was only in the face of the fallen demon that he dared to pretend to be like this.

   "%%*@#..." A burst of unclear words came out of the mouth of the fallen demon.

   Belongs to the language of demons.

  Although he couldn't understand, it didn't prevent Art from understanding the meaning of the words.

   "No, no, Aaron dare not..." Speech incoherently, repeating this meaning over and over again.

  Although he had never heard of any rules formulated by the three demon gods, his own experience and fear of the demon gods prevented him from doubting Ater's words.

   "Do you know how you got here?" At this moment, Art's tone eased a little.

  After explaining it upside down for a while, it was hard to understand its meaning.

  According to its meaning, it is to hear in a daze that someone wants to give it something, and ask it if it wants it.

   Can I not get rid of the free stuff?


   I agreed without even thinking about it!

   It seemed to say something else later, but it didn't listen.

  After listening, the corner of Yate's mouth twitched violently.

  However, according to this guy's description and the inheritance of the Tavel family, he probably understands the process of the devil's contract.

  The extraordinary inheritance of the Tavel family is only the way of inauguration of the demon warlock and some scattered descriptions, and the others have long been missing.

  After he took office, there is only one skill called "Devil Contract", which is to summon demons to fight for himself.

  The original body sacrificed his own soul summoning at the end... Wait!

  Is it the fallen demon named Allen or him that the original body summoned?

  According to the description of the Fallen Demon, the sacrifice it got was not a soul but a little power boost.

  In addition, the only one who can communicate with the summoned demon without barriers is the summoner himself!

  From this point of view, it seems that he should be summoned by the original body, and then he summoned the fallen demon.

   It's unbelievable, he's not a devil, but maybe there's something wrong with the coordinates. As for his sacrifice for summoning the Fallen Demon, it should be other items in the ceremony.

   Around him, a circle of candles were arranged in the shape of a hexagram. In the dark environment, the candlelight was pale and seeped through.

  Before him, in the circle of candles, there is a skull bowl containing Matt Isaac's blood, which has dried up.

  This is the main ingredient. Matt Isaac's blood is extraordinary. If he hadn't been cursed by the elves, he might not have looked down on the blood of the Tavel family.

   There is also a black goat head next to it.

   Judging by the size, it is still a lamb, it is simply inhumane!

   Isn’t it delicious to make mutton skewers and shabu-shabu?

  On the periphery of the candle circle, there are also several pieces of silver tableware, which are used to restrain the demons.

   Demons are said to be afraid of silverware.

"According to the rules formulated by Diablo, Baal, and Maphisto, I will pay the price and summon you to fight for me. You can disagree, but once you agree, you must not violate the contract between the two parties, and you are not allowed to harm the summoner! Don't you feel that Does the contract exist?" After a little bit of thinking, Art looked at the fallen demon in front of him again, and "kindly" explained it.

   "Yes, yes!" The Sinking Demon nodded repeatedly.

   It was summoned by the devil's contract, and of course it can sense the existence of the contract.

   "Remember to tell your clansmen when you go back, if there is another time, I will change to another camp, or change to another race call!" Art warned it.

  The Fallen live in camps.

   "Allen will definitely tell the people!" The Fallen Demon hastily assured him.

  How can you give up such a simple way to gain strength?

  Seeing that the fire is almost ready, Yate is about to cancel the call.

   The Fallen Demon exists in this world, and what he consumes is his energy.

  For him, the burden is not too great, after all, he is only the lowest level of mobs. The reason why he is so imaginary is mainly because of the medicine given by Matt Isaac.

   This is a medicine used by elf hunters when they need to ensure the vitality of their prey. The effect is comparable to Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

  Just as he was about to speak, his eyes swept over Matt Isaac's body. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he changed his words to ask: "Is the fallen wizard in your camp there?"

  Generally speaking, there must be a fallen wizard in a fallen demon camp. If there is no such wizard who can resurrect the fallen devil, with the character of the fallen devil, it is impossible to unite and fight. Once one is injured, they will disperse.

   "Yes." The fallen demon's head, which had just been raised a little, lowered again.

  Yate's understanding of their race made him more convinced of the "rules" and "contracts" that Yate called.

   "When you go back, tell the wizards in your camp about this. I will summon it after 2 hours." Art said.

  Compared to ordinary fallen demons, fallen wizards must be more prestigious and smarter.

   But also more dangerous.

  However, with this guy's foreshadowing and the tiger skin of "rules made by the three great demon gods", he probably won't do anything.

   Besides, he can cancel the summoning at any time.

  Although in the records of the Tavel family, some demons can still exist for a period of time even after being cancelled, but at the level of a fallen wizard, they should not have such strength.

   "Obey, my lord." The Fallen Demon unconsciously changed his address.

  Just about to ask how long "2 hours" is, I suddenly felt an irresistible sense of rejection.

  Yate suddenly canceled the devil's contract without warning.

  The Fallen Demon disappeared into this world before he could take any action.

  Yate's eyes flickered slightly.

very good!

  It seems that ordinary fallen demons have no resistance to canceling the summoning.

  (end of this chapter)