MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 328 real cooperation

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  Chapter 328 True Cooperation

  Finally found what I wanted!

The reason why Yate wanted to cooperate with Xenia Eugen was that Shahem's hostility towards them was only half of the factor, and the other half was because Xenia Eugen was the core and key figure in the ruins, and maybe even The final boss must have many "treasures" on him.

  The "treasure" here is not necessarily a thing, but may also be knowledge, such as information about the alienated body, the extraordinary inheritance of the Eugen family, etc., which are all invaluable.

  Although he is not particularly needed, he can be used to exchange items and knowledge of equal value with the 7th-level bosses.

   Don’t worry about the lack of cash channels.

   Moreover, maybe there are items that I need, such as extraordinary items.

  If it is with Sandra and others, he certainly has no chance to get these.

  It is already very generous for others to rub you for a while, but you still want to make further progress?

  He is not incomprehensible, if there is no chance, he will not force it, so he always looks like a salty fish. But if it is delivered to your mouth, if you don't know how to open your mouth, wouldn't you be a "little fool"?

  No, the "little fool" knows to open his mouth actively.

   Not even a "little fool"!

  People always have to be selfish to live better and more easily.

  It is not too late to consider other things after you have the ability.

  In the mirror.

   Xenia Eugene has been staring at Art, carefully observing his every move and every change of expression!

  She didn't know this outsider at all, and she didn't even know the other person's name until now, and she might not get her real name if she asked, so she didn't bother to do it.

  She has no other choice, the outsider in front of her is the most suitable one!

  She chooses a partner, just like shopping, she will only choose the most suitable one, and will not consider others, which is equivalent to having no other choice.

  For this reason, she would rather devote more energy to observe and understand each other.

  After the opponent got Shahem's body fluid, he entered a very strange state, as if he might swallow Shahem's body fluid in one gulp at any time, but he was forcibly restraining himself.

   Could it be possible to swallow Shahem's bodily fluids?

  My family just didn't find the right way to take it?

  However, he shouldn't know Shahem's information!

  Could he just want to swallow it without knowing anything?

   "Shachem's body fluids cannot be swallowed directly, it will turn the user to wood!" Although he didn't want to admit that the only candidate he had carefully selected would be so reckless, Xenia Eugen still reminded him.

   "Yes." Yate was in a trance, ignoring the desire of the spiritual organ, put the thing back into the wooden bottle, put it into the space bag, and said at the same time: "I want this!"

   Formally put forward your own conditions.

  The purpose of his entering the ruins is to meet the "nutrition" needed for the growth of spiritual organs, which is obviously more nutritious than ordinary spirituality.

  Using the sentence "I'm trying to get more for you" successfully appeased the spiritual officer.

  Spiritual organ has no intelligence and cannot communicate, but it is his own organ, controlled by his brain, so it can transmit and make it understand certain information.

   "7:3 points, we are 7!" Xenia Eugen said immediately.

  Yate stared.

"It is difficult for the current alienated body to maintain rationality. If there are more, our family will not be able to maintain it. And it is also a hidden danger to keep Shahem, so we plan to kill it." Xenia Eugen immediately explained, "Leave 7 Just in case, and from the perspective of power comparison, 9:1 is not too much, because I need your help, so I agree with 7:3, you should be content."

   Dealing with smart people is sometimes very worry-free, and you can understand your intentions without special explanation and cooperate tacitly; but sometimes it is very troublesome, just like now, if an explanation is not in place, a lot of thoughts will arise.

   "Leaving this aside, where is Shahem's body, what does it look like, and how can I help?" Art asked.

  He only represents himself.

   Xenia Eugen naturally heard what he meant and didn't care.

  All I really want is him!

   "This island is Shahem's body, and we sealed it with stone worms."


  Yat had already boldly speculated that it might be this valley, but he didn't expect that his layout was still small.

  The diameter of this island exceeds 10,000 meters!

  How big should Shahem be?

  This island was originally the composition of their seal Shahem, but...

   "How did you breed so many stone worms?"

   "Back then there were far fewer stone worms, and Shahem's body was not so big. Our plan was just an idea."


  Art looked into Xenia Eugen's eyes.

   The eyes of the two sides are facing each other.

   "Latecomer, what?" Xenia Eugen suddenly smiled.

   She said "latecomer", not "outsider"!

   And the voice sounded directly in Arter's ear, as if whispering.

  She thought that Yate and the others were humans who did not know how many years later.

  Although it is not completely correct, it is enough to prove that she knows her own state!

   No wonder she used "story" to describe the history of the Eugen family before. Presumably, she already knew that the current self was equivalent to the character in the story.

   "You know everything?" Yate was silent for a moment, as if his thoughts were disturbed by her, and he asked slowly after nearly 10 seconds.

   "Maybe it has something to do with my form of existence." Xenia Eugen's eyes flashed a light.

   She only suspected, and now it's confirmed!

  A strong impulse and longing gushed out from the bottom of my heart, instantly dispelling the fear and panic about my own death.

   "What do you want?" Art asked her this time.

  Since she already knows her own form of existence, I don't think she will still want to kill Shahem.

   At least it can't be her first target!

  If you were in this situation, what would you want?

  The answer is ready to come out.

   "Please don't resist." A gentle female voice sounded in his head, and Yate found that an inexplicable connection was trying to connect with his mind.

  Her occupation is a spiritual warlock, so it is not surprising that she has this kind of means, but it is difficult for her to speak in such a gentle tone, and even use the word "please".

  Many people may be fearless in the face of death, but when faced with the possibility of resurrection, no one can remain indifferent.

   At least Xenia Eugene can't.

  Yate thought for a while, and felt that he couldn't either.

  So, without making fun of Xenia Eugen, agree to the link.

   "I want to get out of here!" As soon as the connection was made, Xenia Eugen expressed his purpose.

   A desire so strong that it cannot be added!

  Yat can feel this strong mental fluctuation.

   "Speaking directly, I was afraid of scaring you, so I brought you here step by step. Moreover, we need their cooperation if we want to kill Shahem." This is the cooperation she wants.

  A secret cooperation only for 2 people!

  So much has been done before, on the one hand, it is for the alienation body to see, and on the other hand, it is to test out the needs of Yate.

  Knowing what the other party really wants makes it easier to discuss cooperation.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion