MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 331 pre-war preparation

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  Chapter 331 Pre-war preparations

  Sandra, Angelo Nell, Yam Lloyd, and Zachary Cumberland each took out a mobile phone-like thing.

   Each greets their own people.

Soul-eating spiders can't be used in the ruins, at least not in general. They use the alien version of the walkie-talkie launched by the Steam Association. It can be used in places with normal spirituality, but the disadvantage is that the distance cannot be too far, and it is expensive. The short lifespan prevents it from being popularized.

  By the way, how about the outside situation.

  Although I was worried before, I was afraid that the woman would stare at them, so I resisted not contacting them.

  Yate found that his knowledge of the world's technology was seriously insufficient.

  Before, I was obsessed with the extraordinary, and any earthling would be like this, and the only knowledge I had was all inherited from my predecessor.

  But his predecessor was nothing more than a country nobleman, who was also obsessed with the extraordinary during college, and his only friend was Matt Isaac, who also had limited cognition.

   However, no effect.

  He has decided to take an extraordinary path, just slowly get in touch with the field of science and technology.


   Patricia Lambert stood beside him at some point and touched him quietly.

   "Thank you." After he looked over, he thanked him.

  Yat instantly understood what he meant, and had already confirmed that there was something wrong with Irma, so he came here to thank him.

   "I don't know how to contact you after I go out?" Patricia Lambert asked again.

   intends to make friends.

   "Let's exchange contact information after we get out." Yate naturally wouldn't refuse.

   What he lacks the most is connections.

   "Count me in." Jerome Mond noticed the conversation between the two and walked over.

   The rock-like man has recovered.

   "Okay!" Yate would also not refuse this kind of strongman who can adjust himself after his heart breaks down.

   Moreover, judging from his previous performance, he should be very good at identifying materials, and he might use it at any time.

  Adult friendships mostly start with interests.

  Sandra is shaking people with 4 people, and Yate 3 people are in a group. Irma suddenly realizes that she is actually the one who is excluded!

   "Obviously trying to provoke the relationship between Yate, an outsider, and them, how could it become like this?" For a while, he fell into self-doubt.

  Sandra and the others are not as simple as saying "It's time to fight, come here quickly", all aspects must be arranged, especially the information of the enemy and the situation that needs to be faced.

   I was afraid of being heard by Shahem, and I couldn't speak clearly, so it took a little longer.

   After more than 10 minutes, they each ended the call.

   "Are you sure?" At last asked Art again.

   It’s too late to repent now.

   "Sure!" Arthur didn't hesitate.

   "You come to host, we have already agreed with them!" Sandra said.

  Because Yate did not understand their secret language, a lot of information could not be exchanged, such as how to contact the helper and how to cooperate, so he simply gave him the command.

   "Come here, I will assist." Yate shook his head without thinking.

  Commander, you look very imposing, but you have to take responsibility!

   If he was a member of one of these churches, he would certainly not decline, but he is an outsider!

  He came to be the commander, he is simply the perfect backer!

  He is not stupid, how could he take this pot?

  A look of satisfaction flashed in Angelo Nell's eyes.

   knew he would not answer.

   "Okay. We have no other intentions. If you come to host, we will assist you by the side." Seeing his determined face, the 3 people could only give up and explain by the way.

   "I didn't think much about it." Art said with a smile.

   As for whether to believe it or not, it depends on each of them.

"What about the black mist outside?" Sandra and the others still don't know that "Xenia Eugen" is Shachem's puppet, and they think that the black mist outside is Shachem's power, and the alienated body is Shachem's puppet. Herm controls.

  However, since Yate asked them to come, there should be a way.

  Art twitched the corner of his eye.


  He knew that the black mist outside and the alienated body were allies, so he let people from outside come in for granted, but he ignored that he shouldn't know this!

   "I'll ask!" Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and immediately became anxious, and turned to find Shahem.

   "Don't worry, the outside power has been withdrawn." The voice of the dryad puppet came.

   Shahem really paid attention to them.

   It is also very difficult for the Eugen family to use this power, and the cost is not small, and they will retreat quickly every time.

   Just now I just found an excuse to stop them.

  Sandra and the others took a deep breath to calm down their nervousness.

  The battle is about to start, and facing such a powerful opponent, I feel nervous for a long time.

   "What about us?" Irma asked suddenly.

  He asked about the safety of several of them.

  I watched the whole process, and didn't say a word, let alone report it.

  Strictly speaking, he was just playing with the idea of ​​an outsider, Art.

   For Patricia Lambert, she just couldn't control her instinct, coveted, but didn't put it into action.

   Sanity is still there.

  Sandra and the others didn't react much.

  I have already thought of this point, and once a war starts, I will definitely bear the brunt of it.

  What can I do?

   Join forces to resist!

  Although there was no answer, Irma understood what they meant, and the fat on her face trembled a few times.

  No choice but to bite the bullet.

   "What is the auxiliary status you added to her before?" Yam Lloyd asked suddenly.

  Last communication before the war.

   "Strength aura can increase physical damage by a small amount; prayer aura can restore life by a small amount." Yate replied, "There is also a kind of blessing aiming aura, which can greatly improve attack accuracy."

  Add 1 point of blessing to aim at the aura.

   "I want to bless the aura!" Sandra's eyes lit up.

   "Only one type of aura can be used at a time, and the number of places is limited, only 2." Art also reserved a place for Xenia Eugene.

  After discussing it, they asked Art to bring Sandra and Zachary Cumberland into the team.

  Zachary Cumberland uses the fire ability with a knife, which is considered semi-long-range.

   There is no need for close combat like Yam Lloyd.

  Because his description of power aura and prayer aura is "small range", but the description of blessing aiming aura is "large range", natural selection has a large range.

  After Yate added 2 people to the team, he immediately turned on the blessing to aim at the aura, so that they could get used to it first.

   Take it as a rehearsal of the alienated body in the cave, don't worry about Shahem seeing it.


  Yate was just getting ready when he saw Sandra, who couldn't wait for a test, turned around and ran over, stretching out her hands to him eagerly.

   Smile so brightly that you can see the back molars!

   When Yate is fully armed, the level 5 Blessing Aiming Aura can increase the attack accuracy by 135%!

   This is the abnormality of this skill.

  It seems that it does not increase attack or attack speed. Many players look down on it. Only when they encounter monsters with this kind of aura will they understand how perverted this skill is.

  When the knife sees blood, it will make you die of pain!

  After the level is higher, it is almost equivalent to adding the attribute of "must hit"!

   Thank you book friend "20220621013812842" for your reward



  (end of this chapter)

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes