MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 335 body grab

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  Chapter 335 Body snatching battle

  Yate set off first, and when dealing with those roots, the method was simple and quick, and his own agility attribute was not low, so it was reasonable to arrive second.

  But Patricia Lambert arrived faster than Sandra and the others, which he never expected.

  He even thought that Patricia Lambert might have died unfortunately, so he paid special attention to it, but he couldn't find it!

   When we meet again is now.

   It seems that Patricia Lambert's background is not simple.

   Either abilities or props, neither of which is something that ordinary professionals can possess.

   Then Irma and Jerome Mond.

  The three of Sandra deliberately stayed behind to guard against possible attacks.

   In front of so many people, it is time to perform.

   Not to mention, the actions of the three people have gained a lot of goodwill and recognition.

   Angelo Nell glanced at Art when he saw this.

   It seems to be complaining that he doesn't give himself a chance to perform.

  Yat twitched the corner of his eyes, ignored her, and beckoned Shaohui to look out for him, and communicated with Xenia Eugen himself.

  Shaohui is in close combat, it is inconvenient to take damage, so she can't throw the wooden mace.

   In contrast, Tina Hart is like a fish in water, "picking up leaks" can fly!

   Seeing that someone else was about to break a fibrous root, she suddenly added a shot and grabbed the final blow.

  Those who can be gunners usually have excellent eyesight, and she is a typical example. Under this chaotic offensive, she still has no missed shots.

  If this was in the game, someone would have already been PKed!

   Right now, Shahem didn't fight back, and was almost passively beaten, and the crowd didn't care about her at all.

  In the confusion, Yate suddenly discovered that the alienated body named Gus disappeared again.

   "Tell them to be careful!" said to Shaohui hastily.

   Just learned from Xenia Eugen that it is not her who controls the alienated body, but her great-grandfather!

  Compared to her, her great-grandfather undoubtedly had a more detailed understanding of Shahem.

  In this situation, instead of taking advantage of the situation to attack, he chose to hide. Yate wondered if Shahem was planning some big move.

Shahem pulled out a tree root of the main body, which seemed to be very powerful, but this tree root could only expose a short section of the ground and could not move freely. Instead, he made himself a target, either it lost its mind, or it There is a big move.

  The latter is more likely.

   After hearing this, Shaohui immediately warned everyone.

  But in this atmosphere, very few people can listen.

Only Tina Hart, Zoe Varner, Dana Hoyle, Dylan Felton, Donna Morton, and Beverly Hardy listened, stopped their hands, and asked Art Gather around.

  He has a lot of information, and he is the core of this small circle.

  Angelo Nell is forcefully "suppressing" the people of the Church of Dawn, making them retreat temporarily.

  The Church of Dawn is not good at attacking, especially long-range attacking, and they don’t need their assistance in the environment of stance output, so they can only try their best to rub it.

  She managed to get these people to stop and retreat.

  She can't command people from the other three churches.

   It was Sandra who came back and hurriedly organized the manpower to retreat.

   I didn't understand what was going on, but when I saw Angelo Nell's actions, I immediately followed suit.

   Go directly to the front of the crowd and stop.

   No one is so dazed that even they dare to attack.

  Safety still needs to rely on them!

  Art stayed ahead.

   Xenia Eugen can't be too far away!

  Her physical body is connected to the branches of Shahem, reaching here is already the limit,

   Moreover, this connection cannot be separated by brute force.

Although I know that Shahem probably won't damage her body, I can't be 100% sure. After all, Shahem is obviously in an abnormal state now, and she can't move. Art can only stay and take care of her. physical body.

  As an ally, this responsibility must be fulfilled.

  Since Xenia Eugen revealed his true purpose and told him some secret information, the two sides are no longer plastic allies.

   Already 2 times.

   There was another time when the teleportation was forcibly stopped for her.

  Although Xenia Eugen didn't say anything, she remembered everything in her heart.

   Don't wait for the third time, make a choice immediately.

   If you procrastinate, you may miss things!

   "Don't worry about me, you hide yourself." Xenia Eugene's voice suddenly sounded in Art's mind.

  Art couldn't help but glanced at her, wondering if he had heard wrong.

  She can't move now, but let yourself leave her alone?

"With this body, it is impossible for me to leave. Therefore, this body must be destroyed." Xenia Eugen explained, "But before that, I need to use the power of Shahem to breed a new one." Body. Escaping is just an illusion, in order to cover up my real purpose, with this connection, Shahem will not worry about my real escape, and will not make a choice that will hurt both for the time being."

  Yate clearly felt her further trust from the words.

   "For the sake of realism, I will leave when it is dangerous." Try to help her.

   "Hmm." Xenia Eugene stopped talking.

  The situation at hand is not suitable for distraction.

  The reason why Shahem moves slowly is that apart from the fact that the main body is sealed too deadly, another reason is that he is pulling each other with the Eugen family.

  The green, black and gray in the sky have been completely intertwined, and it is too late to melt!

  It is like a science fiction blockbuster, with a sense of fantasy and magnificence.

  The strength of the Eugen family is actually so powerful!

  However, Shahem still freed his hand after all.

  The main root wriggles slowly, like the tongue of an animal when it chews its cud.

   Not to mention, the exposed part really looks like a cat's tongue, and the fibrous roots are the barbs on it.

  The main root slowly stood up, aiming at their position.

  Ya pulled Xenia Eugen's body, and immediately rushed behind a stone on the right.

   "Gather, protective cover!" Sandra and the others also reacted and stopped retreating.

  Red, black, gray, and foggy white, the shields of the four colors rise almost simultaneously!

  There are so many of them, there are not many bunkers around, and there is no time to hide. The best choice is to get together and gather strength.

  Inside the 4-layer shield, Zachary Cumberland and Yam Lloyd each added another layer of shield.

   Sandra is not good at defense.

   "咻, 咻, 咻..." As if ten thousand arrows were fired at once, the densely packed roots broke away from the main body and flew towards them.

   It seems that it is just the power accumulated by gently wriggling, but the strength is shocking.

   All plugged into hard ground!

  Although it is only a few centimeters deep, if it falls on a person, it will undoubtedly cause a chill.

   All 6 protective shields were penetrated!

  However, fortunately, there was not much power left, and was successfully stopped by Sandra and others.

   Instead, something went wrong on Yate's side.

   Xenia Eugen's body was snatched back by a tree root as thick as a python!

  Without the dryad puppet, Shahem lost his powerful spiritual power, and his body could not move, which caused him to be restricted everywhere.

  So, the main purpose of its attack this time is to attract Art's attention and take the opportunity to take back the puppet.

  (end of this chapter)