MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 357 escape

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  Chapter 357 Escape

  The sudden vacuum naturally needs to be filled with sea water.

The sea surface was as smooth as a mirror just now, as if a bathtub full of water had been unplugged, rushing and pouring madly towards the pothole, the sound of the water was rumbling, like ten thousand horses galloping, the momentum was unparalleled, and the monstrous water mist rose and filled the air, quickly blocking the sight .

   Fortunately, they ran fast enough.

   Not only the Eagle Turtle, but also many creatures in the sea are also fleeing frantically.

  Usually you can't see it, but now you realize that there are so many creatures hidden on the calm sea, and there are many strange creatures with strange shapes.

  However, under this kind of natural power comparable to a small natural disaster, even weird creatures can only flee in embarrassment.

  Once it is involved, it is easy to be crushed by the majestic pressure!

   Besides, who knows what's down there?

   Maybe there is a greater danger!

  Everyone on the deck had no time to return to the cabin, and looked at the situation in front of them dully.

   Frightened, scared!

  Even Evie Theresa turned pale.

   "Auntie, what is this?" Donna Morton's voice trembled slightly.

  Evie Theresa is her aunt!

   No wonder he just brought her to his side for the first time.

  However, even if she panicked, with her character, it is unlikely that she would say anything unscrupulously, and the possibility of intentional exposure is very high.

  In order for Art and others next to him to hear.

  Once in danger, if Evie Teresa can't take care of her, she can ask Yate for help.

  The mind is very careful.

   "I don't know either." Evie Theresa shook her head slightly, her complexion recovered.

  The paleness of his face was not because of fear, but because of the irresistible danger just now, the spiritual organ almost lost control.

  Extreme emotions can easily cause the spiritual organs to lose control, especially emotions such as despair and anger.

   "Please help take care of her." Entrust Donna Morton to Art and others.

  As the accompanying boss on the ship, she needs to meet up with several others to deal with possible unexpected situations.

  The people on board do not need special care.

  The contents are all excellent talents from various churches, and they have just experienced trials, they didn’t panic, and they coped well.

   "Okay!" Yate and the others naturally would not refuse.

  Evie Theresa leaves.

  Sandra, Yam Lloyd, Zachary Cumberland, Angelo Nell and others each organize their own people and are ready for the unexpected.

   Like an ethereal creature trying to jump aboard.

   Just now, a creature that looked very similar to Succulent tried to jump onto the boat, but was bitten by a big frontal dragon, and squeaked and ate it like a spicy stick.

  Several frontal dragons still followed beside the Yingyuan.

  Just now, the Eagle and Turtle used up all their escape cards, but they still followed with ease.

   No wonder let them hit the boat and play!

  With this speed, coupled with strength and body hardness, it is estimated that a 6th-order boss can't withstand a bump from an adult forehead.

  At this moment, the favorability of everyone on the ship is overwhelming!

   Everyone owes them a life.

   "Try to feed them!" The blond woman came over, took out a full 11 sea fish from the space bag, and threw them on the deck beside Art.

  The speed of the Eagle Turtle did not put any pressure on those frontal dragons, and they could easily keep up while playing.

  Beside them, there are almost no other spirit creatures. I don't know if they are afraid of their strength or because they are running for their lives.

   "Almost" is used because every now and then a cornered guy flees to their side.

  Most creatures are running for their lives, but there are also those who take the opportunity to prey.

   All in all a mess!

   "I'll try." Art didn't refuse, picked up a sea fish and threw it down.

  3 small frontal dragons jumped up at the same time.

  Tear the sea fish into 3 pieces in the air and swallow each one.

   Sure enough, he will eat what he feeds.

   "Click, click..." made that short and cheerful cry again, as if urging him.

  The blond woman lay on the side of the boat and looked at the cheerful little forehead, with a faint smile on her face, but her mouth was pouted dissatisfied.

  Art picked up a sea fish again.

  However, this time he didn't throw it down, but held it directly in his hand and stretched out the deck.

   Has no effect on the small forehead.

   took off at the same time again, but this time only one ate it, and the other two returned without success.

  Yat dropped the **** fish tail in his hand, and picked up 2 sea fish again.

  The other 2 were also eaten successfully.

  The blond girl next to him looked at him enviously.

   Oh, and Tina Hart.

   "You don't have any special smell on you, why do you like you?" She leaned her head and smelled it on Yate.

   heard Evie Teresa's explanation.

  Art smiled, without explanation.

   When feeding again, sneak a liquid drop of Moonshine onto the fish.

  2 Da Elong, who was wandering around, suddenly turned his head and took a look, but he still didn't grab his child's food after all.

  3 small frontal dragons burst out at a faster speed than before, tearing the sea fish into 3 pieces in the air.

  Yat did the same and fed them a few more.

   It wasn't that he was reluctant to take out more, but that his meditation time was too short to condense too much liquid moonlight.

  Others are patrolling and guarding, but he is here to feed the fish.

   Instead of saying anything, someone gave him some more fish.

  He was exposed to the light of these frontal dragons.

  However, these guys have too much appetite, right?

   In the blink of an eye, the 11 sea fishes were fed, but these Erlongs still did not show signs of being full, as if he would eat as much as he fed!

   "They won't last?" The blond girl was also worried.

   Not many people are needed for patrolling, and most of the girls are not involved.

   "Probably not..." Art said, but stopped feeding.

   Having left the danger zone, the Eagle began to slow down slowly.

   However, the danger has not been lifted.

   Too many spirit world creatures gathered around, and the killing began!

  Eagle Turtle is also the target of their attacks.

  Although Yate was feeding, he kept observing the surrounding situation.

   As if to repay his feeding, several frontal dragons killed all the creatures that came over with malicious intentions.

   In addition to being strong, fast, and hard-bodied, they also have sonic abilities!

   I saw with my own eyes that the big frontal dragon killed a group of weird fish at the same time with a cry similar to a bird's song.

   However, they are not without rivals.

  A fish that is nearly 100 meters long and has a mouth more than 30 meters wide. It looks like a fish wearing an old coir raincoat, so it is not afraid of their sound waves.

   Above the forehead, there is a fleshy tentacles resembling monkfish. At the end of the tentacles, there is an eye or something, which can emit blue light, offsetting the sound wave attack of the forehead.

  However, it is ineffective against physical attacks.

  Finally died under the impact of this family of five.

  The death of this strange fish finally shocked the remaining spirit world creatures.

   each dispersed.

  Yate also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Very exciting!

   Even those with a bad heart can’t bear it.

  Suddenly, a long, protruding thing flew out of the sea and came straight to him.

  Yat looked at the "sneaky" Elong under the water with a funny face, his tail was exposed!

  Since it sent it, there should be no danger.

   "Crack!" Accurate catch.

  The tentacles of that strange fish.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion