MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 363 Fu of the Moon God (Part 1)

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  Chapter 363 Moon God Fu (Part 1)

   "What is Org?"

They always thought that what they encountered was a natural disaster, including Evie Teresa, who never saw a monster from the beginning to the end, but in the mouth of Samantha Lily, it turned out to be the work of a creature named "Olger" .

"A creature that sleeps at the bottom of the ocean of the spirit world. Its specific form cannot be determined. It will eat once every 10 years. The situation you encountered is a sign of Org's 'eating'. However, this 'eating' It's just our understanding, and we can't confirm it, because no one has had close contact with this creature, I saw it from the laboratory database."

   "It stands to reason that this kind of creature should not appear in the shallow spiritual world. It is strange that you can meet it."

"And the few Erlongs you mentioned seemed to go to save us on purpose. Could it be that there are 2 big brothers fighting 'nearby', one of them is kind, or has something to do with the 4 churches? , so you specially sent those Erlongs over there?"

  This is the benefit of being backed by an organization. Samantha Lily has never seen a creature like Olger, but she knows some information.

  Her speculation is not unreasonable.

The "big brother" in her mouth is an existence of level 9 or even beyond level 9, possessing all kinds of unimaginable abilities, and it is not surprising to bring creatures from the deep layer of the spirit world to the shallow layer; "nearby" is not horizontal in the ordinary sense distance, but different levels.

  Hearing what she said, Yate was even more suspicious of his luck.

  The chance of being affected by this level of boss battles is less than that of encountering natural disasters, but it is not as ruthless as natural disasters, giving them a glimmer of life.

   "It's useless to think too much about this kind of force majeure. Let's talk about how you did it." Samantha Lily said nonchalantly.

  She participated in the experiment with the determination to die at the beginning, and she was very open about life and death.

  If it is within your ability, then strive for it; if it is something you cannot resist, it is useless to think too much, and there is no need to add pressure to yourself.

   "It was really an accident. I didn't even know it myself. After meditating into meditation, I succeeded when I woke up." Although he had a good relationship with her, Yate didn't plan to tell her about the skill of Luck Edict.

   "Is there such a benefit to entering the ruins for the first time?" Samantha Lily couldn't help muttering seeing that he didn't seem to be lying.

   "Is there any benefit to entering the ruins for the first time?" Art was taken aback.

  Nobody told him that.

   "It's not confirmed, but it's rumored in private that there will be a bonus of luck when entering the ruins for the first time." Samantha Lily explained casually.

   Art understands.

   This is the same as the "novice buff" for fishing.

  Samantha Lily wanted to ask him about the complete structure of the spiritual organ, but it was impossible to tell anyone about this kind of thing that involved her own core secrets. If you don't know him, you can still use some means, but now you can only give up.

   "Do you want me to protect you for a while?" It seemed casual, but actually Samantha Lily had a very clear mind and knew why he invited herself to dinner.

  The fusion period of the spirit body and organs is like the molting period of snakes, and the body is very weak.

  If there are enemies, they will definitely take advantage of them.

  He seems to have provoked quite a few enemies.

   "Hmm." There's nothing embarrassing about it, Yate nodded and admitted, "The alienated body has all died out, and I only get the bodily fluid left by a half-failed body after death, and that's how I feel about it?"

   "All perish?" Samantha Lily was keenly aware of something and looked at him again.

  According to his description, the strongest thing about this alienated body is its vitality. How could it all perish?

   Unless there is a crushing level of strength to shoot.

   But in primary ruins, this level of power should not appear.

  Yate bowed his head to eat without saying anything.

   Samantha Lilly understood, this is the part where he was restricted.

   "Yes." Even if he didn't pay, Samantha Lily would not refuse.

  Not to mention the relationship between Amos Hughes and Monroe Cromwell, the relationship between Art himself and her is getting closer.

  Be realistic, she needs the knowledge in Art's head!

   "Thank you." Art breathed a sigh of relief.

  Gregia Kate was bound to the Church of Souls, which was not very convenient after all.

  Double-layer insurance, more secure.

   While eating, Samantha Lily asked him more information about the alienated body.

very interested.

  Art didn't ask her about the psychic.

  The existence of Xenia Eugen can let Gregoria Kate know, but she cannot tell her that the two parties are only relatively close business relationships after all.

  Naturally, she couldn't tell her that she could get the complete alienation body information.

   There is no way to explain the origin.

   After eating, Samantha Lily handed him a tooth of an unknown animal.

   Can be activated with spirituality.

  Samantha Lily will receive the message and rush to rescue him as soon as possible.

  It is impossible to follow him every day, this is the best way.

  Samantha Lily didn't stay long and left soon.

  In the evening, Art entertained Claire and Moore Lane again.

  Moore Lane told him a lot about the experience of the spiritual organ fusion period.

  To sum up, it is nothing more than a word "gou".

  Because he had provoked a lot of right and wrong before, even though many of them came to him on their own initiative, Moore Lane was still worried that he would not be able to stay idle.

  Yate originally planned to stay at home honestly for this period of time, and promised not to run around.

  Claire kept staring at him, not sure.

   After sending off the 2 people, the night was already pitch black.

   There is no moon.

  Yat returned home and took out the set of six oriental sacrificial instruments that he got from the black market.

  bi, cong, gui, zhang, hu, huang!

  It has been carefully preserved since I got it, and has never been used. This time I plan to use it to arrange rituals, and I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Yue.

  Those 5 frontal dragons, although they don't know their origins, but it's true that they like the breath of moonlight, so they should be the grace of Ms. Yue.

  As a subordinate, it is very important to know what to do.

   What was sacrificed this time was not a sacrifice, but an article.

  He shortened "Luo Shen Fu" and adapted it into "Moon God Fu"!

   Don't worry that Ms. Yue can't understand. As an existence of that level, it is easy to understand all the words, and it has been believed by humans and elves for a long time, so don't worry that she can't understand the meaning of certain words.

   As long as he doesn't say it, no one will know that it is an adaptation. There is only one "Fu of the Moon God" in this world!

  A sudden idea.

  Ms. Yue, as a woman, should like it.

   Cangbi honors the sky, Huang Cong honors the earth, Qinggui honors the east, Chizhang honors the south, Baihu honors the west, Xuanhuang honors the north, the directions cannot be wrong.

  The six utensils bear the traces of time, but they are still exquisite, making them the best choice for sacrificial utensils.

  Everything was ready, he put the parchment with "Fu of the Moon God" in the ritual.

  Start sacrifice.

   The parchment disappears.

  The sacrifice was successful.

   Now let's see if Ms. Yue likes it.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion