MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 372 Corpse Cannibalism

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  Chapter 372 Corpse Food Cult

  The body of the young policeman will definitely not be brought back by Marvin Wackner.

  He's going to have Samantha Lilly take a look.

   If it was another 7th order, he would definitely not be in trouble, but who made Samantha Lily a member of Detrick's laboratory!

  This kind of evil organization should be familiar to Dietrich's laboratory.

  After Marvin Wackner left with 2 colleagues, Art contacted Samantha Lily directly.

   "What's the matter?" During this period of time, Samantha Lily has been studying the liquid left after the melting of Mossier, and she is a little depressed.

   Completely clueless!

  Not strong enough.

  This kind of cracking research not only requires scientific research strength, but also requires extraordinary strength. The other party will definitely set up some kind of anti-cracking means, and most of them are two-pronged.

   "Still studying?" Art was not in a hurry to talk about himself.

   "Preparing to give up." Samantha Lily said listlessly.

  At first, she was not reconciled, thinking that she was a dignified level 7 professional and a top researcher, but she couldn't even find a clue, it was too shameful!

   But finally recognized the reality.

   If she continues, she is afraid that it will become a knot in her heart.

   "Well, it's okay to give up, do you want to come over for lunch?" Art has discovered that she doesn't care much about those red tapes, so communicating with her has become more and more casual.

   At least 2 people get along like this.

   "Okay, I want to eat boiled fish and spicy hot pot." Samantha Lily knew that he must have something to look for herself, so she was not polite.

   The taste is relatively strong, and I like spicy.

   "No problem!" Art immediately began to prepare.

  The ice sculpture was in the way, so he moved it to a corner.

  After being frozen, the smell is gone.

   I don't know if the guy who talked to him will come over.

  He hoped that the other party would come.

  He will definitely not go out under the current situation. Even if he investigated the death of Monica Crane, he did not say that he would go out.

   First find someone to help investigate the clues, and then act after you recover.

  If the other party came to the door, he would definitely ask Gregoria Kate directly to take action, and would not give the other party a chance to escape.

   It was almost noon, and Samantha Lily came over with a meal.

   "When did you have such a preference?" As soon as he appeared, he found the ice sculpture in the courtyard.

   As expected of a senior member of Dietrich's laboratory, he didn't feel any discomfort.

  Art ignored her jokes and recounted his morning experience.

   So far, Gustav Cook has not contacted him.

   "Show me the invitation letter." After hearing this, Samantha Lily ignored the corpse and asked for the invitation letter first.

   Did not look carefully, but frowned and smelled the smell.

  Yate suddenly thought of her title "Devil Dog".

  Dare not reveal the slightest bit.

   "It really is these disgusting guys!" Samantha Lily threw the invitation letter to him with a look of disgust.

   "Let's talk about it, it's definitely right to find Dietrich's laboratory when encountering such things!" Arter thought in his heart, but asked in his mouth, "Which organization?"

   "The Corpse Eater!" Samantha Lily seemed disgusted even by saying the other party's name.

  However, she can tell what kind of sect it is just by listening to the name, so her dislike is not surprising at all.

   "This is a taboo sect, because its purpose and behavior have completely subverted human cognition. It is extremely evil! As long as it appears, it will be listed as the target of extermination by the government and many organizations."

  "In history, this church has been wiped out many times, but every time it will revive."

   "Last time it was seen 50 years ago."

   "This sect is very mysterious, and the information I know is limited."

  Yate nodded to express his understanding.

   After all, it is a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out. It can't be mysterious.

   "This sect really lives up to the name..." If that's the case, he felt that it was necessary for him to find someone to keep an eye on Monica Crane's body.

   "It used to be," said Samantha Lily.

   "What about now?" Art opened his mouth, but he still didn't complain about her after all.

"Civilization and human ideology are progressing. Such extreme lunatics are very rare. In order to continue to develop, some members of this sect have made a lot of changes to the teachings. It is said that this has led to the split of the Corpse Eater." Samantha Lily replied, "The more extreme ones were the ones you didn't kill 50 years ago."

   "Where's the other one?" Yate thought she was very straightforward just now, and told it directly without asking, but now he realized that he was too naive.

"The other branch is more civilized, using corpses as materials to study various abilities and items." Samantha Lily said, pointing to the invitation letter in his hand: "You should meet this one. "

   "Didn't you say that your knowledge is limited?" Arter couldn't hold back after all.

  She has limited knowledge?

   It is short of telling the organizational structure and members directly!

   "Is this called too much?" Samantha Lily asked.


  Yate used the nothing found by the police as a comparison, but she compared it with the database of Detrick's laboratory. The reference objects of the two sides are different.

   "Can you find them?" This time Yate learned his lesson and asked directly.

   "No, their partner is not from my department. Once I take the initiative to contact them, it will easily cause suspicion." Samantha Lily shook her head.

  Dietrick's laboratory is also divided into many factions, but it is not divided like the Corpse Eater. After all, the laboratory itself is a relatively loose organization.

   "Then do you know how to find them?" Arter naturally couldn't let her take risks for her own affairs, and she wasn't qualified to do so.

   "I just said that I know a lot." Samantha Lily shook her head again.

   "Well, thank you." Knowing this, Art is already very satisfied.

  There is no need to observe the ice sculpture any more, find a chance to hand it over to the police.

   Serve dinner.

  After dinner, Art wanted to discuss some arithmetic knowledge with her.

  This kind of information is valuable, and she doesn't ask for remuneration, but Art has to give it.

   This is the basis for maintaining a relationship between two people.

   Very pure transactional relationship!

  It's just not limited to items, knowledge, but also human feelings.

   Just as the two were eating, Gustav Cook finally appeared.

  A middle-aged white man with a mustache.

   Come to the door in person.

  Marvin Wackner's driver.

   This is the decision he made after thinking for a while.

  He was also entrusted to find the invitation letter.

  But the development of the situation has exceeded his expectations. Years of experience told him that it is best to get out as soon as possible, but there is Moore Ryan standing behind Art, and he has no choice but to make peace.

   As long as he wants to come, Art should not refuse his kindness.

   "Are you eating?" After Art opened the door, he showed a smile that he thought was kind and relaxed.

   "Well, come in." Art let him and Marvin Wackner in.

   No communication with Marvin Wackner.

   "The environment is good..." Gustav Cook looked at the surrounding environment as he walked, and nodded in praise.

   Then, I saw the petite figure in the living room.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion