MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 385 Identity of Unknown Bloodline (4000 words)

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  Chapter 385 The identity of the unknown bloodline (4000 words)

   I don't know when, Yate has become accustomed to calling the skill of the devil's contract "sacrifice".

   But this skill is not as simple as a simple sacrifice.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the Demon Warlock profession is derived from this skill!

  Knowledge and ability are obtained from this skill.

   Even, he felt that he could use the skills of all professions in Diablo without restriction because of this skill as a carrier.

  He is very clear that this skill is his foundation!

   This is the first time he has used this skill after solidifying his spiritual organs.

   There are 11 sacrifices in total.

   I thought it would be a big harvest, but I didn't expect that the five corpses whose spirit bodies had been taken out did not provide him with skill points!

   It’s fine if you don’t give skill points, but you returned the corpse!

  The corpse was still accepted.

   Blacker than capitalists!

  The other 6 complete corpses only provided him with 6 skill points.

   Reduced again!

   These 6 people are all Tier 4!

Although the breath is not as powerful as the 4th level he has seen before, it feels like it was artificially transformed, but it is still the 4th level of awakening spiritual organs, and it only gives 1 skill point. I don’t know whether to say these guys are too watery or the boss Too picky.

  However, the necromancer profession was finally lit up for him, so he didn't care about it.

   Computing is useless.

  Together with the remaining before, he has a total of 9 skill points in his hand. He didn't rush to spend them all at once. He just learned the curse-type damage enhancement, weakening, attack backlash, fear, life stealing, aging and lowering resistance.

  Although the summoning system is good, it needs a lot of skill points to take shape.

  The same is true for toxins and bones, and they don't have a good matching effect with other skills.

  He already has too many output skills.

   There are also many auxiliary skills.

  The curse system is undoubtedly the most suitable for his current ability system.

   Moreover, the necromancer's curse skills are very powerful!

Increased damage, group curse, reduces target's physical resistance, greatly increases the damage received by the target, the effect of level 1 is 40% (different from the original version, it can be upgraded with the skill level), the range is 3.3 yards, and the duration is 8 seconds. Mana effect 4 points.

  The importance of the physics department is beyond doubt, and it can even break physical immunity to a certain extent, a very practical skill!

   Weakened, reducing the enemy's physical damage and attack accuracy, the effect does not need to be introduced, because there is a more effective aging curse.

  Attack counterattack, rebound physical damage, but far less powerful than in the game, the level 1 effect is only 4%. Considering that the necromancer's curse cannot coexist, this curse is basically the life of eating ashes in the corner, and it has to be lit for the following skills.

   Steal life, group curse, when attacking the cursed target, 50% of the damage caused by the physical attack will be converted into its own life, the range of level 1 is 2.6 yards, lasts for 16 seconds, and the mana consumption is 9.

   In certain situations, this skill is very useful.

  Although many equipments in Diablo have life-stealing effects, many monsters, especially the boss-level monsters in **** difficulty, are often immune to this effect!

  However, the life-stealing curse ignores this immunity effect, and even works on certain skills that cannot steal life, such as Shield Bash!

very necessary.

Aging, group curse, reduce the target's attack speed and movement speed by 50%, 50% physical damage and 50% physical resistance, the range is fixed at 4 yards, the duration of level 1 is 4 seconds, mana consumption is 11 points, and the skill level is improved Only increase the duration.

   Both offensive and defensive, very comprehensive.

  Reduce resistance, group curse, similar to Paladin's judgment aura, reduce the target's ice, fire, electricity, poison and other magic resistance, the effect of level 1 is weakened by 12%, the radius is 4.6 yards, lasts for 20 seconds, and consumes 22 points of mana.

   I don't know whether it can be superimposed with Judgment Aura, which needs to be verified.

  The effects of these curses are undoubtedly very powerful, and it is even more rare that they are group curses.

  However, it is not as powerful as the data shows.

  These data are theoretical effects for ordinary creatures without any resistance. When it is actually used, there will definitely be different degrees of reduction, or even ineffective.

  For example, if he uses these curses on Samantha Lily now, the effect must be minimal!

  In short, it depends on the actual effect.

   In any case, it is a supplement to his existing abilities.

  After putting in 7 skill points, there are still 2 skill points left, which are reserved by convention.

   If there is still the Amazon job left, you can get all the dragons... no, it is the Diablo 7 job.

  Intuition told him that after he lights up all 7 occupations, there will be a "surprise"!

   As for whether this "surprise" is good or bad, he is not sure.

  High probability is good.

  But it is not ruled out that it is not what he wants.

  Affected by the things in his memory, whether he communicates with others or thinks by himself, he doesn't like to use an absolute and definite tone, but is ambiguous, leaving room for himself.

  Because it fits well with his own feminine personality, he was greatly affected.

  Finally learned the skills of a necromancer, logically speaking, he should be very happy.

  But in fact, I was not as happy as I imagined.

   The mind is drawn to another matter.

   Originally, he had always wanted to completely eliminate his abyssal blood, but after this sacrifice, he suddenly had a new idea after using the devil's contract skill.

  Although he is still at level 3, the solidification of his spiritual organs has brought him all-round strengthening.

   Especially the abilities of the spiritual organs themselves!

  Using the skill this time, he suddenly sensed his connection with the dark plane!

  In the past, he could only judge his connection with the dark plane by the blood concentration, but this time it was different.

  This time he really felt the connection between himself and the dark plane!

   Similar to 2 stars.

   It's just that the proportions are not equal. The Dark Plane is a star, and he is not even a satellite.

  As the connection deepens, the distance between the two parties seems to be getting closer.

   This made him suddenly feel uneasy!

   Didn't realize it was harmful to him, but because of his own personality and other factors, he felt that it was necessary for him to cultivate the blood of the abyss.

   Just like a store, it must not be bound to only one supplier!

   This is equivalent to putting your lifeblood in the hands of the opponent. Once the opponent is snatched away by your competitor, or has other thoughts, you have no backup options and you can only let the opponent decide.

  This is his psychology at the moment.

   Let the blood of the abyss and the blood of the dark restrain each other, and secretly develop the unknown blood.

   Also in the process of using the devil contract skill, he finally understood what that "unknown bloodline" was!

  After solidifying his spiritual organs, his own human bloodline changed, giving birth to this "unknown bloodline", which belongs to his own bloodline ability!

  Just as the devil's contract skills are the foundation of his career, this unknown bloodline is the foundation of his physical body.

  The future spiritual form is determined by this unknown bloodline.

   I don't know if the dark bloodline will affect his unknown bloodline, but he certainly can't pin his hopes on the dark bloodline.

  Although the concentration of unknown bloodlines is higher than that of abyssal bloodlines, the current grade is definitely not comparable to that of abyssal bloodlines.

  So, it is better to let the blood of the abyss fight against the blood of the dark.

  Human blood is just a hotbed. Although important, it is not competitive.

  If he operates well, he will not be bound by his own blood like other bloodline professionals in the future.

  After a night of thinking, I finally made a decision.


  Of course, although you are determined, you can't be rash.

  Before that, he had to contact his family first to get the information on the family inheritance. It would be best if the old man came over.

  Now he is Art Tavel!

   There is no predecessor.

   Immediately wrote a letter and asked Jim Thomson to post it for himself.

  The content of the letter is roughly saying that I am doing well, I have met many important people here, and I also own some shares in the instant noodle factory, so I asked my family to come and help me take care of it. Also, I accidentally took a job as a demon warlock, please come over with the relevant information.

  Although the Tavel family has declined, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses, and there may be some legacy.

  In order not to be known by outsiders, only the parents may know.

   Who hasn't had a dream of inheriting a family legacy?


  A small fishing village.

   Relying on the sea to eat the sea, Pudera City has many small fishing villages, some of which are not even recorded in the city government. Many forces choose these small fishing villages as their bases.

  The Casa clan, like the murlocs, has cooperated with a fishing village as their stronghold on the shore.

  However, they have official records and are not black dens.

   And this dilapidated small fishing village is obviously the kind that is not recorded.



There are many houses in the fishing village, about 60 households, but only about 20 are actually inhabited. The houses are all built with soil, grass, and stones. For several generations, there are traces of oldness and repair.

  Now these 20 left-behind elderly households have been turned into corpse puppets!

  The Dead Eater chose this place as their base.

   To hold a ceremony, you must choose a remote place that is not easy to be found.

  The reason for wasting energy and materials to turn more than 20 useless old people into corpse puppets is to prevent someone from discovering abnormalities.

  Although the surrounding area is desolate and there are no other nearby villages, there is a road leading to the city not far away that passes outside the fishing village.

  Early in the morning, members of the Corpse Eater Cult gathered together.

  The atmosphere is a bit depressing.

  A hunting team was wiped out!

  Due to the limited number of people, they only have 2 hunting teams in total, one is responsible for catching people, and the other is responsible for catching spirit bodies.

  Suddenly one was gone last night!

   Moreover, they did not receive their call for help, nor did they send any information, proving that the person who killed them was probably a high-level professional!

   First being exposed, and then losing a hunting team, they had to discuss how to deal with the current situation and fill the vacancy.

   It is impossible to withdraw.

   90% of the preparations for the ceremony have been completed, how can it be possible to withdraw?

  Besides, some conditions can be met but cannot be met, they have no choice!

  The abnormal moon phase not long ago had a great impact on the present world.

According to their information, Pudra City is the source of the moon phase changes. The spiritual fluctuations here are very active, and there are remnants of the power of the Moon Lady—existing just like the moonlight, which has no impact on the lives of ordinary people, but is collected by them After that, it is an integral part of the ceremony.

  If not, why did they come to Pudera?

  Even if you take huge risks, you must complete the remaining 10%!

  Under the oppressive atmosphere, a figure walked in from outside.

  It looks like an ordinary fisherman, with rough skin and a thick body, just like a very simple and honest man.

   "Shua!" The eyes of all the members were fixed on him.

"Priest Sarah." The person who came first saluted and greeted the man in black robe sitting in the middle, and then said: "Kevin Connor found a spirit body at the Soul Church, and there happened to be a target there too , acted last night."

   Kevin Connor and his party are usually in the city, and they will only come back after they have captured enough materials.

  The man just came back from the city.

  There are their bases and contacts in the city.

  Don't dare to use the Soul-eating Spider to contact. The government and the church have means to monitor the Soul-eating Spider. It is very likely to be exposed, so they can only use this most primitive method.

   "Soul Church?" Everyone was silent.

  This sect, even their Corpse Eaters don't want to provoke it!

  They play with corpses, others play with souls!

  The only sitting Priest Sarah did not speak for a moment.

  In the room, except for the man who just came in, almost everyone was wearing black robes, and the darkness was overwhelming.

  The shape of the body under the black robe is almost inconsistent with the normal human body structure, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is "grotesque".

   That's why they didn't go to the city.

  Although they can pretend, not to mention the waste of "materials", it will also affect their strength. If they are caught off guard, they may be planted directly!

   "Whose apprentice is Kevin Connor?" Total silence was not an option, and Priest Sarah finally spoke.

  The sound has a strange noise and a feeling of air leakage.

   "Sorry, my lord priest, it was my mistake." A chunky man in black robe stood up.

   "Didn't you tell him not to provoke people from the Church of Soul?" Priest Sarah didn't reveal it.

   "I'm sorry, my lord priest." The chunky man in black obediently admitted his mistake.

  He really never told Kevin Connor.

  Kevin Connor is just one of his apprentices, how can he teach with his heart?

  Never thought that there would be a day when he would help the apprentice take the blame.

   "Didn't it mean that there is still a target there, you go and get rid of it, and by the way, tell the person in the Church of Souls that the people below have made their own decisions, and we have no malicious intentions!" Priest Sarah said.

  Facts have proved that the dead eaters are not irrational, and they will subdue in the face of the stronger and more fierce Soul Church.

  Of course, in their mouths, it must be to endure humiliation so as not to affect the overall situation.

   "Yes!" The chunky black-robed man agreed.

   "Amut's death, haven't you found the murderer yet?" Priest Sarah asked again.

  Amut was the member who was captured by Marvin Elsie, who triggered the oath and turned into a pile of minced meat.

   Belongs to another hunting team.

   After they got the news, they have been tracking down the murderer.

   If they don’t take revenge and go back, where will they put the face of the Corpse Eater?

   Unless the other party is another soul church.

  However, until now, they don't even know the identity of the murderer!

   "Sorry, my lord priest." The member who looked like a fisherman replied.

   "There is someone more mysterious than us!" Priest Sarah seemed to be annoyed.

  (end of this chapter)

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